The 6th Ministry's Secret: A Summoner's Guide (v2)
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1434
By Asura.Pergatory 2016-04-20 10:38:48
Yes Enticers is better for magic pacts if TP isn't capped. I tested this against Helios back in the day and the difference was big enough I can't see Apogee+1 doing any better against it. If memory serves, it did 800 damage more than Helios on a 10k nuke.
I agree on your assessment of path B. I've started to feel like I'm giving up too much pet:crit, particularly when it comes to Volt Strike, so it's very possible some Helios would be superior. That's just a gut feel, though. I'm thinking about going back to Helios Boots instead of Apogee Pumps +1 for physical pacts. That's giving up a lot of BP Dmg... but it still looks like a better option than going from Campestras to Scintillating.
Another option for pet:crit is Merlinic with Pet:DEX on it, which could theoretically give you the best of both worlds. You'd need to curry some serious favor with the augment god, though.
As for Flaming Crush, I think this is where Merlinic compares most favorably against Apogee+1, particularly in the head/body department. I think the ideal Flaming Crush set is pretty much Apogee+1 legs/feet, Merlinic Body/Hands, and head varies depending on how much accuracy is needed. This is in an "ideal" world of course where you have godly augments. The reason being that Merlinic can theoretically obtain things like Pet:DEX and Pet:Attack without giving up any of its Pet:MAB, giving it the greatest potential for hybrid phys+magic stats. Of course, that doesn't even touch on crit rate... I cringe at the thought of needing Helios in a Flaming Crush build.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1213
By Asura.Frod 2016-04-20 11:56:15
Yes Enticers is better for magic pacts if TP isn't capped. I tested this against Helios back in the day and the difference was big enough I can't see Apogee+1 doing any better against it. If memory serves, it did 800 damage more than Helios on a 10k nuke.
I agree on your assessment of path B. I've started to feel like I'm giving up too much pet:crit, particularly when it comes to Volt Strike, so it's very possible some Helios would be superior. That's just a gut feel, though. I'm thinking about going back to Helios Boots instead of Apogee Pumps +1 for physical pacts. That's giving up a lot of BP Dmg... but it still looks like a better option than going from Campestras to Scintillating.
Another option for pet:crit is Merlinic with Pet:DEX on it, which could theoretically give you the best of both worlds. You'd need to curry some serious favor with the augment god, though.
As for Flaming Crush, I think this is where Merlinic compares most favorably against Apogee+1, particularly in the head/body department. I think the ideal Flaming Crush set is pretty much Apogee+1 legs/feet, Merlinic Body/Hands, and head varies depending on how much accuracy is needed. This is in an "ideal" world of course where you have godly augments. The reason being that Merlinic can theoretically obtain things like Pet:DEX and Pet:Attack without giving up any of its Pet:MAB, giving it the greatest potential for hybrid phys+magic stats. Of course, that doesn't even touch on crit rate... I cringe at the thought of needing Helios in a Flaming Crush build.
I highly suspect in higher acc situations helios would outdo apogee+1 due to the noticeable and frequent crit rate. Stuff probably in the 1000 acc requirement range. Above 1100 we start to need geo debuffa more and more. My guess is any content around ilvl 129ish or below.
I have a solid mab/bpd/crit build sitting idle, i wonder if i should convert it to attack.
Another question i have is if avatar's favor effects the avatar as well. If so, ramuh with helios is alot more interesting.
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Dekusutaa 2016-04-20 12:28:34
Favour do not affect avatars. Sadly.
On attack Stat. I generally do not like the conversion rate between attk and MAB.
Is say gaining 25 attk worth losing 10 MAB ? For things like flaming crush I almost feel like just taking the MAB since it will be useful to me for anything magical. Very rarely can I solo or Lowman content relying on my physical bp, I usually depend on the magic bursting and the SC damage from my physocal closing an SC to multiply my damage.
At which point actually hitting the mob is where it is at so I cycle back to the new JSE for that. And I get attk and acc in a single piece not to mention +1 avatar level. I'VE noticed a huge difference soloing content with that cape
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1213
By Asura.Frod 2016-04-20 13:15:54
Well ambuscade dragon is in the unique spot of being good for physical pacts but completely garbage for flaming crush and magic pacts. Pretty much have been spamming volt strike for it, so im considering swapping to atk path or hybrid path on a couple of apogee i dont have dupes for.
