The 6th Ministry's Secret: A Summoner's Guide (v2)

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The 6th Ministry's Secret: A Summoner's Guide (v2)
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By Draylo 2015-08-04 19:02:49
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Welcome back!
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Crevox 2015-08-04 19:32:57
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Draylo said: »
Welcome back!

Thanks Draylo. :)

I updated BG-Wiki with Blindside and Regal Gash on the Blood Pact: Rage tables, and added their MP costs. Going to try to look into their skillchain properties eventually, just have a lot of stuff on my plate right now.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: Papesse
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By Carbuncle.Papesse 2015-08-04 21:19:53
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There is a post explaining how works the "Blood Pact damage" job point category. It's not anymore 9999 > 10029 (in the case of Zantetsuken).






With Google Translate :
Since the thread of the defect report, it becomes a somewhat irregular post,
We'll explain Summoner job point for the "fulfillment of the contract damage up".

Job point "fulfillment of the contract damage up" is, adds the real number to a value that is the base of damage.

The value that is to the base, of the equipment "fulfillment of the contract damage up", summoned beast: MaOsamu, and support effect
It is plus, it will determine the damage to the other party.

Regarding help of job points,
All things to be added at a rate the "+ ●●%", has been described in all things that adds a straight value "+ ●●".

"Fulfillment of the contract damage up" of equipment with a similar performance, the number will be plus in damage in the form of ●●%.

Blindside : Gravitation / Transfixion.
Regal Gash : Distortion / Detonation.
Posts: 1273
By FaeQueenCory 2015-08-04 22:25:51
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That's basically what we assumed it was back when it was first added: +BaseDMG.
Basically the same as Mdmg on regular gear.
But for BPs.

It's funny to me that even in Japanese, they could solve this confusion by having added the word "base" before "Blood Pact damage".
I don't think there ever would have been any confusion if the category was "Increase Base Blood Pact Damage."

Though I suppose that there could have been confusion in a base numerical increase or a percentage... But that would easily have been seen when one point was placed in it.
Though I think it would have been inverse of what we had: in that the initial assumption would be flat value instead of percent.
Server: Sylph
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user: Gutsu
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By Sylph.Gutsu 2015-08-05 01:54:14
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Thats what i assume hopefully it does break the current recast time of 30 seconds and for 1,200 job points it better. Im at 550 jp's on smn but only have 65 stored at the moment unlike my bst which already has 200 ready to go because its so incredibly easy to get jp's on bst. Im happy though that the last gift was not another avatar favor related gift. Soloing jp's on smn not that bad though if you have a good pet mab set. I take biv #3 to yorcia wield and then go to f-7 woh gates entrance. Inside you will find acuex mobs which are one shoted if you can do 17~18k nukes. Also being /sch and in dark arts helps to finish off a mob if it didnt get one shoted. I have a good nuking set for my smn that is mostly used when i play sch only thing i cant equip is that new quested earring the barkarole earring. Other day was helping to nuke on brimboil boss from vagery doing over 2k damage with /sch using tier II fire spell. And on brimboil it sucks to be /rdm and feel useless. For other mobs like ones in escha its nice to be able to do 1~2k+ nukes while waiting on bp recast.
Server: Sylph
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user: Gutsu
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By Sylph.Gutsu 2015-08-05 02:50:57
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The second part to that 1,200 gift is interesting. Im wondering if this means that for every tier of avatar favor that is reached while our pet is out, our pet will gain 2% double attack. Avatar's favor is not supposed to affect pets so this could be for party members and not the avatar. But this is something ifrit's favor already does so we will see how it works soon.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Garota
Posts: 251
By Ragnarok.Garota 2015-08-05 05:03:50
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New earrings.

