The 6th Ministry's Secret: A Summoner's Guide (v2)

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The 6th Ministry's Secret: A Summoner's Guide (v2)
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Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Gutsu
Posts: 48
By Sylph.Gutsu 2015-09-21 04:08:59
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Can solo warder of love on smn but requires bit of luck. I pop him on the clinoid island. When you pop him have trust tank get agro then head to the portal to have it reset. Come back in and you have like 3mins or so to do some buffs. Find it and get close but dont agro. Pop astral flow and use perfect defense so dont get killed by adds or aoe. Quickly summon ifrit and agro him. Then pop astral conduit on him and if ifrit does not die should be able to kill if you well geared. Wish when do astral conduit pets you summon have the effect as well. I used akamochi food. I do not use warcry as it uses valuable time of perfect defense. Make sure when use perfect defense have on your smn skill gear to get max possible time with your current gear. I think right now you need 600skill to get 1min worth of perfect defense.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Smacks
By Carbuncle.Doryll 2015-09-21 07:40:47
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Elizabet said: »
Carbuncle.Doryll said: »

Since last update, i have errors with my gearswap, i can't use BP maccros, it seems miss a "<t>" after each BP maccro.

PS ; i use same GS file from 16th page of this guide

Here is my guess, make sure the Shortcuts plugin is loaded and working.

Thank you so much ! That was just shorcuts add-on....
Posts: 761
By Elizabet 2015-09-23 05:17:50
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Aeyela said: »
I do Silver Sea Remnants and with and without Ammo on the first Lamp it takes 10-15/20-25 minutes respectively to rush through to the bosses and kill them both.

I took the liberty of creating a masterful treasure map to guide you on your quest:

This post should be a thread, and stickied. +1 to you kind sir. too often, gems like this one are oft buried in the middle of the Guide thread between an outdated first post and too "last patch" stuff on the last 2-3 pages.

Let's make it more visible for newer summoners!
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Phillie
Posts: 29
By Phoenix.Phillie 2015-09-25 07:47:12
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Any chance someone has had the time to update the most recent gear sets, or is the sets on page 1 still most beneficial? currently thinkin about HQ apogee, but dunno about blowin 200mil+
Posts: 761
By Elizabet 2015-09-25 07:57:13
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Phoenix.Phillie said: »
currently thinkin about HQ apogee, but dunno about blowin 200mil+

Do you have awesome Helios sets yet? HQ Apogee would blow out the water anything out there aside from a top notch helios set. Except with helios, your price tag could be lower.. but it can also be much higher. At least Apogee isn't random.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Phillie
Posts: 29
By Phoenix.Phillie 2015-09-25 08:09:19
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I'm literally like 1-2 MAB, 1 crit and 1 BP damage from cap on helios. just noticed there is new pieces and was wandering if someone had them mapped out yet on sets, maybe so i wouldnt have to waste anymore time farmin stones and getting augments uped xP
Posts: 1273
By FaeQueenCory 2015-09-25 09:56:50
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Elizabet said: »
Phoenix.Phillie said: »
currently thinkin about HQ apogee, but dunno about blowin 200mil+

Do you have awesome Helios sets yet? HQ Apogee would blow out the water anything out there aside from a top notch helios set. Except with helios, your price tag could be lower.. but it can also be much higher. At least Apogee isn't random.
There's no comparison.
Apogee+1 is strictly, 100000000% BiS for damage.
When comparing without regard to the set bonus, sure.... It's not SO very much better than perfect augmented Helios..... (Except even then it is. That 1%BPdmg and 5MAB add up quickly.)
But throw in the set bonus, and you have a full 10% more IN ADDITION TO all the other higher stats.

Apogee+1 is the current (and likely ever) end-all-be-all when it comes to BPdmg.
Posts: 761
By Elizabet 2015-09-25 12:11:54
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FaeQueenCory said: »
Apogee+1 is strictly, 100000000% BiS for damage.

ALL HQ set has 25 MAB, 17 BP damage over perfect helios. But it loses the 20% crit hit. If one doesnt even have Helios... there is no question where to put your savings. If one has near perfect helios... I'd wager the money is better used towards building Nirvana.

To me the question is more, when you get them.. which path... I wonder if going path C one everything, and D on legs is worth it since Flaming crush gets benefits from both the atk and the mab.

