The 6th Ministry's Secret: A Summoner's Guide (v2)

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The 6th Ministry's Secret: A Summoner's Guide (v2)
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Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Garota
Posts: 251
By Ragnarok.Garota 2015-08-16 13:15:27
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Bleh! I wanna get an Espiritus, but I wouldn't know what path to follow for it. So far, my other notable staves are Nirvana, Kirin's Pole with Summoning+12, Keraunos with Elemental Siphon+25 BP Damage+8 Pet: MAcc+18.

So either I keep the Keraunos with Pet: MAcc+38 as is or get Espiritus with Summoning+15 and Pet: MAcc+30. I could also re-purpose my Kirin's Pole with this choice, or just toss it.

Another choice is to keep Kirin's Pole as is and augment the Espiritus to have a grand total of Pet: MAB+150 but lose out on significant BP Damage. Or I could aim for augmenting the extra Pet: MAB+25, DA & Crit +4%, BP Damage+10 on Keraunos and miss out on my current Siphon+25. (Or get a 2nd Keraunos)

And then there's the other choices to go after Espiritus adding Pet: MAcc+20 MAB+20 or Pet: STR+15 Atk+25 DA+4 to the already base stats of Pet: MAcc+15 MAB+120 BP Delay II-2 BP Dmg+3.

I need adult supervision!!!
Posts: 1273
By FaeQueenCory 2015-08-16 14:32:08
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Go the skill route on the first one (if you decide to get more).
The skill path not only lets you toss Kirin and helps Alexander, but also is the best staff for Impact.
So you'd only be gaining from trading out the Kirin.
Server: Siren
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user: Noxzema
Posts: 228
By Siren.Noxzema 2015-08-16 19:14:28
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I figured Impact was like the other magical bps, I don't remember seeing otherwise. It's affected by skill as well?

Also I haven't seen much talk about using a SMN in Sinister Reign.
My group uses a Nin and Smn as the only DDs, and goes extremely well. The Nin just spams self darks, and I MB Impact every time its up. The only nms that I have a real issue with are the 2 Arciela's and Teodor since they're magic resistant, but with the 2nd Arciela you can stun 4/6 of the Naakuals (all but Yumcax and Hurkan).

Just figured I'd throw that out there, since all I see are BST and RNG burns.

Server: Asura
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user: Crevox
Posts: 370
By Asura.Crevox 2015-08-16 19:18:14
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You can do Sinister Reign with a lot of setups, people just do BST and RNG because it's safe with pugs.

BST will also completely out damage SMN unless you're doing magic bursts, which requires, again, coordination you won't often see inside a pug.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shirai
By Asura.Shiraiyuki 2015-08-16 23:56:27
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Siren.Noxzema said: »
I figured Impact was like the other magical bps, I don't remember seeing otherwise. It's affected by skill as well?

The Impact statss down is affected by Summoning magic skill, Papesse posted about that, I believe it is in the older thread.
Server: Asura
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user: Pergatory
Posts: 1434
By Asura.Pergatory 2015-08-17 11:33:25
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Asura.Crevox said: »
Edit: I have 1 cape in /wardrobe that has blood pact delay II -3, and another in my inventory with BP DMG+4. Can't seem to get them together unfortunately.

There is zero reason to attempt to get blood pact delay and Blood Pact Damage on the same cape. They should be two capes on different sets.
Aside from saving yourself an inventory slot! Mine are separate too, but I wish they weren't.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Crevox
Posts: 370
By Asura.Crevox 2015-08-17 12:27:24
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Asura.Pergatory said: »
Asura.Crevox said: »
Edit: I have 1 cape in /wardrobe that has blood pact delay II -3, and another in my inventory with BP DMG+4. Can't seem to get them together unfortunately.

There is zero reason to attempt to get blood pact delay and Blood Pact Damage on the same cape. They should be two capes on different sets.
Aside from saving yourself an inventory slot! Mine are separate too, but I wish they weren't.

This is true, but it's a necessary evil. :) I carry around 3 myself, because getting the dream 5 SMN skill 5 BP dmg is rough.
Server: Asura
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user: Rakshaka
Posts: 26
By Asura.Rakshaka 2015-08-17 12:36:03
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The only bad part is that when you put your conveyance capes in your sack (to full time a CP cape), you have to reset your equip macros to each use the correct cape once you put them back in your inventory, because the game forgets which specific conveyance cape to use for each equipset. I really wish SE would fix it so that the equipsets would remember which specifically augmented piece goes in each slot if you decide to move them around in your sack/satchel/case/wardrobe, then back into your inventory.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Gutsu
Posts: 48
By Sylph.Gutsu 2015-08-17 22:43:41
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Got my Espiritus and chose to go with path C: which is mp+50, pet mab +20 and pet macc +20. My alluvion staff has +17 pet mab and +8% bp damage and i have spent over 30mill trying to get either higher bp damage or more pet mab but have had no luck. The path i chose on Espi gave me +15 more pet macc and +23 more pet mab but lose 5% bp damage. I wanted to see my numbers on avatar nukes with this path first since i could always switch over to the path that has +30 pet mab if i wanted to by paying some silt. These were numbers with some of my bp's on mandies in ceizak just to compare with my current alluvion staff.

