Military Parade - A DD Bard Guide
By Crossbones 2020-05-16 18:42:33
If you use a naegling it's pretty rare about being under attack cap, instead you have to worry more about accuracy but even that's not much of a problem outside of wave 3 and particular ambu months (such as this one). Personally I gear more for when I'm not attack capped so I tend to use bihu gear over lustratio, particularly the leg and body slots, can go with the head and feet too if you really want and this allows you to stay alive longer if caught in the wrong set (although it's very rare for me to die on brd, I'm usually the last to die). For savage I use wsd ring from adoulin and I think petrov ring. I'm sure there are better opinions but I play like 16 jobs and I've already killed everything in the game so a couple % more dps doesn't mean much to me.
By Tarualex 2020-05-16 19:42:36
Thanks for the detailed explanation.
What are you all using as your offhand when using Naegling? I've been using Cento for the tp bonus.
Also, I'm considering changing out the boots in the build. I picked up Chironic Slippers with Acc+5 and WSD +9 this month. However, I'm not sure is WSD+9 is worth losing 11 STR, 3 MND, 31 ACC, and 41 Att. Maybe the Chironic are only good for att caped situations?
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2020-05-16 19:45:14
If you're going for Naegling of course you want Centovente.
If you're doing content where Acc is vital, chances are you won't be using Naegling to begin with.
Well, there might be exceptions of course but in general I feel it's something like this.
By Tarualex 2020-05-16 20:02:50
Cool. Thanks for the advice/information Sechs and Crossbones.
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By Asura.Laboob 2020-05-21 16:45:22
I use agony jerkin r15 in my AM3 set now. I think it’s my best option till I get Ashera. Thoughts?
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By Asura.Sechs 2020-05-21 18:29:13
Yes I pretty much agree with that, it's basically an Ashera Harness -1 for that purpose.
By Laboob 2020-05-22 01:34:07
Yes I pretty much agree with that, it's basically an Ashera Harness -1 for that purpose.
The lower accuracy was concerning me. But I dont see many other options.
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By Asura.Sechs 2020-05-22 06:02:38
You can compensate for lower accuracy in other slots, and if you really are in a situation where you need every last single point of accuracy, just swap to Ayanmo+2, I mean even if it's an inferior option for AM3 up sets it's not like it's "bad".
I mean, in the end it's not like you can help it.
Ashera Harness is hard to farm.
Agony Jerkin +1 can be yours in a few hours and like 20 mils gil.
By geigei 2020-05-22 06:38:10
For savage blade, head/hands path b lustratio is bis? high str, some acc, some wsdmg, not counting dm augs on chironic.
Assuming capped acc/att from buffs.
By SimonSes 2020-05-22 07:02:53
It probably is, same as for Rudra and imo that's the biggest weakness of those WSs. During Mordant you have rather high meva, high PDT etc. while during Rudra/Savage you are just asking to be debuffed or one shoted.
By geigei 2020-05-22 07:05:51
during Rudra/Savage you are just asking to be debuffed or one shoted. Already happened -.-
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By Asura.Sechs 2020-05-22 13:58:04
Yeah I don't use Lustratio for that (silly?) reason.
If you're not attack capped Bihu+3 can provide surprisingly good results on Savage Blade btw.
Your other option for Att capped Savage Blade is probably Ayanmo+2. Pretty high STR and MND mods which only get better with set bonus.
No WSD but it's probably one of the best options after Lustratio, with some DT too!
Keep in mind if you have a lot of buffs up chances are you'll be capped for Savage Blade (or at least closer to the cap) even if you're not capped on melee. That's because of the Buff # > Att Bonus granted by Naegling.
Nobody knows the exact details of how it works, I suppose there is a cap and any buffs past a certain number will produce no att increase? Other than that I think it works on every single buff slot you get.
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By Eilonwy 2020-06-22 06:00:09
I'm thinking of altering my LUA for Carn so that I stack multiattack pre-AM3 and Store TP post-AM3. Does anyone have a setup in their lua like this? I'm trying to figure out which pieces would be best in both sets (pre and post). Any help is appreciated.
By Korgull 2020-06-22 06:21:53
Most luas handle that function. Check line 658 of arislan's brd lua for example:
sets.engaged.Aftermath = {
head="Aya. Zucchetto +2",
body="Ashera Harness",
neck="Bard's Charm +1",
ring1={name="Chirich Ring +1", bag="wardrobe3"},
ring2={name="Chirich Ring +1", bag="wardrobe4"},
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By Asura.Sechs 2020-06-22 11:31:47
You don't get a lot of STP options for bard for the main slots, aside from augmented stuff.
