Perhaps economic projections but not familiar with those.
Economic projections do not have a 20% error rate, it's greater than that, but even then, they are not used for anything more at guessing at the future.
I mean, it's not like we can forecast the 2nd quarter 2016 and demand that we all change our ways of life to fit the narrative.
Climate science is doing just that, using made up numbers to fit their narrative and demand that we all change our ways to help fit the boogeyman narrative.
If climate scientists were honest and only stated that, by cleaning up the environment we help improve our lives and health, then you would have more people on board improving our environment than the current narrative of "OMG our made up numbers state that the earth will be destroyed in 50 years if we don't impose outlandish rules to change society's needs to fit what we consider minimal to the environment."