New info from JP side:
-Level cap raise #3 first wave of crystals: Tyro, Warrior of Light, Firion, Luneth, P. Cecil, Bartz, Terra, Cloud, Squall, Zidane, Tidus, Shantotto, Vaan, Lightning, Y'shtola, Ramza
-New Soul Break tier: Overload/Overdrive/Overflow Super Soul Break; the weapons will be naturally 6* and break the 9999 damage cap, the damage of the OSSB will be comparable to 5* and 6* abilities. Likely also includes an aura similar to Burst Mode, but this is as of yet unconfirmed (could be the damage break effect is tied to this).
-Hyper Evolve system: lets you upgrade a ++ piece of equipment to the next tier using Dark Matter. I.e., a 5*++ can become 8*, a 3*++ can become 6*(better than a base 5*!), etc.
-Ultimate++ fights will begin appearing in the next JP event which happens to be a VII event, who's surprised?
-The supply of record dive fragments and 6* ability crystals will be increasing dramatically.
Also, they're playing with my emotions hardcore as *** because there's a blue magic orb in one of their Golden Week event banners...

Holy, Dark, Non-elemental, Fire, Summon, Lightning, Power, Black, Earth, Wind, White, Ice, BLUE