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By Pantafernando 2016-03-29 21:20:45
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In my head (suposing I can get the relics I want), there are more good chars than vacancy in my ideal party:

Suport role: Fran (Full Break SSB, that aside being stronger than Full Break ability, it last longer + att/mag down SB, that is excelent mitigation tool) with wrath and another breakdown;

Healer: Yshtola (wall)

DD role: too many options:

Bartz (Trueblade of legend + defense boost)
Locke (Valiant Strike, Thiefs Revenge - massive overhits that will be excelent when stacking various defense debuff)
Cloud (Fenrir Overdrive)
Auron (Banishing Blade - another defense down debuff to bring mob defense to its lowest possible)
Tyro (yeah)

Probably my default RW will be Quina mighty guard.

Its a shame we just can go with 5 char.
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Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-03-29 21:30:33
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Once we get Scream (or if you run PP often) +20% to specific weapon dmg RMs become king for your SSB users for the most part on U/U+
Server: Asura
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user: Falaras
Posts: 3213
By Asura.Failaras 2016-03-29 21:34:31
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »
Once we get Scream (or if you run PP often) +20% to specific weapon dmg RMs become king for your SSB users for the most part on U/U+
Do you say that because of attack softcapping or is there some other reason?

Personally I know I won't be attack softcapping even with Scream in tons of zones with tons of characters so I'll likely be using DD for a very long time, as will a lot of people.
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Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-03-29 21:49:36
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As long as you're above 350 attack pre-Scream/PP p much
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Falaras
Posts: 3213
By Asura.Failaras 2016-03-29 21:56:59
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I wish I could guarantee being above 350 attack that often :P
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Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-03-29 22:01:02
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Guess i'm spoiled by Seph being my main DD, hard not to softcap with him or at least be within range of heroic stance being dope. im not sure when Ace Striker is overtaken by DD, id assume any fight that doesnt last long enough to use 6-8 life siphons
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Falaras
Posts: 3213
By Asura.Failaras 2016-03-29 22:10:54
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The problem isn't so much the character as the synergy weapon. Thankfully this issue will resolve itself with time, although it's entirely possible that no matter how much mythril I ever get I will never have a Synergy weapon for FF2 or FF3 considering how rare that is.
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Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-03-30 09:04:14
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50 mythril pull and once again nothing above rank 4.

I'll never get something for my Terra ._. (or anything in general apparently -.-)
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Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
Posts: 200
By Valefor.Rawry 2016-03-30 10:49:58
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With my last remaining mythril I did a 15 pull(banner expires too soon and not enough time for me to find enough).

Thancred's Yoshi <_<

rip dreams of Terra.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1388
By Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget 2016-03-30 11:43:52
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Woo! Another 18 free mythril from DeNa this morning.
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Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-03-30 20:10:45
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T-minus 5 days until Saltfest
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ghishlain
Posts: 1081
By Ragnarok.Ghishlain 2016-03-30 20:12:36
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So I beat Dreadnought just now (easier than I thought but no mastery due to not landing Slow - might go back to Master later with a slightly different setup) and thus have another MC2 Lode and looking for some advice on what to pick.

After reviewing the potential list this is what I think I've narrowed my selections too:

  • Gilgamesh since I have his Kotetsu and his versatility is apparently really good. Also already 65

  • Sephiroth since I have Yoshiyuki and that damage is nice. Still leaning towards Gilgamesh though since I just like Gilgamesh more thematically (lol)

  • Fran because of Whip Kick and was first real Breakdown character that I used and abused so she has some sentimental value for me. Her RM3 doesn't seem too great but seems like an interesting "for lulz" choice.

  • Vanille since she's my only Medica (go go Wyrmfang)

  • Lenna since she's my only Hastega (Power Staff), though less likely to do this if I want to push for Scream in FFT

Locke or Bartz come to mind to since I have the means to unlock them fully and based on the conversation from the past few pages both of them make solid choices overall for future content.

No RM3 struck me as particular potent for me at this time and it would be nice to get at least one 80 that I want to use on my team.

Also, are there any RM1/2s I should be aiming for? I have a few Souls and MC1 Lodes remaining as well but not sure what to unlock after looking at the list.
By Draylo 2016-03-30 20:16:54
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »
T-minus 5 days until Saltfest

What's coming?
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Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-03-30 20:18:51
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Guide Master
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-03-30 20:44:44
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Ragnarok.Ghishlain said: »
Also, are there any RM1/2s I should be aiming for? I have a few Souls and MC1 Lodes remaining as well but not sure what to unlock after looking at the list.

