The 6th Ministry's Secret: A Summoner's Guide (v2)

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The 6th Ministry's Secret: A Summoner's Guide (v2)
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Server: Asura
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By Asura.Prophecyy 2016-03-09 16:45:29
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Has anyone fought Ogdoad in Reisenjima? I've found very limited information on this guy. Wiki says it's fished up and drops this.

(I know Espiritus is better, has m.acc on it etc, but still interested in getting one).

Curious what is needed to fish it up and what the fight is like. Anyone?
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Frod 2016-03-10 11:56:56
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Fished up from the shadow balls supposedly
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By Asura.Sechs 2016-03-11 01:57:23
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Exemplar is actually nice, I'd love to get one myself but it sounds way too much work.
Too bad it's not augmentable either but, at worst, it's a nice replacement for perfect Serenity (enha skill) and SMN skill Espiritus.
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By Asura.Frod 2016-03-11 11:36:29
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Exemplar has no real use tbh. Espiritus with +smn path has a big shot of +macc as well for avatars, making it Better for debuff pacts.
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By Phoenix.Keido 2016-03-11 12:04:06
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Ragnarok.Inx said: »
BST is 10 secs, but to be fair its 10secs to regain a charge and some moves consume 2 or even 3 charges per use.

Playing both, its quite a culture-shock going to SMN's 30sec floor and I wish you could lower it further.

BST can do more damage has better pets. SMN has the ability of endless pets. Although anything that one shots an avatar is going to murder you anyways.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Frod 2016-03-12 14:11:43
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Not entirely true. In proper situations a smn can easily outdo a bst. ***is situational.
Server: Shiva
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By Shiva.Alistrianna 2016-03-16 05:17:49
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Finally got a Merlinic Jubbah!

Server: Asura
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By Asura.Frod 2016-03-16 11:58:08
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To clarify that ing though before anyone asks. It is pet mab 12, then mab for you 25. I'm assuming this was from a dark matter event augment?
By Verda 2016-03-16 13:00:54
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CG on the augs and jubbah Alistrianna :)

Asura.Frod said: »
To clarify that ing though before anyone asks. It is pet mab 12, then mab for you 25. I'm assuming this was from a dark matter event augment?
For some reason on pet augs it shows both rolls separately rather than together, this was with a normal stone, fern iirc.

So both of his augs should be applied to pet it's just how the pet augs work.

Phoenix.Keido said: »
BST can do more damage has better pets. SMN has the ability of endless pets. Although anything that one shots an avatar is going to murder you anyways.
Asura.Frod said: »
Not entirely true. In proper situations a smn can easily outdo a bst. ***is situational.
What Frod said, most things in this game are situational. I have a lot to say in regards to SMN balance, so bare with me please. Flaming crush light chain on some mobs far beats what BST can do, for aoe physical damage tho, SMN doesn't even have AoE physical damage. For AoE magical damage though SMN 1 hour does way more, and can be spammed if you get enough refresh/temps and use apogee and random deals or even conduits, but for just aoe farming in general BST way better. BST probably also a much stronger soloist, but has almost no support abilities where SMN is sometimes defined by it's support abilities.

There's not reason they can't work together either, I recently joined a JP shout for Yakshi, 3 BST, 1 COR, 1 SMN, 1 GEO. Just kill it in 40s. BST 1 hour'd with grasshopper, SMN Perfect Defense, Drachen and Beast roll with bolster frailty and topor. Cor puts on dia 2 from RDM Sub, and after you PD on SMN you conduit mewing lullaby to lockout tp moves. Only lost once when it breakga'd pets, rest were fast 40s wins.

