Military Parade - A DD Bard Guide
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 55
By Shiva.Dayone 2020-04-12 23:59:23
Wasn't there a thing that if you cast the spell on actual Albumen that it doesn't land on the adds either then?
Been quite a while since I slept adds, but I think I remember targeting one of the adds and not Albumen. Or I'm just making that up..
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that one of the adds was cast on.
Good point out.
Server: Odin
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Posts: 2255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2020-04-13 04:20:47
In the log it shows:
Soul Voice
Clarion Call
Horde Lullaby 2-->resists If every single one of them resisted, then odds are Troubadour wore off before Lullaby was attempted. Unless your BRD has some gear locking involved when using T/N, using the abilities immediately after the other can cause some gear mishaps in gearswap. Numerous times I've done Troubadour > Nightingale and ended up not getting the extra 20 seconds on my Nightingale, so if your BRD didn't attempt to Lullaby until a minute after Troubadour, it's possible it may have worn off earlier than expected.
Troubadour not being up or Troubadour not being 5/5 should be the only reasons for the mandies to resist Lullaby as far as I know.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 55
By Shiva.Dayone 2020-04-13 20:46:19
You didn't read the post. Good point out wasn't meant to say it was solved.
If every single one of them resisted, then odds are Troubadour wore off before Lullaby was attempted. Unless your BRD has some gear locking involved when using T/N, using the abilities immediately after the other can cause some gear mishaps in gearswap. Numerous times I've done Troubadour > Nightingale and ended up not getting the extra 20 seconds on my Nightingale, so if your BRD didn't attempt to Lullaby until a minute after Troubadour, it's possible it may have worn off earlier than expected.
Troubadour not being up or Troubadour not being 5/5 should be the only reasons for the mandies to resist Lullaby as far as I know.
Thanks, I'll recheck the logs and we'll make sure there isn't something really funky going on with gearsets.
By Asura.Briko 2020-05-02 23:14:01
Updated my brd node. Always looking for audit if I overlooked anything.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 167
By Shiva.Applesmash 2020-05-03 00:21:10
Should probably add some mid-tier/low-tier sets for the plebs who don't have Ashera Harnesses and Volte gear like us :p
Otherwise looks pretty good.
By gistofanything 2020-05-03 00:27:32
You pretty much use full Ayanmo +2 and then swap out a multiattack build for an STP build as you get Carn, Ashera Harness, and 4/5 Volte (with carn am3).
By Asura.Briko 2020-05-03 00:32:31
Should probably add some mid-tier/low-tier sets for the plebs who don't have Ashera Harnesses and Volte gear like us :p
Otherwise looks pretty good. This node isn't designed to be a guide for new players, its a node for tracking BiS regardless of any other factors. Hence the 14ish Linos and Intarabus Capes. lol
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 167
By Shiva.Applesmash 2020-05-03 00:37:45
Then 10DEX belt should beat Grunfeld for Rudra's? No ?
You pretty much use full Ayanmo +2 and then swap out a multiattack build for an STP build as you get Carn, Ashera Harness, and 4/5 Volte (with carn am3).
Yep. My BRD mule has pretty much everything, just saying for people who'd like to get into melee BRD too.
By Asura.Briko 2020-05-03 01:25:43
Then 10DEX belt should beat Grunfeld for Rudra's? No ?
You pretty much use full Ayanmo +2 and then swap out a multiattack build for an STP build as you get Carn, Ashera Harness, and 4/5 Volte (with carn am3).
Yep. My BRD mule has pretty much everything, just saying for people who'd like to get into melee BRD too.
Grunfeld beats it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10292
By Asura.Sechs 2020-05-03 08:45:46
You pretty much use full Ayanmo +2 and then swap out a multiattack build for an STP build as you get Carn, Ashera Harness, and 4/5 Volte (with carn am3). Not sure I'd go 4/5 Volte.
Ayanmo+2 head vs Volte Tiara hmmm, you get a small bit of Meva and HP but you lose a small bit of accuracy, 13 STR (att!) and DT-3%.
I mean I dunno, pros and cons but out of the two I think more often than not I'd be leaning towards Ayanmo+2.