Listed from top to bottom in order of priority

Physical Attack
Dragoon's Determination (Ricard RM1)
Pride of the Red Wings (DRK Cecil RM3)
Heroic Stance (Sephiroth RM2)
Adventurer's Dagger (Locke RM2)
Master Sniper (Irvine RM2)
The Zangan Way (Tifa RM2)
Freedom's Wish (Vaan RM1)
Thunderstroke (Lightning RM2)
Self Sacrifice (Josef RM1)
Spellbalde Master (Bartz RM2)
Art of the Barrage (Fram RM3)

Magic Attack
Devotion (Vivi RM2)
Blood of Espers (Terra RM2)
Vow of Vengeance (Ashe RM1)
Magic Madness (Kefka RM1)
Impetuous Youth (Eiko RM1)
Blood of the Summoner (Garnet RM3)
Witch of Succession (Rinoa RM2)
Hope Not in Vain (Hope RM2)

General Purpose
Dr. Mog's Teachings (Tyro RM3)
Mako Might (Cloud RM3)
Ace Striker (Tidus RM3)
Knight's Charge (Steiner RM3)
Attunement II (Tyro RM2)
Thief's Code (Zidane RM1)
Zeal (Luneth RM1)
Sky Pirate's Pride (Balthier RM1)

Ace Pilot (Cid RM2)
Black Mage's Awakening (Vivi RM3)
Mana Spring II (Black Mage RM2)
Summoning Spring II (Summoner RM2)
Moon's Grace II (FuSoYa RM2)
Pulse Kindness (Vanille RM2)
Flower of Trabia (Selphie RM2)
Holy Might
Loner (Sephiroth RM1)
Solitude (Irvine RM1)
Double Hit
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ghishlain
Posts: 1081
By Ragnarok.Ghishlain 2016-03-30 21:19:18
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That gives me a good place to start. Thanks Proth/
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Falaras
Posts: 3213
By Asura.Failaras 2016-03-30 21:32:06
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After reviewing the potential list this is what I think I've narrowed my selections too:

Gilgamesh since I have his Kotetsu and his versatility is apparently really good. Also already 65

Sephiroth since I have Yoshiyuki and that damage is nice. Still leaning towards Gilgamesh though since I just like Gilgamesh more thematically (lol)

Fran because of Whip Kick and was first real Breakdown character that I used and abused so she has some sentimental value for me. Her RM3 doesn't seem too great but seems like an interesting "for lulz" choice.

Vanille since she's my only Medica (go go Wyrmfang)

Lenna since she's my only Hastega (Power Staff), though less likely to do this if I want to push for Scream in FFT
I would say you choose this one of two ways. If you want to just choose who you like, Gilga or Fran are fine.

If you want to choose for optimal use, I'd say Sephiroth all the way. Attack is a more valuable stat to gain then something like MAG or MND on Vanille/Lenna. I don't specifically know your relic situation but SSB Seph is so good you likely wouldn't boot him out of your party unless you had some extremely powerful other SSBs. Gaining a stat like ATK on a character you will likely want to always be using is pretty hard to beat. You might hit a situation where you are hitting for 9999 with Lifesiphons on Seph and then ATK starts to falter, but if you are anything like me the amount of times that happens is way less than the amount of times it doesn't.

Level 80 on someone like Lenna would probably just grant you more defensive stats, which is cool but not optimal.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Rikiyame
Posts: 401
By Odin.Rikiyame 2016-03-30 21:34:01
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The Zangan Way (Tifa RM2) - Way of the Fist (Galuf RM2) = the same thing, if you want more options.
By Draylo 2016-03-30 21:36:21
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I'll have 100 mythril for the FFT, that is all I'm using!!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Falaras
Posts: 3213
By Asura.Failaras 2016-03-30 21:36:47
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I like Proths list a lot. Pretty much hit the nail on the head with the entire thing in my book.

There is one though.
Black Mage's Awakening (Vivi RM3)
I didn't choose Vivis RM3 so I can't even get this yet, but looking at it I don't really understand the use. What do you use it for?