Screw you PUP.
Burana Earring
Maneuver effects +1
Automaton: Attack+15
Ranged Attack+15
"Magic Atk. Bonus"+10 "Regen"+2

Screw you BST.
Hija Earring
Pet: Attack+10 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+5
"Double Attack"+2%

At least we get these.
Gelos Earring
MP+35 Avatar: "Blood Pact" damage +5

Evans Earring
MP+50 Avatar perpetuation cost -2
"Blood Pact" ability delay -2
Posts: 1273
By FaeQueenCory 2015-08-05 05:18:52
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Sylph.Gutsu said: »
The second part to that 1,200 gift is interesting. Im wondering if this means that for every tier of avatar favor that is reached while our pet is out, our pet will gain 2% double attack. Avatar's favor is not supposed to affect pets so this could be for party members and not the avatar. But this is something ifrit's favor already does so we will see how it works soon.
It's just as interesting as PUP's finishing moves increase.

Seriously, there's got to be like one guy on the localization team now... They've been extra sloppy recently.
(That DA blurb is from the DRG chart.)
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Garota
Posts: 251
By Ragnarok.Garota 2015-08-05 05:20:37
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New Dhalmatica gear seems to lean toward SMN for whatever reason. With proper augments, these will likely dethrone Helios. As an entire set, Apogee will also be more likely a better set than Beckoner's.

Apogee Crown +1
DEF:95 HP-110 MP+59 STR+14 DEX+14
VIT+14 AGI+14 INT+32 MND+32 CHR+32
Evasion+36 Magic Evasion+86
"Magic Def. Bonus"+6 Haste+6%
Avatar: HP+110 Accuracy+21 Enmity+10
Set: Increases "Blood Pact" damage

Apogee Dalmatica +1
DEF:125 HP-160 MP+85 STR+21 DEX+21
VIT+21 AGI+21 INT+38 MND+38 CHR+38
Evasion+41 Magic Evasion+91
"Magic Def. Bonus"+7 Haste+3%
"Blood Pact" ability delay II -3
"Refresh"+3 Avatar: HP+160
Set: Increases "Blood Pact" damage

Apogee Mitts+1
DEF:84 HP-90 MP+41 STR+6 DEX+28
VIT+25 AGI+5 INT+23 MND+37 CHR+23
Evasion+22 Magic Evasion+48
"Magic Def. Bonus"+4 Haste+3%
Avatar: HP+90
Accuracy+16 Magic Accuracy+16
Set: Increases "Blood Pact" damage

Apogee Slacks +1
DEF:104 HP-110 MP+56 STR+25 VIT+12
AGI+17 INT+38 MND+28 CHR+23
Evasion+27 Magic Evasion+118
"Magic Def. Bonus"+6 Haste+5%
Avatar: HP+110 Enmity+6
"Blood Pact" damage +7
Set: Increases "Blood Pact" damage

Apogee Pumps+1
DEF:63 HP-90 MP+41 STR+10 DEX+11
VIT+10 AGI+33 INT+21 MND+23 CHR+38
Evasion+55 Magic Evasion+118
"Magic Def. Bonus"+6 Haste+3%
Avatar perpetuation cost -9
Avatar: HP+90 "Blood Pact" damage +2
Set: Increases "Blood Pact" damage

Also these exist.

DMG:217 Delay:402 MP+88
Staff skill +242
Parrying skill +242
Magic Accuracy skill +188
"Blood Pact" ability delay II -2
Avatar: Magic Accuracy+15
"Magic Atk. Bonus"+120
"Blood Pact" damage +3

Enticer's Pants
DEF:102 HP+38 MP+56 STR+25 VIT+11
AGI+17 INT+34 MND+24 CHR+19
Evasion+27 Magic Evasion+107
"Magic Def. Bonus"+6 Haste+5%
Avatar: "Double Attack"+3%
Critical hit rate +5% TP Bonus +650
"Blood Pact" damage +12
Server: Bahamut
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user: Ivinora
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By Bahamut.Aelissa 2015-08-05 05:35:41
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damn .-. I'm prob not gonna get that cause i'm too casual for that stuff XD but that's some serious sexy gear :o
Server: Carbuncle
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user: Papesse
Posts: 443
By Carbuncle.Papesse 2015-08-05 06:41:40
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Drop from the new battle content Sinister Reign.
Server: Asura
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user: Crevox
Posts: 370
By Asura.Crevox 2015-08-05 09:48:58
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With proper augments, these will likely dethrone Helios. As an entire set, Apogee will also be more likely a better set than Beckoner's.