For Old Shuck, 1 SMN conduit, with GEO frailty bolstered, and PLD tank is enough to get it to 5-10% HP. For Vir'ava, SMN can kill it in one magic burst with bolster malaise and languor, and 1 hour, need sch for skillchain though. Spam magic burst for 99k each time is something BST just can't do, and it's strong enough sometimes it risks making SMN into a job only valued for it's 1 hours again :( But even without 1 hours SMN is a versatile and useful job, it does take a ton more work than a lot of jobs out there tho to get to that point, and well geared sch and blm and possibly even geo can out damage you if the buffs favor them, which they usually do in manaburn setups. Since buffs don't apply to pets, and only debuffs help them, and applying debuffs often means either A) GEO has to run in range for 2nd debuff or B) debuffs already on and the mages are also getting buffs which put them way ahead of SMN magic accuracy, so they get to double dip while SMN does not. If there is a COR in party too, they usu will never roll just for 1 SMN in party, they'll give wizard's, warlocks, or casters to sch and blm and geo instead. I won't lie it's hard to find a place for SMN unless you build and lead groups around valuing SMN. I think it's worthy effort, and it can take on and take out some of the hardest content in the game (t4 reisenjima, example papesse killed the worm with SMN setup). There's more to SMN buffs than meets the eye too. Convincing others of it's usefulness never easy though, especially with many groups already invested in their own setups, and you can't really blame them I mean there might be 4-5 summoner's on a given server geared and wanting to take on endgame but there's a cornucopia of BLM and SCH and BLM at least is far easier to gear than SMN.

Case in point, just did /sea all blm, found 43 online. /sea all smn found 6 people ;-; Only worse I could find was /sea all brd, 3 online lol ;-; It's like a self fulfilling prophecy, people think SMN not so useful, so less people gear summoner, so less people use summoner so stereotype continues. I really have to hand it to and thank papesse as without him I don't know if I would've pursued SMN and he one of the very few english speaking at least summoner's still championing what SMN can do. We need more to do that, and while I think strictly speaking from a balance perspective SMN could use more, we fight too many disadvantages, and the advantages don't make up for that, a well geared SMN has a ton of wow factor and can do things no other job can, it constantly surprises people what SMN can do, and while it feels good to be the person wowing people... it's not good for the job that people simply don't know SMN can do what it does. It doesn't help that the game environment on hard content needs very specific setups and those setups rarely favor avatars as anything but an after thought. Telling others doesn't generally help either as few are willing to do SMN setups because few have SMN and even less have any appreciation for it. To the point if you do showcase SMN's talents, it's often met with a guarded distaste rather than acceptance, because it would rock the status quo and established working methods etc, which is fine I get that. It's hard enough to accomplish stuff in the game, without ppl rocking the boat and making it harder. What this means though is if you like SMN, or value SMN, you'll probably also have to lead efforts and find people who are willing to work with SMN, as to date, with a few rare exceptions which are important but again fairly rare, that's the only way I've seen SMN do endgame. I'm sure more have a lot to add to the topic of SMN balance and acceptance, but I think I ranted enough for maybe a month in this post so :|
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1213
By Asura.Frod 2016-03-16 17:45:25
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Verda said: »
CG on the augs and jubbah Alistrianna :)

Asura.Frod said: »
To clarify that ing though before anyone asks. It is pet mab 12, then mab for you 25. I'm assuming this was from a dark matter event augment?
For some reason on pet augs it shows both rolls separately rather than together, this was with a normal stone, fern iirc.

So both of his augs should be applied to pet it's just how the pet augs work.

If this is true, that means merlinic body, head and feet can beat out apogee+1 as well.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 694
By Shiva.Alistrianna 2016-03-16 23:41:54
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Asura.Frod said: »
To clarify that ing though before anyone asks. It is pet mab 12, then mab for you 25. I'm assuming this was from a dark matter event augment?

Nope, was a fern stone. its all Pet augments.
By Verda 2016-03-17 01:03:43
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Asura.Frod said: »
If this is true, that means merlinic body, head and feet can beat out apogee+1 as well.
It's definitely a possibility to consider, especially if you take into account magic accuracy. Feet might still win though, as they have 12 BP damage counting set bonus.

The chance of just max BP damage of 10 is pretty low though, according to tests done by Byrth about 3% chance to have a max fern stone category aug for the 10 bp damage, split among at least 8 (and maybe 10) different augs.
To do some math based on what we know:
.03 / 8 = .00375
1 / .00375 = 266.6666 = 267 Fern Stones for bp damage 10 on statistical average, if it's 8.

