The 6th Ministry's Secret: A Summoner's Guide (v2)

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The 6th Ministry's Secret: A Summoner's Guide (v2)
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2015-10-01 03:03:37
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In my Keraunos I still have Mab, BP dmg and Crit/DA.
Wish BPdmg was at 10% (cap), atm it's only 8%, but I guess I can't complain in the end.
Maybe in the future they'll do another campaign similar to the one they just did for normal skirmish, but for alluvion skirmish.
Posts: 761
By Elizabet 2015-10-10 09:41:16
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Whats the word on Espiritus these days on aug path?
Posts: 117
By Cleric 2015-10-10 10:24:48
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General census is A for magical blood pacts, D for physical, and the skill route for wards
Posts: 761
By Elizabet 2015-10-12 00:47:45
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Verda said: »
It is why I have 3 Espiritus and looking for a fourth

I hate you. I'm 0/33 on Espiritus.
By 2015-10-12 00:56:09
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2015-10-12 01:50:39
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I'll be glad to be proved wrong by some extensive math, but I think people are greatly underestimating perf augs Keraunos.

You could argue that if you're unlucky in the time/gil it would take you to get perf augs you could easily get 4 Espiritus, but aside these practical issues, Keraunos with perf augs is quite an excellent magic BP staff.
Posts: 761
By Elizabet 2015-10-12 04:25:53
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Well it depends on your total MAB and total BP+ stats. The higher your BP+ then the better MAB gets, the higher your MAB, the better BP+ gets.

So, I have no doubt that if you're sporting a full set of Apogee +1, considering set bonus, that Espiritus[A] comes on top. However, if you are in Helios, or ApogeeNQ, things get a little more blurry. so there isn't a simple "this staff is better" answer. Depends on the rest of your set.

There is no staff that is better in all possible scenarios. This is FFXI we're talking about. That being said, Keraunos for phys. is better than Espi[D], but really blowing gil that way should go on Alexandrites...
Server: Cerberus
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user: KupoNuts
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By Cerberus.Avalon 2015-10-12 12:43:44
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SCH + SMN strategy is a beautiful thing. We have cleared all sky gods this way, however we haven't tried SMN on Kirin/Kouryu yet.
Posts: 761
By Elizabet 2015-10-13 00:04:51
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Verda said: »
For the UNM itself, he's very weak to darkness. Impact magic burst wrecks him as does thf closing darkness.

Do you mean the Hecteye for the pops? Cause Amchuchu tanks it like a boss and Apururu never runs out of MP and I am getting 9-10k Heavenly Strikes on it... Takes a bit, but safe solo, more smn just speeds it up.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 4
By Shiva.Tokidohki 2015-10-13 13:01:55
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I've been messing with gearswap sets and trying to figure out where +summoning magic gear needs to be placed in precast or midcast, from my personal testing it looks like it has to go in precast. I've noticed no change in buff timers in midcast. Is this correct? If so that kind of sucks, it will have to fight with BP Timer gear for Precast slots.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 4
By Shiva.Tokidohki 2015-10-13 13:32:10
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Verda said: »
It's in my bloodpactward midcast, which is a midcast for the pet not for you, and it is definitely adding to the timers. Here's a breakdown:

* Fast Cast for spell casting speed
* Job ability delay- for job abilities, or things that modify job abilities since they are all instant cast
* WS sets, because they are instant cast
* Any kind of spell interruption rate down gear or casting time reduction gear

That's it for precast. Literally everything else goes in midcast, including:
* MAB, Magic Acc, Magic Crit, Magic skill
* Haste and Fastcast for spell recast

And anything else I didn't mention except quicmagic. A note that quickmagic procs are supposedly handled by GS too and in that case would probably over-ride a precast set when it procs but I've never messed with it.

For any job with a pet your midcast isn't for you but for your pet. My guess is you have no pet_midcast stuff defined at all so when you put smn skill in the precast it's staying equipped till the point your avatar casts. Basically there's probably a lot wrong with your gs.

