Military Parade - A DD Bard Guide
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3002
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-08-16 16:35:58
I plugged the stats for my set into your calculator, accurate as it may be, and got: 9.62s to 1k TP. With Cessance, Sailfi, and a DW cape I get: 9.71s to 1k TP. If I keep my exact set, but swap 10 STP for 10 DA, I get 9.71s to 1k TP. Seems like STP is the way to go on the cape, if you don't need DW. For all my sets I used R25 Bunzi since I don't have R30, but I assume the results would be the same.
Link with my stats
By drakefs 2023-08-16 16:38:38
High vengence fights, Basement Bosses?
as pointed out below you cannot DW in gaol fights...
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3002
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-08-16 16:39:39
For high vengeance fights you can't dual-wield.
By drakefs 2023-08-16 16:48:05
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: » 9.62s to 1k TP. With Cessance, Sailfi, and a DW cape I get: 9.71s to 1k TP.
Lower is better.
Sorry eating so not fully paying attention. I cannot view your link, you need to set it so anyone with the link can view (this a not the default setting).
In your TP set, I get 9.71 with sTP on the cape and 9.62 with DA on the cape.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3002
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-08-16 16:55:26
Updated permissions. I think your sheet was attempting to do my set but the stats were off?
DA: 13% (1 telos, 4 feet, 8 hands)
QA: 8% (2 head, 3 neck, 3 linos)
STP: 65 (10 back, 4 belt, 5 telos, 7 neck, 7 head, 8 legs, 4 linos, 10 rings, 10 body)
DW: 36
Other (accessories) set should be:
DA: 21% (1 telos, 4 feet, 8 hands, 5 waist, 3 earring)
QA: 8% (2 head, 3 neck, 3 linos)
STP: 54 (5 telos, 3 cessance, 7 neck, 7 head, 8 legs, 4 linos, 10 rings, 10 body)
DW: 35
By drakefs 2023-08-16 18:09:34
I missed the the 5% (4%) DA on the feet...
The set with the Sailfi belt has 2% TA as well
I get the same results as you with your numbers, the 1% missing QA is making some "noticeable changes" between the BiS and your real numbers and the missing DA is why sTP was less valuable when I was running the numbers. That tp set is fairly balanced in regards to sTP and Multi-Atk.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 182
By Asura.Jokes 2023-08-17 02:16:57
Python is telling me this:
Double Attack Cape + Reiki & Eabani:
Store TP + Reiki & Eabani:
Dual Wield + Cessance & Sailfi Belt:
Dual Wield + Cessance & Kentarch Belt:
Frankly - Were talking about minute differences. I'd actually go for the Store TP or Double Attack cape, having looked at it. Mainly because it saves you a cape, and an inventory slot. For those that have Volte Tights that is.
I find that BRD does still have accuracy issues with Centovente in Odyssey C Floor 4. My BRD is ML42
By SimonSes 2023-08-17 02:59:28
I find that BRD does still have accuracy issues with Centovente in Odyssey C Floor 4. My BRD is ML42
Me too, but then I just madrigal myself instead of minuetII. Way better than changing offhand.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10290
By Asura.Sechs 2023-08-17 04:40:56
Meaning for the last 10+ minutes of Sheol C runs you normally rock HM, Minu5, Minu4, Minu3 and Minu2?
Wouldn't Herc Etude be better?
I've used a similar approach often but it's not always viable though.
You need a WHM with good enha duration+ and that knows how to keep haste up on everyone, and you need SV up. If you follow the approach of using SV at start hoping for a good CC or for WC to reset it it's still a gamble.
It works a lot of times, but there are still those times where both CC and WC will fail and you'll find yourself without SV for the last 10+ minutes of the run.
Your point of using Madrigal in place of a Minuet instead of swapping to Ternion+1R15 / Gleti / Crepuscular still stands regardless of that though.
And I gotta say it's an interesting approach.
To be completely honest I doubt there's gonna be a huge difference either way, I see both as perfectly viable scenarios.
By SimonSes 2023-08-17 07:30:44
You need a WHM with good enha duration+ and that knows how to keep haste up on everyone, and you need SV up. If you follow the approach of using SV at start hoping for a good CC or for WC to reset it it's still a gamble.
We never gamble here. We just use SV for the second half only. SV for first 2 floors is overkill anyway.
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Server: Asura
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Posts: 116
By Asura.Neviskio 2023-09-29 22:53:26
Dumb question most likely since 5 am here and sleepless and I've not played brd in a while but all the tp sets above are for capped haste right? (i.e. only 11 dw needed /nin)
I kinda assume that for uncapped situations I imagine suppa+eabani+dw cape+reiki is still advisable (even if it's only 25 DW total so quite far from 31/42/49 dw needed)? I know on brd it's rare not to be haste capped but I like to be sure if I get caught by dispells/other issues.
Or did I misunderstand something? Sorry again 5 am, very sleepless updating luas for "fun" :P
By publix 2023-09-30 02:59:10
Dumb question most likely since 5 am here and sleepless and I've not played brd in a while but all the tp sets above are for capped haste right? (i.e. only 11 dw needed /nin)
I kinda assume that for uncapped situations I imagine suppa+eabani+dw cape+reiki is still advisable (even if it's only 25 DW total so quite far from 31/42/49 dw needed)? I know on brd it's rare not to be haste capped but I like to be sure if I get caught by dispells/other issues.
Or did I misunderstand something? Sorry again 5 am, very sleepless updating luas for "fun" :P
The above set by Jokes with Sailfi+1 goes beyond 25% equipment haste cap, even without the bunzi helm and using ayanmo+2, you'd still be haste capped.
