Military Parade - A DD Bard Guide

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Military Parade - A DD Bard Guide
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Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2019-10-02 05:30:41
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Naegling actually performs pretty well, granted the WSD choice of BRD isn't exactely the best outside of DM aug Chironic.
It is for sure one of the best options in situations where you can afford it and where Savage Blade works well.

Still it's blasphemy and you should feel bad for wanting to use a Naegling on BRD.
Raise the forks! Burn the heretic! :-P
Server: Asura
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user: Cronnus
Posts: 267
By Asura.Outlawbruce 2019-10-02 07:08:45
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I'd take R15 carn over naegling anyday. Switching weapons and losing TP sucks. BiS for both weapon skills is basically the exact same set. But C- in sword for high end content. I rather take our B- daggers. Especially if you rather go rudras route. Both the dagger weaponskills skill well with others. And I always /dnc for the boosts in skill chain damage.
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 258
By Bahamut.Eternallight 2019-10-03 16:28:56
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So on the off change im single wielding as bard for whatever reason, what are the suggested earrings/belt to use in place of dual wielding pieces?
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2019-10-03 16:48:10
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Bahamut.Eternallight said: »
So on the off change im single wielding as bard for whatever reason, what are the suggested earrings/belt to use in place of dual wielding pieces?

Windbuffet +1 for belt.

Telos/Dedition for ears if acc is not a concern. If you need a higher acc set, swap Dedition out for Cessance (if acc is at a premium) or Brutal.
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 258
By Bahamut.Eternallight 2019-10-03 16:48:41
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Sweet deal. Thank you :D
Posts: 18
By fett2 2019-10-10 11:50:07
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So I recently got Carnwenhan. Not afterglowed yet, but working on it.
I'm going to be getting Bastok Wave 3 cleared soon and I'm considering Carn to be my first R15, but I can't decide if I should prioritize that over my other mythics. The other mythics I'd consider are Death Penalty or Tizona.

Right now I DD with Savage Blade on bard, and I put out some pretty decent numbers.

Would you prioritize carn R15 over the other mythics I've listed?
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 258
By Bahamut.Eternallight 2019-10-10 11:52:59
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In a way that one will come down to what you play the most.

AG Carn will only boost your damage, so it is really how often you get to come as DD bard vs say, how often you are going as Cor or Blu.

Id say you should R15 whichever you play the most since you will get the most out of it.
Server: Shiva
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user: Arislan
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By Shiva.Arislan 2019-10-10 12:08:35
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fett2 said: »
So I recently got Carnwenhan. Not afterglowed yet, but working on it.
I'm going to be getting Bastok Wave 3 cleared soon and I'm considering Carn to be my first R15, but I can't decide if I should prioritize that over my other mythics. The other mythics I'd consider are Death Penalty or Tizona.

Right now I DD with Savage Blade on bard, and I put out some pretty decent numbers.

Would you prioritize carn R15 over the other mythics I've listed?

Tizona R15 > Carn R15 > DP R15
Server: Asura
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user: Cronnus
Posts: 267
By Asura.Outlawbruce 2019-10-10 12:17:02
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Shiva.Arislan said: »
fett2 said: »
So I recently got Carnwenhan. Not afterglowed yet, but working on it.
I'm going to be getting Bastok Wave 3 cleared soon and I'm considering Carn to be my first R15, but I can't decide if I should prioritize that over my other mythics. The other mythics I'd consider are Death Penalty or Tizona.

Right now I DD with Savage Blade on bard, and I put out some pretty decent numbers.

Would you prioritize carn R15 over the other mythics I've listed?