By Verda 2016-04-20 13:20:04
Check out this post and others in that thread if anyone wants to try to test crit rates with avatars:
Byrth Testing
Quote: Together this makes my crit rate 60/226, or 26.5%. This is about what we'd predict for a dDEX capped Avatar with Crit rate +6%, so good deal.
There's also this post:
Byrth Testing Favor
Crit rate from dex caps at 15% for players when you have 50 dex more than the mob has agility, crit rate itself has no cap and can go to 100%. Most tests use the crit rate atmas in abyssea to try and pin down crit rates.
Since we know Avatar's Favor doesn't affect the avatar itself, a crit rate of 15 + 6 = 21% would make sense, as he says there it was about 80% crit rate, with 60% in atmas, and had a larger sample size.
Against higher level targets it will start going down as dDEX falls.
I'm with an earlier statement that consistency is your friend, you also have to factor in though better base = better crits with more damage and that pets have a % increase of about 8% for crits because of critical attack bonus II making a better base even more valuable... but a crit itself vs a mob you are attack starved vs, will nearly double your damage but against a mob you are not attack starved vs (hello bst roll + frailty + dia 2 + garland of bliss), it will give a smaller increase. Since pet pDIF before the cratio changes was 4 and I haven't seen any results saying it changed, and we know that pet crits do not bypass the cap like player ones (can check vs level 0 creatures your crits deal exact same damage as non crits, or did before change), then it could even end up doing nothing. So as usual it is situational. If you are buffed to the teeth and have idris geo flooring the mobs defense, crits won't do much for you if anything. If you are attack starved then it can double your damage if it procs.
There's simply too many variables to make a general call, and as you get more attack, crit will increase your damage less, and as you avatar is stronger, dDEX grows in your favor up to 15% crit rate if it follows a player model. We'd have to nail down the full formula to make calls on gear like this, or do extensive testing with large sample sizes. And even then, the final result will depend on the situation. Against really hard mobs and with no support crit rate will probably win out. But against those kinds of mobs you might be better off using night terror. Against mobs where they are very weak, or you have a lot of support (since idris geo itself can pretty much with just geo-frailty nearly cap pdif for your pet), crit rate becomes a lot more of a wasted stat.
To go over it, in attack starved situation you have .5 to 1 pDIF ratio, and if you crit that changes to 1.5 to 2. In a situation where you have good attack say your pDIF is 3, a crit makes that a 4. So you went from more than double damage to 25% increase in damage. And best case, you have a 4 pDIF thanks to your friendly idris geo, and other defense lowering tools, and crit will add nothing, unless this changed last update, then it would change 4 to a 5, a 20% damage increase. For flaming crush it gets even more complicated though, since the base physical damage is factored into the spell damage. For physical ones though a good mental guide could be:
Some mental examples:
For a weak mob:
21% crit rate base, 3 pdif
1% crit rate adds a 1% chance of (1.25 * 1.08) = 1.35 damage (35% more damage, 3 to 4 pdif is 1.25)
1 BP damage adds a 100% change of a 1% increase in damage, but due to base crit rate, also makes those crits hurt more, but can round down for arguments sake
So a 1000 dmg pred claws will crit 21% of the time for 1350 damage, effective avg damage =
(1000 * .79) + (1350 * .21) = 1073.5
Add 1 BP dmg:
1010 dmg pred claws will crit 21% of the time for 1377 damage (1.35 * 1.01 * 1010), effective avg damage =
(1010 * .79) + (1377 * .21) = 1087.07
Add 1 crit chance:
1000 dmg pred claws will crit 22% of the time for 1350 damage, effective avg damage =
(1010 * .78) + (1377 * .22) = 1090.74
So assuming math correct in this case, 1 crit chance means more than 1 bp damage. After a certain point, as you get more crit chance, crit chance becomes less valuable, to where at 100% crit chance it becomes worth nothing. It will matter more if you are attack starved.
