Military Parade - A DD Bard Guide

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Military Parade - A DD Bard Guide
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Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2021-10-11 06:12:44
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Its neither a risk or bunch of extra work in statics using Discord. Our BRD just says he will do it and we fight next group of mobs on top of PLD. All it takes is sing 5 songs twice, so like 20 sec? I dont recall loosing SV even once since we started doing it few months ago, but we are doing it at floor 3, with 14 min remaining.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Jimmyjazz
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By Bahamut.Skald 2021-10-11 09:28:46
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Of course the optimal time to sing is while party is engaging, ain't nobody got time for standing around.

Where we are singing once for the final push: The window to pick and choose which pack to get off the SV Nitro for the remaining ~12 minutes is relaxed due to the runs second set of songs extending well past this point. This is most simple and guarantees the most engaged time for yer bird.

Where we are singing twice for the final push: Timing a set of SV songs at 14 minutes remaining as well as timing a re-sing Nitro at ~12 minutes remaining for the benefit of an extra ~2 minutes of SV songs for a few packs on floor 3.

The question of worth is certainly a good one and what all balances out in the end.

Where if the suggested extra 10 seconds of casting is feasible.. which would be in perfect situations of no lag and not accounting for players in/out of range issues and discounting any piano work, then yes, it's a fine idea.

However segment farm is anything but a perfect situation and in my opinion factoring in the necessity of coordinating a second SV re-sing introduces an unnecessary complication that will certainly take away more than a simple 10 seconds of your BRD's engaged time and in this content engaged time is king.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2021-10-11 10:58:51
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Bahamut.Skald said: »
However segment farm is anything but a perfect situation and in my opinion factoring in the necessity of coordinating a second SV re-sing introduces an unnecessary complication that will certainly take away more than a simple 10 seconds of your BRD's engaged time and in this content engaged time is king.

Like I said it depends on group. We are doing this for months at this point and we are on Discord, so it goes smooth. I don't suggest to do it in pug.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Sekundes
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By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2021-10-11 11:11:47
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Keep in mind it's a risk though, you risk losing SV entirely.
We have a cor so I SV and NT songs at start, and then the cor resets me and then as close to wearing as I can I NT again and update durations. If I miss it, we still get the normal duration of SV songs.

And yeah, our group is on discord chat so we try to go down to the wire as much as possible but sometimes it doesn't work out and I have to sing early. It is exceptionally rare that I ever have to make the party stop for songs. We almost always update songs when the group is fighting.

The difference is noticeable when we have SV up the entire run and it shows in our final gil and segment values.
Posts: 134
By Slowforever 2021-10-17 21:48:34
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is blurred harp +1 required for a career bard? Can I just use empy? Did some helms and the group wanted it.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Boposhopo
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By Leviathan.Boposhopo 2021-10-17 22:19:51
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Slowforever said: »
is blurred harp +1 required for a career bard? Can I just use empy? Did some helms and the group wanted it.

Empy and Blurred +1 are pretty close to the same, Blurred I think edges it out a bit. I sold my Blurred +1 honestly, I BRD for a lot of HELMs and never have an issue
Server: Asura
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user: Wotasu
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By Asura.Wotasu 2021-10-18 03:30:00
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Slowforever said: »
is blurred harp +1 required for a career bard? Can I just use empy? Did some helms and the group wanted it.
So the diffrence if you look at the Instruments:
Daurdabla       = +30% song duration, larger radius at 4-8, Horde I hits 8 at 154 String skill. 
Horde II needs 648(impossible) String skill to hit 8. 567(impractical) to hit 7.
Blurred Harp +1 = +40% song duration, ^
Gjallarhorn     = +40% song duration, fixed radius at 4
Marsyas         = +50% song duration, ^
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2021-10-18 05:25:40
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I wanted to add my 2 cents on this.
As Wotasu emphasized, the Range in terms of Radius of Horde Lullaby II caps at 648 String Skill, which is currently impossible to obtain in game.
The next tier is 567, which is possible but it's quite a big sacrifice.
Then we're left with the 486 radius tier. This is easily obtainable without any sacrifice... if you use Daurdabla.
Yes, Daurdabla. Some people seem to forget that Daurdabla gives String Skill +20, which allows you to reach the 486 tier without any sacrifice in terms of duration.