For ref:
A: MP+80, Pet Mab+35, BP DMG+8
B: MP+80, Pet Att+35, BP DMG+8
C: Pet Att+25, Pet Mab+25, BP DMG+8
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Phillie
Posts: 29
By Phoenix.Phillie 2015-09-27 12:43:10
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Ok.. Was tryin to see if 1200 gift was ever figured out. Tried to read but kinda tiring and hard on a phone lol
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 31
By Quetzalcoatl.Frodnon 2015-09-27 19:58:02
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Verda said: »
I think it will take some testing to know Elizabet, unless someone managed to figure out the exact formula for flaming crush yet. I can say this though, in soloing the UNM tonberry so much and replacing
		head={ name="Helios Band", augments={'Pet: "Mag.Atk.Bns."+29','Pet: Crit.hit rate +4','Blood Pact Dmg.+4',}}, 
		hands={ name="Helios Gloves", augments={'Pet: "Mag.Atk.Bns."+28','Pet: Crit.hit rate +4','Blood Pact Dmg.+4',}},

	    head="Apogee Crown",
	    hands="Apogee Mitts",

(both path A)
I was able to defeat him much faster on average. 3 MAB and 6 BP dmg then seem to be worth a lot more than 8% crit chance. On average I went from just beating him before astral conduit wears, to having 7-15 seconds left. Every time I beat him the same way, I woudl open with using astral flow, then apogee. Then I'd shattersoul (built tp before hand) -> flaming crush x2 for a light chain, the best this ever worked out is I took 80% of his HP with just that combo (got lucky for a huge crit on 2nd FC). Usually I take 30 to 50% of his hp this way. Then I use astral conduit to finish him off. With the helios ones, I never did 80% of his hp with one chain and minimum was lower.

I think that the crit chance makes crit happens more often has to be weighed against the fact the apogee +1 set will make the minimum and maximum both higher. So if you don't crit it's higher baseline and if you do the upper ceiling is higher. So basically, I think that while max helios can compare and perhaps surpass apogee NQ that apogee +1 will always be far superior. This is just one test and not very controlled, and small sample sizes (like 3 fights each way). But b/c it was consistent in results, I think that it's true. I would like to set up a more controlled test, but the reason I am willing to post this is using astral conduit a ton of times will give you a good average on your FC damage, and the astral conduit wearing time left is a good indication of where the total damage ended up.

NQ apogee is largely better to get than helios because it is so goddamn hard and expensive to get those perfect augments. You will be losing points in BPd or MAB/ATK or you'll be spending what will amount to an Apogee +1 piece or two.

It's much cheaper and easier to get apogee NQ head, hands and feet, the tier 1 and tier 2 NMs are largely easy to do, a proper AF/AC spam will ruin them, and they're fairly easy to get pops to do.

Legs you'll do fine using Enticer's for all pacts. it's one BPd less than a perfect helios, but makes up with the tp bonus and crit.

Apogee Body abjuration is a pain in the *** to get, don't waste it on a NQ. *** vir'ava forever, you will not be able to shout group him. You'll probably do best with convoker's +1 (it's a shame Glyphic has no BPd).

Crown you can find as low as 20m. Hands, legs and feet are around 40-60m, body as high as 75 to 90m. The HQ set is well worth the investment and should be considered the second step behind getting Nirvana. if you had infinite gil, 2x HQ head, legs hands. 3x body and feet (D path best in slot +skill). D path Feet, HQ or NQ, beat out *** Marduk +1 for skill, something that hasn't been usurped since pre-adoulin!

Only real questions left is if D path legs out perform path B for phys pacts or FC and if path C on all 5 HQ is better than stacking MAB for flaming crush.
Posts: 761
By Elizabet 2015-09-28 02:14:19
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Verda said: »
I think it will take some testing to know Elizabet, unless someone managed to figure out the exact formula for flaming crush yet. I can say this though, in soloing the UNM tonberry so much and replacing
		head={ name="Helios Band", augments={'Pet: "Mag.Atk.Bns."+29','Pet: Crit.hit rate +4','Blood Pact Dmg.+4',}}, 
		hands={ name="Helios Gloves", augments={'Pet: "Mag.Atk.Bns."+28','Pet: Crit.hit rate +4','Blood Pact Dmg.+4',}},

	    head="Apogee Crown",
	    hands="Apogee Mitts",

(both path A)

I'd wager you get better result with the apoge there just based on BP dmg+ that you are missing on Helios. The crit% is not what I was hinting at since we know HQ set being better than Top helios...

My Question is: Is path A or path C better in general... (AKA my first piece should be what?)