Going with higher numbers here to see if BP damage is better if BP is doing more realistic numbers:
So a 20000 dmg pred claws will crit 21% of the time for 27000 damage, effective avg damage =
(20,000 *.79) + (27,000 * .21) = 15,800 + 5,670 = 21,470
1 BP Damage:
20200 dmg pred claws will crit 21% of the time for 27542 damage, effective avg damage =
(20,200 *.79) + (27,542 * .21) = 15,958 + 5,783 = 21,741
1 Crit chance:
So a 20000 dmg pred claws will crit 22% of the time for 27000 damage, effective avg damage =
(20,000 *.78) + (27,000 * .22) = 15,600 + 5,940 = 21,540
So it does matter how big a number you are dealing with too. So it is a multiple input formula, the variables you'd want to know to answer ANY question regarding gear would be:
1) base crit rate vs that mob + any crit rate gear you have already
2) attack / defense ratio vs that mob (base pDIF)
3) base damage vs that mob with this BP
It's extremely situational, but in most cases, I feel if you're well geared or supported, BP damage will win over crit chance, unless you are fighting something extremely hard in which case I would suggest using good support or using night terror. If you aren't well geared, crit chance is probably a better way to go at least at first. I hope this is helpful, and criticism open for it of course. It would be nice to nail down crit rate and have a full formula, then ppl could plug in gear on a spreadsheet or web application and we'd just know. A quick way to eyeball your pdif in the field vs a mob btw, if your crit auto attacks from the avatar are a 100% increase in dmg (~1 pdf), then your attack is floored, if it is 25% or less increase in damage you are edging in close to where crits help you a lot less to nothing at all (3-4 pdif).
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1434
By Asura.Pergatory 2016-04-21 10:39:17
Thank you for pointing out the dDEX 15% cap, that's news to me.
That said, I'm not sure how much of your math is actually applicable. I don't think crit mechanics work the same on BPs as they do for player abilities, either that or there are some crazy modifiers going on.
Predator Claws, for example. In the old 75 days, a high Pred Claws was 1200 or so, which was obviously a triple crit. You could also see 800 or so with all 3 hits landing, I think that means one hit didn't crit. You might rarely see something in the 300-400 damage neighborhood which is probably a single crit. Then sometimes you'd get something in the 150-250 damage neighborhood, and again that's with no misses. The implication of such low damage with no misses, is that's the result of no crits. So crits take a 200 damage BP and turn it into 1200 or an increase of 500% damage.
Now these days, Pred Claws is no longer as inconsistent. The damage is basically always within a narrow range now, and it's not clear exactly what changed. Presumably it's the ilvl stuff, but why is the range not so large? Did our crit rate cap on this BP? Or did our attack get so high that crits don't matter anymore?
Anyway, the glaring problem I see with the math you used is that it treats Predator Claws as a single-hit BP when it's a 3-hit.
So for example the 20k Pred Claws, you mentioned:
So a 20000 dmg pred claws will crit 21% of the time for 27000 damage
If that's true, you're actually looking at a (0.21 * 0.21 * 0.21) = only a 0.9261% chance of a triple crit or full 27000 damage.
There's also a (0.21 * 0.21 * 0.79) * 3 = 10.4517% chance of double crit for approximately 24667 damage.
Then there's a (0.21 * 0.79 * 0.79) * 3 = 39.3183% chance of a single crit for approximately 22333 damage.
And a (0.79 * 0.79 * 0.79) = 49.3039% chance of no crits for 20000 damage.
So in this scenario your average damage would actually be:
(0.009261 * 27000) + (0.104517 * 24667) + (0.393183 * 22333) + (0.493039 * 20000) = 21470 average damage.
As you can see, 21% crit rate and 35% crit damage isn't enough for the crits to quite hit their stride. I'm fairly certain the actual crit rate and crit damage for physical BPs is actually *much* higher. It's the only way I can explain the large variation in damage we get from our BPs when all the hits are landing. That's pure speculation on my part, though. I've never been able to make the numbers match my observations so I've never been confident in trying to use math to show things like the relation in damage increase between BPDmg vs Crit Rate vs Attack. I just don't think we understand enough to make meaningful deductions at that level.