Tizona R15 > Carn R15 > DP R15

I dont know what crack this guy is smoking. But DP first. Nothing will come close to its damage in wave 3(besides trueflight) Tizona will be light years away. And blu has a chance to die being so close.
I have r15 carn. But never got to go wave 3 on it. So no clue how a bard performs on wave 3.
DP>tizona>Carn. (For wave 3 purposes)
Carn>DP>tizona (if you want invites to almost all content for being a DD bard. leaden will only get you into limited content. And no one asks for blu anymore)
Posts: 18
By fett2 2019-10-10 12:27:09
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Asura.Outlawbruce said: »
Shiva.Arislan said: »
fett2 said: »
So I recently got Carnwenhan. Not afterglowed yet, but working on it.
I'm going to be getting Bastok Wave 3 cleared soon and I'm considering Carn to be my first R15, but I can't decide if I should prioritize that over my other mythics. The other mythics I'd consider are Death Penalty or Tizona.

Right now I DD with Savage Blade on bard, and I put out some pretty decent numbers.

Would you prioritize carn R15 over the other mythics I've listed?

Tizona R15 > Carn R15 > DP R15

I dont know what crack this guy is smoking. But DP first. Nothing will come close to its damage in wave 3(besides trueflight) Tizona will be light years away. And blu has a chance to die being so close.
I have r15 carn. But never got to go wave 3 on it. So no clue how a bard performs on wave 3.
DP>tizona>Carn. (For wave 3 purposes)
Carn>DP>tizona (if you want invites to almost all content for being a DD bard. leaden will only get you into limited content. And no one asks for blu anymore)

My only worry about doing DP first is it such a niche weapon, it's almost entirely for Dyna and I can already put out good Leaden numbers, and 1 shot wave 2 statues at 1k TP. It seems almost wasteful do it first.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 258
By Bahamut.Eternallight 2019-10-10 12:28:22
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Leaden Salute, from my understanding, is still quite good outside of Dynamis.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Arislan
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2019-10-10 12:40:27
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Asura.Outlawbruce said: »
I dont know what crack this guy is smoking. But DP first. Nothing will come close to its damage in wave 3(besides trueflight) Tizona will be light years away. And blu has a chance to die being so close.
I have r15 carn. But never got to go wave 3 on it. So no clue how a bard performs on wave 3.
DP>tizona>Carn. (For wave 3 purposes)
Carn>DP>tizona (if you want invites to almost all content for being a DD bard. leaden will only get you into limited content. And no one asks for blu anymore)

There's life outside of Wave 3... a lot of other stuff is strong/immune versus magic/dark elemental.

Physical WS works on most everything. And with Malignance set and Tizona AM3, BLU is ridiculously hard to kill now. And still the best choice for low-buff/solo/farming. DD BRD doesn't have the same utility, but I'd still rank it above DP if I had to choose between the three.
Server: Sylph
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user: dmregm
Posts: 411
By Sylph.Reain 2019-10-10 15:44:56
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I wouldn't recommend doing Carn over Death Penalty or Tizona.

Leaden Salute and Expiacion are both damage varies with TP weapon skills. The +15% weapon skill damage augment is gonna benefit those weapon skills far more than Mordant Rime which doesn't scale with TP. I'd probably favor Tizona since the +damage augment increase will improve Expiacion too.

I don't think Bard dps matters too much. Just a bonus if you have it. The draw on Carn for me is the magic accuracy +30 but bard can just troubadour to land their debuffs so it's slightly diminished. I do like the extra magic accuracy for landing Wind Threnody II on volte mobs though for silence.

The other thought is the RP per level goes up fairly steeply around rank 9 or so. You could just augment all 3 to 7 or 8 instead of rank 15ing one.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ramsy
Posts: 281
By Asura.Ramsy 2019-11-01 11:24:42
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Was just wondering if anyone could go over how to properly brd swap with 2 brds?
I thought it was as listed below and thatā€™s what I normally do, but it didnā€™t seem to be working last night and was only giving 6 songs.

Dummyx4> N/T> Real songsx4 > switch pts > real songx4
Posts: 701
By Wotasu 2019-11-01 11:30:10
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You need 2 Real + 2 Dummy on the 2nd party. Other wise you're just overwriting the 2 1st songs on them. your 4 songs base wont carry over.

4(5 if ClarionCall) Dummys, NT 4(5) buffs drop, 2(3) Buff 2 Dummy then 2 Buff.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2019-11-01 11:47:56
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Asura.Ramsy said: »
Was just wondering if anyone could go over how to properly brd swap with 2 brds?
I thought it was as listed below and thatā€™s what I normally do, but it didnā€™t seem to be working last night and was only giving 6 songs.

