The 6th Ministry's Secret: A Summoner's Guide (v2)
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 694
By Shiva.Alistrianna 2018-02-20 01:21:08
Albumen is extremely evasive @1780 estimated evasion stat. Even with a Bolstered Idris GEO, you still need about 1630+ acc to have a capped hit rate on him.
By Pantafernando 2018-02-20 05:39:53
Yesterday i just had chance for one try against it and it ended pretty fast with one missed sleep on whm mandy, that used benediction, woke the other 3 mandies then proceed to mijin gakure all smn before even sending pets. It was not a resist as the whm wasnt even targeted by lullaby, i think some delay that happens during the spawn.
I will see if i can get some counter measure for that but a random question, does the adds have normal hate (like they just add a player to the hate list if some action is done on them or is it shared with alliance)?
Thanks in advance
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By Asura.Sechs 2018-02-20 08:42:28
Shiva.Alistrianna said: »Albumen is extremely evasive @1780 estimated evasion stat. Even with a Bolstered Idris GEO, you still need about 1630+ acc to have a capped hit rate on him. Don't think it requires 1780 any longer after the latest nerf (the one where those sexy bubbles were nerfed).
Keep in mind though that many people get different reading on Albumen because someone makes him level up, raising his stats and hence his evasion.
Think that only happens if you fight it during the night? Or vice-versa during the day, I don't remember, let's go read the T4 thread it's in there! xD
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1442
By Asura.Pergatory 2018-02-20 10:27:10
Yeah if you fight during the night, he can use Photosynthesis for regen, which if you leave on him for more than a few seconds without dispelling, he'll level up and Volt damage will go into the toilet. For best results pop shortly after 6AM game time.
Unless that happens, I don't use anything besides my normal Volt set on Albumen. Full BP Dmg & Pet:DA, with Shiromochi+1. That said, I have a boatload of Acc/DEX vorseals so if you aren't maxed out there it can probably leave you short.
I honestly have never experienced the guard problem Eiryl talks about. We send our avatars in from the same direction without any issues.
Server: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Jinxs 2018-02-20 11:48:49
When using avatar lvl +1 items.
Do they only need to be on at midcast of the summon to take effect?
If I remove lets say the cape or nirvana while the avatar is out does it delevel?
Does anyone know if this is also true of avatar: hp + gear?
By clearlyamule 2018-02-20 12:39:05
All +pet stats change dynamically as equipment changes.
By tyalangan 2018-02-20 15:49:41
Messing with magic BP calculator I found that new Relic +3 head is roughly equal to Apogee +1 path A with no set bonus but loses out to Apogee set bonus gear. Meaning it would not be worth the grind/cost to complete +3 relic head (barring Relic MAB being good on another piece + adding MAB to set bonus). This is most likely assumed by most but remember it being discussed briefly at release and thought I would just record what I saw.
Anyone seeing anything differently?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 122
By Asura.Taberif 2018-02-20 16:11:40
Rdm/run/geo/brd/×4Smn geo and Rdm with distract make his evasion a non issue even for gimpy Smns. Toss on an impact if you're feeling froggy
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-02-20 18:07:52
Yeah if you fight during the night, he can use Photosynthesis for regen, which if you leave on him for more than a few seconds without dispelling, he'll level up and Volt damage will go into the toilet. For best results pop shortly after 6AM game time.
My understanding was that Phaeosynthesis grants a massive evasion boost that cannot be dispelled, in addition to the risk of level up. BG-wiki claims it's regen, regain, and evasion bonus under the mandragora page.
Regardless, strongly agree with popping during the day to remove the possibility. I have won at night, but the damage drop is not to be underestimated.
Since you bring a BRD to sleep regardless and have SMNs, throw up Scherzo/Earthen Armor and leave shell down and you'll have nothing to worry about from mijin.
Guard only reduces pdif by 1.0, which is a 25% drop in damage for an avatar with capped attack. You can power through it in a strong group pretty easily, but if you're toeing the line there's no reason to.
By Pantafernando 2018-02-20 18:09:14
Shiromichi did the trick in the end but it was a very close call (biggest challenge though was get the lullaby at right timing).
