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Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-05-26 08:47:25
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Pantafernando said: »
I would pull as it has the best cost-benefit (25 mythril and just unique relics).

You know I always see this stated but there is never an actual statistical analysis. Unless it's a fresh account or one sorely lacking in that banner's category thus making literally any relic an upgrade, the sheer number of total trash and outdated relics, even for Cid missions, makes that 25 mithril expenditure far more dubious in value. I think most people don't consider the odds of actually getting something good from these vs the chances of a 5* vs the cost vs targeting a specific set of drop rate boosted relics on a real banner at double the cost. Quality over quantity applies here.

Would liken it to, say, buying a cheap steam box. 10 steam keys for $10 that have a 90% chance to be 10 bejeweled/Zuma games with a 10% chance at containing at least 1 AAA game. Not an exact 1:1 representation but it illustrates how the primary product, aka the booby prize, only appeals to a low number of people whereas the main prize with a significantly lower chance appeals to more.

Do you need 10 different copies of bejeweled? Probably not. Was that box worth $10? Would wager that a majority would say no after.

Then let's say there's another box for $20 that has a more limited possible selection of AAA titles in its prize pool, but the chances of getting one become 20-50% and each $20 box has a specific set of AAA games that you can gamble for, allowing you to target the best chance at the ones you really want/need (aka being able to target specific relics and synergy via realm/event banners). Which one has better value proposition?
Posts: 1450
By fillerbunny9 2016-05-26 09:18:49
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I think pulling on a nightmare banner makes sense if you are missing specifically that type of Soul Break. it's basically a risk vs reward gambit; you're potentially wasting Mythril but if you stand to make a large gain it's probably worth your ingame currency. if you actually have SBs for the characters in the pull, well, it's not really worth it at that point.

for me, who has pulled THREE TIMES the damn Staff for Penello's War Dance, getting Trabia's Light out of this was actually really nice. going from one potential AoE heal to two when I am finding that it can be something I am relying on now. if I had things like Medica, Oerba's Light, etc. then sure, I could see skipping it, but War Dance seems kinda a ***AoE heal AND it overwrites Shout's attack boost, so, in my case, I feel like this was 25 Mythril very well spent.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2016-05-26 09:25:23
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I look at it from Lucky being able to turn characters I'd never use into viable characters. Is Healing Wind better than Portrait of Lakshmi or Sync? Nope.

But does it allow me to slot Aerith places without needing to grumble over not having a WHM with a medica? Yup.

There is also the question of relics that boost elemental damage being in the pool. As a F2P player, it's 25 mythril for an 11-pull. Best bang for my buck in terms of a large pull outside a banner that is topped with mostly good relics (a la FFT).

If you're whaling or P2P I can see Lucky banners not being worth the time when you want to laser focus on specific items.
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-05-26 09:38:12
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Again though that's all assuming you pull one of those to begin with, as the chances of drawing one of your desired items is lower, on average, than a normal banner when compared to the cost in mithril. This goes for f2p players (like myself) as well, not only whales.

That chance at a medica or one of the few ele boost relics on an individual relic level may be equal to getting something like a cyclone grimoire, but overall when considering the size and composition of the pool itself the chance of getting a stinker that youd have little to no use for is quite higher for most people who have been playing for a while and already have a good stock of relics.

I would still argue in this case that spending the extra 25 mithril to target those medicas and ele boost relics in a far more statistically viable environment is much more valuable if your goal is to receive relics that would expand your kit and options, and that these banners lack value outside of new and category starved accounts.

For every Lullaby Rod, there are two hypnocrowns. Or lamia tiaras. Or punishers.
Posts: 15224
By Pantafernando 2016-05-26 09:38:37
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I think every 5* can have its value. Most whm rods/staves have high magic stats so it can still be used as a mage setup. And normally an unique relic is stronger than a generic one.

Aside that, there are a total of 40 relic if you hit the 5* ball, 11 SSB and 1 BSB that makes for almost 4% the odds, whats higher than a current banner, plus 2 walls, plus 3 hastegas plus 1 Grand Cross. Each relic has 0.32% chance.

So, everyone has diferent needs so its up to anyone to see if the current pool is interrsting but looking at it, i think its a quality selection at half price, what for some makes all diference.
Posts: 15224
By Pantafernando 2016-05-26 09:48:51
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DeNA NERFED the daily draw 5* rate.


Guide Master
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-05-26 09:50:36
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Of course it depends on each individual's needs, which each one of my posts has highlighted so far. It's much deeper than the banner being half off, it requires an analysis of one's personal stock and desires before they can come to that conclusion which is normally why questions of "i'm wondering if I should pull" arise to begin with. If you're comfortable spending 25 mythrils on what has a great chance to be a rosetta stone or two in the hopes of landing on black and getting the jackpot, go for it.