Dummyx4> N/T> Real songsx4 > switch pts > real songx4
There are surely multiple ways to do it, I can tell you the way I normally do swaps when I have to, in my LS.

BRD1 does 4 fakes in PT1
BRD2 does 4 fakes in PT2
The two bard swap pts.
BRD1 does 4 fakes in PT2
BRD2 does 4 fakes in PT1
The two bards communicate to make sure they're both ready (each party will now have 4 fakes)
BRD1 uses Clarion Call and applies a 5th fake on PT2
BRD2 uses Clarion Call and applies a 5th fake on PT1
BRD1 and BRD2 use Soul Voice, Nightingale and Troubadour.
BRD1 casts 5 real songs on PT2
BRD2 casts 5 real songs on PT1
The two bard swap PTs and go back to their original PTs.
BRD1 casts a 5th fake in PT1
BRD2 casts a 5th fake in PT2
BRD1 casts 5 real songs in PT1
BRD2 casts 5 real songs in PT2

Of course if you're not gonna use Soul Voice and/or Clarion Call things are even easier, but I'm sure you can imagine how things go in that case.

One important thing I can emphasize is that you need to make sure both BRDs use DIFFERENT SONGS to do their fakes.
Personally when I do fakes I use the same songs I'm supposed to do in the end.
For instance: If I'm supposed to do Victory March, Advancing March, Minuet 5 and Minuet 4, my fakes will be those same songs.
Some BRDs have the habit of using strange, unused songs as "fakes".
If both BRDs use the same fakes they gonna overwrite each other, meaning for example your PTs will end up with like, dunno, 7 songs each instead of 7.

So wether you gonna use my method (fakes are the same songs are real) or the other method, make sure that the two BRDs are gonna use DIFFERENT FAKES.
Server: Cerberus
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user: bitchtits
Posts: 241
By Cerberus.Mrkillface 2019-11-01 11:48:36
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Sylph.Reain said: »

I don't think Bard dps matters too much.

In a typical DD party, I'll pull like... 15% - 20%? of the parse.

It's not an insignificant amount of damage, but The r15 carn isn't going to make a huge dps difference in most cases. There's always Naegling and a bunch of other daggers to use.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Cronnus
Posts: 267
By Asura.Outlawbruce 2019-11-01 12:10:27
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Cerberus.Mrkillface said: »
Sylph.Reain said: »

I don't think Bard dps matters too much.

In a typical DD party, I'll pull like... 15% - 20%? of the parse.

It's not an insignificant amount of damage, but The r15 carn isn't going to make a huge dps difference in most cases. There's always Naegling and a bunch of other daggers to use.

I have a lot of dark augment stuff. And my bard can keep up with heavy DD. NO, not better. Nor should it ever.

But that statement above is ludicrous and clearly written by someone who has never seen someone as a DD bard or has DD bard to know first hand what it is capable of.
Server: Asura
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user: Tyrael
Posts: 120
By Asura.Pusheen 2019-11-01 12:50:19
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Asura.Outlawbruce said: »
Cerberus.Mrkillface said: »
Sylph.Reain said: »

I don't think Bard dps matters too much.

In a typical DD party, I'll pull like... 15% - 20%? of the parse.

It's not an insignificant amount of damage, but The r15 carn isn't going to make a huge dps difference in most cases. There's always Naegling and a bunch of other daggers to use.

I have a lot of dark augment stuff. And my bard can keep up with heavy DD. NO, not better. Nor should it ever.

But that statement above is ludicrous and clearly written by someone who has never seen someone as a DD bard or has DD bard to know first hand what it is capable of.

I would like to echo this. It really just depends on the situation/content. It takes a lot of effort and know how but BRD is actually a very competent damage dealer, its just not a choice dps for everything.