This will entirely depend on the augments, sadly. Most of the pieces just have a ton HP, which is... interesting, but probably will be useless if you were to take the piece off for anything at all (and probably still not as good as Telchine DT largely for that reason). They have a couple other stats, like the legs with the huge BP damage, but they only compete with the BP + 6 on Helios Spats. From there it will really depend on augments and that set bonus.

Enticer's Pants are awesome though, and the Gelos Earring is nice.

I already have too much gear to catch up on. :( Carabosse where arrreee yoooouuuuu...
Server: Asura
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user: Shirai
By Asura.Shiraiyuki 2015-08-05 09:55:56
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Damn, I am going to have to read into that stuff when I get back home from my holiday and overcome the jetlag. o.O
Server: Cerberus
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user: KupoNuts
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By Cerberus.Avalon 2015-08-05 09:59:49
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It's a great time to be a Summoner.

It's an even greater time to be a Nirvana Summoner.

This update looks fantastic.
Server: Asura
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user: Crevox
Posts: 370
By Asura.Crevox 2015-08-05 10:05:46
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Carbie Cap +1

Best update ever
Server: Cerberus
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user: KupoNuts
Posts: 1214
By Cerberus.Avalon 2015-08-05 10:06:58
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Asura.Crevox said: »
Carbie Cap +1

Best update ever

This wins the entire Version Update for /lockstyle.
Server: Asura
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user: Shirai
By Asura.Shiraiyuki 2015-08-05 10:23:16
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Asura.Crevox said: »
Carbie Cap +1

Best update ever
Oh god, I need this so much!
Server: Asura
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user: Crevox
Posts: 370
By Asura.Crevox 2015-08-05 11:01:44
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it was shown in this thread earlier that Max HP effects the potency of the healing pacts, and is other than TP about the only thing we know that does.


I remember reading a long time back too, that any breath damage is effected by max HP. So for breath damage pacts (I'm pretty sure diabolos has at least one for example) it would also be a good thing.


Both very interesting if it turns out to work that way. Good points.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Garota
Posts: 251
By Ragnarok.Garota 2015-08-05 18:18:18
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Yeah, I remember reading a bit of testing on the matter a while back. So the full set of Apogee+1 has 110+160+90+110+90, making it a total of 560 HP for those healing pacts. (Normal quality has 100+150+80+80+100, total of 510.) Although it'll also be between 510-560 HP for the Summoner while knocking out those certain BPs, it'll be neat to new numbers for those healing and breath BPs.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2015-08-06 09:51:43
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Anybody tested if the new earring stacks with the legion one? (and, by extension, with the rest of the +BP gear?)

As far as I know no BP+ damage cap was found, was it?
Posts: 110
By jopa 2015-08-06 10:20:56
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Pet: Acc./R.Acc. are always treated as a single stat so I wonder what the 4th augment slot is. plz be MAB!
Server: Asura
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user: Pergatory
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By Asura.Pergatory 2015-08-06 10:33:16
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So far no reason to suspect it wouldn't stack, no BP damage cap found that I'm aware of and I think I'm up to something like +93 on physical BPs. This would put me at 98, soon we'll be able to test if there's a cap at +100 but I suspect there probably isn't. I'm going to miss my ACP earrings, pretty soon nothing from pre-Adoulin days will remain in my gear...

Papesse, how do those Enticer's Pants fare against Helios for merit BP? Basically trading 30 MAB and 1 BP damage for 650 TP bonus. They could come out ahead.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2015-08-06 10:39:19
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Remember they get random augments too
Server: Asura
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user: Pergatory
Posts: 1434
By Asura.Pergatory 2015-08-06 10:48:03
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I'm not getting my hopes up for Helios-like augments. I have a feeling most of this gear, the Apogee gear specifically, is a holdover for people who don't want to spend a fortune on Helios.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Valkyrie
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By Lakshmi.Cesil 2015-08-06 11:01:38
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Very nice earrings ^^
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