I'm not using yours or anyone else gearswap, I am making my own.

I put my +smn skill gear in a pet_midcast(spell) function and it doesn't affect the timers when I activate a bpward. I know the function and gear is equipping the +smn gear because I watch it equip, any other suggestions ?
By Aeyela 2015-10-13 13:42:03
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Shiva.Tokidohki said: »
I'm not using yours or anyone else gearswap, I am making my own.

I put my +smn skill gear in a pet_midcast(spell) function and it doesn't affect the timers when I activate a bpward. I know the function and gear is equipping the +smn gear because I watch it equip, any other suggestions ?

You can use GS debugmode to see a run down of how blood pacts are processed.

It goes Precast (Player) > Midcast (Player) > Precast (Pet) > Midcast (Pet) > Aftercast (Pet), assuming you have those functions in your file. Your (Player) aftercast will only stay on for an absolute split second between Midcast (Player) and Precast (Pet), so there's no point worrying about it.

Assuming you want to get the maximum skill on blood pacts, you need to have summoning magic on when you use Midcast (Pet). You need ability delay active when you use your skill during Midcast (Player), but since no logic will activate for blood pacts on Midcast most people put it in Precast (Player) for readability. It's nothing to do with pet, so there shouldn't be any interruptions.

I posted a Barebones GearSwap a few weeks back that helps simplify this process. You don't need to use the file but look at how the sets are defined for an idea on how the ordering is processed.

Barebones Summoner Gearswap
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4
By Shiva.Tokidohki 2015-10-13 14:11:46
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Here is my GS file that I have right now

As this code is right now my Ifrit's Inferno Howl has a duration of 4:05, If I change my sets.pet_precast waist slot from Jaq'ij Sash to Cimmerian sash I get a extra 5 seconds (4:10) duration
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4
By Shiva.Tokidohki 2015-10-13 15:44:14
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I finally figured out what the problem was, the gs was correct my Timers addon was just not calculating the duration properly. I don't know what the issue with Timers is but it looks like it isn't picking up the gearchange in pet_midcast to calculate duration properly.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Tarage
Posts: 46
By Ragnarok.Tarage 2015-10-13 19:14:05
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FWIW the new timers SE provides us for spell durations are 100% correct, so there is little reason to use timers for anything but recast.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Crevox
Posts: 370
By Asura.Crevox 2015-10-13 19:38:07
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Ragnarok.Tarage said: »
FWIW the new timers SE provides us for spell durations are 100% correct, so there is little reason to use timers for anything but recast.

Timers is still much more organized and was always correct so long as they were configured properly.

I still use custom timers from my gearswap that calculate the durations exactly right, and it's much easier to see all my buffs from there than looking at a bunch of tiny icons, some of which are the same. The meters are also nice to have.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Crevox
Posts: 370
By Asura.Crevox 2015-10-13 20:58:05
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Actually for day bonuses

Day bonuses? What bonuses for a day affect ward duration? Besides, Gearswap can check the day and equip the proper gear and affect the timer appropriately.

The only thing you wouldn't be able to check is Blood Boon bonuses to duration, but even then, this is the first time I've heard of it doing that.
Posts: 761
By Elizabet 2015-10-14 00:26:26
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Interesting, I'll do some on my end and see what I can find.
By Aeyela 2015-10-14 05:21:50
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I want to help test this, but I only have i109 Empyrean so I'll use my coding experience instead to facilitate easier testing. Here's a self_command that will automate the process. You'll need to change the wait inside the testbb() function to reflect your blood pact recast timer.

Put this inside Self Command:

And put this somewhere outside an existing function:

Then just type gs c testbb to begin and gs c stopbb to stop. It'll do exactly what Verda wants it to do except you don't need to press any buttons. Grab a book or your tablet or watch some TV whilst it spams Hastega 2 for you!
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