Random Games

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Random Games
Posts: 2046
By SpaceAnomaly 2016-02-20 13:30:50
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Ubisoft's shitty version of steam
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [101 days between previous and next post]
Posts: 5188
By Faelar 2016-05-31 21:53:48
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Dragon Quest Builders, slated for October 2016 release on PS4/PS Vita.

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Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2016-06-01 15:29:07
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Dragon Quest: A Link to Building?
It looks
Guide Maker
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-06-14 03:18:06
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Opinions on Wildstar? Anyone tried it?
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Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6115
By Sylph.Shadowlina 2016-06-14 03:25:13
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I've heard the opinions on wildstar are pretty mixed. Some people are fine with it. But some people just argue it's furry fest. In concept it does look cool. But it didn't gain any momentum really which is why it's ftp

(Im not against furies at all.)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azriel
Posts: 720
By Asura.Azriel 2016-06-14 05:51:14
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Wasteland II and Directors Cut :)


Cant help it - i am a Fargo fanboi.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Beanie
Posts: 108
By Ragnarok.Littleanimal 2016-06-14 06:59:47
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I read the title of this thread as "Random Gnomes". Now I'm a bit disappointed.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2016-06-14 07:40:41
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Ragnarok.Littleanimal said: »
I read the title of this thread as "Random Gnomes". Now I'm a bit disappointed.

Allow me to assist.

Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Schutz
Posts: 3122
By Fenrir.Schutz 2016-06-17 22:58:37
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Random news-update for EA's/Maxi's SIMS 4, a bit earlier this month...


...basically they expanded Create-A-Sim to allow using cross-gender hairstyles/clothing/body-types/walking-animations/etc. without having to resort to mods or scripts (with new filters added that can be turned on/off for 'masculine' or 'feminine' item-sets) as part of the base-game.

While that seems mostly to conform to those wishing to create 'CD' sims, in practical terms it actually generates tremendous design-options for a lot of characters--from long-hair males to short-haired females, along with hundreds and hundreds of unisex items now available (tank tops, sport jackets, sweaters, shorts, even boy-short underwear) for free. And the tweaked opposite-gender models do look really clean and good without clipping/bulkiness issues that traditionally come with using mods for the same thing.

For a company well-known for its dubious DLC-marketing of game contents and assets, this is kind of a neat (free) thing for EA to do, really. If you are one of the (ok ok ok....VERY) few players here that plays SIMS 4, maybe consider checking it out. ^^
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Schutz
Posts: 3122
By Fenrir.Schutz 2016-06-21 21:51:11
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OH! Back-to-back posting, such a faux-pas. ;_;

But but but...the current freebie on Steam, for those Steam-users interested, is Limbo...


...very neat game, old port, but still cool-looking. :)

I guess I should mention that over on Origin the freebie game currently is Nox, and on Uplay I think it's um...Prince of Persia--Sands of Time? But, um...those require you to um...dowload Origin and/or Uplay... /godhavemercyonyoursoul on
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [203 days between previous and next post]
Posts: 17968
By Viciouss 2017-01-10 19:16:14
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Microsoft announces Scalebound has been cancelled outright

Statement from MS (full damage control: on)
“After careful deliberation, Microsoft Studios has come to the decision to end production for Scalebound. We’re working hard to deliver an amazing lineup of games to our fans this year, including Halo Wars 2, Crackdown 3, State of Decay 2, Sea of Thieves and other great experiences.”

Really surprising, lots of hype was put into this game and Crackdown 3 (vaporware) 3 years ago, and then they just dropped off the planet. Microsoft is not doing a good job with the software, seems like they are putting all of their chips into the Scorpio being the "most powerful" console and hoping fans ignore the lack of first party games.

Not just that, if Team ICO and SE can put out Last Guardian and FF15 after 10 year development cycles, surely Platinum Games can get this game out, it couldn't have been THAT bad. (Granted a dude wearing headphones while flying around on dragons did look pretty stupid, but still!)
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Zeig
Posts: 1694
By Ragnarok.Zeig 2017-01-11 15:04:54
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Viciouss said: »
Microsoft announces Scalebound has been cancelled outright

Statement from MS (full damage control: on)
“After careful deliberation, Microsoft Studios has come to the decision to end production for Scalebound. We’re working hard to deliver an amazing lineup of games to our fans this year, including Halo Wars 2, Crackdown 3, State of Decay 2, Sea of Thieves and other great experiences.”

Really surprising, lots of hype was put into this game and Crackdown 3 (vaporware) 3 years ago, and then they just dropped off the planet. Microsoft is not doing a good job with the software, seems like they are putting all of their chips into the Scorpio being the "most powerful" console and hoping fans ignore the lack of first party games.

Not just that, if Team ICO and SE can put out Last Guardian and FF15 after 10 year development cycles, surely Platinum Games can get this game out, it couldn't have been THAT bad. (Granted a dude wearing headphones while flying around on dragons did look pretty stupid, but still!)
Unfortunately, Microsoft owns the IP.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [34 days between previous and next post]
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Schutz
Posts: 3122
By Fenrir.Schutz 2017-02-14 08:44:32
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New SRW-V comes out this month for PS4 and Vita, I hear, as a 25th-anniversary-type-thing...


...new stuff like the Yamato and Nadesico ships, included. Not so sure how I feel about that, though...I get that they are popular nostalgic franchises, but not sure they fully fit the game's traditional feel. Oh well...got Crossbone Gundam in, too! :p

necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [192 days between previous and next post]
Posts: 15239
By Pantafernando 2017-08-25 21:01:47
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Ive just got this email.

Secret of Mana Remake 3D

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Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Demerol69
Posts: 26
By Leviathan.Hirasaki 2017-08-26 02:50:08
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Game i used to play before coming back to FFXI. :D Beware this game will drain your wallet with its Cashshop lol.
Posts: 15239
By Pantafernando 2017-08-26 08:07:57
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Now, this game was a bad idea coming from SE:

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