That's cute, from your article I see where Trump:
100% pro life to staying with Pro Life with certain exceptions. ???
sending ground troops to kill ISIS + going after their oil to sending in ground forces with the help of other allies in the region, and destroying the oil fields. ???
would advocate torture, specifically waterboarding, and ordering troops to carry it out to not advocating torture nor ordering troops to carry out something illegal, but would push to make waterboarding legal. Eh, he flopped here but he had to honestly. I don't think this is a big "holy shat he completely flip flopped on this issue, i'll never vote for him" kind of thing.
build a wall and deport all illegal immigrants to build a wall and wants to deport all illegals but may be flexible in certain circumstances. ???
H1B program is bad for American workers to getting rid of the H1B program if he is elected. ???
The US has some obligation to take in some Syrian refugees. He hates the idea of it but said something must be done. to being against accepting Syrian refugees without papers once he found out just how many Syrian refugees were being discussed. eh. not a big deal to me. Still dont feel like his intent ever changed here.
the propsed muslim ban that it lists cut his speech, like they always do. He said he wanted a complete ban on muslims entering the country until our government can figure out what the hell is going on. He still has this stance, but has clarified that it doesn't apply to service members, or US citizens abroad that are returning...which I don't think he meant to include in his original statement anyway. I don't see much flip flopping here either.
David Duke and the KKK? He disavowed him originally and disavows him now. The only thing he's argued with reporters is that he doesn't know anything about David Duke. Again, no flip flopping.
On Iran's nuclear deal, he said that by the time he became president, he couldn't just rip up the deal and many of their frozen assets would already be recovered. He says the deal is terrible and that he would police it as strongly as he could. Now he wants to renegotiate the deal and get back American prisoners and impose more sanctions. So he was never for the deal really, and he still isn't for the deal. flip flop where really?
Repeal Obamacare and bring down state borders in regards to health insurance competition to drive costs down. Compared it to Canada. to Repeal Obamacare and replace with his own plan which is similar to his original statement, but not really like Canada. He intends to replace Medicaid which the CRFB says could generate a wide range of savings to the federal budget. Eh, I don't consider that a flip flop either.
And that's the end of YOUR claims. I don't see much flip flopping at all, just the changing of some of the details that keep his original intent. That's not the same as opposing Gay Rights/marriage and then pretending to fight for Gay rights and marriage. Or working to make trade deals happen, then saying the trade deals were never a good idea and you've opposed them from the beginning and want to dismantle them. I don't believe your definition of flip flopping really coincides with most.