My gut feeling is that path C is going to be best for Crush, however, you'll be losing out on MAB when doing stuff like Heavenly Strike... Additionally, the extra MP on Path A, might get you 2-3 more Bloodpacts in Conduit.
Posts: 761
By Elizabet 2015-09-28 03:12:45
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Verda said: »
The one nice thing about all this is tho... don't despair because though the paths you should go are situational, 3k silt is a paltry fee to change them and if you need to max your output for a certain engagement you can do so (assuming it is like other gear nolan augments and you can change paths I haven't tried it with abjuration gear yet).

I really hope that is the case, cause if anything... INV SPACE!!
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 31
By Quetzalcoatl.Frodnon 2015-09-28 19:10:28
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Verda said: »

I'll agree if others have backed up my findings above that the 8% crit chance seems not even as valuable as a few bp dmg and pet mab. Really tho, even if you had perfect helios, the + avatar HP still good for party heals and avatar heals and breath damage attacks. Unfortunately when you swtich to apogee tho you are going to lose a lot of hp so heals on you aren't very effective... apogee +1 is iirc -560 HP to just equip it pretty insane, worth it, but insane. It's like being hit by a nuke every time you put it on and go back to your idle set :|

I disagree a bit, sometimes skirmish gear can be as expensive as you say, and sometimes you get max aug with the first NQ stone you use (had this happen). So you never know and you have to base it on an average rather than assuming you're either lucky or unlucky and at least in my experience the average isn't as terrible as you describe. What REALLY gets you is that last 2-3 pet mab or last 2 bp dmg. That can really get expensive and most the time isn't worth chasing... :(

i was comparing the cost/time of buying apogee pieces and eschalixirs +1/+2 (or farming it all) versus the sink to get perfect 7/30/4 helios. I'd definately still suggest getting head and hands done with Apogee over Helios due to the acc/macc on the apogee pieces. Helios pants might be better than apogee A due to their macc, And Apogee feet are better due to the extra BPd.

Verda said: »

I only use legs on merit pacts and impact, I built helios legs a long time ago and am fine with them for other stuff. TP won't help at all with physical pacts or FC so don't use it for that. Getting perfect aug anything you want from SR is way more a time sink vs farming stones imo, but they are the best for merit pacts and impact so I'm glad I got at least decent ones.

while enticers is a bit of a tradeoff in damage, i still suggest a perfect aug enticers for summoners, especially non nirvana summoners due to the extra macc and acc it has. The only thing better would be BPd/Macc helios, but i'm wary to suggest to anyone especially non billionaire 1%er smns to go down the aug route.

Verda said: »

I haven't fought her yet but here are some tricks I have heard:
1) The use a trust trick: if you have less than 6 ppl you can make august tank her and have a pld tank the adds. August cannot be charmed (and I don't think any trust can) so if you have the fire power with that few ppl to kill her this is really the best strat.
2) Have PLD use 1 hour that gives resistance boosts. Will make it so they can't be charmed. Idris geo will help a lot too. In this strat can just kill the adds.

Heard a geo, sch, blm combo was enough firepower to kill her before time out. Was a top geared sch and blm though. Should be able to do good dmg as smn magic bursting a merit pact she is weak to as I have done this with other t3 and sometimes even topped the parse as smn, since she's a plant will assume fire is what she is weak to but elements are often messed up for stuff in escha. An extremely well geared with 1200 job points blm should always outparse you but you can outparse mid gear/job points blm and you add nice buffs/debuffs and can one hour if things go sour. SCH should setup skillchains so you can burst element it is weak to, only annoying thing I have found is remeriting so much for fights in escha but it's worth it. Can show you a 53k geocrush screenshot on an escha t2 if you want :P With nirvana and full support crew you can probably abuse FC even on t3 but I'm not sure. Is very hard to do that on level 130 content and these are 135 but you have the benefit of vorseals transferring to your avatar as well.

I've fought and struggled with clearing vir'ava a bunch, had my voodoo dalmy lined up for weeks before getting the abjuration.
Failed setups i've tried and why:
PLD, GEO, BST, BST, SMN, WHM. Geo couldn't land debuffs, bsts and i couldn't damage enough to take down before second charm attempt. any zerg rush with a pld holding thru 1-2 charms requires a strong line of DD and even stronger and consistent debuffers. without them the damage falls sharply.