Even more so if, for whatever reason, you have at least another ayanmo piece in your set.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1
By Cerberus.Kagemusha 2020-05-05 12:27:12
Is the BRD guide on the first page up to date?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2288
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2020-05-05 12:55:30
Cerberus.Kagemusha said: »Is the BRD guide on the first page up to date?
Nope -
Use this -
These need to be updated a bit (DI Accessories blah blah blah) but most of it is solid - No Melee stuff on it but its the most updated brd guide to bookmark
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10292
By Asura.Sechs 2020-05-05 16:03:13
Did you just suggest him a series of sets with no melee, inside a thread for brd melee? :-P
Jokes aside Funk's sets are imho the best around, in general, so kudos for linking them. Sadly no melee stuff in there and given how the original poster made a post into the melee-brd thread I assume he was interested in melee sets ^^'
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2288
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2020-05-05 17:20:20
Yeah haha, sorry about that - I never realized it until I actually relooked at it today, but I already posted it- That's why I edited it saying there is no melee - Still, going back a few pages along with having Funks sets I can't see anywhere else with more comprehensive list of items for a brd to aim for
By Wotasu 2020-05-05 17:29:53
this was posted a few days ago
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2288
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2020-05-05 18:39:43
Oh wow - Hella good stuff
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10292
By Asura.Sechs 2020-05-05 19:10:55
I'm a bit unsure on Ishvara winning for Mordant Rime, but at capped attack with super buffs etc, it might.
If anything, more for lack of better options and devaluation of multiattack if you have AM3 up (slightly different with AM3 down maybe).
Guess it kinda depends on how many Mordant Rime sets you want to create and mantain, I suppose.
Some other things I noticed:
1) Centovente offhand for Carnwenhan in the /NIN tp set, wut? Probably a small mistake. Centovente meant for Twashtar MH surely.
2) I think a lot of the sets are more well thought for Carn users with AM3 up? With other weapons like Aeneas (maybe Twash too) I'd probably try to give a bit more attention to multiattack. In theory to Carn too when AM3 is down.
3) I'm personally not a fan of Lustratio+1, but it's undeniably the best pure-dps set for those slots on Rudra and Evis, heh, what can you say. There are at least a couple of valid alternatives for Evis though, if you don't wanna use Lust+1
4) I'm moderately skeptic on Hetairoi beating Ilabrat for Evis, but I can see that happen I guess, especially at capped attack. Either way I'd love to see some tests on this!
5) On Exenterator with really low att values I can see Relic+3 winning in those slots because of the +att, I remember getting similar results when I tested it myself. Past a certain threshold or at capped attack Volte should win though. Either way, lolexenterator
6) For Evis I think there's space to debate Crit+10 vs DA+10 in the cape. It depends on how much crit you get from the other slots and your buffs and the debuffs on the mob. Would really love to see how close they get to each other but I wouldn't take for granted to have Crit+10 win over DA+10 in every scenario.
Ok, no clear answers, just food for thought. Would love to hear more opinions on these points.
Pretty awesome sets overall, granted some parts are a bit unrealistic.
By Crossbones 2020-05-05 20:26:15
I use centovente quite often with carn MH. On long fights you can get AM3 up for faster TP gain then spam rudras for high dmg + SC dmg. I'm not saying I use this combo all the time, but I have about 6-7 diff weapon combos I use and occasionally this is one of them. Personally though I try to avoid using carn as much as possible. It's a pain in the *** getting and maintaining AM3 on BRD and mordant is just not a super impressive WS, but many disagree and I can respect that.
By Asura.Briko 2020-05-05 21:11:05
I'm a bit unsure on Ishvara winning for Mordant Rime, but at capped attack with super buffs etc, it might.
If anything, more for lack of better options and devaluation of multiattack if you have AM3 up (slightly different with AM3 down maybe).
Guess it kinda depends on how many Mordant Rime sets you want to create and mantain, I suppose.
Some other things I noticed:
1) Centovente offhand for Carnwenhan in the /NIN tp set, wut? Probably a small mistake. Centovente meant for Twashtar MH surely.
2) I think a lot of the sets are more well thought for Carn users with AM3 up? With other weapons like Aeneas (maybe Twash too) I'd probably try to give a bit more attention to multiattack. In theory to Carn too when AM3 is down.
