averaging two 5* per pull is not shabby, even if you didn't get Peacemaker. all I got was a single Wyrmfang to go with one I got a month or three ago. =/
also, Portrait of Lakshmi as well as Oerba's Boon? seems like Relm should be your go-to WHM at this point. I always saddle Ramza with Lifesiphon and Full Break, alternating the two between Shouts, but of course your mileage may vary.
Yeah I still want Peacemaker, but I'm not gonna be salty about that set of pulls at all.
That said, I use tyro as whm since I have native SG/shout.
So my party usually looks like
DPS/mitigation (Agrias with cleansing strike SB)
DPS/mitigation (like thf with steal power/thief revenge)
Ramza with breakdown of choice and life siphon
Tyro with Curaja/mitigation (full break, another breakdown if needed, break fever if multi boss fight) etc.
Realm can only use white magic, summoning, and black magic, so it makes her a little harder to work into my party since Tyro can't realistically take on a DPS role with a combination of his low stats and not being able to set a DPS+ record materia