Military Parade - A DD Bard Guide
By SimonSes 2019-02-19 07:42:32
AFAIK Wave3 (fomors) requires 1240 accuracy before buffs, so I think Centovente on BRD is definitely not viable there.
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By Asura.Sechs 2019-02-19 07:54:17
AFAIK Wave3 (fomors) requires 1240 accuracy before buffs, so I think Centovente on BRD is definitely not viable there. I dissent!!1one!1
Just need more Precision/Torpor/Hunter's/Quickstep!11!one!
No but really, it's already a pain for "real" DD jobs, it's definitely not viable for BRD atm, if we want to keep the buffs distribution logical and efficient.
Wave1 totally possible. Wave2 I dunno, borderline doable with some minor compromise? NIN, THF and RUN mobs have quite a lot of Eva yo.
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By Siren.Bruno 2019-02-19 07:59:26
I feel this, it's just such a time sink ;; Well I wasn't planning to start from zero, that would be beyond my time and capabilities.
I was more thinking to start from an already existing and updated Spreadsheet, and modify it from there.
Like take the THF one, you would already have 3 out of 4 of the BRD RMEAs, would "only" need to:
1) Adjust the job traits (TA, Crit, DW, add Fencer only when SW up etc)
2) Adjust Gifts
3) Remove Merits
4) Put a bunch of Gear
Number 4 requires the most work but is also the easiest. I dunno, it's something I've been planning to do but never find the time/will.
Uhm... wonder if it would be easier to use a DNC sheet rather than a THF one, uh... maybe not..
yeah, definitely not from scratch lol. When I had made my current BRD Spreadsheet it was converted from a THF one so that’ll be the way to go for sure.
AFAIK Wave3 (fomors) requires 1240 accuracy before buffs, so I think Centovente on BRD is definitely not viable there.
just wait until they do iLvl Trial of Magians! then we’ll be in business ;)
(I feel like I’m a hoarder because I keep all of my Magian weapons in the blind hope that they’ll upgrade it)
By SimonSes 2019-02-19 08:16:56
just wait until they do iLvl Trial of Magians! then we’ll be in business ;)
Knowing SE, they will upgrade it to ilvl with TP bonus being main hand only and you will be able to finally toss them XD
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2019-02-19 09:47:48
LOL, well said SimonSes xD
To be fair if I were a developer, I'd do the same. In a game balance for certain things not to happen in offhand (wether players like it or not) it's kinda strange and incoherent that some relics of the past are able to overcome that limitation, be it by original design or a "mistake" they simply overlooked.
If they ever were to release a new ToTM system (I don't think they ever will though) I'd be leaning to think they would start from scratch though. I know this hurts all among us who decided to keep some weapons and spent days/weeks/months grinding them, but would it be really fair, or balanced or simply "fun" for everybody else?
Plus starting from scratch would give them a chance to do differenent choices in the paths and branching, learning from past experiences and such.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Pusheen 2019-02-25 22:40:46
So... as much as I enjoy Reiki Yotai on BRD, I was think (and please feel free to respond) having DW+10 on our ambuscade cape might be a better choice than DA/STP+10? 10 DA is 10 Multi-Attack. If we put 10 DW in its place, belts like Windbuffet+1 would replace the 10 MA (2QA = 3MA + 2TA = 4MA) and leave the earring slot opening for more MA/STP/things we dont get in gear slots? I realize this means our attack speed will never truely be capped but i'm not sure how impactful that last 1% is. Thoughts?
Also, thoughts on AG3 Twash OH versus Tami Sari? (MH Carn)
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Pusheen 2019-02-25 22:43:40
ItemSet 364411
Im using something like this now (currently using Twash OH thinking about changing back to Taming)
Linos = Acc/Att+14 DA+3 QA+3
Head = Acc+30 QA+2
Cape = DEX+30 Acc/Att+20 DW+10 PDT-10
By Crossbones 2019-03-01 17:25:01
Was messing around getting CP on BRD in dho gates just now and found an amusing dagger combo. Had a geo alt (897 skill) for additional buffs.