3) I'm personally not a fan of Lustratio+1, but it's undeniably the best pure-dps set for those slots on Rudra and Evis, heh, what can you say. There are at least a couple of valid alternatives for Evis though, if you don't wanna use Lust+1
4) I'm moderately skeptic on Hetairoi beating Ilabrat for Evis, but I can see that happen I guess, especially at capped attack. Either way I'd love to see some tests on this!
5) On Exenterator with really low att values I can see Relic+3 winning in those slots because of the +att, I remember getting similar results when I tested it myself. Past a certain threshold or at capped attack Volte should win though. Either way, lolexenterator
6) For Evis I think there's space to debate Crit+10 vs DA+10 in the cape. It depends on how much crit you get from the other slots and your buffs and the debuffs on the mob. Would really love to see how close they get to each other but I wouldn't take for granted to have Crit+10 win over DA+10 in every scenario.
Ok, no clear answers, just food for thought. Would love to hear more opinions on these points.
Pretty awesome sets overall, granted some parts are a bit unrealistic.
1) Oversight on my part, I didnt use to have misc gear listed at the bottom of the Node, and use to just list every dagger in the sets up top. Its a holdover, and Ill be removing daggers from the tp sets because ultimatley your dagger config matters more for which WS you are prioritizing.
2) BRD lacks alot of solid multiattack options in the 5 armor slots, so in my testing I found the store tp is consistent for xhit where the multiattack is a crapshoot even with twash or aneas.
3) Can confirm I've died many times to having lustratio on during aoe, but it does the biggest numbers hehe.
4) Evisceration fTP transfers across all hits, so multiattack procing will give you a much bigger return over the 10dex. Attack, depends on content. Outside of specific ambuscades or NMs requiring crits, you probably wont be using this skill often.
5) agree lol
6) I lean on crit for the cape because the primary use Ive found for evis is for fights where you need to proc crits. If you're trying for max damage, then DA would likely be better.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10292
By Asura.Sechs 2020-05-06 04:45:49
2) Excluding crazy DM augments (let's exclude them, please! XD) BRD has some decent multiattack options, c'mon: Cape (DA+10), Waist (Sailfi+1, Windbuffet+1), Body (Ayanmo+2), ears (Brutal, Cessance, Mache+1, Balder+1), legs (Zoar+1, arguably Telchine+1 but let's ignore that) and ammo (Linos with QA+3/DA+3). I can't test on the spreadsheet anymore because it's way too outdated right now, but the last time I did some meaningful tests (around 2 years ago?) I was getting multiattack beating STP options for Carn when AM3 is down. Not all slots maybe, but most of them.
Granted there's new STP gear available that wasn't there when I did my test so, who knows, but I'm confident at least for a few slots multiattack is gonna win over STP, with AM3 down.
I just listed all the decent multiattack options that came to mind, didn't mean you need to use them all at the same time. For some slots it's unviable, like the Waist slot for instance, if you're dualwielding.
I use centovente quite often with carn MH.
[cut] To me it sounds uselessly complicated :x
I won't argue against Centovente usage on BRD in general, we can discuss that another time.
But if you're adamant on using it OH and especially since you hate Carn, why even bother with setting up Mythic AM3 to spam Rudra?
I mean if that's what you wanna do just use R15 Twashtar MH?
I dunno, even in fights where you can reliably "precharge" 3k TP before engaging I don't see Carn/Cento (AM3 up) beating Twash/Cento :x
I could be wrong hey, I'd love to hear more on this from you if you think I'm wrong.
By SimonSes 2020-05-06 06:07:54
I dunno, even in fights where you can reliably "precharge" 3k TP before engaging I don't see Carn/Cento (AM3 up) beating Twash/Cento :x
While you are probably right, having R15 Twashtar on BRD might be a big investment for pure damage and R15 Carn is more universal tool that you need outside of damage too. So if you need to use Rudra and can actually cap hit rate with Cento, then it might work. With AM3 up I would personally just spam Mordant with some good offhand tho, because its much safer. Mordant WS set has very good defensive values (nice meva and high pdt), while Rudra is just trash for defence and in spam scenario its very easy to get caught with TP move in WS set and BRD is squishy enough to instantly regret that lol.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10292
By Asura.Sechs 2020-05-06 07:13:23
With AM3 up I would personally just spam Mordant with some good offhand tho Bingo!