Taking that further, it's even distribution for 35 mab, so a 1 in 35 chance:
267 * 35 = 9345 fern stones for mab 35 and bp damage 10 if it's 8 categories.
9345 / 12 = 778.75 = 779 stacks * 100,000 each = 77.9 million

Not all known for sure, but using what we think we know, that's to match the 35 mab and 10 bp damage present on every piece of apogee+1, which feet and legs have more native bp damage. If you can get 40 mab and 10 bp damage both, which isn't known, you could beat it but chances are more rare. However, merlinic will always come with a great deal more magic accuracy then most of the apogee+1 set, so for very hard engagements having it probably not a bad idea even if it's not capped, unless you do night terror or something. Of course, you could also be that one guy to get max augs first try or that unlucky guy that spent 3x that much before getting it.

Last I checked on apogee+1 body and legs they were about 70mil in mats to craft on average, with the rest of the pieces being much lower (head is like 11mil to craft for example). So having a complete set of merlinic aug'd ones would be much better in the magic accuracy department, can possibly beat apogee+1 in damage, and is definitely more expensive and way more time consuming.

If you throw dark matter augs on top of that... which can increase caps 50% reports say, you could have some amazing gear, but the rarity of dark matter augs lining up is even worse, by a lot, and each stone costs you 1 mil, so it would be more like a several billion gil per piece investment, I think, of which you might never meet anyone ever who took the time and gil to do it, buy maybe 1 person who got lucky. It's literally a black hole you can throw effort and gil into, which means if SE wanted to not improve gear for a long time, the perfectionists among us would still have stuff to do for a very very very long time... :/ Not surprisingly outside getting some refresh +2 feet or TH on your smn I don't think dark matter augs too popular a system.

Gearing SMN is a pretty time intensive venture vs most jobs, not to mention just all the questing needed to get avatars. So I feel ok we got lucky on having cursed instead of hexed gear, because otherwise the cost of a body could be over 400 mil instead of 70 mil. Also, a lot of SMN gear this included only good for SMN, so I think the cost difference is pretty justified but I main summoner so I'm not unbiased. I used about 600 stones on the Dastanas I pictured. If you wish to farm stones I recommend selkit he drops mostly ferns, mostly done by DD jobs and he can be a big jerk. If you have geo or cor and nirvana to volt strike though he isn't that bad at all and a pretty quick kill, otherwise can do bcnm with a party and sell pluton/beit/boulders for stones.

Anyway, ya, Merlinic augs can be pretty amazing, for myself I will get apogee+1 except for hands though, and gamble a bit over time. If SE introduces a new tier of aug'd gear which I think will eventually happen, then this stuff might all be obsolete, so I'm cautious to spend a fortune on augmented gear my helios set had over 40 mil spent on it and I can't bring myself to toss it (though seeing some posts maybe I could just re-purpose it) but I'm also not using it... Then there's my taeon sets.. of which I had 2. We might be using merlinic and abjuration gear for a very long time though, considering the dev team adjustments, so it's up to you.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 694
By Shiva.Alistrianna 2016-03-17 01:33:20
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I've done Dark Matter on my Merlinic feet everyday for last 3 weeks. Never seen a pet augment that mattered, let alone seen Refresh +2.

The thing I like about Merlinic augments though is the chance to get Pet: STR/DEX/INT on top off other stats although its probably unrealistic to think that I'd see BP dmg +10, high INT and MAB together at once. I think i went through 1000+ stones on Griv just to get BP dmg +7, Pet INT +15 and MAB +22.

I was trying to solo Belphegor for stones but in the end he would one shot my Trusts with Hadal Summons or Chainspell and plow through my NPCs. If I alternated Ramuh and Atomos to remove the Memeto buff, I would time out. I think I might need to get some more Apogee gear, even if its NQ just to buff physical damage some more.
This is the set I use for now/
ItemSet 342550
Apogee crown - pet Atk +30 BP dmg +7
Merlinic Dastanas - BP dmg +10, pet MAB +20
Conveyance cape - Skill +1, BP dmg +5, Emnity +8
Helios Spats - BP dmg +5, Pet(Crit +4 and MAB +28)
Helios Boots - BP dmg +6 Pet(Crit +4 and Atk +30)
By Verda 2016-03-17 02:33:39
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I probably got lucky but am enjoying some merlinic feet with 2 refresh. It is a noticeable difference if I'm doing something like incursion and using level ? holy constantly which is 231 mp per pact and I can cap perp with lucidity sash, nirvana, assiduity pants +1, and evans earring. Everything else I got wasn't useful at all so I'll take it since it's one of the few major armor slots (head,body,hands,legs,feet) without ilvl refresh in it for smn.