So basically Daurdabla vs Blessed+1 is like comparing +1 yalms radius vs +10% duration.
This only applies to Horde Lullaby II of course, for the tier1 spell you autocap the max range but it has half the base duration so we're kinda getting beyond the point of "raising the range of horde without sacrificing the duration".

Does this make Blessed+1 useless? Well, I dunno. For me it's mostly an inventory +1 but to each his own I suppose.

Basically it's something like this:
Marsyas => 50% duration, 4yalms, lotsa macc
Gjallarhorn => 40% duration, 4 yalms, even more macc
Blurred+1 => 40% duration, 5 yalms
Daurdabla => 30% duration, 6 yalms, bit more macc than Blurred

We're kinda being slightly off topic discussing this in the DD BRD thread instead than in the BRD thread anyway.
Posts: 134
By Slowforever 2021-10-19 22:55:44
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Can Bard make Radiance? Was thinking of trying to solo Ambu on D. Need to be able to make light tho. Thinking its a no go
Posts: 494
By Crossbones 2021-10-19 23:26:45
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You can with Aeneas, but the actual ws is trash.
Server: Ramuh
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user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2021-10-20 00:38:15
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You can't make Radiance solo as BRD. You can make Umbra, though.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2021-10-20 02:55:26
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Ramuh.Austar said: »
You can't make Radiance solo as BRD. You can make Umbra, though.

Exentrator > Exentrator with Am3 up is Radiance
Server: Ramuh
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user: Austar
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By Ramuh.Austar 2021-10-20 03:03:53
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I'll rephrase to you can't make a good Radiance solo. And to do it solo, you need to use three. One to put up AM3 and two to make the SC which will then require you to get AM again.
Server: Siren
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user: BruHouse
Posts: 398
By Siren.Bruno 2021-10-20 06:15:07
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the faster way to hit 2 step light

Posts: 134
By Slowforever 2021-10-20 09:07:55
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darn ok, i can try i guess, These formors are weak to light
Server: Ramuh
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user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2021-10-20 13:08:32
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If all you need is light, AM1 will overwrite itself so you can just do Exenterator > Exenterator with AM1 up.
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Posts: 134
By Slowforever 2021-11-21 15:48:04
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Hey guys im doing a wave 3 clear today and want to try to buff my mordant as much as possible. So for songs should I do marchx 2 and charisma etude x2 and 1 minuet? If not what do you suggest? I saw a youtube vid of a bard doing 50k MR's and so I hope to be near that now that I'm nearly bis and just got regal earring.
Server: Asura
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user: Gunit
Posts: 1093
By Asura.Bippin 2021-11-21 19:46:32
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Would depend on buffs/debuffs. Would want as many minuet as needed to cap attack. Also might need a madrigal to cap hit rate.
Posts: 71
By dontclickme 2021-11-21 20:23:27
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BRD is heavily attack starved. so if anything, you want more minuets (as bippin suggested). in w3, you're going to want x2 madrigal. but don't consume yourself with your damage, you priority should be buffing the dd in your party. i'd suggest x2 march, x2 madrigal and dirge during w3. dirge is pretty significant in longer fights. assuming you have a multiple geos in the alliance and a cor in your party, the other dd's are probably attack capped. so dirge would be even more desirable. reducing the enmity generated by the heavy dd's in your party far outweighs the minor benefits you gain from capping your attack.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2021-11-22 03:35:42
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dontclickme said: »
BRD is heavily attack starved. so if anything, you want more minuets (as bippin suggested). in w3, you're going to want x2 madrigal. but don't consume yourself with your damage, you priority should be buffing the dd in your party. i'd suggest x2 march, x2 madrigal and dirge during w3. dirge is pretty significant in longer fights. assuming you have a multiple geos in the alliance and a cor in your party, the other dd's are probably attack capped. so dirge would be even more desirable. reducing the enmity generated by the heavy dd's in your party far outweighs the minor benefits you gain from capping your attack.

