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Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-10-25 10:48:48
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Will get it in 3-6 months
Server: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Prodigy
Posts: 118
By Diabolos.Prodigy 2016-10-25 21:17:21
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Great, looks like they're starting to add Blink abilities to bosses now. SE's way of making things harder is just stacking evasion.
By crimsondragon 2016-10-25 23:48:21
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Sounds like the FF11 "abyssea" expansion pack is coming soon huh?
Posts: 1450
By fillerbunny9 2016-10-26 01:20:22
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I already had Vaan's dagger, but overall I'd say it wasn't a bad 25 mythril.

Server: Ultros
user: Serj
Posts: 2204
By Ciri Zireael 2016-10-26 05:47:07
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Diabolos.Prodigy said: »
Great, looks like they're starting to add Blink abilities to bosses now. SE's way of making things harder is just stacking evasion.

Literally just a FF2 mechanic. And evasion shouldn't even be an issue to be fair.
Posts: 5188
By Faelar 2016-10-26 07:23:48
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700 stamina later (spamming FFX - Zanarkand classic) and I finally have Ace Striker and Battleforged. ._.

I didn't have any problem hitting the Emperor even after he used the evasion boost, my problem was I got him down to like 3% after a long battle and he used Elixir...
Posts: 42727
By Jetackuu 2016-10-26 07:34:50
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Exploit the Emperor (Ultimate)'s weakness to holy attacks.
Lower the Emperor (Ultimate)'s Magic.
Lower the Emperor (Ultimate)'s Resistance.

What ability does this?
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
By Sylph.Cherche 2016-10-26 07:49:33
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Full Break.

Or Mental Break(down).
Posts: 42727
By Jetackuu 2016-10-26 07:50:04
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Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5381
By Bahamut.Baconwrap 2016-10-26 10:37:27
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The horror is over!!!!! Thank you RNGesus!!!

Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2016-10-26 13:28:04
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I got lucky with the emperor, I guess. He used his Elixir at about 70% HP, before I could really dig deep into spamming my strongest abilities and soul breaks.

On the MC3 front, I decided to go with Bartz and Squall, seeing as they're my second and third biggest hitters. Unfortunately, their level 99 RM don't really suit their current abilities that much, though I have someone in mind to use Squall's for the "Much more ice Damage" boost.

And unless I'm focusing entirely on boosting wind damage/exploiting wind weaknesses, Bartz's new RM is "deals much more wind damage".
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 262
By Phoenix.Komugichan 2016-10-26 13:43:01
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So we getting 25 mythril, Evil lantern, and witch's hat for halloween, and there is a new login bonus starting 10/30 World of Final Fantasy related it seems.
Server: Ultros
user: Serj
Posts: 2204
By Ciri Zireael 2016-10-26 18:09:17
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Bahamut.Baconwrap said: »
The horror is over!!!!! Thank you RNGesus!!!

God I am not looking forward to this CM. It has to wait regardless because Minwu isn't a high enough level for it but this mote dungeon is just so annoying

But grats! Holy crap.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2016-10-26 18:25:09
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One day I might have my characters put together to do the CM versions of dungeons. But don't have a single FF2 character above level 38, so...not this event. There's a chance Vaan+Penelo at 80 can handle next weeks event, maybe.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5381
By Bahamut.Baconwrap 2016-10-26 19:50:35
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Ciri Zireael said: »
God I am not looking forward to this CM. It has to wait regardless because Minwu isn't a high enough level for it but this mote dungeon is just so annoying

But grats! Holy crap.
I ended up turning Leon into a dark mage for this CM it was the only way i could kill Red Soul faat enough.
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-10-31 15:23:38
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Decided on 1 last 50 pull before hoarding everything for OK or FFXIV banners.

kool I guess
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Sephoroth
Posts: 3
By Quetzalcoatl.Boombastic 2016-11-03 22:33:26
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What would be the best setup to beat the fight before and the fight for the current MC3?(Mostly the fight before MC3) I just pulled Ramza and Tyro SB from the banner today. My setup at the moment has Selphie Tyro Ramza Terra and Cloud. Clouds best SB tho is CH, Terra has MM and BSB from same banner as Tyro and Ramza, Selphie has Dreamstage. For whatever reason tho I end up wiping before the Azers die... I don't really want to blow a bunch of mythril either just for boosts. I am pretty sure if I had a good AoE thunder SB tho it'd be not so bad but I don't.. everyone is 80 except for Cloud and Ramza, Ramza is 65 Cloud is 99(was really hoping for Finishing Touch, didn't get it)
Posts: 1450
By fillerbunny9 2016-11-04 08:50:42
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Well, no oversoul, but it's something. Once they get around to sending me the Halloween mythril, maybe I can snag something else.

Posts: 1450
By fillerbunny9 2016-11-04 09:16:04
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Quetzalcoatl.Boombastic said: »
What would be the best setup to beat the fight before and the fight for the current MC3?(Mostly the fight before MC3) I just pulled Ramza and Tyro SB from the banner today. My setup at the moment has Selphie Tyro Ramza Terra and Cloud. Clouds best SB tho is CH, Terra has MM and BSB from same banner as Tyro and Ramza, Selphie has Dreamstage. For whatever reason tho I end up wiping before the Azers die... I don't really want to blow a bunch of mythril either just for boosts. I am pretty sure if I had a good AoE thunder SB tho it'd be not so bad but I don't.. everyone is 80 except for Cloud and Ramza, Ramza is 65 Cloud is 99(was really hoping for Finishing Touch, didn't get it)