After its done, wondering if flaming crush wouldnt work well against him? After all hes a plant and suposelly plants are weak to fire.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1442
By Asura.Pergatory 2018-02-20 19:05:06
Flaming Crush requires a lot more support. I guarantee it won't beat Volt Strike without Malaise up, so you'd need a 2nd GEO for starters, otherwise you're losing Torpor to gain Malaise and still won't have Languor. There's also the question of 2nd COR or drop Drachen for Puppet? So you're losing even more accuracy then unless you get a 2nd COR too. So that's 2 more party slots right out of the gate.
Volt Strike only requires half the buffs which is why it tends to work better on really high-level content. The only reason Flaming works on Zerde is because he's not just weak to fire, he's astoundingly weak to it. I've bursted Conflag Strike for 80k on him with no bubbles. That, plus the fact he has crazy low evasion for a mob his level, makes Flaming Crush work on him.
P.S. Updated my magic calc to have avatar levels 99, 113, 115, 119, and 120+.
By Pantafernando 2018-02-21 02:06:08
Flaming Crush requires a lot more support. I guarantee it won't beat Volt Strike without Malaise up, so you'd need a 2nd GEO for starters, otherwise you're losing Torpor to gain Malaise and still won't have Languor. There's also the question of 2nd COR or drop Drachen for Puppet? So you're losing even more accuracy then unless you get a 2nd COR too. So that's 2 more party slots right out of the gate.
Volt Strike only requires half the buffs which is why it tends to work better on really high-level content. The only reason Flaming works on Zerde is because he's not just weak to fire, he's astoundingly weak to it. I've bursted Conflag Strike for 80k on him with no bubbles. That, plus the fact he has crazy low evasion for a mob his level, makes Flaming Crush work on him.
P.S. Updated my magic calc to have avatar levels 99, 113, 115, 119, and 120+. throwing a rune fencer into the mix for ifrit also isnt a bad thing gambit and rayke help alot but if its already that weak might not be worth it, and theres also the fact that volt strike pretty much stun locks the mobs so they cant fight back which is the real reason volt strike is so good
I dont think volt strike stun locked any one of the reisen helms i fought tbf.
By aisukage 2018-02-21 04:39:37
After its done, wondering if flaming crush wouldnt work well against him? After all hes a plant and suposelly plants are weak to fire.
To add onto what Pergatory said another downside of flaming crush on high evasive mobs is the flaming crush set is focused mainly towards pet MAB and atk which lacks a lot more acc than a standard volt strike set.
Main examples of my gear differences:
Weapon: Gridarvor > Grioavolor = 70 acc difference
Head: Helios > Apogee +1 = 30 acc difference
Neck: Shumalu > Adad amulet = 20 acc difference
Feet: AF+3 feet > merlinic = 55 acc (with set bonus combined from body)
unless i made a mistake but thats a 175 acc difference and when you multiply that 175 by drachen roll it's a huge amount of acc to be missing.
By Nyarlko 2018-02-21 07:02:56
Shiromichi did the trick in the end but it was a very close call (biggest challenge though was get the lullaby at right timing).
After its done, wondering if flaming crush wouldnt work well against him? After all hes a plant and suposelly plants are weak to fire.
Magic Damage Taken -50%
Magic Defense 150
Ranged Damage Taken -50%
Fire 70% | Wind 60% | Thunder 40% | Light 40%
Ice 40% | Earth 20% | Water 25% | Dark 60%
It is weakest to fire, but has innate MDT-50% on top of high MDB and heavy elemental resistances. On the other hand, there's nothing that should affect non-ranged physical damage.
By clearlyamule 2018-02-21 14:00:25
After its done, wondering if flaming crush wouldnt work well against him? After all hes a plant and suposelly plants are weak to fire.
To add onto what Pergatory said another downside of flaming crush on high evasive mobs is the flaming crush set is focused mainly towards pet MAB and atk which lacks a lot more acc than a standard volt strike set.
Main examples of my gear differences:
Weapon: Gridarvor > Grioavolor = 70 acc difference
Head: Helios > Apogee +1 = 30 acc difference
Neck: Shumalu > Adad amulet = 20 acc difference
Feet: AF+3 feet > merlinic = 55 acc (with set bonus combined from body)
unless i made a mistake but thats a 175 acc difference and when you multiply that 175 by drachen roll it's a huge amount of acc to be missing. You don't multiple drachen roll though :(.