Papesse's smn, rdm, geo, cor, thf, pld setup: Any halfassedness in the rdm, geo or cor absolutely drops damage from 30k to ~11k, making it impossible to kill. This includes rdms unable to land frazzle and silence, geos without capped strength bubbles and cors unable to quickdraw consistently. I cleared this once and lost 4 times, pickup groups just don't have consistency. the other issue is consistency in mewling lullaby rotation, it needs practice to set up when you should start it, and consistency in keeping it going as well as a 30 second recast. When i see people *** about his output, i see idiots who don't realize how much the entire setup is built around maximizing his potential.

The setup i won with consistently was BLM, GEO, SCH, WHM, and either blu, brd or rdm. Using august during the double exp campaign is practically a must since without it he does risk being oneshot completely. Sleepga is essential and BLM stands the best chance of survival when the pets spawn short of bringing a beefier meat shield to pop. I also believe the gimmick about him involves the boss eating one of the two purple pets since they blue proc him, they also hint at this with their poison aura.. If he eats a player though, it levels him up.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 116
By Siren.Blackroses 2015-09-28 20:04:11
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New nirvana ower reporting in! ^^ (Keep on talking)
Posts: 761
By Elizabet 2015-09-28 20:25:29
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Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Papesse
Posts: 443
By Carbuncle.Papesse 2015-09-28 20:39:28
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Quetzalcoatl.Frodnon said: »
Papesse's smn, rdm, geo, cor, thf, pld setup: Any halfassedness in the rdm, geo or cor absolutely drops damage from 30k to ~11k, making it impossible to kill. This includes rdms unable to land frazzle and silence, geos without capped strength bubbles and cors unable to quickdraw consistently. I cleared this once and lost 4 times, pickup groups just don't have consistency. the other issue is consistency in mewling lullaby rotation, it needs practice to set up when you should start it, and consistency in keeping it going as well as a 30 second recast. When i see people *** about his output, i see idiots who don't realize how much the entire setup is built around maximizing his potential.

I don't use RDM in my setup for Vir'ava. As for Mewing Lullaby, have you tried to position yourself so Cait Sith will pop next to Vir'ava? It makes things slightly more practical without having to rely on the Assault command everytime but yeah, pickup groups are often horrible.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Pergatory
Posts: 1434
By Asura.Pergatory 2015-09-29 15:58:15
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Another thing about Helios is if you do it right, you can end up with more than just the set you're working on.

I recommend starting with Snow stones. That way if you end up with, for example, high pet:macc instead of high pet:mab, you can set that piece aside for a debuff set. Then just purchase a new piece of Helios to start augmenting for pet:mab.

I also did this a few times when I got good pet:haste rolls on pieces I hadn't invested a lot of Snow stones into yet, I would set those aside as idle pieces and build new ones for blood pact damage.

So even if you spend 20 mil on a Helios set, you can often end up with a lot more than 5 useful pieces.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Safiyyah
Posts: 1119
By Sylph.Safiyyah 2015-09-29 20:30:03
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Any use for Evans Earring in -perp sets, or should I toss it? My Moonshade is TP Bonus/ATK and I don't have Nirvana.
Posts: 761
By Elizabet 2015-09-29 21:59:13
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Sylph.Safiyyah said: »
Any use for Evans Earring in -perp sets, or should I toss it? My Moonshade is TP Bonus/ATK and I don't have Nirvana.

If you have one, and your moonshade isnt refresh.. not much else you can wear as an idle / perp earring. It can open option for more pet acc / haste or pet dt in the set if it lets you cap perp while openning another slot.

I don't know what your perp staff is, but for example, apogee feet nq is -8, evoker ring -1 gridarvor -5 is already all you need.
Posts: 164
By Bamboom 2015-09-30 01:22:40
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Is the 99 JSE staff worth getting or would it be best to hold out for augs on skirmish staff?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2015-09-30 01:43:26
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You mean Gridarvor?
It's still an excellent idle staff.
I'm confident you can get better things with Keraunos (given how you can cap perpetuance without the staff slot, meaning you could put haste and other stats on Keraunos) but it's kinda up to you wether you wanna spend the gil, time and patience to play roulette or not.
Posts: 761
By Elizabet 2015-09-30 02:11:46
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Bamboom said: »
Is the 99 JSE staff worth getting or would it be best to hold out for augs on skirmish staff?

I went with Keraunos -6 Perp, BP dmg, and Pet: Mab on mine for 2 reasons: Less inv slots and less need to change staffs around means more TP I can use when soloing either for Myrkr or setting up SC...

With staff and boots and evokers ring, perp's capped. Opening gloves for Regimen Mittens / Artsieq Cuffs for melee / dt on pet... (or Asteria for refresh)
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