By Verda 2016-04-21 12:18:34
I don't think crit mechanics work the same on BPs as they do for player abilities, either that or there are some crazy modifiers going on. It's entirely possible and deserves a lot of testing. Could test by loading up on atma and gear and running around trying to make a not crit happen even once and keep lowering your crit chance until a non crit happens. I'm not entirely sure dDEX crit cap follows players but Byrth's testing seems to show it does.
Now these days, Pred Claws is no longer as inconsistent. The damage is basically always within a narrow range now, and it's not clear exactly what changed. If I'm not having a lot of attack vs mob defense I can still get some pretty big spikes, but ya it's often a lot more consistent now especially if you always have a geo around.
Anyway, the glaring problem I see with the math you used is that it treats Predator Claws as a single-hit BP when it's a 3-hit. That's true and I thought about stating a single hit BP. There is one thing though, most of the damage of these physical bps seems like most weaponskills loaded into the first hit, or at least Byrth thinks so from some testing and I think he's right. If I miss the first hit which is rare, damage seems to take a nose dive. He thought the fTP value for pacts was as high as 6-8 with a stat modifier of about 30%. Additional hits also don't carry through, so stacking double attack for pred claws or rush won't really help you more than another auto attack of damage added on to the end.
As you can see, 21% crit rate and 35% crit damage isn't enough for the crits to quite hit their stride. I'm fairly certain the actual crit rate and crit damage for physical BPs is actually *much* higher. The example I did was for 3 pDIF on the avatar, if your pDIF is lower a crit will add a lot more damage. For example lets do a pDIF of .5 which is floored:
crit adds 1 to pDIF, and gets crit attack bonus II for 8%, since our original is .5 and the end result is 1.58, that's not a 35% damage increase but 316% damage increase. The caveat here is that your damage is going to be non optimal either way vs an avatar with capped pDIF vs that mob (hello idris geo :P)
So a 1000 dmg single hit BP will crit 21% of the time for 3160 damage, effective avg damage =
(1000 * .79) + (3160 * .21) = 790 + 663 = 1453
Add 1 BP dmg:
1010 single hit BP will crit 21% of the time for 3223 damage (3.16 * 1.01 * 1010), effective avg damage =
(1010 * .79) + (3223 * .21) = 797.9 + 676 = 1473
Add 1 crit chance:
1000 single hit BP will crit 22% of the time for 3160 damage, effective avg damage =
(1000 * .78) + (3160 * .22) = 780 + 695 = 1475
crit chance pulls ahead, barely despite the low numbers favoring it. If pdif is low though your numbers are going to be lower. On stuff where I'm super attack starved I find things light night terror are usually way better but you could load up on crit chance and have a go at it.
I just don't think we understand enough to make meaningful deductions at that level. Oh I entirely agree, but napkin math on what we do understand I think is still a good thing, it encourages testing and shares knowledge and using what we do know to try to figure out more and have discussions about it I think is great.
By Verda 2016-04-21 13:03:38
I should also post this stuff before I entirely forget, was gonna do more tests with Jopa, is really fun to test stuff with two SMN.
We tested several things that day:
Eerie Eye
*Does not overwrite itself
*does not overwrite silence
*if silenced, amnesia will still apply, just doesn't overwrite silence with a fresh debuff
*silence resistance builds to less than 1s
*amnesia resistance doesn't build!
*doesn't work at 90 degrees
*works at 45 degrees
*doesn't work at 85 degree, seems to work if you are in first person where you can see Cait Sith which is somewhere around 75 degrees or the usual default field of vision in vidjamagames.
*for the pacts tested, smn skill seemed to have no effect on duration outside duration being unresisted (eerie eye, somnolence, mewing lullaby) though is difficult to test due to resistances building.
Quote: 482 SMN Skill
silence 23s
amnesia 11s
626 SMN Skill
silence 25s
amnesia 11s
silence 15s
amnesia 11s
silence 11s
amnesia 13s
silence less than 10s
amnesia 14s
Eventually silence was falling off as soon as cast, and amnesia was never less than 11s and more than 14s, that was timer displayed so actual duration is 12s to 15s.