Shiva.Alistrianna said: »
The thing I like about Merlinic augments though is the chance to get Pet: STR/DEX/INT on top off other stats although its probably unrealistic to think that I'd see BP dmg +10, high INT and MAB together at once.

I couldn't agree more on all that :D

Shiva.Alistrianna said: »
I was trying to solo Belphegor for stones but in the end he would one shot my Trusts with Hadal Summons or Chainspell and plow through my NPCs. If I alternated Ramuh and Atomos to remove the Memeto buff, I would time out.
He chainspells the memento buff at low hp (around 10%), every other cast at that point atomos can't keep up at all and your only bet just to stun and kill him asap. He also has a very high amount of mdb it seems to me, magic doesn't do great vs him. He does take extra damage from blunt though being undead, so if you build a good physical set for volt strike you might have more luck. Nirvana makes a ton of difference in that fight because of that but I definitely think you can beat him with a good physical set and at worst getting a cor (moslty bst roll and drachen or companion roll) or geo (mostly just frailty but topor doesn't hurt) friend to duo it with. If doing magic burst though, Iroha II can make skillchains for you to burst from. Edit: was tired sorry, see you did put a physical set. I'd definitely go with volt strike though if you weren't already, tip I can think of dia 3 from a rdm, and am2 closer to 3k tp than 2k tp for max attack, and kusamochi, since you have nirvana :D Don't use shock squall till near the end to avoid stun resistance... then stun can last nearer full duration when he gets low hp. NQ apogee legs would help your set a lot, and feet aren't bad either, but your set is good, I'd expect a win with that if you can close out last 10% fast enough.
Posts: 1273
By FaeQueenCory 2016-03-17 06:57:31
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Do you have Vagary access?
The belt from there is super nice, and you seem to be acc starved on this physical set.
So even though your Merlinic augment has more BPdmg, it might be good to get Apogee/+1 for physical BPs.
(Or another Merlinic and play that game again for Acc instead of MAB)

If you have Vagary wins, or at least the body, the empy body is better than the artifact, since skill=Acc.

Also, the SR pants are something else to look into for your physical set. A well augmented (eg: 1~2 at most from capped augments) is gonna be a good Acc boost... Not to mention the other physical oriented stats.

Lastly, you could try Apogee feet with a skill augment, more BPdmg even in the NQ than your Helios, but more Acc.

Mind you this is all for phys BPs.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 694
By Shiva.Alistrianna 2016-03-17 10:22:14
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For Lvl 135 and 145 content I do not have enough accuracy, but I have a different gear set for when I need accuracy. For soloing Belphegor the set has more than enough. My pet has 1124 accuracy for physical pacts before food, vorseals, skill over 424 and the +100 bonus to accuracy it receives when you use the pact.

I'm going to try Belphegor again Verda, but this time I think I'm just gonna wait til use Atomos at 50% and 15%, before Chainspell. The nukes are a non issue for Amchuchu, it's Hadal Summons that gets stupid. When I wasn't using Atomos for every Memento Mori, I could get him down to Chainspell with 5 minutes left to kill.

EDIT: So I did some more Belphegor with a friend and found out Atomos only removes 1 stack of Memento at a time. It's nearly impossible to keep up with that and kill him at the same time solo with Trusts. Guess I'll have to figure out how to get white "!!" to solo it without Astral Conduit.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 694
By Shiva.Alistrianna 2016-03-20 14:15:30
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Not sure if anyone cares but I did finally see Blood Pact dmg on Dark Matter augments. So its a possibility that could can get up to BP dmg +15 on a piece since the caps are 50% higher. The chances that you would have another relevant pet stat with it is probably less than 1% though.
Server: Asura
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user: Pergatory
Posts: 1437
By Asura.Pergatory 2016-03-20 15:25:31
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Shiva.Alistrianna said: »
Not sure if anyone cares but I did finally see Blood Pact dmg on Dark Matter augments. So its a possibility that could can get up to BP dmg +15 on a piece since the caps are 50% higher. The chances that you would have another relevant pet stat with it is probably less than 1% though.
Interesting, that could possibly be pretty awesome for physical BPs purely on BP Dmg. I think you'd have to be pretty short on things to augment to actually try that though. :)

I still got 1 piece I'm trying to get refresh+2 on, and after that will probably just try for cool melee augments. Wardrobe2 is coming!! Polish your melee and nuking sets boys and girls!