The data from Python using Sailfi+1 and Double Attack cape is still correct and providing the quickest amount of TP/bang for buck.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 116
By Asura.Neviskio 2023-09-30 08:42:22
Dumb question most likely since 5 am here and sleepless and I've not played brd in a while but all the tp sets above are for capped haste right? (i.e. only 11 dw needed /nin)
I kinda assume that for uncapped situations I imagine suppa+eabani+dw cape+reiki is still advisable (even if it's only 25 DW total so quite far from 31/42/49 dw needed)? I know on brd it's rare not to be haste capped but I like to be sure if I get caught by dispells/other issues.
Or did I misunderstand something? Sorry again 5 am, very sleepless updating luas for "fun" :P
The above set by Jokes with Sailfi+1 goes beyond 25% equipment haste cap, even without the bunzi helm and using ayanmo+2, you'd still be haste capped.
The data from Python using Sailfi+1 and Double Attack cape is still correct and providing the quickest amount of TP/bang for buck.
Nice but not what I was asking, I am talking about magic haste/delay not about equipment haste. If I hit a mob with slowspikes and didn't have 2 marches I'm not magic haste capped thus needing more DW gear, or whatever other situation.
Was just confirming that by math that's been done getting as much DW on brd is still better than stp/multiattack as I've not seen it discussed in a lot of pages and started double guessing if maybe on brd if I was doing it wrong by going higher dw on lower magic haste tiers (like 15% haste).
It's unlikely to happen but when it happens I'd like to still do the most dmg :P
By drakefs 2023-09-30 11:14:06
I kinda assume that for uncapped situations I imagine suppa+eabani+dw cape+reiki is still advisable (even if it's only 25 DW total so quite far from 31/42/49 dw needed)? I know on brd it's rare not to be haste capped but I like to be sure if I get caught by dispells/other issues.
In general, ACC is king, followed by delay cap and then mA<>sTP.
So yes, you would want more DW or more mHaste (mHaste is perferred over DW) to counter the slow.
Due to diminishing returns, there is possibility that there is a point where that will be no longer true but to find that point you will need math it out.
By Nariont 2023-10-04 10:03:28
Nyame with mambos should be more than enough eva for omen trash id think
By Seun 2023-10-04 13:17:24
Or you could split the pull. Aggro a single group(or half of a double pack) and sleep, then pull the second half to the first and cleave. Generally the same strategy you'd use in ody C where it's bad for your health to kite multiple packs of mobs at the same time.
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Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3002
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-12-16 00:03:56
Already posted my set above but my TP set swaps:
Ear -> Telos/Eabani
Hands -> Bunzi
Legs -> Volte Tights
Waist -> Reiki Yotai
I don't have a lot of consideration for different acc situations and generally just assume that's handled by buffs/debuffs/food, and with high ML it's not as much a problem as it used to be. With mob eva at ~1200 you should not need anywhere near that level of acc with songs up.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10290
By Asura.Sechs 2023-12-16 06:10:04
It's really hard not to put Volte Tights in a TP set for BRD.
It's one of the few options with nice stats AND 9% haste.
Good luck capping haste "regularly" without that amount of haste in the leg slot.
You would be forced to rely on belts or augs from Linos/Back, or that TVR ring with Haste on it.
The thing is that Volte Tights is not exactly easy to farm... Granted it can now drop from AMAN trove.
For instance I did Bastok at least twice a month for ~3 years, my whole LS was tryin' to help me, but it still took me over 2 years to see a Volte Tights finally drop in the treasure pool.
Either way I doubt Empy+3 can be a decent alternative for that. Check what the App says. Using Gazu+1 in the hands slot sure opens up many options I guess.
Check Zoar+1 R15? But I always got bad results from it whenever I tried to create up sets around it.
By Seun 2023-12-16 06:36:40
It's one of the few options with nice stats AND 9% haste.
Good luck capping haste "regularly" without that amount of haste in the leg slot.
Lehko's Ring also removes the haste gap that exists for most backline jobs in TP sets.
Sorry my response was clipped. I meant to add that there's no cost to swap rings as reinforcement for working that in.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10290
By Asura.Sechs 2023-12-16 07:00:32
Yeah! It's mentioned in my post, if you read further.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2023-12-16 07:37:30
These screenshots are awful. make an itemset already.
By shazbot 2023-12-16 21:05:10
can someone show me their Aeolian Edge set.
Thank you!
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2023-12-16 22:16:59
ItemSet 393978
or you could look here
By WhissTHeGOAT 2023-12-27 10:51:40
As newbie trying to get into BRD and DD Brd, is Empy Dagger still used these days? or should i focus on SB and if the need for Dagger a rises just use Mythic?
By suuhja 2023-12-27 12:00:56
It's all situational but Twashtar/Rudra are very strong on BRD. Before prime dagger, it's your 'go-to' for piercing fights. If you can't offhand the tp-bonus dagger (for accuracy reasons) you might find yourself using a different RMA dagger.
By Seun 2023-12-27 12:42:21
As newbie trying to get into BRD and DD Brd, is Empy Dagger still used these days? or should i focus on SB and if the need for Dagger a rises just use Mythic?
Start with Naegling and Tauret IMO. Mythic and empyrean are both great options to have, but comparatively lower value to BRD than they would be to typical damage dealing jobs. These fall in the category of 'career' rather than 'newbie'.
By jarhead402011 2024-01-02 20:06:51
What do yall tp in for your feet? i realized ive been using r15 nyame feet which simply cant be best in slot right?