Mewing lullaby seems to start at about 36s sleep, the 2nd was 31s, and it kept going down from there on each application.
Somnolence we ran out of time to test for, but was over 2 min on the first cast and was under it on the second. I'm not sure if resistances for players build faster than for monsters, but I do know my ~15s stuns with shock squall last about 2 times at best before they start having resistance built.
What this means is if magic acc is good enough, for eerie eye, you could keep something with amnesia on 24/7 with 2-3 smn. The hard part comes from knowing when the anmnesia falls off and if it got any half resist duration or something. If you use it too early, you don't replace the amnesia and it'll wear very shortly and if you use it too late it can still get off tp moves. Still, mewing lullaby fails to be a good option if there's a lot of tp feeding going on, and stun resistance builds, so it stops being a good option too. Eerie Eye is our pocket pact for dealing with those situations imo. On high level mobs though you're going to want geo-lang on it and probably pup roll to land it for sure. If you spaced every 15s with eerie eye, it would still get tp moves off, but it wouldn't be able to spam them, since amnesia would be on anywhere between full time and all but 3 seconds out of every 15s. If the mobs dangerous moves are spells, silence wears, but that's where having a rdm sab silence etc comes in so useful.
The next test I do will proably be level ? holy again, I want to see if day has any bearing on which rolls cait does, as it could be my imagination but I seem to get a lot more 1s on lightsday and it matches the color of his dice (the 1 is white background and many other have different colors corresponding to an element color). Jopa wanted to test some more on flaming crush and a few other things so hope we get to that soon.
By Verda 2016-04-22 12:22:01
So not to sound like a fanboy but, update teaser image has both odin and alexander in it, squeeeeee.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1434
By Asura.Pergatory 2016-04-22 13:25:28
That's true and I thought about stating a single hit BP. There is one thing though, most of the damage of these physical bps seems like most weaponskills loaded into the first hit, or at least Byrth thinks so from some testing and I think he's right. If I miss the first hit which is rare, damage seems to take a nose dive. He thought the fTP value for pacts was as high as 6-8 with a stat modifier of about 30%. Additional hits also don't carry through, so stacking double attack for pred claws or rush won't really help you more than another auto attack of damage added on to the end.
I definitely agree that the first hit is stronger than the others, which makes the math even more annoying. It's been my experience that with Pred Claws, the first hit is roughly as strong as the other two hits combined. With Volt Strike, I think it's a little over that, I'd say more like 55-60% of the damage comes from the first hit.
The example I did was for 3 pDIF on the avatar, if your pDIF is lower a crit will add a lot more damage. For example lets do a pDIF of .5 which is floored:
crit adds 1 to pDIF, and gets crit attack bonus II for 8%, since our original is .5 and the end result is 1.58, that's not a 35% damage increase but 316% damage increase. The caveat here is that your damage is going to be non optimal either way vs an avatar with capped pDIF vs that mob (hello idris geo :P) This may be what's going on and also does help explain why Frailty is sooooo incredible. In fact, Frailty's awesomeness alone seems to imply that our avatars continue to be attack-starved.
So how is Pred Claws so consistent now? Maybe it has some kind of insane attack bonus built in? If it had a straight crit rate bonus that would've been apparent at Lv75 as well. Maybe the attack modifier wasn't as apparent back then because we couldn't improve our avatars' attack enough. Now we can improve it via gear, job points, gifts, even food, and all those increases are multiplied by the BP's bonus and send Pred Claws PDIF through the roof?
Hypothesis: If this is true, then Frailty shouldn't have as big of an impact on Pred Claws as other BPs like Volt Strike.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 694
By Shiva.Alistrianna 2016-04-22 14:13:15
I'm not sure what sort of extensive testing has been done with Seraphicaller and other iLevel pet boosting items but maybe they give avatars a critical hit bonus. I think Byrth's testing was done before iLevel was even a thing.
By Verda 2016-04-26 14:29:43
Shiva.Alistrianna said: »I'm not sure what sort of extensive testing has been done with Seraphicaller and other iLevel pet boosting items but maybe they give avatars a critical hit bonus. I think Byrth's testing was done before iLevel was even a thing. It would be worth testing but I don't think ilvl has ever given traits only stats, but I could be wrong.
