Pokémon GO! - (Savage)
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Server: Excalibur
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By Anna Ruthven 2016-07-30 19:59:41
Valefor.Prothescar said: »I'm surprised I don't have the update yet. Vanilla Android on my phone. Vanilla usually gets stuff fast.
EDIT: Apparently, I'm a blind ***. Got the update.
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Server: Excalibur
Posts: 25995
By Anna Ruthven 2016-07-30 21:08:02
So, no footprints. No more capture location map, the menu ends below capture date. There is now a button in the lower right that contains another 'favorite' option as well as the relocated 'transfer' option.
Upon start up, you will be greeted with a prompt urging you not to play while driving and not to enter dangerous locations. (ie. the ghetto)
Pokemon encounters seem slightly tweaked; the animations seem slightly better defined and Pokemon can now escape to the right as opposed to just the left. If this isn't new, I've never seen one escape to the right.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 2203
By Asura.Karbuncle 2016-07-30 21:24:57
So, no footprints. No more capture location map, the menu ends below capture date. There is now a button in the lower right that contains another 'favorite' option as well as the relocated 'transfer' option.
Upon start up, you will be greeted with a prompt urging you not to play while driving and not to enter dangerous locations. (ie. the ghetto)
Pokemon encounters seem slightly tweaked; the animations seem slightly better defined and Pokemon can now escape to the right as opposed to just the left. If this isn't new, I've never seen one escape to the right.
It is new, the escaping bit, as far as I know they added new sound effects and escape animation so those were probably it.
The animations and Pokemon/Balls is something I noticed too, they seemed to look better but I couldn't tell how, glad you noticed it.
I'm still poking around looking for anything else possibly changed.
Edit: OH, And you can't open your bag when a Pokemon flees, so you don't get glitched out (its changed now to where after a ball break you get a "Broke Free" message which is followed by a "Flee" message if it flees)
You also can't do the ball trick where you throw a ball immediately after the "Introduction" which will almost always land in a Nice or Great zone, because the camera now zoomes out quickly before your ball appears.
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Server: Excalibur
Posts: 25995
By Anna Ruthven 2016-07-30 21:47:15
So, no footprints. No more capture location map, the menu ends below capture date. There is now a button in the lower right that contains another 'favorite' option as well as the relocated 'transfer' option.
Upon start up, you will be greeted with a prompt urging you not to play while driving and not to enter dangerous locations. (ie. the ghetto)
Pokemon encounters seem slightly tweaked; the animations seem slightly better defined and Pokemon can now escape to the right as opposed to just the left. If this isn't new, I've never seen one escape to the right.
It is new, the escaping bit, as far as I know they added new sound effects and escape animation so those were probably it.
The animations and Pokemon/Balls is something I noticed too, they seemed to look better but I couldn't tell how, glad you noticed it.
I'm still poking around looking for anything else possibly changed.
Edit: OH, And you can't open your bag when a Pokemon flees, so you don't get glitched out (its changed now to where after a ball break you get a "Broke Free" message which is followed by a "Flee" message if it flees)
You also can't do the ball trick where you throw a ball immediately after the "Introduction" which will almost always land in a Nice or Great zone, because the camera now zoomes out quickly before your ball appears. I noticed the "broke free" and "fled" messages but didn't hear the SFX. I had my volume very low because I was talking to someone.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2203
By Asura.Karbuncle 2016-07-30 21:57:10
the SFX is similar but theres more FX to it.
Edit: Also these pokemon are "Attacking" significantly more... this f**king Krabby i just caught used an Attack while I was sucking him into my ball lol... he still got trapped I just thought it was funny.
Server: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Baconwrap 2016-07-30 22:13:57
Is pokevision a legit site?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 75
By Asura.Raelia 2016-07-30 22:36:25
Bahamut.Baconwrap said: »Is pokevision a legit site? Yes. It's the one that actually worked by using the API instead of being flooded with troll reports.
People will complain about cheating, but I considered it fair game until 3-step bug was fixed. Now it seems like they aren't gonna bother.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 1328
By Shiva.Siviard 2016-07-30 22:46:54
So, no footprints. No more capture location map, the menu ends below capture date. There is now a button in the lower right that contains another 'favorite' option as well as the relocated 'transfer' option.
Upon start up, you will be greeted with a prompt urging you not to play while driving and not to enter dangerous locations. (ie. the ghetto)
Pokemon encounters seem slightly tweaked; the animations seem slightly better defined and Pokemon can now escape to the right as opposed to just the left. If this isn't new, I've never seen one escape to the right.
Escape to the right, you said?
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Server: Shiva
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Posts: 382
By Shiva.Carrelo 2016-07-30 22:54:36
Valefor.Prothescar said: »Quote: - Adjusted battle move damage values for some Pokemon (read: they nerfed Vaporeon)
Well this is awkward
All I notice is that Water Gun has decreased from 7 to 6 power--unless the delay was also increased, this doesn't seem that bad? is majorly worse lol nooooo
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 75
By Asura.Raelia 2016-07-30 23:16:43
15% drop in DPS is nothing to ignore, but the real figure I heard was roughly half the original DPS, so probably the delay too, yes.