Heavenly Strike: 13,316 Keraunos
13,347 Espiritus

Impact: 12,120 Keraunos
12,324 Espiritus

Night Terror: 8,826 Keraunos
8,949 Espiritus

Judging from these tests a fully augmented keraunos staff would probably beat out a path C Espiritus. For me right now its a very slight boost in damage since i dont have a fully augmented keraunos. I could get an extra 10 pet mab by going with path A but i kinda dont want to lose the 15 pet macc. Also on path C the 50mp along with the 88mp already on weapon is nice for astral conduit use giving total of 138 extra mp and for some people depending on their current setup for astral counduit this might give them an extra bp before running out of mp and having to pop convert.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: feary
Posts: 455
By Sylph.Feary 2015-08-18 08:03:02
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i am Revisting/rewriting my lua and noticed my logic is outdated. which lead to a few questions.

do you account for astral conduit? if so how?

im assuming gs is fast enough to put BP gearsets during the spell spam, especially for each BP since there is animation lock. (which i read there a trick to get past)

my logic has a list of TP affected BPs with a set as well a few others. so i figured id restructure it.

here is what i have
-- Types of BloodPacts
	-- Uses Magic Acc BP Set
    Debuff_BPs = T{'Diamond Storm','Sleepga','Slowga','Tidal Roar','Shock Squall','Nightmare','Pavor Nocturnus','Ultimate Terror','Somnolence','Lunar Cry','Lunar Roar'}
	-- Uses Rage set with Beckoner's spats
	Magical_BPs_affected_by_TP = T{'Heavenly Strike','Wind Blade','Holy Mist','Night Terror','Thunderstorm','Geocrush','Meteor Strike','Grand Fall','Lunar Bay','Thunderspark'} -- Unsure if Thunderspark is affected by TP
    -- Uses MAB BP set
	Magical_BPs_unaffected_by_TP = T{'Nether Blast',
									'Aerial Blast',
									'Searing Light',
									'Diamond Dust',
									'Earthen Fury',
									'Tidal Wave',
									'Judgment Bolt',
									'Howling Moon',
									'Ruinous Omen',
									'Flaming Crush'}
	Additional_effect_BPs = T{'Rock Throw'}

an else will acount for the physical spells, i just might have to add them.
if anyone can explain/ correct any mistakes with what has changed id appreciate it. im looking at the guide and there is no set for each of these types of bps.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2015-08-18 09:05:14
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Arcon, the mantainer of Timers plugin, is in the process of updating it.
I want to help him by providing him updated data so that the tracking of the SMN Wards can be accurate.

Something changed a few patches ago, not sure if the "SMN skill > Duration bonus" formula changed, or if they just raised the previous cap on such bonus, but something clearly changed.

Can anybody more informed than me post the old situation and the current one, so that I can inform Arcon and have him update Timers for all of us?
Thanks ;)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Crevox
Posts: 370
By Asura.Crevox 2015-08-18 09:18:48
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All they did was remove the summoning skill cap of 500 for affecting ward duration.

Summoning skill will continue to affect duration past 500, and a new cap is not known/accessible.

If you would like specific details on this, you can review the wiki page:
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2015-08-18 09:21:53
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Thanks, will pass on the information!
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: KupoNuts
Posts: 1214
By Cerberus.Avalon 2015-08-18 09:32:32
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Sylph.Gutsu said: »
Got my Espiritus and chose to go with path C: which is mp+50, pet mab +20 and pet macc +20. My alluvion staff has +17 pet mab and +8% bp damage and i have spent over 30mill trying to get either higher bp damage or more pet mab but have had no luck. The path i chose on Espi gave me +15 more pet macc and +23 more pet mab but lose 5% bp damage. I wanted to see my numbers on avatar nukes with this path first since i could always switch over to the path that has +30 pet mab if i wanted to by paying some silt. These were numbers with some of my bp's on mandies in ceizak just to compare with my current alluvion staff.

Heavenly Strike: 13,316 Keraunos
13,347 Espiritus

Impact: 12,120 Keraunos
12,324 Espiritus

Night Terror: 8,826 Keraunos
8,949 Espiritus

Judging from these tests a fully augmented keraunos staff would probably beat out a path C Espiritus. For me right now its a very slight boost in damage since i dont have a fully augmented keraunos. I could get an extra 10 pet mab by going with path A but i kinda dont want to lose the 15 pet macc. Also on path C the 50mp along with the 88mp already on weapon is nice for astral conduit use giving total of 138 extra mp and for some people depending on their current setup for astral counduit this might give them an extra bp before running out of mp and having to pop convert.

I also went with Path C.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shirai
By Asura.Shiraiyuki 2015-08-18 09:32:38
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So the duration also grows beyond the 600 skill tier?
(According to my knowledge we should be able to surpass that amount now.)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Crevox
Posts: 370
By Asura.Crevox 2015-08-18 09:34:46
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Asura.Shiraiyuki said: »
So the duration also grows beyond the 600 skill tier?
(According to my knowledge we should be able to surpass that amount now.)