Imo Dirge is only useful for W3 boss. Trash mobs or even NMs has not enough HP for DDs to pull hate from tank (deaths usually happens because of AoE imo), but I havent been in W3 in year+, so maybe I don't remember it well enough.
Server: Asura
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user: Aldolol
Posts: 153
By Asura.Aldolol 2021-11-22 07:14:51
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Slowforever said: »
Hey guys im doing a wave 3 clear today and want to try to buff my mordant as much as possible. So for songs should I do marchx 2 and charisma etude x2 and 1 minuet? If not what do you suggest? I saw a youtube vid of a bard doing 50k MR's and so I hope to be near that now that I'm nearly bis and just got regal earring.

50k Mordant Rime's seems rather unrealistic so I am unsure what they were fighting? I wouldn't expect anywhere near that, especially in W3. 20-30k is potentially doable.

In terms of Accuracy a good Red Mage is key to Dynamis in my opinion, if they can reliably land Frazzle and Distract you can get away with 1 Madrigal, if they can't you are going to need 2. With the way the game is at the moment a lot of DD's are going to be using hybrids in Wave 3 if they have one, making Dirge even less useful as they pull much less threat, 2 99k Jinpu for example doesn't even get the mobs attention but 3-4 fudo's at 50k is most likely going to pull hate unless your tank is really good.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2021-11-22 07:53:40
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Asura.Aldolol said: »
50k Mordant Rime's seems rather unrealistic so I am unsure what they were fighting? I wouldn't expect anywhere near that, especially in W3. 20-30k is potentially doable.

Probably blue statue Jeuno goblins. I think 40k Mordant with AM3+QA proc is doable now with 20ML giving you 20dex/chr and /nin PDL I trait, but that would be spike, not avg. Avg would be closer to 27.7k with capped attack.

Now Savage Blade... 45k avg and 50k spikes possible without a problem :)
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jimmyjazz
Posts: 90
By Bahamut.Skald 2021-11-22 08:52:26
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Properly geared Mordant Rime sets are going to get you anywhere from low 20's to 40+ where the top end is indeed the outlier dependent on quad procs.

HM/min/min/mad/mad is used for the entirety of W3 up to boss, dropping a min for dirge if DD can't keep it in their pants or your tank(s) are strugglebus.

W3 boss requiring only 1 mad, this is where dirge is typically more useful and replaces the 2nd mad. I have in the past thrown up an Etude on self in place of it but keep in mind that the nature of near every DD subbing drg and cor's spamming salutes without consequence means any brd worth their salt is going to be the first one pulling hate. Dirge over etude gives you that much more time before the inevitable.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2021-11-23 02:00:06
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I haven't tested on the spreadsheet but I seriously doubt you can get Mordant Rime damage as high as 50k average.
Not even as a spike to be fair.
You would have issues achieving that even on a weak monster, it's gonna be worse on durable targets like W3 ones.

To reach such values you would need a good multiattack proc AND some other bonus. Like one of the WS bonuses you get in some dyna zones according to the zone's conditions, or a target being weak against piercing, or stuff like that.
Without anything like that it's not realistic to reach such number with MR.

With Savage Blade instead... well it's a high number even for savage blade but perfectly realistic on a good target with good buffs and good gear.
Maybe not W3 stuff lol, but in general yes, it's a perfectly reasonable number.

Oh as far as which songs to use to boost MR numbers.
CHR etudes are never the right choice unless you're att capped.
If you're not (and most of the time you won't be) then minuet will always grant you better numbers.
So, in a scenario where you're getting Haste2 from a RDM, the songs you should use are HM, Madrigal, Minuetx3 (or Minux2 and Dirge tbf, Dirge changes your life especially on long lasting targets like W3 megabosses)
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2021-11-23 02:14:51
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Asura.Sechs said: »
With Savage Blade instead... well it's a high number even for savage blade but perfectly realistic on a good target with good buffs and good gear.
Maybe not W3 stuff lol, but in general yes, it's a perfectly reasonable number.