Counter point most first hit ws and similar things usually get decent acc bonuses and most of FCs dmg is based on it's first hit based on what we know so the difference while still existing might not be as bad
By aisukage 2018-02-21 15:27:13
Counter point most first hit ws and similar things usually get decent acc bonuses and most of FCs dmg is based on it's first hit based on what we know so the difference while still existing might not be as bad
yeah you're right, knew i would make a mistake on that since i had been up for like 20 hours also i was testing stuff out with beast roll earlier being a % increase and forgot drachen roll was just a flat amount, My bad there.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2018-02-21 16:50:48
Counter point most first hit ws and similar things usually get decent acc bonuses and most of FCs dmg is based on it's first hit based on what we know so the difference while still existing might not be as bad The bonus is +100 acc on 1st hit, players always thought it was and SE confirmed it for physical weaponskills and BPs they never said it actually worked on Hybrid for either but I think it's pretty safe to aasume it is otherwise the player base would of seen a big difference in jinpu and fc testing on high level stuff I would think.
By aisukage 2018-02-21 17:21:23
Counter point most first hit ws and similar things usually get decent acc bonuses and most of FCs dmg is based on it's first hit based on what we know so the difference while still existing might not be as bad
Yeah and to be honest it's quite noticeable during this months ambuscade because we are swapping from ifrit to ramuh against the unicorn after the dulla dies. This is because the accuracy difference on flaming crush and volt strike is so noticeable on that mob.
So i question weather that is the case for Flaming crush.
By clearlyamule 2018-02-21 17:43:21
Counter point most first hit ws and similar things usually get decent acc bonuses and most of FCs dmg is based on it's first hit based on what we know so the difference while still existing might not be as bad The bonus is +100 acc on 1st hit, players always thought it was and SE confirmed it for physical weaponskills and BPs they never said it actually worked on Hybrid for either but I think it's pretty safe to assume it is otherwise the player base would of seen a big difference in jinpu and fc testing on high level stuff I would think. OH I know I just kept it as a usually because it's SE and they do have a tendency to not make entirely accurate statements. Especially when you consider say they gave us exact values for say automaton ws and well not all had them and some were less and some were more. And lastly long time ago there was player testing showing it worked on the ones tested but someone tested some lesser used wss like I want to say Shadowstitch and there appeared to be very little or no bonus.
Yeah and to be honest it's quite noticeable during this months ambuscade because we are swapping from ifrit to ramuh against the unicorn after the dulla dies. This is because the accuracy difference on flaming crush and volt strike is so noticeable on that mob.
So i question weather that is the case for Flaming crush.
This is why I was also somewhat vague on the first hit weighting. Give how player hybrids the extra hits definitely matter a lot I've always somewhat questioned the idea that the extra hits don't matter much on FC. Even if the first hit is much higher ftp the rest of the hits still should make up a significant portion of the dmg
By Nyarlko 2018-02-21 17:45:56
Counter point most first hit ws and similar things usually get decent acc bonuses and most of FCs dmg is based on it's first hit based on what we know so the difference while still existing might not be as bad
Yeah and to be honest it's quite noticeable during this months ambuscade because we are swapping from ifrit to ramuh against the unicorn after the dulla dies. This is because the accuracy difference on flaming crush and volt strike is so noticeable on that mob.
So i question weather that is the case for Flaming crush.
Might it not simply be that the magic portion is getting severely reduced due to the boss' anti-magic stats? ^^;; Ambuscade mobs traditionally have rather high MDB/MDT/elemental resist.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 694
By Shiva.Alistrianna 2018-02-21 18:56:18
And you burn Rayke on the Dullahan, so you have no means of affecting it's fire resist.
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 580
By Fenrir.Tarowyn 2018-02-21 19:11:10
This is why I was also somewhat vague on the first hit weighting. Give how player hybrids the extra hits definitely matter a lot I've always somewhat questioned the idea that the extra hits don't matter much on FC. Even if the first hit is much higher ftp the rest of the hits still should make up a significant portion of the dmg
When I asked about it a little bit ago, someone quoted a 6.0 ftp on the first hit of FC. That's significant enough to say the other hits don't matter as much, especially considering you won't have AM up. None of the hybrid WS's can really compare to that at all.