I have not verified personally, but I also have not heard otherwise.

I actually am not sure of my current total of summoning skill. I've been running around getting tons of gear upgrades and haven't checked in a while. :|
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shirai
By Asura.Shiraiyuki 2015-08-18 09:36:35
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I'm still quite a distance from the coveted 1200 JP's myself so I can't confirm it either right now, sorry.
None the less, I am still interested if people have the answer to that.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Garota
Posts: 251
By Ragnarok.Garota 2015-08-18 09:50:54
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Just saw an Apogee Dalmatica +1: Path D at rank 15.
Summoning Skill +20
Enmity -6
Pet: Damage Taken -4%
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: KupoNuts
Posts: 1214
By Cerberus.Avalon 2015-08-18 09:53:33
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We need another Gobbie Bag quest and/or increase in Mog Wardrobe. I'm actually in desperate need of MORE than 80 inventory spaces for SMN.

It's crazy.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: feary
Posts: 455
By Sylph.Feary 2015-08-18 15:35:23
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Verda said: »
@Feary I have this in my lua:
function job_precast(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)
    if state.Buff['Astral Conduit'] and pet_midaction() then
        eventArgs.handled = true
function job_midcast(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)
    if state.Buff['Astral Conduit'] and pet_midaction() then
        eventArgs.handled = true

Not sure if it works tho was going to revisit it and make sets for it so I just full time either physical or magical BP gear or max smn skill for wards if testing showed GS can't keep up, at the very least could disable the recast timer set.

I need an astral flow set too since no perp needed while that's active.

thanks for the reply.
i forgot to mention i dont use Motenen's includes or templates. so i couldnt really follow that path with copy/paste. however seems we are in the same boat in terms of logic. im not sure either and i figured i asked since im not a main smn or experience smn.

i also would like to know what you come to for both astral sets/rules.

i think i didnt really explain myself in my last post, maybe it was the 12 hour of lua coding start at 12am. so i think ill just simplify the question. lol

ive concluded that we dont need a BP TP sets anymore as they arent in the guide as gear stats are a *** better than they ever have. is this accurate?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Garota
Posts: 251
By Ragnarok.Garota 2015-08-18 19:32:01
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Liked and replied.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Paulu
Posts: 776
By Shiva.Paulu 2015-08-18 19:52:24
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"Like" spree. Lets do this!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2015-08-19 01:31:12
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Thanks for the updated timers.
I have my own version of custom timers in my SMN lua but I temporarily disabled it (except for PD) when Timers started tracking BPs.
Arcon said that should be "fixed" in the upcoming Timers update.

On another note now. Yesterday I had a very polite discussion with a competent friend. I told him my reasons, but now I'm starting to wonder if I could possibly have been wrong and fed him wrong information.
I was under the impression that when it comes to Nirvana vs perf aug Keraunos it was something like that (possibly changing according to buffs/debuffs, but I'm just talking in general)
Physical BPs = Nirvana > Keraunos
Magical BPs = Keraunos > Nirvana
Flaming Crush = Nirvana > Keraunos (difference being smaller than for Physical)

We kinda agreed on the first 2 points, but on the third point we didn't.
Was I mistaken? He claims he has seen Papesse and others suggest Keraunos for Flaming Crush, I remember quite the other way around but maybe I'm just wrong this time.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Crevox
Posts: 370
By Asura.Crevox 2015-08-19 02:00:05
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Was I mistaken?

No, Nirvana for Flaming Crush.

Nirvana is also better for Magical BPs if you need the magic accuracy that Nirvana grants. Keraunos/Espiritus will do more damage, but you are trading off the accuracy.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2015-08-19 02:41:25
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Asura.Crevox said: »
No, Nirvana for Flaming Crush.
I was right then.
But what is the mathematical explanation for this though?
When he asked me for a rightful explanation I could only say "I seem to remember reading about it" but I could explain why.

Nirvana is also better for Magical BPs if you need the magic accuracy that Nirvana grants.
With the additional 2 levels. Which is quite the difference.
Of course of course! I wasn't talking about those specific situations of course ;)
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Gutsu
Posts: 48
By Sylph.Gutsu 2015-08-19 04:25:47
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Just a reminder that although Keraunos>Nirvana for magical bp's nirvana is still kept on for 1 second before being swapped out to Keraunos for the +2 level bonus and slight extra damage. I just cant confirm if still get the macc for it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shirai
By Asura.Shiraiyuki 2015-08-19 05:25:13
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Verda said: »
if skill > 300 then
skill = skill - 300
if skill > 200 then skill = 200 end
ward_duration = ward_duration + skill

My guess would be just remove the if skill > 200 then skill = 200 end and see if it matches up. meaning it would add 1 second to duration beyond 300 skill for each skill you had, and not capping at 500. It seems weird to me that low duration wards get the same extension as long duration wards though.

What I did for now is increase the value to 300, works the same essentially but caps the duration at 600 skill.
Personally I'll keep it at that until confirmations start coming that the cap goes beyond 600 and then I'll increase it to 350 or something.
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