Head: Ayanmo+2, Volte
Body: Ashera Harness, Volte, Agony Jerkin +1 (R15)
Hands: Volte
Legs: Volte
Feet: Volte, Battlecast Gaiters
You don't get many (viable) options with multiattack either, alas. It's mostly about the augs.
Head: Blistering Sallet +1 (this is getting R15 next patch, possibly!), Highwing Helm
Body: Ayanmo Corazza +2,
Legs: Zoar Subligar +1 (R15). In theory you have Telchine (aug) too, but it's gonna be a problem to compensate for the lack of haste, means using a different ammo or a different belt or a different aug on cape. Imho not worth it.
Feet: uhm... no ilevel option that I can think of.
But it's mostly all about the sexy QA augs on Chironic, sorta compensated by some high haste legs like Jokushu, Volte or Ayanmo
Keep in mind multiattack is not completely useless if you're dualwielding, it gets annoyingly reduced return for MH but full return for the OH.
By Cpu 2020-06-22 19:08:09
For savage blade, head/hands path b lustratio is bis? high str, some acc, some wsdmg, not counting dm augs on chironic.
Assuming capped acc/att from buffs. Savage blade is 50% STR 50% MND so the Relic+3 is still probably BiS and obviously offers way better defensive stats. I'm following this node for my BRD: https://www.ffxiah.com/node/355.
Edit: Oops, changed AF -> Relic
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By Asura.Botosi 2020-06-22 19:22:45
For savage blade, head/hands path b lustratio is bis? high str, some acc, some wsdmg, not counting dm augs on chironic.
Assuming capped acc/att from buffs. Savage blade is 50% STR 50% MND so the AF+3 is still probably BiS and obviously offers way better defensive stats. I'm following this node for my BRD: https://www.ffxiah.com/node/355.
That's Relic +3, not AF+3.
By Oronyx 2020-06-22 19:43:26
Gotta admit, Briko sets is pretty damn indepth. Good-job to the author. Makes me want to play DD BRD
By Cpu 2020-06-23 14:14:00
Has anyone else ever tried to get k-club offhand working for a BRD melee setup? Obviously you need serious acc buffs, but you're pretty close to naegling/centovente accuracy anyways. I'm trying to build a TP set for it now but I'm still missing some key pieces like ashera harness and the 7% DA on Ayanmo body really sucks since it takes priority over OAX.
The WS damage itself seems decent with Aeneas and Moonshade earring providing a 750 TP bonus to Rudra's Storm, and k-club has pretty consistent TP overflow which somewhat negates not having the TP bonus dagger offhand. Anyways, just curious if anyone else has been able to make this work with perfect gearsets or if I'm just wasting my time.
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By Asura.Sechs 2020-06-23 14:17:02
If you want a STP body option without multiattack but don't have Ashera Harness, you can use Agony Jerkin +1 (R15).
I'm personally moderately skeptic about DPS on BRD with Kclub Offhand, but hey, glad to be proven wrong by exciting parse results :-D
By Cpu 2020-06-23 14:20:41
I considered that but BRD is already acc starved with k-club since it has a D in club skill (~50 less acc than Cento offhand). I might try it anyways just to compare parses on something easier like Ambuscade N but my goal would be to put together something that is at least competitive with Naeg/Cento for more difficult content. Either way I'll update here if I have any results to share.
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By Asura.Sechs 2020-06-23 15:03:03
For "more difficult content" I bet you mean content where you can't afford to use Naegling/Cento (which let me remind you it's theoretically our best DPS option atm, sigh).
Given this premise that acc is not gonna be enough to use Cento, no way it's ever gonna be good enough to use Kclub and no swap gear-wise will ever compensate that.
It's more a situation of: "More WS for less damage" vs "Less WS but for way more damage" in the same amount of time.
Personally I think the latter is gonna win always for BRD (Naegling or Twashtar MH, Cento OH) rather than Kclub OH, with even less acc than Cento.
Maybe it's just me but I feel I get to 1000TP so incredibly fast I have problems TPing at exactely 1000 because of insane TP overflow.
I don't see Kclub makin that situation better, if anything.
But hey, this is just a hunch of mine, I could be totally wrong and I'be very glad to be proven wrong, like I said before.
By SimonSes 2020-06-23 15:10:22
If anything, Kclub could be a better OH for Carn. Do full STP build trying to get to 1000TP in one attack round often and making 3000TP for AM3 would be way easier too. Carn main is even less accuracy tho, so it wouldn't be a setup for high ilvl endgame.