By clearlyamule 2018-02-21 19:22:48
This is why I was also somewhat vague on the first hit weighting. Give how player hybrids the extra hits definitely matter a lot I've always somewhat questioned the idea that the extra hits don't matter much on FC. Even if the first hit is much higher ftp the rest of the hits still should make up a significant portion of the dmg
When I asked about it a little bit ago, someone quoted a 6.0 ftp on the first hit of FC. That's significant enough to say the other hits don't matter as much, especially considering you won't have AM up. None of the hybrid WS's can really compare to that at all. Yes I believe Bryth tested it but I also believe we didn't knew extra hits counted towards the magic part so might of messed up the math.
Either way while not as much it's not exactly small. 2nd hit is basically another 16% dmg assuming it is 6 and 1 ftp
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 180
By Asura.Darian 2018-02-22 22:57:47
Can someone help me make sense of these equations? The short story is, I am trying to determine if adding a player to an Albumen zerg is beneficial if that player is a THF applying Feint.
Here is the hit rate equation taken from BG Wiki
Hit Rate (%) = 75 + floor( (Accuracy - Evasion)÷2 ) - 2×(dLVL)
dLVL = Attacked Monster's Level - Attacking Player's Level
With Akamochi +1, Astral Flow, Nirvana, unbuffed Ramuh's accuracy is at 1397.
+105/120 for Drachen Roll
+100 for Torpor
Accuracy ~ 1610
Albumen Evasion ~ 1821
Albumen Lvl ~ 150
Ramuh Lvl = 122
Hit Rate = 75 + ((1610-1821)/2) - 2*(150-122)
Hit Rate = -86.5%
Note: Pet Acc Cap = 99%
By clearlyamule 2018-02-22 23:27:11
There is no level correction for post soa mobs
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 180
By Asura.Darian 2018-02-23 00:22:45
There is no level correction for post soa mobs
That's good to know. Thank you for that.
Equation still comes out to -30%. I feel like the equation is cooked up for a certain range and if I am outside of that then it no longer makes sense?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2018-02-23 00:53:05
Can someone help me make sense of these equations? The short story is, I am trying to determine if adding a player to an Albumen zerg is beneficial if that player is a THF applying Feint.
Here is the hit rate equation taken from BG Wiki
Hit Rate (%) = 75 + floor( (Accuracy - Evasion)÷2 ) - 2×(dLVL)
dLVL = Attacked Monster's Level - Attacking Player's Level
With Akamochi +1, Astral Flow, Nirvana, unbuffed Ramuh's accuracy is at 1397.
+105/120 for Drachen Roll
+100 for Torpor
Accuracy ~ 1610
Albumen Evasion ~ 1821
Albumen Lvl ~ 150
Ramuh Lvl = 122
Hit Rate = 75 + ((1610-1821)/2) - 2*(150-122)
Hit Rate = -86.5%
Note: Pet Acc Cap = 99%
You're not accounting for some things and some of the info is wrong:
Albumen Evasion is more like 1773. You took the the melee cap acc number off the wiki not the evasion number.
Bolster Torpor is -200 Evasion
+7 Crooked 11 Drachenn is: 102/120
Your starting acc seems really low for escha with food on are you checking it in Reis so you seeing it after vorseals (acc/acc++/dex). Also most summoners have to use Shiromochi for him depending on there Helios aug path they went with.
Oh yea BP like WS on the first hit get a +100 acc boost (you shouldn't really be counting this though on a bp like votl strike since u want all the hits to land all the time.)
Some more info on my pet acc:
No food for any of these.
Outside Town no buffs: 1330
Inside Reis w/ all x2 effects to vorseals going on: 1474
Inside with Astral Flow up: 1524
Vorseal: Acc+: 6 Dex+: 10 Acc++: 9
Note: 2 of my Helios have 30/29acc augs instead of Att augs. I perfur this since it lets me eat Akamochi instead of Shiromochi on higher level content that most of my friends need to switch and I'm still having more att overall then them.
By clearlyamule 2018-02-23 00:55:21
First problem is the evasion you are using is not it's evasion but the amount you'd need to cap (well 2h cap) which is a good 40 over. Then there is getting more acc from shiro whichi is another 40 or so acc, given the values I'd say those were not escha acc values which can get you 77 more from just acc and some more from dex which with the right blessing can be even more. Lastly BPs get a bonus to acc/macc from skill which is factoring in
As far as I know the equation works for the full range
edit: crap beaten lol