Kaja mainhand / centovente offhand isn't a bad combo for when you don't need much acc and want to do 3 steps with evis > rudra > rudra. Kaja makes up for bard's crappy evis damage (was pulling 15-20k evis on apex crabs/fish) and centovente makes up for the low base damage and non aeneas-ness of kaja. Rudras were doing 21-30k. Doing 4 step umbra would have been overkill here so I realize this is a pretty niche situation but I thought I'd share it nonetheless.
By eeternal 2019-03-07 10:05:15
Sorry if this has mentioned before, but I didn't find it.. how is Evisceration with kaja? better than rudra spam?
By Crossbones 2019-03-07 21:14:59
My rudras were doing a lot more. Was rare to see an evis pass 21k, mainly I was just using it to do a 3 step darkness as that killed the apex crabs / fish I was fighting. I wouldn't probably use kaja and evis otherwise, but I found my net dps was higher as I was starting with 15-20k evis instead of the 9k~ evis I was doing mainhanding aeneas, plus the offhand centovente offset the missing tp bonus from mainhanding kaja so I was still doing 25k-30k rudras with kaja.
By Autocast 2019-03-08 19:17:08
Anyone mind posting their evisceration sets?
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2019-03-11 04:23:42
Damn, if I can ever find an up-to-date THF spreadsheet I swear I'm gonna work on it to turn it into a BRD spreadsheet.
Until then, I have no reliable means to check how Tauret (new ambu dagger) performs. I suspect it's gonna be a pretty nice option, but I'm not sure it's gonna beat Aeneas/Twash or Carn/Sari combinations.
Evisceration is a good WS for sure, but I think compared to DNC and THF, Bard lacks the Crit DMG / Crit rate gear to make good use of it.
It's just a hunch, might be biased and Tauret might provide surprising results, I dunno, but on a hunch I don't see it better than other options.
Speaking of it as an offhand, it's not gonna beat Twash as offhand for Aeneas, and I'm pretty confident it won't beat Sari as OH for Carnwenhan.
More in detail on the latter:
Tauret offers less Dex than Sari, no STR and no CHR to boost Mordant Rime's damage. It has slightly less attack, around 18 more accuracy and no Triple Attack. Granted TA gets devalued when you activate AM3, but it's still better than nothing.
The good part about Tauret is the lower delay. Not sure how big of an impact that will have on a build based on AM3, hard to evaluate without a spreadsheet.
Personally I don't see Tauret beating perf Sari unless you need the acc maybe.
For everybody else who wants to DD on BRD and has no REMA, it goes without saying that Tauret is gonna be the best weapon to use, by far, and probably very very close to REMA.
I don't think we can say more about it until details on the Crit/TP thing are found out. If they come out as extremely powerful, Tauret might be better than I have imagined so far.
By Crossbones 2019-03-11 17:45:49
This is what I use for evis:
head="Lustratio cap +1",
body="Bihu Justaucorps +3",
hands="Ayanmo manopolas +2",
legs="Lustratio Subligar +1",
feet="Lustra. Leggings +1",
neck="Fotia Gorget",
waist="Fotia Belt",
left_ear="Mache Earring +1",
right_ear="Moonshade Earring",
left_ring="Ilabrat Ring",
right_ring="Petrov Ring",
back={ name="Intarabus's Cape", augments={'DEX+20','Accuracy+20 Attack+20','Weapon skill damage +10%',}},}
When I was messing around in my earlier posts I was actually using the default WS set which was geared for rudra's type WS (did not have an argument for evis specifically) so my damage was lower than what it should have been (no fotia for example). Thet above set is what I use now. I know not all of the pieces are BiS (couldn't be bothered with to make an evis cape) like ayanmo hands vs lustratio, or brutal earring vs moonshade. I happaned to have most of this gear lying around already as I play both DNC and THF. Just trying to get the most out of inventory while still being close to as geared as I can be since I play like 16 other jobs.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2019-03-13 03:03:25
A guy called Elated yesterday asked me in-game for my Mordant Rime set, I was busy running LS event so here it is Elated, no clue what's your name on FFXIAH but hope you'll be reading this
ItemSet 349038
Linos: Acc/Att+13, DA+3, QA+3 (you could argue WSD but I seem to recall it wasn't really worth it)
Cape: CHR+30, Acc/Att+20, WSD+10
I only have 2 versions of this set. The one I posted is the default one, then I have another with slightly more focus on accuracy.
