Trump Talk™
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 13642
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-09-03 14:51:17
But does the toast always land butter side down?
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2015-09-03 14:54:22
Introducing the Lifestream Generator:
Produces 500k volts of electricity per soul.
Portable, comes with it's own Mako reactor.
Caution: Extensive use can be fatal, or turns you into either a psychopath whose purpose in life is to reunite with their Mother or a nutter with issues.
Get yours today for a low low price of 2999 gold!
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-09-03 14:54:29
Wait, we needed a study to realize that we influenced other species? I said it in a simplicistic way. The study was more about if species would have evolved differently without us. Or rather, how.
For example there would have been rhinos in USA without humans.
By Jassik 2015-09-03 14:54:34
But does the toast always land butter side down?
No, it only does that if you use some limp wristed butter alternative.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13642
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-09-03 14:55:06
Stop making the Earth cry!
Don't worry, FFVII taught us that the Earth will protect itself.
We need to direct a sizable amount of taxpayer dollars to Lifestream research. Private industry already beat you to it
Aeris is not amused.
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2015-09-03 15:26:06
Jassik is full of racial slurs today.
Uncle Tom, Bubba.
What's next?
Good thing the racism rule was abolished a while back ago, otherwise Jassik would be in trouble...
Bubba is a racial slur? lol
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2015-09-03 15:29:52
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »Jassik is full of racial slurs today.
Uncle Tom, Bubba.
What's next?
Good thing the racism rule was abolished a while back ago, otherwise Jassik would be in trouble...
Bubba is a racial slur? lol Racial slurs aren't against just black people there....
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2015-09-03 15:39:23
No ***? I'm calling shenanigans on Bubba being a racial slur.
It's an insult or a smartass way of saying bro, implying someones a rapist or stupid but a racial slur? Nah.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2015-09-03 15:42:35
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »No ***? I'm calling shenanigans on Bubba being a racial slur.
It's an insult or a smartass way of saying bro, implying someones a rapist or stupid but a racial slur? Nah. Before I retort, I have to ask:
What part of the country are you from?
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
By Caitsith.Zahrah 2015-09-03 15:56:55
"Breaux" would obviously be the more tasteful choice. This is a Trump thread for pancakes' sake! Get classy, losers!
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13642
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-09-03 16:01:44
"Breaux" would obviously the more tasteful choice. This is a Trump thread for pancakes' sake! Get classy, losers!
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-09-03 17:06:21
So, this article I'm reading says polls give Trump at 30%, with Carson at 18% and Bush at lol8%.
Are you guys(reps)so sure that you got a chance..? lol
Server: Garuda
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Posts: 11582
By Garuda.Chanti 2015-09-03 17:15:53
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »Jassik is full of racial slurs today.
Uncle Tom, Bubba.
What's next?
Good thing the racism rule was abolished a while back ago, otherwise Jassik would be in trouble... Bubba is a racial slur? lol Racial slurs aren't against just black people there.... In the parts of the south I know Bubba is a name or a nickname.
By Jassik 2015-09-03 17:21:31
Bubba is a snark nickname like "slugger" or "kiddo".
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-09-03 17:22:10
I think he intended it racist because it's the name of the black friend of Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump.
By Jassik 2015-09-03 17:25:39
I think he intended it racist because it's the name of the black friend of Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump.
I'm the one who used it, and that's not how I intended it. Besides, just because there's a black character in a movie doesn't mean that name is synonymous with racism. Heck, the character is named Benjamin, and dismisses his nickname as a "redneck" name.
Server: Garuda
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Posts: 11582
By Garuda.Chanti 2015-09-03 17:26:05
So, this article I'm reading says polls give Trump at 30%, with Carson at 18% and Bush at lol8%.
Are you guys(reps)so sure that you got a chance..? lol Look at my post on the candidate selection system. Trump can do well in the early primary states and get less than 1/2 the delegates.
For a good showing in the caucus states he needs an origination. Not just boots on the ground but people who know those nasty parliamentarian tricks.
The national conventions are a year away.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-09-03 17:28:16
I'm the one who used it, and that's not how I intended it Oh I know, I was just trying to find the reasoning of it having a racial connotation..
By Jassik 2015-09-03 17:29:59
I'm the one who used it, and that's not how I intended it Oh I know, I was just trying to find the reasoning of it having a racial connotation..
It's easier than confronting the substance of the post containing it.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11582
By Garuda.Chanti 2015-09-03 17:35:22
Bubba is a snark nickname like "slugger" or "kiddo". Those are snark nicknames?
In the eastern seaboard deep south Bubba is an affectionate nickname between guys. It is sometimes a given name.
Upper eastern seaboard, it kinda means for southerners what southerners mean when they use yankee for the northerners.
By Jassik 2015-09-03 17:38:27
Those are snark nicknames?
The way I used it, yeah. But, obviously they don't have to be.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11582
By Garuda.Chanti 2015-09-03 17:47:29
Ain't science wonderful? /laugh
Server: Garuda
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Posts: 11582
By Garuda.Chanti 2015-09-03 18:22:15
Donald Trump just won. Again.
Washington Post
Quote: Donald Trump is an absolute PR wizard.
He proved that again Thursday with a carefully orchestrated news conference at Trump Tower -- of course -- at which he announced that he had decided not to run as an independent if he comes up short in his pursuit of the Republican nomination.
Consider the following:
1. Trump was able to tout that the chairman of the Republican National Committee, Reince Priebus, had come to him in New York City.
2. Priebus was not at the actual press conference, leaving Trump the stage to himself.
3. Trump was able to hold the pledge -- he did it several times to make sure the cameras captured it -- and tout that he was committed to the Republican party and Republican principles.