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By Asura.Sechs 2020-06-23 15:13:21
Not like Mordant Rime is bad or anything (with Carn MH) but sometimes I wish its power scaled with TP ;_;
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By Shiva.Flowen 2020-06-23 15:20:01
Has anyone else ever tried to get k-club offhand working for a BRD melee setup? Obviously you need serious acc buffs, but you're pretty close to naegling/centovente accuracy anyways. I'm trying to build a TP set for it now but I'm still missing some key pieces like ashera harness and the 7% DA on Ayanmo body really sucks since it takes priority over OAX.
The WS damage itself seems decent with Aeneas and Moonshade earring providing a 750 TP bonus to Rudra's Storm, and k-club has pretty consistent TP overflow which somewhat negates not having the TP bonus dagger offhand. Anyways, just curious if anyone else has been able to make this work with perfect gearsets or if I'm just wasting my time.
Centovente is still going to add too much to Rudra's to pass up (~40% higher fTP). What could be viable/fun is tauret/kclub evis spam - Although i'll admit I haven't tested tauret out too much for BRD, I imagine there are situations where it is competitive similar to THF and DNC.
Relic body +3 isn't a bad option for accuracy/hybrid without ashera.
By Crossbones 2020-06-23 15:31:27
For tauret I don't think you could get good evisceration numbers out of it, however it's really good for aeolian edge. Some of the other brds I know have been pumping out really good AE numbers in wave 3.
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By Asura.Sechs 2020-06-23 15:42:23
Brd doesn't really have the crit and cdmg options that DNC and THF get though. This has to be taken into consideration when taking about evis.
That said I'm confident in low buffs situations tauret's evis could be quite nice.
By Cpu 2020-06-23 16:31:30
For "more difficult content" I bet you mean content where you can't afford to use Naegling/Cento (which let me remind you it's theoretically our best DPS option atm, sigh).
Given this premise that acc is not gonna be enough to use Cento, no way it's ever gonna be good enough to use Kclub and no swap gear-wise will ever compensate that.
It's more a situation of: "More WS for less damage" vs "Less WS but for way more damage" in the same amount of time.
Personally I think the latter is gonna win always for BRD (Naegling or Twashtar MH, Cento OH) rather than Kclub OH, with even less acc than Cento.
Maybe it's just me but I feel I get to 1000TP so incredibly fast I have problems TPing at exactely 1000 because of insane TP overflow.
I don't see Kclub makin that situation better, if anything.
But hey, this is just a hunch of mine, I could be totally wrong and I'be very glad to be proven wrong, like I said before. My upper level for content right now is W2 NMs and Omen bosses and I'm currently using naeg/cent with 2x mad, honor march, and acc food without any issues. Basically I'm just looking to see if I can pump DPS higher because I 5box and COR and BRD end up as my primary DDs. Right now my COR is almost always significantly outparsing my BRD because of the lack of multi attack gear options. I'm trying to avoid having to monitor/maintain AM3 because it's annoying to do while multiboxing but if that's really the best solution then I can probably invest some time into having gearswap autoWS for me when appropriate.
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By Asura.Sechs 2020-06-23 18:04:25
Not sure I would call Carn and AM3 mantaining the best DPS option for bard.
It's the favourite for many of us for other reasons, but the best in pure DPS? I'm not sure, doubt it.
Plus it would be quite inconvenient for a multiboxer like you, honestly.
I don't think you can realistically pump BRD's DPS higher than Naegl/Cento.
Altough if you have to resort to double madrigal AND marcato HM one could wonder that maybe other options (with Minux2 instead of madrix2) might be better, but it would have to be tested of course.
By Cpu 2020-06-23 19:06:36
Not sure I would call Carn and AM3 mantaining the best DPS option for bard.
It's the favourite for many of us for other reasons, but the best in pure DPS? I'm not sure, doubt it.
Plus it would be quite inconvenient for a multiboxer like you, honestly.
I don't think you can realistically pump BRD's DPS higher than Naegl/Cento.
Altough if you have to resort to double madrigal AND marcato HM one could wonder that maybe other options (with Minux2 instead of madrix2) might be better, but it would have to be tested of course. My attack is usually already capped from some combination of fury/frailty/chaos/dia4 so using minuets would only open up one of those for a defensive roll/bubble. Minuets might be better for the W2 NMs where frailty is nerfed though. I’m glad that Naeg/Cent is still probably the best combo but I’ll keep playing around with k-club to see if I can get it working.