For the MC3 fight, ignore the duplicates, if you kill them, he'll continue to make more. Once the primary target is down, you can drop the dupes safely. For the fight before, I relied on Thundaga strike, Lifesiphon, and my standard physical zerg strat that serves me well. Which soul breaks are you actually referring to? Ramza and Tyro both have at least 4. Unless you pulled Shout, Ramza would be better served by getting replace with a level 80/99 character. Even then, if you have SG for Tyro, you may as well RW shout. Terra is going to be dead weight if you can't deal with Reflect; do you have a Knight with Banishing Strike to dispel the main enemy?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: blade4
Posts: 202
By Fenrir.Surgator 2016-11-05 14:47:51
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the mc 3 is a pain... all go very well until the dark physical attack....he whipe my team like no big deal with that! ; ;
Posts: 1450
By fillerbunny9 2016-11-05 17:16:10
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Power Breakdown/similar abilities from SBs/Protectga will be your friends for that. I honestly don't think he used it at all the time I won, or if he did I had things so under control that it was moot. I know a few times he took out Eiko with it and I had to reset.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Sephoroth
Posts: 3
By Quetzalcoatl.Boombastic 2016-11-07 18:41:38
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Was too busy with work to bother trying again so missed that MC3 :( However the current MC3 fight with my setup I tried on the last one completely destroyed it. Used the new over strike SB as RW on Cloud plus Terra BSB. Was a total smoke show lol. Now unless I pull Apocalypse from the banner I can't decide between Tyro or Terra to use the MC3 on... Terra has Magitek Missile SB also, Tyro has no DD SB but can use any ability so I don't know.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Radiuz
Posts: 1274
By Bismarck.Zuidar 2016-11-07 19:09:38
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Any point to do the "Size Matters Not" Relic draw?
Posts: 1450
By fillerbunny9 2016-11-07 19:21:04
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I've got 2 MC3 I am sitting on, but I will likely use one on Agrias. sadly, I need to wait for them to push one out for Eiko, who is mysteriously missing amongst the IX cast (or I have gone blind...) as I have her Burst heal.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Rikiyame
Posts: 401
By Odin.Rikiyame 2016-11-07 19:53:28
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Bismarck.Zuidar said: »
Any point to do the "Size Matters Not" Relic draw?

I don't think any banner is worth it unless it's 1/2 price (unless you like characters). Other than wall/shout, nothing is necessity (that can't be RWed). As for MC3s, I'm sitting on mine until I NEED them (or I get a ton). No content is stopping 80s from winning.
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-11-07 20:24:07
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There are some incredible banners coming up. Kain BSB, Onion Knight, TG Cid, FFXIV... the XIV banner is arguably the best banner ever put into the game. Wouldn't waste mythril on any of these arena ones personally.
Posts: 1450
By fillerbunny9 2016-11-07 21:22:11
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what're the highlights of the XIV banner? TG Cid is obviously where I am likely to dump my Mythril because <3 Tactics.
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-11-07 21:23:48
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Banner 1:

Y'shtola's Healer Circlet [BSSB, +10 MND] - h85 heal & Stoneskin to party, Burst Mode
*Stoneskin: Immune to damage equals to 30% of max HP

Minfilia's Curtana [BSSB, +10 ATK] - 8 single-target Holy/NE physical attacks, En-Holy, Burst Mode

Alphinaud's Veil of Miyu [BSSB, +10 MAG] - 8 single-target Wind/NE summon magic attacks, En-Wind, Burst Mode

Minfilia's Holy Shield [SSB, +10 ATK] - ATK +50% & Guts to party
Alphinaud's Evoker's Doublet [SSB, +10 MAG] - ATK & MAG +30%, and Radiant Shield to party
*Radiant Shield: Reflects damage received from enemies back to them
Papalymo's Wizard Gloves [SSB, +10 MAG] - MAG +30%, Quick Magic for 3 turns & Haste to party
Y'shtola's Omnirod [SSB, +10 MND] - Protect, Shell & High Regen to party
Y'shtola's Thyrus - DEF & RES +200% to party
Y'shtola's Healer Robe - h50 heal & Esuna to party

Banner 2:

Yda's Kaiser Knuckle [BSSB, +10 ATK] - 8 single-target Fire/NE physical attacks, Full Breakdown, Burst Mode

Papalymo's Lilith Rod [BSSB, +10 MAG] - 8 single-target Fire/NE magic attacks, En-Fire, Burst Mode

Thancred's Sasuke's Katana [BSSB, +10 ATK] - 4 AOE Fire/NE physical attacks, Imperil Fire, Burst Mode

Yda's Temple Silas [SSB, +10 ATK] - 4 AOE Earth/Fire physical attacks, DEF& RES -50% to targets, ATK & DEF +30% to self
Thancred's Ninja Tekko [SSB, +10 ATK] - 4 Bio/NE physical attacks, Instant Cast, 100% Stun
Papalymo's Stardust Rod [SSB, +10 MAG] - 5 random Ice magic attacks, En-Ice (5 x 3.54)
Thancred's Air Knives [SSB, +10 ATK] - 4 AOE Wind physical attacks, Hastega (4 x 1.49)
Yda's Temple Gloves - Critical = 50% & MND +30% to party
Ifrit Kris (Generic)

also happen to get a wind based summon with this event to go with alphinaud's burst
Server: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Prodigy
Posts: 118
By Diabolos.Prodigy 2016-11-11 21:35:28
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So is Omega possible to beat? I mean, it does flash and reflect as its first two moves. And Stop spell is dumb, it sticks for .5 seconds.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
By Sylph.Cherche 2016-11-11 22:01:42
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Mastered it in two tries. Life siphon and soul breaks have 100% hit rate, even through blind and silly stuff like Blink XIV from the previous FFII event.
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