Edit: Also Ali you might consider trying Lunar Roar. It dispels two buffs at once, maybe it'll take out two stacks instead of just the 1 you're getting with Atomos? Fenrir's dark so I don't know if it would work but might be worth a shot.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 694
By Shiva.Alistrianna 2016-03-20 16:08:09
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I still haven't even managed to get Refresh +2 on merlinic feet. 6 weeks worth of augments and haven't seen it once.

Also, dark based Dispel effects do not appear to work but I will try that next time just to see. I basically just get him to 50% now and Volt Strike spam via Conduit to kill it. Yeah, I kill it once every 45 minutes (sooner if I went to MMM) but it beats not killing him at all for stones when I have nothing better to do.

I already carry a nuking set, which also happens to be most of my Garland of Bliss set. Isn't that only going to be useful with /SCH though?
Server: Asura
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user: Karbuncle
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By Asura.Karbuncle 2016-03-20 21:51:56
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So, Sorry, is Blood Pact Damage on merlinic only available with Dark Matter or is BG wiki just trolling me with it not being listed?
By Verda 2016-03-20 23:22:29
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Asura.Karbuncle said: »
So, Sorry, is Blood Pact Damage on merlinic only available with Dark Matter or is BG wiki just trolling me with it not being listed?
It's simply not listed, the amount of community effort so far on Reisenjima augs, especially weapons is sadly pretty small so far, you definitely can get it though on both staff and merlinic (and w/ dark matter!).

Meant to reply to this earlier:
Asura.Prophecyy said: »
Has anyone fought Ogdoad in Reisenjima? I've found very limited information on this guy. Wiki says it's fished up and drops this.
It is definitely fished up from the dark orbs at mosquito lake which only spawn at certain times of day. I'm 0/4 on the staff. He links any toads you fished up so be ready. I really want one too but 15 smn skill and 8 bp dmg is hard to think up a good use for, it does do a lot of stuff in one staff and is a nice trophy item. It has a definite use for being an inventory saver in that it combines nuking/enfeebling staff for SMN with sch subjob and dark arts though if you went out of your way to augment grioavlr for just those purposes it'd end up being better, that'd contradict what I said about it saving you inventory.

Shiva.Alistrianna said: »
Blood Pact dmg on Dark Matter augments. So its a possibility that could can get up to BP dmg +15 on a piece since the caps are 50% higher.
That is nice, would be a pretty sweet pair of merlinic hands.

Shiva.Alistrianna said: »
EDIT: So I did some more Belphegor with a friend and found out Atomos only removes 1 stack of Memento at a time. It's nearly impossible to keep up with that and kill him at the same time solo with Trusts. Guess I'll have to figure out how to get white "!!" to solo it without Astral Conduit.

I can see if I can solo it sometime, last time I tried with a GEO though volt strike could do over 20k so the last 10% is almost gone with an apogee. One other thing is get a high acc melee set for SMN and do garland of bliss to volt strike for light damage skillchain can really speed it up too. good luck. I didn't have acc problems on him and was using kusamochi and this set:
		sub="Flanged Grip",
		head="Blistering Sallet",
		body="Onca Suit",
		neck="Subtlety spectacles",
		right_ring="Cacoethic Ring",
		left_ring="Cacoethic Ring +1",
		left_ear="Zennaroi Earring",
		right_ear="Dignitary's Earring",
		waist="Olseni Belt",
		back="Penetrating Cape"

The def down of garland helps a lot too as does am2 with ~100 attack. I'll see how well it works w/o geo and let you know.