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Server: Excalibur
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By Anna Ruthven 2016-07-30 23:32:46
Badges also now have unique icons.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 382
By Shiva.Carrelo 2016-07-30 23:34:08
Oh, Water Gun was actually at 10 before lol my bad. Big drop. D: Well damn! Grats to everyone who had a lot of pokemon in gyms when this update rolled out. XD
So it looks like they just wanted to give people a reason to actually use secondary moves while equalizing the DPS potential between most pokemon.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2016-07-30 23:40:08
Good. No idea why Vaporeon was absurdly higher than the other two. Even a 1000~ CP Vap could destroy a 1300 Jolteon if you were dodging. Didn't make sense.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 382
By Shiva.Carrelo 2016-07-30 23:59:47
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1741
By Cerberus.Jiko 2016-07-31 00:05:44
Oh, Water Gun was actually at 10 before lol my bad. Big drop. D: Well damn! Grats to everyone who had a lot of pokemon in gyms when this update rolled out. XD
So it looks like they just wanted to give people a reason to actually use secondary moves while equalizing the DPS potential between most pokemon.
Silph Road still has DPS listed as 15 after the adjusted values. In order for it to maintain the same DPS, speed had to increase also, which would make the adjustment useless.
6 damage/500ms
Also, I havent done anything battle-wise yet, but hopefully the attack to animation finally match up. Even after testing, I still have a *** of a time dodging due to a combination of lag and animation.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1741
By Cerberus.Jiko 2016-07-31 00:23:16
Great. Now we need a *** "Turn off pokemon has escaped" button... >.>
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Server: Excalibur
Posts: 25995
By Anna Ruthven 2016-07-31 00:24:16
It's ok, I still love my Vaporeon. (But Fk u, Carrot!)
Also, my sister calls Venonat 'herpes' so I hear things like "I caught herpes down the street today."
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Carrotchan 2016-07-31 01:41:38
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Jiko 2016-07-31 03:42:16
Quote: Pokevision @PokeVisionGo 14m14 minutes ago
Hey guys. We wish we had some news for you
At this moment, we are respecting Niantic and Nintendo's wishes.
Will keep you guys posted
No 3-steps... no pokevision...
What is this app coming to? :(
By Darksparksnot 2016-07-31 03:46:46
Someone got payed by niantic.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1741
By Cerberus.Jiko 2016-07-31 03:50:56
Someone got payed by niantic.
I would assume a more legal route would have taken place rather than paying somebody to shut down. If that word got out, there would be many more .api-based maps out there, and they'd all want a cut.
By Darksparksnot 2016-07-31 03:58:17
I assume legal takes time...lots, putting a bag of cash on the table is easy and win-win.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1741
By Cerberus.Jiko 2016-07-31 04:01:57
Pokevision backed down pretty quick. For a small company, I wouldn't put it past niantic/pokemon co. to do so to make a precedent so others do try and just rehash what Pokevision did.
Quote: Pokevision @PokeVisionGo 19 minutes ago
@Inmaniac I promise you 100% we kept it up as long as reasonably possible.
Maybe things will change in the next few days - let's hope.
Pushes me to believe the pressure Niantic was giving was pretty hard.
And remember, this isn't just one day, Nintendo/Niantic had about 2 weeks to get with their legal teams on this. I'd say that's more than enough time to ensure Pokevision would back down.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1741
By Cerberus.Jiko 2016-07-31 04:40:24
Off topic of Pokevision, but...
Lv 20+ be like
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2016-07-31 11:37:36
PokeVision & PokeHuntr down indefinitely.
PokePro ~ Pokémon Go Radar is still finding pokemon, though it is INCREDIBLY SLOW and takes several searches to find pokemon right next to me. I also noticed the app is gone from the playstore. Anyone else notice this? Do we get our 1$ back? (lol)
jftr, I can still find pokestops and such nearby. Pokémon are appearing, just takes a while. Also, the in-game search isn't matching what the app is reflecting, so either the in-game radar is incorrect or it just doesn't update properly in sync with what's really around. Literally stood right next to a jynx and drowzee yesterday and the game showed neither. PokePro showed both.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1741
By Cerberus.Jiko 2016-07-31 12:30:55
PokeVision & PokeHuntr down indefinitely.
PokePro ~ Pokémon Go Radar is still finding pokemon, though it is INCREDIBLY SLOW and takes several searches to find pokemon right next to me. I also noticed the app is gone from the playstore. Anyone else notice this? Do we get our 1$ back? (lol)
jftr, I can still find pokestops and such nearby. Pokémon are appearing, just takes a while. Also, the in-game search isn't matching what the app is reflecting, so either the in-game radar is incorrect or it just doesn't update properly in sync with what's really around. Literally stood right next to a jynx and drowzee yesterday and the game showed neither. PokePro showed both.
I said that a few posts up about pokevision in the big bold letters! :p
Edit: I forgot, anyone having issues in Go with balls actually going through the pokemon? I've had a bunch of ultra balls get "absorbed" by the pokemon, to have it shat out the other side of him.
By Bloodrose 2016-07-31 12:35:09
A Cease and Desist order can shut something down pretty quickly lest they be hit with severe fines or a lawsuit, and Pokevision wouldn't be able to.
So more than likely, they opted the friendlier way by being asked rather than being threatened.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 202
By Bismarck.Lothoro 2016-07-31 13:45:10
So, they take away the tracking system footprints all together since I guess they can't fix the bug atm. They remove catch exp bonuses from throws, increase flee rates, and shut down Pokevision.
What a wonderful update.
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-07-31 14:53:34
People are quitting in droves. idk what is going on over at Niantic but they're essentially taking hoses and flooding their own goldmine
So they just announced this:
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I realize the game itself won't look anything like this until maybe a decade or two of updates, if ever. Even so, I am happy to be alive in this day and age.
For perspective, it is very reminscent but NOT TO BE CONFUSED with Google's April Fool's joke:
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