4. The pledge is a non-binding document that Trump can ignore if (or when?) he chooses.
5. Trump got 30 minutes in front of every TV camera and major print and digital reporter in the country to hit his talking points, bash Jeb Bush, and talk about how "Kanye loves Trump." (Yes, that really happened.)
In virtually every possible way, then, this was a major win for Trump. It tamps down what was becoming an increasingly tough issue for him to handle that would have been front and center at the next debate Sept. 16 -- while also making him look as strong as possible.
Trump also sets himself up as judge, jury and executioner when it comes to his oft-stated insistence that he just wants "to be treated like everyone else" by the national Republican party. Because "fair" -- especially when it comes to Trump -- is very much in the eye of the beholder, who's to say when and if his pledge becomes
The Trump phenomenon remains the most compelling storyline in politics since a young U.S. senator named Barack Obama emerged onto the national political scene. Trump may not ultimately have the staying power of Obama but he knows how to entertain -- and is doing it better than anyone else out there right now.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11582
By Garuda.Chanti 2015-09-03 18:43:10
Fortune on the same event:
Trump just pledged allegiance to the GOP; here's why the GOP should be worried
Quote: Donald Trump just made a big concession to the establishment that he’s spent his campaign shadowboxing.
The undisputed Republican frontrunner on Tuesday privately signed and then publicly presented a “loyalty pledge” that commits him to backing the GOP presidential nominee, even if that’s somebody else. More significantly, the contract binds Trump from launching an independent bid should his pursuit of the Republican nod fall short.
“I have signed the pledge,” Trump told a capacity crowd of media and onlookers at his Trump Tower in midtown Manhattan. He then held up the signed document and added he “will be totally pledging my allegiance to the Republican party and the conservative principles for which it stands.” Trump appeared before the cameras after concluding a closed-door tete-a-tete with Reince Preibus, the Republican National Committee chairman, who’d traveled to New York for the purpose.
The decision marks an about-face for Trump, who opened the first Republican presidential debate last month by refusing an invitation from the Fox News moderators to rule out a third-party run. “I’m talking about a lot of leverage,” he said at the time, meaning that the threat he could bolt would keep Republican party bosses in hock to him rather than the other way around.
Explaining what’s changed in less than a month since, Trump on Tuesday pointed to his position in the polls. The latest, a Monmouth University survey released Thursday, showed him reaching a record-high 30% support nationally, a 7% increase over his position in the same poll when it was conducted before the Republican debate.
Trump said he hadn’t redeemed his “leverage” for anything in return for his pledge —except a guarantee from Preibus that the official party apparatus will continue to treat him fairly. Arguably, Trump didn’t sacrifice much by signing, since mounting an independent run would prove an expensive and organizationally vexing challenge at this point. And it’s hardly clear what power the RNC has to enforce the document if Trump decided he wanted to anyway.
On the flip side, by affirming his loyalty, Trump inoculates himself — to a degree — from the attack that he’s nothing more than an opportunist using the party to promote himself. That critique has been voiced most loudly by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, and the former frontrunner showed Thursday afternoon he won’t be abandoning it. He tweeted his own version of the pledge, making clear his voting record has been ruby-red since 1972, an thinly-veiled shot at Trump’s liberal past.
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 485
By Lakshmi.Deces 2015-09-03 19:26:17
Lady passes out from listening to jeb speak.
YouTube Video Placeholder
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 485
By Lakshmi.Deces 2015-09-03 19:30:49
By Jassik 2015-09-03 19:36:39
Studies show, touching your nose a lot is a sign of dishonesty. Watching Jeb go on about healthcare that's all I noticed.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13642
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-09-03 20:03:38
Studies show, touching your nose a lot is a sign of dishonesty. Watching Jeb go on about healthcare that's all I noticed.
Studies also show that touching your nose a lot is the sign of a itchy and/or runny nose.
Seriously Jassik, I don't like Jeb Bush either, but as someone who complains a lot about Republicans inventing stupid things to complain about when it comes to Democrats, you should take your own advice and pick something a little more substantive to complain about than toupee choice and nose scratching.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 485
By Lakshmi.Deces 2015-09-03 20:10:11
I think he is back on the cocaine for his low energy problem.
By Jassik 2015-09-03 20:15:47
Studies show, touching your nose a lot is a sign of dishonesty. Watching Jeb go on about healthcare that's all I noticed.
Studies also show that touching your nose a lot is the sign of a itchy and/or runny nose.
Seriously Jassik, I don't like Jeb Bush either, but as someone who complains a lot about Republicans inventing stupid things to complain about when it comes to Democrats, you should take your own advice and pick something a little more substantive to complain about than toupee choice and nose scratching.
It was a commentary on how little people care about what he has to say, as if the woman falling asleep wasn't already. I also didn't call for a congressional inquiry or call him a criminal because he scratched his nose. It's just what I noticed when my mind started to wander about 12 seconds into that clip.
I think he is back on the cocaine for his low energy problem.
I thought George was the coke hound and Jeb was all studious and boring.
Quote: US TV network NBC is cutting ties with Donald Trump over "recent derogatory statements" that the veteran businessman made about immigrants.
NBC said the company would now not be airing the Miss USA and Miss Universe pageants that are co-owned by Mr Trump.
Responding to the announcement, Mr Trump said he would consider suing NBC.
Earlier this month, he accused Mexicans of adding drugs and crime to the US as he announced he was seeking the Republican presidential nomination.
"They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists, and some I assume are good people, but I speak to border guards, and they tell us what we are getting," he said in his speech on 16 June.
He also pledged to build a "great wall" on the US border with Mexico and insisted it would be paid for by Mexicans.
He later insisted he was criticising US lawmakers, not Mexican people. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-33321290
I'm honestly surprised with some of the shit he says. Even though I probably shouldn't be.