Edit: I was able to win but could've gone bad and took about 10 mins 9 mins (first min is buffing), you might need some apogee+1 or at least some nq apogee to win, I ended up using revitalizer at the end for an extra apogee. I'm encoding the video now and will try to upload it somewhere. With GEO and/or COR fight is far faster... I wish SE would give SMN trusts that help, Sylvie could cast frailty for example. BLU can solo this in like 2 min ;-;

YouTube Video Placeholder

I made some mistakes and definite room for improvement, I could prob cut off 2 mins, but a win is a win... hope it helps!
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 694
By Shiva.Alistrianna 2016-03-21 15:41:04
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Only took 3 weeks of dark matter augmenting to get these.
Refresh +2 finally, and no no augments left for refresh on other pieces =( Here's hoping the last week of Rainbow Campaign continues the dark matter trend.
By Verda 2016-03-22 10:57:51
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A short video showing with proper support and going astral what a summoner can do, to contrast the long solo above:
YouTube Video Placeholder

This is how I have helped a lot of people farmed Vir'ava, and other NMs in escha. Resetting generally takes longer than the fights. I was actually slow on this one, last one didn't burst. Wasn't quite capped damage either, but I do get capped damage on it sometimes, esp if pet has TP when I bloodpact. Was also unlucky pup roll and using wrong food, and didn't bother changing out to magic burst hands either (though I'm not sure if they are better than merlinic now). We did a 2nd win just before 1 hours (AF and Bolster) wore, just using random deal and revitilzer to reset apogee and rage timers for a quick 4-5 pacts that magic burst (over 2-3 skillchains). Knowing your enemies and support is really important for SMN as a DD source imo. Bubbles were malaise and languor, was unlucky pup roll and companions, with quickdraw fire thrown in and putting conflag strike on before the magic bursts. Also got the abnoba kaftan, and 1 smn body we were after this set of runs.

Note to would be smn, can do this with less gear, but that's an idris geo and my smn has a lot invested into it too, I wouldn't be surprised if there's over 1 billion in gear just between smn and geo, not to even count rare/ex and quested items. This is also doable without any one hours, this just more fun :P It's also quick and pretty close to guaranteed win. I'll add some others, Yilan is a fun one as he is weak to fire. To contrast I'll add some that aren't fights catering to summoner too, like the one vs Belph above.
Server: Asura
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user: Pergatory
Posts: 1437
By Asura.Pergatory 2016-03-22 11:01:18
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Grats Ali!

I had an augmenting victory too, I finally got a better augment on my Merlinic Dastanas, in fact higher Pet:MAB than I knew was possible on a single roll. The augments were: BPD+10 Pet: DEX+2 MAB+29 (fern stone).

I've gotten Pet: MAB+25 MAB+15 from Pellucid. If Fern can do up to +30 on main roll and +15 on second roll then we should be able to get up to BPD+10 Pet:MAB+45 total. Pretty crazy.
Server: Shiva
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By Shiva.Alistrianna 2016-03-22 22:30:57
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Asura.Pergatory said: »
Grats Ali!

I had an augmenting victory too, I finally got a better augment on my Merlinic Dastanas, in fact higher Pet:MAB than I knew was possible on a single roll. The augments were: BPD+10 Pet: DEX+2 MAB+29 (fern stone).

I've gotten Pet: MAB+25 MAB+15 from Pellucid. If Fern can do up to +30 on main roll and +15 on second roll then we should be able to get up to BPD+10 Pet:MAB+45 total. Pretty crazy.

Pellucid stones can't get Blood pact dmg +10% though. Fern stones add +1 to the cap on ability and job trait enhancing effects. It's the main reason people have been using fern stones for most things. You can still get BP damage +1~10% and pet m.acc/mab +1~20 two times with a fern, as was the case with my merlinic body shown in an earlier post. Pellucid stones, at least in my experience, have generated a fair number of augments for acc, mab, m.acc, etc that were near max values. They were pretty common compared to fern stones. The drawback is that pellucid stones generate Ability/Trait enhancements at a terrible rate.

@Verda - I keep forgetting about those hands. I need to add a rule to my lua to equip those gloves for bursts.
Server: Asura
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user: Pergatory
Posts: 1437
By Asura.Pergatory 2016-03-23 10:31:04
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Shiva.Alistrianna said: »
You can still get BP damage +1~10% and pet m.acc/mab +1~20 two times with a fern
That was my whole point though, my augment did not get two MAB rolls. The +29 is a single roll, not the total of two MAB rolls. So it can go a lot higher than 20 per roll.