This may be what's going on and also does help explain why Frailty is sooooo incredible. In fact, Frailty's awesomeness alone seems to imply that our avatars continue to be attack-starved. Ya frailty is a game changer for all physical damage dealers, SMN included, I agree. Melee can't really get to caps of pDIF ratio without frailty and some other buffs on anything worthwhile either.
So how is Pred Claws so consistent now? It could be me but I'm seeing huge swings if my pdif is low just not if it's really high. It will really depend on pdif to know whether or not your crit chance is worth it or not. If you're full supported and got some great gear crit chance is not going to be very important, to back that up further you can see the discussion recently in the THF forum on using evisceration at 1k vs using rudra at 1k and which is better. I mean, you can go test apex crabs without buffs, for example, and you should see some pretty different numbers between crit and non crit pred claws, I haven't done so myself but I'm pretty certain that would be a good test case especially if they use their defense boost because it is a HUGE defense boost. In my opinion the skirmish II gear is dated, but it might be really good against something with a ton of defense and you have no buffs and for some reason you have to use physical damage. Rather than investing in a set for that though I would probably just use night terror, magic of another sort, or get the support I need because I just can't see it being super practical to keep around a crit chance set. I know the math isn't hammered out with all factors known, but I'm fairly certain that critical chance point per point is less important than bp damage point for point, and if we look at say Apogee +1 body vs perfect aug helios vs convokers +1 vs glyphic doublet +1:
Attack 35 vs 30 vs 0 vs 0
BP DMG 10 vs 7 vs 12 vs 0
Crit 0 vs 4 vs 0 vs 12
To me Apogee+1 or convokers a clear winner here. But, since glyphic doublet +1 and convoker's doublet +1 are 12 bp dmg and 12 crit chance respectively, if someone averaged damage on the same level mob over say 40+ bps using each, and then did the same vs a mob with much higher pdif, you'd have some kind of answer. Not a great answer, since it would also matter the other gear they used, if any but it'd maybe tell us something.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1213
By Asura.Frod 2016-04-26 18:26:00
To me Apogee+1 or convokers a clear winner here. But, since glyphic doublet +1 and convoker's doublet +1 are 12 bp dmg and 12 crit chance respectively, if someone averaged damage on the same level mob over say 40+ bps using each, and then did the same vs a mob with much higher pdif, you'd have some kind of answer. Not a great answer, since it would also matter the other gear they used, if any but it'd maybe tell us something.
Currently i've got a helios set sitting there with ~6-7 BPD, 25-30MAB and all 5 pieces with crit hit on.
Give me a firm outline on what i should test and how i should test and i can probably run it this weekend.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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Posts: 1132
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2016-04-27 04:19:12
So the May version update will have adjustments to some SMN abilities. The only thing I recall seeing on the JP Dev tracker was improving the power of healing blood pacts, does anyone know of anything else that might be adjusted?
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 500
By Bismarck.Dubai 2016-04-27 04:42:31
I hope its something worthwhile to improve SMN, we've been pushed to the side lately...
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2016-04-27 04:48:36
I think it's gonna be what they talked about a few days ago, that is adjustment to healing blood pacts.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Hope to be proved wrong and to see more juicy tweaks coming our way but I sure wouldn't expect them if I were you.
By Verda 2016-04-27 12:09:04
I hope its something worthwhile to improve SMN, we've been pushed to the side lately... I agree, and hope that too, an adjustment to some pacts that just never scaled at all would be nice too, Sechs may be right though.
Currently i've got a helios set sitting there with ~6-7 BPD, 25-30MAB and all 5 pieces with crit hit on.
Give me a firm outline on what i should test and how i should test and i can probably run it this weekend.
I've been thinking what to do, and this is what I came up with. I'm not sure all this is the best way or even right way, but the data will be usable. In Dho Gates there's Apex Crabs, they have a lot of VIT and more defense than most mobs so make good test subjects. Use only Gessho (august has a lot of tp moves not sure if any alter def) and a WHM Trust, make sure no ionis, food (can use pet acc food if you want) etc. Pick a single hit bloodpact, I believe spinning dive or mountain buster will work for that. Use battlemod and make sure you always pull the same level mob, they can vary, so that all your testing is done on say a level 130 mob, if you test against some that are 129 and some that are 130 it will be very confusing.