It's the same but with these differences:
head="Ayanmo Zucchetto +2",
hands="Ayanmo Manopolas +2",
ear1="Mache Earring +1",
feet="Ayanmo Gambieras +2"
In my sets I aim for ~1100 unbuffed acc in the normal set, and ~1200 unbuffed acc in the acc one.
Some notes on this set:
- You can see emphasis on attack. On BRD, realistically, you will hardly ever cap attack, especially to the point of benefitting of the neck's 10% PDL, so attack is important.
- At capped attack some AF+3 pieces become slightly slightly better. I seem to recall the pieces to aim for are Head, Hands and Feet, beating Bihu+3 at capped attack, whereas Bihu Body/Legs are always better even at capped attack. You have to consider though that not only capped attack is unrealistic for BRD, but also that by going with 3 pieces of AF+3 you're gonna lose a ton of acc, you will get just acc+45 from the set bonus (4 pieces, including the Earring)
- Airy Ring sounds like LOLRING but it's actually good for Mordant. It was on par with NQ Carb and slightly worse than Carb+1 iir, but it provides a small bunch of acc whereas Carb+1 doesn't. Also Airy was practically free whereas Carb+1 was ~10mils back then. It's much cheaper nowadays but it still doesn't seem particularly worth to me.
- Mache+1 is an excellent alternative to Telos
- About offhands, from my tests Perf Taming Sari beats Twashtar with or w/o AM3 up. Haven't tested Tauret yet but I think it will be behind Perf Sari, at least for Mordant Rime itself. Might be better/equal than Sari in general though because of the low delay (faster TP gain etc). Needs to be tested but I lack an updated Spreadsheet atm.
That's it, if you've got questions shoot!
By Autocast 2019-03-13 04:01:17
do WSD rings have a place in a mordant rime set?
By SimonSes 2019-03-13 04:31:33
Airy Ring sounds like LOLRING but it's actually good for Mordant. It was on par with NQ Carb and slightly worse than Carb+1 iir, but it provides a small bunch of acc whereas Carb+1 doesn't. Also Airy was practically free whereas Carb+1 was ~10mils back then. It's much cheaper nowadays but it still doesn't seem particularly worth to me.
Epaminondas's Ring is much better tho.
By SimonSes 2019-03-13 04:33:26
do WSD rings have a place in a mordant rime set?
Yeah they are bis. Tho Adoulin ring has less impact over Ilabrat, than Epaminondas's Ring over ring you pair with Ilabrat.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2019-03-13 04:34:40
do WSD rings have a place in a mordant rime set? Are you talking about Epaminonda and Kariyeh+1?
Personally I've never tested them.
Mordant Rime is somewhere in between. It's just 2hit (plus offhand hit) but the majority of damage comes from the first hit, which is the one affected by WSD.
To give you an exact answer it would have to be tested thoroughfully.
At capped attack/accuracy I can see them being better than Ilabrat, might be better than Airy, not sure if they'd be better than Carb+1.
In a "realistic" situation (where att won't be capped) I don't think any of those 2 rings would beat Ilabrat, but they might be slightly better than Airy.
I wouldn't expect stellar results if I were you though.
Only slots where I tested WSD are Earring (Ishvara) and Ranged (Linos) and it was pretty meh.
In the body slot (Bihu+3) it wins but that's because WSD is kinda icing on the cake there, not the main thing.
Plus it's a big value (10%) compared to what you get in the ring slots.
If I had an Epaminonda I think I'd probably use it over Airy, all things considered.
By SimonSes 2019-03-13 04:43:38
They are bis even attack uncapped, you underestimate WSD on Mordant rime. It's for example more valuable than for Upheaval and Epaminondas's Ring still wins over other options (which are also much better than airy ring or ilabrat) for Upheaval even at 2000TP where that WS is 3.5ftp main hit +3 hits, while Mordant is 5 ftp main +2 hits.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2019-03-13 13:50:50
I'm getting epaminonda ~200 dps above Airy and ~130 dps above Ilabrat.
Multiple att buffs, but not capped.
By Dsuza 2019-03-17 12:02:32
Hey everyone,
I understand and appreciate that R15 Carn with Perfect Taming w/ Mordant is the BiS option for melee Bard.