I could dps just as well in dynam8s on brd, its just more important for me to focus on sleeps/buffs/rebuffs (support) than dps.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2019-11-01 13:11:47
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The main thing killing BRD's dps is other people being stupid and dying.
Having to reapply songs over DDs who play in a rash way and die completely kills your DPS. In addition of being INCREDIBLY ANNOYING because, who knows, maybe you had just used NiTro songs to give 11+ mins duration, or you had 5 songs up.
From that point onwards trying to manage 5 songs on DDs BUT 4 songs on 1 DD will be super annoying.
Even more so if you have to pianissimo some ballad or ***on the mage, making sure he doesn't lose Scherzo.

Having to cast 2000 debuffs, spam Finale, spam Horde Lullaby etc is another thing.

In situations like these most of the time I just end up going /WHM and play full support, because really it gets on my nerves.
Posts: 701
By Wotasu 2019-11-01 13:29:40
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And Nitro songs should be 20 Range on c.c DD's always run away. I wish we would have gotten a Drawin function with merits x.x
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2019-11-01 13:32:05
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Wotasu said: »
And Nitro songs should be 20 Range on c.c DD's always run away. I wish we would have gotten a Drawin function with merits x.x
I forgot the "DD runs away midcasting" thing, my god...

Two things that really made my life easier in Divergence as a BRD are
1) Custom Distance addon. Shows the distance in yalms of all the alliance members (that way you can see who is within 9,9 yalms and who's not)
2) Custom Partybuffs (allows you to filter the buffs you see for each party member, I set it up to only show BRD buffs when I'm on BRD, that way even with a quick glance I can immediately see if someone lost a song because of dispel etc)

Divergence still suck because of the insane lag, lost packets and the other things we both listed in our two last posts, but these two neat addons helped me a bit making things moderately better.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: dmregm
Posts: 411
By Sylph.Reain 2019-11-01 14:34:26
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I didn't say Bard couldn't do good DPS. I said that it doesn't matter too much and I stand by that. I think Bards need to think carefully before engaging depending on what the target is. Mindlessly engaging everything is worse than a support only Bard.

The majority of content you get more time than you need. In a 6 person set up engaging is usually adding more strain on the healer, which is usually the deciding factor on win vs lose rather than total DPS. If your healer can handle it then that's fine.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Lenus
Posts: 517
By Lakshmi.Lenus 2019-11-23 02:05:41
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SimonSes said: »
Avg dmg with this set:

ItemSet 361583

should be around ~26k. ~36k are spikes from multihit proc.
That's outside of Escha. In Escha it would be higher, but not sure how much higher.

EDIT: This is with AM3 up. Without AM3 up its around ~23700. Without AM3 and half stats on neck, its ~22k. With AM3 and helf neck its aorund ~24k

Nice set but have you looked into nibiru harp? It gives 17 CHR.

I've just returned to the game after months of not playing and I've been using my brd mule as melee and my main as geo and brd is actually not bad at all.

I've been clearing Vol 2 VD ambushit in 5 mins or less. Only reason I'm doing this now is because I can't live without idris or marsyas haha. Having access to both makes it kind of fun because all I'm doing now is content I can manage with 2 characters.
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2019-11-23 04:30:03
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Lakshmi.Lenus said: »
Nice set but have you looked into nibiru harp? It gives 17 CHR.

9 CHR wont beat 3%WSD and 15 acc/att
By 2019-11-23 04:44:59
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Posts: 701
By Wotasu 2019-11-23 05:29:06
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With AMĀ³ up Blurred Dagger would be less effective, so better to shoot for statboost like Sari or Tauret.
By 2019-11-23 06:45:55
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Posts: 1731
By geigei 2019-11-23 07:21:49
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DirectX said: »
Can wear full Lilith gear for STP.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Lenus
Posts: 517
By Lakshmi.Lenus 2019-11-23 08:27:10
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SimonSes said: »
Lakshmi.Lenus said: »
Nice set but have you looked into nibiru harp? It gives 17 CHR.

9 CHR wont beat 3%WSD and 15 acc/att

That's interesting to know. Maybe I'll look into another linos just for ws. Thanks
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