And yeah I'm pretty sure no matter how good your Merlinic augment, the relic gloves will always be worth swapping in for magic bursts. That said, there are times I don't. During Conduit for example, such as on Kouryu. SCHs will be making skillchains all through Conduit and I'll get a lot of MBs, but I'd rather my MBs land with Merlinic than my non-MBs land without Merlinic.
Server: Cerberus
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user: KupoNuts
Posts: 1214
By Cerberus.Avalon 2016-03-23 10:47:21
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Verda said: »
A short video showing with proper support and going astral what a summoner can do, to contrast the long solo above:
YouTube Video Placeholder

This is how I have helped a lot of people farmed Vir'ava, and other NMs in escha. Resetting generally takes longer than the fights. I was actually slow on this one, last one didn't burst. Wasn't quite capped damage either, but I do get capped damage on it sometimes, esp if pet has TP when I bloodpact. Was also unlucky pup roll and using wrong food, and didn't bother changing out to magic burst hands either (though I'm not sure if they are better than merlinic now). We did a 2nd win just before 1 hours (AF and Bolster) wore, just using random deal and revitilzer to reset apogee and rage timers for a quick 4-5 pacts that magic burst (over 2-3 skillchains). Knowing your enemies and support is really important for SMN as a DD source imo. Bubbles were malaise and languor, was unlucky pup roll and companions, with quickdraw fire thrown in and putting conflag strike on before the magic bursts. Also got the abnoba kaftan, and 1 smn body we were after this set of runs.

Note to would be smn, can do this with less gear, but that's an idris geo and my smn has a lot invested into it too, I wouldn't be surprised if there's over 1 billion in gear just between smn and geo, not to even count rare/ex and quested items. This is also doable without any one hours, this just more fun :P It's also quick and pretty close to guaranteed win. I'll add some others, Yilan is a fun one as he is weak to fire. To contrast I'll add some that aren't fights catering to summoner too, like the one vs Belph above.

Just want to comment real quick on this strategy. It works something fierce (if done properly). Our Vir'ava died within 20 seconds last night.

We're going to give this a whirl on other NM's, like Kirin.

Thanks Verda.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 694
By Shiva.Alistrianna 2016-03-23 11:24:32
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Asura.Pergatory said: »
Shiva.Alistrianna said: »
You can still get BP damage +1~10% and pet m.acc/mab +1~20 two times with a fern
That was my whole point though, my augment did not get two MAB rolls. The +29 is a single roll, not the total of two MAB rolls. So it can go a lot higher than 20 per roll.
I've seen alot of MAB +30 rolls just by itself or paired with a lower m.acc augment, but never paired with another mab/m.acc combo augment. But I can definitely say I have seen x2 mab/m.acc combos together for an augment attempt.

Iirc though, all of Byrth's compiled data for stones suggests that 40 is the max you can get combined for any augments. There was also the possibility that if you generated a second augment that would break 40, you simply didn't get it but I'm not sure how conclusive that really is without SE commenting on it. If there is any truth behind that statement, it will be extremely hard to get 40 pet MAB on any piece. Dark matter augments seem to be the only thing that can generate anything over 40.

Also got this today via Fern stones.

Seems nice for physical but the lack of attack kind of sucks. Dex +7 should help physical pacts though? I recall that being the modifier for most physical pacts.
Server: Asura
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user: Pergatory
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By Asura.Pergatory 2016-03-23 15:08:14
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Yes DEX is a great stat to have. I don't think it's a modifier for the BPs, I believe that is STR for physical BPs, but it helps both accuracy and crit rate which are both crucial. I think that's a very good augment, a little more MAB and it would be baller status for Flaming Crush (or like you said, attack for other phys BP).

I think my ideal Flaming Crush augments would have DEX on one piece, STR on the other (I use two Merlinic pieces for Flaming Crush).

And I understand what you're saying now, I wonder if the two MAB rolls are combined under certain circumstances, like if you don't get MAcc rolls? My BPD+10 MAB+29 roll has no MAcc on it, maybe if it did, it would've been two MAB rolls like +15 and +14 or something.

Just random musings...
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 694
By Shiva.Alistrianna 2016-03-23 22:04:15
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Asura.Pergatory said: »
Yes DEX is a great stat to have. I don't think it's a modifier for the BPs, I believe that is STR for physical BPs, but it helps both accuracy and crit rate which are both crucial.

This post was likely what I was recalling, but as Byrth states the testing was only conclusive for Claw. Either way, 30% modifier is low and probably the reason STR does so much more since there is no cap on fSTR for a pet.
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