Edit: Nevermind I'm HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE. Non-elemental damage win conditions are a thing.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Falaras
Posts: 3213
By Asura.Failaras 2016-03-30 21:41:25
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Draylo said: »
I'll have 100 mythril for the FFT, that is all I'm using!!
178 now, should be able to hit 200 by the end of the banner I imagine?

I am about 75% sure currently I will choose FFT over Banner 5. Maybe I could do 1-11 pull on Banner 5 and 3-11 pulls on FFT.
By Draylo 2016-03-30 21:52:16
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I had 200 for Beatrix Save the Queen a few months ago and didn't even get it, so I'm not getting my hopes up lol.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Falaras
Posts: 3213
By Asura.Failaras 2016-03-30 21:59:19
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If I don't pull either it's not like I'm hurting to clear the current Ultimates, but they've been super easy lately. I have a feeling when another Exdeath or Bart comes along I'll be ***.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ghishlain
Posts: 1081
By Ragnarok.Ghishlain 2016-03-30 22:27:32
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Asura.Failaras said: »
I like Proths list a lot. Pretty much hit the nail on the head with the entire thing in my book.

There is one though.
Black Mage's Awakening (Vivi RM3)
I didn't choose Vivis RM3 so I can't even get this yet, but looking at it I don't really understand the use. What do you use it for?

Edit: Nevermind I'm HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE. Non-elemental damage win conditions are a thing.

Hmmm, this might not be a bad path for me since I'm sorely lacking on the magical DD front but doing fairly well on the physical / physical support front.

I did pull Vivi's Oak Stave relic on Banner 1 recently too so it's not completely outta the question for me.

Just some more thought to put into my group.

And time to decide if I want to go "for fun" or "for optimal" in the near future.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Rikiyame
Posts: 401
By Odin.Rikiyame 2016-03-30 22:28:04
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Asura.Failaras said: »
I like Proths list a lot. Pretty much hit the nail on the head with the entire thing in my book.

There is one though.
Black Mage's Awakening (Vivi RM3)
I didn't choose Vivis RM3 so I can't even get this yet, but looking at it I don't really understand the use. What do you use it for?

Edit: Nevermind I'm HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE. Non-elemental damage win conditions are a thing.

Also, this and Selphie's Flower of Trabia allows a mage to auto-attack and do decent damage.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Falaras
Posts: 3213
By Asura.Failaras 2016-03-30 22:45:16
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Hmmm, this might not be a bad path for me since I'm sorely lacking on the magical DD front but doing fairly well on the physical / physical support front.

I did pull Vivi's Oak Stave relic on Banner 1 recently too so it's not completely outta the question for me.

Just some more thought to put into my group.

And time to decide if I want to go "for fun" or "for optimal" in the near future.
Do you have Terras MC2? She's pretty much unbeatable as a Blm currently.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ghishlain
Posts: 1081
By Ragnarok.Ghishlain 2016-03-30 23:00:34
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Asura.Failaras said: »
Do you have Terras MC2? She's pretty much unbeatable as a Blm currently.

Technically yes since I still haven't used my MC2Lode yet, though I don't have any relics for Terra but do have a level 25 Tigersclaw which may make for a decent substitute as a generic weapon.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Falaras
Posts: 3213
By Asura.Failaras 2016-03-30 23:32:08
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Yeah I'm not sure. Vivi is certainly worse than Terra as a Blm currently but even though it's old, Doublecast Venom isn't a bad SB. Especially since it's tied to the highest MAG character so you are more likely to hit 9999x2 with it, and Terra would be capped at 9999 without her SSB.
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Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-03-30 23:48:09
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Odin.Rikiyame said: »
Asura.Failaras said: »
I like Proths list a lot. Pretty much hit the nail on the head with the entire thing in my book.

There is one though.
Black Mage's Awakening (Vivi RM3)
I didn't choose Vivis RM3 so I can't even get this yet, but looking at it I don't really understand the use. What do you use it for?

Edit: Nevermind I'm HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE. Non-elemental damage win conditions are a thing.

Also, this and Selphie's Flower of Trabia allows a mage to auto-attack and do decent damage.

This. Terra and Y'shtola doing 3-4k for me
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Raenil 2016-03-31 00:25:43
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I've been enjoying Vanille's RM2 for auto-attacking stuff.
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