I spoke not about pride. Nor did I dismiss the models could be wrong, ever.
On the other side the certainty with which certain people are adamant that this is a worldwide scam is pure insanity.
CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Period.
Now, are the models correct? Are we reaching a critical point in 2030? 50? 70? I don't know, and I will give you that it's pure speculation that has to be constantly revisited considering the multitude of factors at play.
Meanwhile, regardless of all that the only thing I have a firm stance on is that we have to stop using oil(progressively, not in one day).
No one has ever, seriously at least, questioned CO2's effect as a greenhouse gas. I stated earlier that the physics are very well known and easily demonstrable in a lab with a vacuum chamber and IR measuring equipment. We know
exactly how much of a greenhouse effect CO2 has, and it's laughably small. CO2 only absorbs and remits (aka greenhouse effect) energy in three very specific energy bands, one of which is shared with H2O, a 90~100x stronger greenhouse gas. As you increase density of CO2 the probability of a photon in one of those bands making it out of the atmosphere without being absorbed and emitted gets smaller and smaller at logarithmic rate. Eventually you get to a point where the effect of
additional CO2 becomes so small that it ceases to be a significantly contributing factor. That point is around 180~200PPM which has been experimentally demonstrated. Any CO2 added after that is increasing your effect by tenths of a percentage point, you need to double it in order to raise the effect 1C, to raise it further you need to double it again. So 180ppm to 360ppm is +1C, 360ppm to 720ppm is another +1C, doubling it again to 1440ppm is another +1C. So to raise it +4C you need to increase it 8x the base rate. Eventually you run out of additional energy though as there is limited amount of energy input into the system and you can never get more out then you put in. Also the Earth isn't a perfect black body radiator as most of our surface is covered in liquid H2O with a very reflective vapor H2O atmospheric covering. Again this has been experimentally demonstrated and is merely a result of physics.
The AGW theory says doubling it raises it from 2 to 4.5C. The problem should now be apparent. We went from 1C per doubling to 2~4.5, a 100~450% increase. The increase was originally calculated by saying "Temperature of the earth in 1920 was A, CO2 density was X, temperature of 1980 is now B and CO2 temperature is now Y, therefor the difference of two divided". That worked well for about fifteen years then it all fell apart as data from additional points, both historical (Medieval Warming Period / Little Ice Age / Ice Cores / ect..) and updated post 1980's was added. The numbers no longer lined up and the "super" greenhouse effect vanished entirely as a statistical correlation. In fact in historical records, CO2 raising actually happened after global temperature rises which throws the theory upside down. To answer it, the now politically pressured AGW community had to invent a hidden "CO2 feedback" that they swore must exist. They, quite literally, created a variable out of thin air and assumed it must exist. This is normally something reserved for theoretical physicists and astrophysicists. All the research after that was to validate, anyway possible, that variable and then quantify it such that the original 2~4x increase was still "politically true".
Which is *** backwards to how your supposed to do scientific research. You don't start with the conclusion then work your way back, that method introduces entirely too much potential for bias. As the years went by, the numbers kept getting more and more twisted and the explanations more and more convoluted, all while stating that the Climatologists
knew exactly what was happening. The cognitive dissonance there is just baffling.
Like right now, for 18+ years the Earth hasn't warmed and for several of the more recent years it was a great problem in the AGW community. No matter how they ran the numbers they couldn't get their hidden super CO2 variable to remotely created real world conditions. Until someone just said "screw it, if we can't get the models to fit to the numbers lets just change to numbers to fit the models". And every news site is trumpeting at how the "hiatus / pause never happened" and that somehow, for almost two decades, those same scientists that said they
knew exactly what they were doing, were simply reading the temperature wrong. That the world had truly warmed, exactly as AGW theory predicts by the specified amounts, and that this whole time they just had the chart turned upside down.
And yet people believed them. People nodded their heads up and down to the authority people speaking on TV. That's Soviet Science level stupid right there.
Old Soviet Joke
The future is assured. It's just the past that keeps changing
If even a quarter of what I've been stating on these forums is true, that is more then sufficient to immediately halt all policy discussions revolving around "AGW theory" and seek non-biased research. Those are giant *** red flags, like you can't possibly be more "junk science" unless you start reading people's palms and seeking guidance in animal entrails. Hell they nearly went to that level by having research, that counted the number of articles published by pro-AGW magazines as evidence that AGW theory was correct. That's a big logical fallacy (appeal to consensus), yet you people take it whole as truth.