I'm curious if the new Ambu dagger beats perfect Taming for offhand now with R15 Carn? Or is it possible that the new Ambu Dagger off hand makes R15 Twatsmasher and/or Aeonic Dagger with Rudra a better option?
Has anyone tested, or would mind doing so?
Thanks :)
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2019-03-17 12:22:28
I understand and appreciate that R15 Carn with Perfect Taming w/ Mordant is the BiS option for melee Bard. R15 Carns oh Sari with AM3 is undoubtely on top.
Thing is, as we all know, AM3 is more often than not a dps loss to keep up.
With AM3 down, my tests showed R15 Carn being every so slightly ahead of Aeneas MH, but the difference was very small, and I would take this result as a grain of salt, I'm moderately skeptic about it.
I wouldn't take for granted that R15 Carn MH with AM3 down is undoubtely the BiS option for ddBRD
Quote: I'm curious if the new Ambu dagger beats perfect Taming for offhand now with R15 Carn? WS damage will definitely be worse, but the incredibly low delay on Tauret might make it the best option after all. I dunno, would have to be tested.
Quote: Or is it possible that the new Ambu Dagger off hand makes R15 Twatsmasher Seriously seriously doubt, but needs to be tested of course.
Quote: and/or Aeonic Dagger with Rudra a better option? R15 Aeneas is already an awesome option for ddBRD.
Don't think Tauret beats Twashtar offhand for Aeneas MH though.
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By Valefor.Sapphire 2019-03-20 05:08:38
I messed around with Naegling on my brd to revisit sanguine blade if i'm /war or /rdm and party is magic damage focused:
ItemSet 365723
w/ Voidstorm II from SCH
test target: Blanched Mandy
Sanguine Blade brd/war ws @ 1k tp
Naegling : 17840 Malaise + Acumen BoG / EA + Entrust INT
Naegling : 15774 Malaise+Acumen
Demersal Degen +1 : 14330 Malaise + Acumen BoG / EA + Entrust INT
Demersal Degen +1 : 12604 Malaise + Acumen
*only relevant stat for Sanguine Blade on cape is 20macc 20mdmg , I dont have a wsd cape.
*if I need to toss a cure/raise I /rdm instead of /war. Its too bad we can't get sanguine blade ws with /nin or /dnc
*chironic leg augments: 9 int 31macc 4%haste 30mab
A quick test of me doing Savage Blade in ayanmo+2 /relic+3 body, fotia neck+waist:
Naegling Savage Blade 1k tp: 14647 , BoG / EA Geo-Frailty + Indi Fury , Dia2 , Minuet IV+V = 2480atk
By Autocast 2019-03-23 03:51:04
For TP augmented Linos, if I get STP4 should I keep throwing stones for DA3? (same aug slot of course, was under the assumption that they would be very similar dps, but maybe that isn't the case for brd so asking)
By geigei 2019-03-23 03:53:48
Stp works just fine.
By SimonSes 2019-03-23 04:19:56
For TP augmented Linos, if I get STP4 should I keep throwing stones for DA3? (same aug slot of course, was under the assumption that they would be very similar dps, but maybe that isn't the case for brd so asking)
I'm saying this just by feel, without checking it anywhere, but I don't have time for this and I'm sure enough to write it, that if you use Carn with AM3, then sTP is actually better. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2019-03-23 06:16:28
I guess it depends on the actual values of STP that you have on your gear/buffs but like 99% of the times STP is better than Multiattack when Carns' AM3 is up.
Again: IT DEPENDS, but tipically it's just like Simon said, from my experience with calculating and parsing ddBRD stuff.
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By Siren.Kyte 2019-03-23 06:59:19
If you happen to be single wielding with Carn AM3, then DA's pretty worthless.
By Autocast 2019-03-23 07:32:45
I mean the only thing that made me question it was the fact that mordant rime gains nothing from TP over 1k right? so unless that stp is shaving a round off per ws its doing literally nothing correct?
I suppose in a scenario regarding AM3 that DA could be doing more harm than good though by blocking OAT procs.
Of course if you are using rudra then overtp is a thing. Sticking with STP because this taru is evil.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 398
By Siren.Bruno 2019-03-26 23:53:34
it's not doing harm, but that DA value is not as beneficial as it normally would be, considering AM3. The same is true when using other weapons of a high OAx rate.