We can perform 2-3 tests here but setup for all is the same:
1) In your pet midcast set (the one the bloodpacts will be in), record several melee hits. Record the difference between crit and non crit values. Dispel their def up move if it happens and if your avatar gets str down resummon it. After you have baseline, then we begin testing. If ambitious can do this a long time, a huge sample size would be needed to determine crit rate on these mobs though. This is mostly to see the difference in crit and non crit damage and I believe that is enough to let us figure out the pDIF. Ex. if a normal hit is say 100 damage and a crit is 208 damage, it'd be a pDIF of 1, if a crit of 150 damage it'd mean attack was higher so a larger pDIF and we could math it out.
2) Perform several of the same single hit bloodpact. The dream sample size would be very high, but around 30-40 would give us a decent average. Keep it dispelled of def boosts and pet free of str down.
3) Keep dia 2 on the same level mob and repeat steps 1 and 2.
4) Ideally repeat again with geo-frailty on and record the geo's skill level and +geomancy.
Now that we did all that for a helios set, we'd ideally want to repeat all those steps replacing it all with apogee NQ, path B, except for legs path D. So it would be very time consuming but would give us some answers. You could also repeat all that AGAIN for just changing out only convokers +1 body and glyphic +1 body to directly compare crit rate to bp damage for an average damage statistic at various def levels. You also want to record your full sets, so we can make sure accessories etc match. Also record your job points/gifts at the time.
It'd tell us, is average damage for helios vs apogee NQ better for single hit physical pacts on high, pretty high, and mid defense target? It'd also give us some indication of how far apart they are. My projection is that apogee NQ will win with Geo-Frailty on for sure, Dia 2 probably and Helios might climb ahead for the no def down option. I realize though that if you did flaming crush would probably be better for your helios set since it's mab instead of pet attack, and if you would rather test that vs apogee nq path A except path D legs that'd also be useful, and more fair, but the end result might tell us less about things in general and would only serve to compare the two sets. In which case only changing out convokers +1 body with glyphic +1 body and using the rest of your helios set, and doing the test above might at least give an indication of the value of crit rate on single hit pacts. It gets a lot messier for flaming crush. It just gets overwhelming is why I haven't done it. Each pact would take 30s, and each set of tests takes even with the low sample size of 40 per part, 120 pacts per set, even just testing full apogee NQ vs full helios for say flaming crush at 3 def levels would take 2 hours. It's really up to you, if you can think of better versions of testing that take less time, or only want to test some of them, I'm sure people would appreciate it.
By Nocki 2016-04-27 13:03:45
Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia said: »So the May version update will have adjustments to some SMN abilities. The only thing I recall seeing on the JP Dev tracker was improving the power of healing blood pacts, does anyone know of anything else that might be adjusted?
I recall reading something about Elemental Siphon pretty recently, don't remember if that was on official forums or not though...
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Frod 2016-04-27 21:17:10
Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia said: »So the May version update will have adjustments to some SMN abilities. The only thing I recall seeing on the JP Dev tracker was improving the power of healing blood pacts, does anyone know of anything else that might be adjusted?
I recall reading something about Elemental Siphon pretty recently, don't remember if that was on official forums or not though...
it was, basically people were bitching about how little skill attributes to the ability...
Just use a telchine siphon set. fairly cheap to set up.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 497
By Bismarck.Dekusutaa 2016-04-28 18:36:41
Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia said: »So the May version update will have adjustments to some SMN abilities. The only thing I recall seeing on the JP Dev tracker was improving the power of healing blood pacts, does anyone know of anything else that might be adjusted? I'm hoping / thinking it is scaling our old lvl 75 ward buffs for ilvl 119. They've expressed interest in addressing this. Predating the recent comments about the healing buffs. The Fenrir suite of stat /acc/ Eva and Diablo dreamshroud buffs were mentioned in the EN thread where SE responded to last year.