And BiS offhand for Mordant I think is still perf Taming Sari.
We'll see what happens to Ternion Dagger +1 in 2 months I guess.
By Tarualex 2020-05-16 12:13:47
Hello all. I am working on my Mordent Rime set and looking for suggestions on rings. I do not have the Metamorph ring +1 or the Epaminondas's Ring at this time. Until I get them, should i just stack CHR with something like Carby rings?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10292
By Asura.Sechs 2020-05-16 12:36:30
Airy Ring is cheap and a fantastic option for Mordant Rime.
Carbuncle Ring +1 is another good option but you might lose too much accuracy, it sorta depends on your gear in the other slots.
A non-optimal but decent entry-level ring that you might already have is Ilabrat Ring.
DEX is a secondary mod for Mordant Rime, but it grants some accuracy and 25 attack. If you're not att capped, that alone is gonna make a pretty noticeable difference.
By Crossbones 2020-05-16 12:47:17
I only use carn/cento in very rare circumstances. Usually it's when I want a decent ws avg and high ws frequency over a lower ws frequency but higher ws avg (twash / cento) and also can stomach maintaining am3. I also have R15 twash but I only use that when I can offhand cento and when I'm fighting a pierce weak mob or self SC dmg adds enough to not use naegling, also pretty rare. Most of the time if I'm main handing carn I prefer to use twash over sari. You trade some triple attack for lower delay but the few points more dex on twash helps rudras damage when I overtp which can happen quite often (especially with lag and if I'm tabbed over while multiboxing) and there's no reason to use mordant over rudras once you're past a certain tp threshold as mordant doesn't scale with tp. Brd has a lot of weapon combos and they all have merit so it just comes down to each players preferred style and any given situation. I like to have options available for a multitude of circumstances.
By jiluun 2020-05-16 16:36:29
How badly does 5/5 Bihu for Savage Blade beat Bihu body plus 4 Lustratio +1?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10292
By Asura.Sechs 2020-05-16 16:42:38
Briko has 5/5 Bihu+3 on his Savage Blade set iir.
Other options are Lustratio+1 (different augs from Rudra for some pieces, so that's even more inventory and gil waste) or Ayanmo+2.
Aside from the fact Ayanmo doesn't have WSD, it has really nice STR/MND values, even more if you have multiple pieces.
They also have really good accuracy.
Of course they completely lack attack.
In a capped attack situation Ayanmo would destroy Bihu+3 (except the body, of course).
In an uncapped attack situation, heh, Bihu has a shitton of attack so there's a threshold somewhere and until you reach it, Bihu is gonna win I think.
I don't really like discussing SB on BRD because I find it offensive, but it's an undeniably strong option. In many situations THE strongest option, it saddens me to admit it but it's how things are alas.
Crossbones is a heretic, apostate, blasphemous BRD (:-P) who uses SB a lot, maybe he can share his SB sets and answer your doubts way better than I could ever do, jiluun :-)
By Tarualex 2020-05-16 18:05:57
Thanks for the feedback Sechs. I've been using Ilabrat Ring and a Ramuh +1. I may pick up a couple Carbuncle rings just for testing.
On the topic of using SB, you talk about the different sets based on being attack capped. Is there an easy way to identify when you reach that cap?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10292
By Asura.Sechs 2020-05-16 18:26:21
Easy way? I'm afraid not.
It's more a matter of sometimes you zerg stuff with so many buffs/debuffs that of course you're gonna be att capped.
If you're in a group that uses 2x BRDs rotating, chances are you're gonna get 4-5 less songs than other players in your group.
Also while rotating back and forth there are chances you're gonna lose 1-2 rolls, and if one of rolls you lose is Chaos, you get the picture.
Last but not least, BRD has notoriously less base att and less att gear compared to most other DD jobs.
When you put all these things together, I think it's gonna be less common for a BRD to be att capped than it is for most (but not all, clearly) other DDs.
But this is pretty obvious and probably there was no need for me to say it.
Leaving that aside and goin back on your original question: no, I'm afraid there is no easy way, it's way too dependant on your group setups, your food and the target you're fighting.
Once you fight something enough times I guess you're gonna learn a generic, approximate threshold needed for you to be att capped.