But by no means are the lucky banners an absolute value that are worth pulling on just because they cost only 25 mithrils, especially a lot of the ones to come after this current one (which has 2 walls, as stated, making it particularly valuable for those who do not have a wall as any chance at getting a double chance at walls should be exploited). And you do not have to sink money in the game for this to be the case.
Posts: 15224
By Pantafernando 2016-05-26 09:51:25
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We went from 1 5* every year (when we had the highest) to 1 5* every 27 years...
Posts: 2046
By SpaceAnomaly 2016-05-26 16:44:25
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Thyrus and SG are the same yeah? I did a lucky pull on my second account and got
MSPaint Winner
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2012
By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2016-05-26 17:37:07
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »
Pantafernando said: »
I would pull as it has the best cost-benefit (25 mythril and just unique relics).

You know I always see this stated but there is never an actual statistical analysis. Unless it's a fresh account or one sorely lacking in that banner's category thus making literally any relic an upgrade, the sheer number of total trash and outdated relics, even for Cid missions, makes that 25 mithril expenditure far more dubious in value. I think most people don't consider the odds of actually getting something good from these vs the chances of a 5* vs the cost vs targeting a specific set of drop rate boosted relics on a real banner at double the cost. Quality over quantity applies here.

Would liken it to, say, buying a cheap steam box. 10 steam keys for $10 that have a 90% chance to be 10 bejeweled/Zuma games with a 10% chance at containing at least 1 AAA game. Not an exact 1:1 representation but it illustrates how the primary product, aka the booby prize, only appeals to a low number of people whereas the main prize with a significantly lower chance appeals to more.

Do you need 10 different copies of bejeweled? Probably not. Was that box worth $10? Would wager that a majority would say no after.

Then let's say there's another box for $20 that has a more limited possible selection of AAA titles in its prize pool, but the chances of getting one become 20-50% and each $20 box has a specific set of AAA games that you can gamble for, allowing you to target the best chance at the ones you really want/need (aka being able to target specific relics and synergy via realm/event banners). Which one has better value proposition?


The other day I pulled from one of these lucky draws and got 2 *** Quina unique SB weapons ----- the event gachas are almost always better because their probability distribution tends to favor better relics, whereas I think the PDF of the lucky draws is completely even across the entire pool
MSPaint Winner
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2012
By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2016-05-26 17:41:36
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Also, regarding the Nightmare Evrae fight ---

I tried it again last night for lulz and it was really easy with a few relics that came out since then.