50k on W3 with savage is for sure possible with attack cap. Especially if you hold TP. At ML20 with PDL I now and 20STR/MND at 3000TP (1750 with Centovente and Moonshade) Im getting 48k AVERAGE on Warder of Courage, which is higher lvl and stats than most W3. Spikes can break 60k. Not sure what's the situation with Cento on BRD at W3 now. 20DEX and 20acc help for sure, but maybe it's still not viable.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2021-11-23 02:27:07
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Yeah I was talking about ML0 BRD.
Savage Blade 50k average on W3 stuff doesn't seem impossible at all -which is exactely what I said in my post so I'm not sure what you're arguing against- but I wouldn't say it's easily reachable either.

First of all if you hold TP it's not an "average" anymore, and secondly in a realistic situation BRD won't be att capped on those things most of the time, let alone be able to use PDL.
Can it happen? Absolutely, as a matter of fact I said it's possible, I experienced it myself a couple of times with ML0 during W3 runs.
But is it common, average or what you should expect from your average BRD in an average PUG run?
Well, probably not.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2021-11-23 02:38:54
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Yeah I was talking about ML0 BRD.
Savage Blade 50k average on W3 stuff doesn't seem impossible at all -which is exactely what I said in my post so I'm not sure what you're arguing against- but I wouldn't say it's easily reachable either.

First of all if you hold TP it's not an "average" anymore, and secondly in a realistic situation BRD won't be att capped on those things most of the time, let alone be able to use PDL.
Can it happen? Absolutely, as a matter of fact I said it's possible, I experienced it myself a couple of times with ML0 during W3 runs.
But is it common, average or what you should expect from your average BRD in an average PUG run?
Well, probably not.

Im not arguing really, more like I wanted to add additional hard info from sheet, because your post sounds more like guessing based on experience and you even said you haven't checked it and sounds like you are not sure.

My sentence about average when holding TP was also confusing. I didn't mean 48k as average in the sense we usually talk about average, I meant that as proof that 50k+ spikes are easily reachable, because average damage for 3000TP is 48.5k under conditions I mentioned (and spikes usually are a byproduct of TP overflow with Savage Blade).

So to be clear:
1. Savage on W3 at ML20 with capped attack wont be 50k avg. More like 40k+ with Centovente.
2. QA proc spikes on TP overflowed Savage can break even 60k and easily break 50k at W3 with ML20 and capped attack.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jimmyjazz
Posts: 90
By Bahamut.Skald 2021-11-23 12:18:44
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SimonSes said: »
20DEX and 20acc help for sure, but maybe it's still not viable.

If not viable meaning poor offhand accuracy outside of soul voiced w2 boss buffs carry over and big buffs on w3 boss then yes, but it has been viable if geared/buffed/debuffed correctly and you can come to terms with the sacrifice of undercapped acc tp bonus off handing just like other jobs are "required" to do.

I would only point out that what hinders savage on bard in w3 the most is the scenario in which everyone and their uncle's dog are using it and so suffering consecutive repeated ws penalty to the point where mordant rime spam is more advantageous. This is often the case in our group and in not contributing to the derp spam not only are we helping ourselves but we are also breaking the chain and improving group dps.

That said, since mlv dropped I had been required on other jobs so I can not attest firsthand to the feel of mlv20 brd in w3, am looking forward to next saturday for this reason :)
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2021-11-23 12:44:40
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Bahamut.Skald said: »
If not viable meaning poor offhand accuracy outside of soul voiced w2 boss buffs carry over and big buffs on w3 boss then yes, but it has been viable if geared/buffed/debuffed correctly and you can come to terms with the sacrifice of undercapped acc tp bonus off handing just like other jobs are "required" to do.

Not sure if I understood you here. You suggest other jobs offhanding TP bonus weapons at W3 are also acc uncapped? I guess that would depend which job. Despite huge WS damage advantage Naegling is not really that much ahead with DPS of AM3 Carn build. If you drop Centovente Hit rate to around 70% or below, Carn build starts winning.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 266
By Asura.Aburaage 2021-11-23 14:08:51
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As a BRD I also tend to stick to Mordant for W2 boss since there are so many others DD who uses Savage blade and adding more SB to the mix will just penalize each other damage.
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