My wishlist though is we get something more meaningful at 1200 JP. The -5 BP II timer down is a bit useless.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 228
By Siren.Noxzema 2016-05-10 01:21:03
So we got some love this update:
Quote: The maximum effective summoning magic skill for the ability Elemental Siphon has been raised to 700.
At a summoning magic skill of 700, the amount of MP restored will be 680.
Arasy Staff: DMG:188 Delay:366 INT+12 MND+12 Magic Attack+28 Magic Damage+217 Staff skill +242 Parrying skill +242 Magic Accuracy skill +228 Magic burst damage +3 Avatar: "Blood Pact" damage +3
Arasy Staff +1: DMG:189 Delay:356 INT+17 MND+17 Magic Attack+31 Magic Damage+217 Staff skill +242 Parrying skill +242 Magic Accuracy skill +228 Magic burst damage +5 Avatar: "Blood Pact" damage +5
Arasy Sachet: Avatar: Lv. 119
Elan Strap: Magic Attack+5 Avatar: "Blood Pact" damage +3 (!)
Elan Strap +1: Magic Attack+7 Avatar: "Blood Pact" damage +5 (!!)
I just hope they don't come from the Master Trials.
(Edit: The Arasy gear is the new SU1 gear that is buyable for 100,100 gil. Still good for the up and coming SMNs though)
By Verda 2016-05-10 01:28:55
The strap is cool, and prob is master trials >.< 500 mertis to enter with a 60 minute timer. I'm guessing it won't be easy.
The Arasy stuff (at least NQ) is superior 1 gear you get for about 100k from an NPC, not sure on +1. Gear wise, using telchine is way better for siphon than summoning skill so it's a pretty unimportant change imo. At least they are paying some attention to summoner though.
By Asura.Shiraiyuki 2016-05-10 01:29:48
Can't really say I am very impressed with the Siphon update.
Especially since I geared my Siphon sets less towards Smn magic skill and more towards Elemental Siphon enhancing gear, which by itself pushes it over 800 MP under minimal conditions.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 497
By Bismarck.Dekusutaa 2016-05-10 01:41:37
I'm thinking they are speccing gear with a lot of SMN+ skill in the Marduk Ambuscade set to help us along to the new skill cap. As noted above, my siphon set-up is geared towards + potency, we'll need pieces with SKILL + siphon potency up to make the switch worthwhile.
Which is somewhat disappointing tbh as I was and still is hoping to get at least one of the Marduk ambuscade pieces to give SMNs something unique and unobtainable currently, like summoning casting time -x% or a piece with a big pet regen or -dt value or god forbid a really good BP damage/MAB piece that can stand in place of HQ apogee gear.
I'm somewhat disappointed they are not adjusting our wards at all, as that seemed like what they meant. Siphon is such a small update.
And the grip is likely unobtainable for a long while =/
Server: Siren
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Posts: 228
By Siren.Noxzema 2016-05-10 01:45:47
I was hoping to see Marduk for this month, thinking they would alternate classes for the most part. I.e Ares > Marduk > Skadi > Morrigan > Usukane.
By Asura.Shiraiyuki 2016-05-10 01:55:37
Bismarck.Dekusutaa said: »And the grip is likely unobtainable for a long while =/
Don't be too sure about that, compared to a lot of the new items I am missing the rare/ex tags on these.
I'm pretty sure the data miners did not forget those.
By Supa 2016-05-10 01:59:42
Yeager;6695947 said: Grips are crafted! Just saw one over at the Leathercraft guild.
Just taken this from bg, maybe we won't have to endure the new 500 merit fights forever
Server: Siren
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Posts: 228
By Siren.Noxzema 2016-05-10 02:09:06
Wonder what those fights drop then... Everything new has been accounted for if that's the case.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 497
By Bismarck.Dekusutaa 2016-05-10 02:12:44
Maybe bags of HP plates, crates of plutons, sacks of alexandrites, 100 piece currencies, craftables, etc/ etc :P
By Asura.Shiraiyuki 2016-05-10 02:50:27
Probably, I'm also curious about the Arasy Sachet by the way.
Will it be augmentable, or is it just a Su1 alternative for the Seraphicaller.