In particular, Selphie's BSSB makes this a complete JOKE. (The soul break is 4-hits of AoE holy damage, and grants a moderate boost to magic attack for the party. The first command turns into a major single-target heal, and the second command, Moonstone, performs a 2-hit holy attack (high-damage) with additional effect: dispel.)

~~~Selphie's BSSB is my favorite besides Bartz's, so I might be a little biased here~~~

tl;dr: there's no real benefit to slaving over it now, future relics make it way easier

EDIT: Besides the epeen factor, of course!
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: MisterRyu
Posts: 2742
By Fairy.Ghaleon 2016-05-26 17:42:10
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Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
Valefor.Prothescar said: »
Pantafernando said: »
I would pull as it has the best cost-benefit (25 mythril and just unique relics).

You know I always see this stated but there is never an actual statistical analysis. Unless it's a fresh account or one sorely lacking in that banner's category thus making literally any relic an upgrade, the sheer number of total trash and outdated relics, even for Cid missions, makes that 25 mithril expenditure far more dubious in value. I think most people don't consider the odds of actually getting something good from these vs the chances of a 5* vs the cost vs targeting a specific set of drop rate boosted relics on a real banner at double the cost. Quality over quantity applies here.

Would liken it to, say, buying a cheap steam box. 10 steam keys for $10 that have a 90% chance to be 10 bejeweled/Zuma games with a 10% chance at containing at least 1 AAA game. Not an exact 1:1 representation but it illustrates how the primary product, aka the booby prize, only appeals to a low number of people whereas the main prize with a significantly lower chance appeals to more.

Do you need 10 different copies of bejeweled? Probably not. Was that box worth $10? Would wager that a majority would say no after.

Then let's say there's another box for $20 that has a more limited possible selection of AAA titles in its prize pool, but the chances of getting one become 20-50% and each $20 box has a specific set of AAA games that you can gamble for, allowing you to target the best chance at the ones you really want/need (aka being able to target specific relics and synergy via realm/event banners). Which one has better value proposition?


The other day I pulled from one of these lucky draws and got 2 *** Quina unique SB weapons ----- the event gachas are almost always better because their probability distribution tends to favor better relics, whereas I think the PDF of the lucky draws is completely even across the entire pool

but dat RS doe
Server: Ultros
user: Serj
Posts: 2204
By Ciri Zireael 2016-05-26 21:03:19
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Steiner is a joke, just watch out for Ultimate Climhazzard. Too late to spend time on Kuja aside from my first attempt that I half assed but his single target spells hurt later in the fight. A lot. Like 4k with Fran SSB/Magic Breakdown/Shellga, so do the whole reflect/draw magic or Runic/Indonesian Blade thing and he shouldn't be bad.

Also use those lightning res accessories. Can have 5, a lot of people might only have 4 though.
By Draylo 2016-05-26 21:04:53
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Of course no SSB for Beatrix... got Kuja's gloves on my 11 pull and the rest 3 stars. Beat Kuja Ultimate + but only got expert due to actions taken losing one medal and damage taken losing two... Might have to remove Ramza and put someone else for more damage or something to speed the fight up.
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-05-26 21:30:01
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Didn't live up to the hype for me at all, was easier than Steiner. Totally needed that Lightning accessory tho this would've been impossible withou- oh.

Celes once again proving she's the best girl.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5381
By Bahamut.Baconwrap 2016-05-26 22:13:10
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Draylo said: »
Of course no SSB for Beatrix... got Kuja's gloves on my 11 pull and the rest 3 stars. Beat Kuja Ultimate + but only got expert due to actions taken losing one medal and damage taken losing two... Might have to remove Ramza and put someone else for more damage or something to speed the fight up.
I wasted all my mythril and all I get is Eiko's Flute ugh.
Posts: 1450
By fillerbunny9 2016-05-26 23:39:21
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Draylo said: »
Of course no SSB for Beatrix... got Kuja's gloves on my 11 pull and the rest 3 stars. Beat Kuja Ultimate + but only got expert due to actions taken losing one medal and damage taken losing two... Might have to remove Ramza and put someone else for more damage or something to speed the fight up.

could be worse, I am resuming my 3* & 4* only streak, it seems.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1901
By Odin.Hitoseijuro 2016-05-27 08:53:47
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »
Celes once again proving she's the best girl.

I'm sorry, but we all know Selphie is the best girl bro

Bonus:Selphie said whm nightmare had nothing on her either~

Bonus bonus:
Posts: 15224
By Pantafernando 2016-05-27 10:44:49
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Personally, my best girl is Agrias, maybe second just to Yshtola.
Server: Ultros
user: Serj
Posts: 2204
By Ciri Zireael 2016-05-27 13:16:04
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My best girl is Faris and Fran. True waifus.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1901
By Odin.Hitoseijuro 2016-05-27 17:41:35
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Ciri Zireael said: »
My best girl is Faris and Fran. True waifus.
Wow, no Refia, sad days
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Raenil 2016-05-27 18:05:32
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Level 80 Fang soonish. Glorious days ahead.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Morier
Posts: 898
By Phoenix.Morier 2016-05-27 18:07:41
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30 mythril and got crap. Woke up, said eff it did a 3 draw got Beatrix sword and Zidane's new weapon.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1388
By Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget 2016-05-27 18:43:57
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9:00 needs to hurry up and get here... I want my LVL. 80 Kuja!!
Server: Ultros
user: Serj
Posts: 2204
By Ciri Zireael 2016-05-27 18:45:32
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Odin.Hitoseijuro said: »
Ciri Zireael said: »
My best girl is Faris and Fran. True waifus.
Wow, no Refia, sad days

Also Celes. True harem go.
Posts: 15224
By Pantafernando 2016-05-27 20:14:36
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Now, what should I do with my 3 copies of R4 Diara?
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-05-27 20:33:52
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Tip: if you need any of these characters leveled, this orbfest is a good time to do it. You'll want to have them be at a dependable level for the first Cid Mission coming up.

Aerith, Barret, Cloud, Tifa, Yuffie
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1388
By Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget 2016-05-27 21:11:43
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Yuffie and Barret are getting MC2's next event.
By Draylo 2016-05-27 21:16:03
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Pulse Kindness is so nice for auto attacking these.
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-05-28 01:39:42
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Gonna add to my post from earlier, here's what we'll need in terms of Cid Mission characters in the next few weeks:

May 30 Cloud's Date Night: Cloud, Aerith, Barret, Yuffie, Tifa
Expected Difficulties: 45, 75, 90, and 99
Rewards: 4* Lightning Orb (Cloud+Aerith), 4* Power Orb x4 (Cloud+Barret), 4* Black Orb x3 (Cloud+Yuffie), 4* Earth Orb x2 (Cloud+Tifa)

June 13 Two Sides of a Coin: Edgar, Sabin
Expected Difficulties: 110
Rewards: 5* Power Orb

June 20 Window on the Past: Jecht, Braska, Auron, Tidus, Yuna
Expected Difficulties: 90, 99, 凶+ (160)
Rewards: 5* Power Orb (Jecht), 5* Summon Orb (Braska, Jecht, Auron), 5* Fire Orb x2 (Tidus, Yuna, Auron)

July 11 The Blossoming Summoner's Talent: Kain, Rydia
Expected Difficulties: 凶 (140), 凶+ (160)
Rewards: 3* Body Fragment x2 (Kain), 3* Bravery Fragment x3 (Rydia)
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