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Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Valmur
Posts: 3642
By Cerberus.Valmur 2016-04-23 05:43:33
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Just got Apocalypse & the Glove for Zack so he'll come in handy :)
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Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-04-23 05:55:16
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Bahamut.Vinedrius said: »
How am i supposed to mitigate all that spam though? SG, protect, powerbreakdown, still doing 1k+ damage every turn. Strat posts on the official guide website have drain strikes on all DDs. honed to 8 or even 10 x4. No way I could hone all that. Or is that even necessary? There must be another way.

Mako Cannon ignores a significant portion of your defense, so the best thing you can do is stack as many attack debuffs on Rufus as possible. Power Breakdown, Full Break, and a Doubledown SB (Faris, Agrias, Auron, or Fran) in conjuction with Wall, Protect, and HotE or Trueblade of Legend if you have it/can get it without sacrificing a doubledown RW/SB slot.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1901
By Odin.Hitoseijuro 2016-04-23 05:55:57
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Fairy.Ghaleon said: »

Ultimate was cake, super cake, I forgot to equip RS gear and didn't even use HoTE cake.

U+....... is soooooo hard. like wow... only completed so far, haven't mastered. man i was ready for a challenge but.... wow D:

Its probably just your hones/set up.

Rufus is rated the hardest one of the hardest fights for Ultimates, roughly 8-9 out of 10 for that fight.

While Hojo is rated like a 2 out of 10 in difficulty for Ultimates +. So if you guys are having problems on what people claim to be the easiest of U+ fights, might want to re evaluate where exactly is the difficulty and adjust for that. U+ fights are gaining like 100k more HP, and 50-60% more in defensive stats, almost 100% in some others on top of gimmicks and mechanics that might change up your set up.

Having Cleansing Strike(Agrias- Kaiser Shield), Banishing Blade(Auron - Riot Blade) and Sea Lord's Broadside(Faris - Yoichi's bow) will make a lot of fights easier for people without native walls/shouts and can only pick to have one.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Devrom
Posts: 665
By Bahamut.Vinedrius 2016-04-23 06:00:41
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »
Bahamut.Vinedrius said: »
How am i supposed to mitigate all that spam though? SG, protect, powerbreakdown, still doing 1k+ damage every turn. Strat posts on the official guide website have drain strikes on all DDs. honed to 8 or even 10 x4. No way I could hone all that. Or is that even necessary? There must be another way.

Mako Cannon ignores a significant portion of your defense, so the best thing you can do is stack as many attack debuffs on Rufus as possible. Power Breakdown, Full Break, and a Doubledown SB (Faris, Agrias, Auron, or Fran) in conjuction with Wall, Protect, and HotE or Trueblade of Legend if you have it/can get it without sacrificing a doubledown RW/SB slot.

ok, didnt know that, thanks. still looks impossible to me without a bunch of drain strikes though XD

Edit: I have native Wall and Trueblade of Legend and will be trying with Bartz now. I have been trying with whetever mitigation I have plus Fenrir and Advance/Retaliate. I don't have any doubledown SB.
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-04-23 06:01:56
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Can definitely do it. Something I forgot to mention here is if you don't have it already make sure you're RWing Shout; the doubledowns are extremely strong here but your biggest defense is offense. You want to kill Dark Nation and have Rufus down as much as possible by Rufus' 9th turn, that's when he'll start to spam Mako Cannon.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Devrom
Posts: 665
By Bahamut.Vinedrius 2016-04-23 06:05:51
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Odin.Hitoseijuro said: »
Having Cleansing Strike(Agrias- Kaiser Shield), Banishing Blade(Auron - Riot Blade) and Sea Lord's Broadside(Faris - Yoichi's bow) will make a lot of fights easier for people without native walls/shouts and can only pick to have one.

I don't have any of those you listed. My only mitigation SBs against enemy "attack" are Trueblade of Legend and SG. Basically the only SBs I have that could be useful here are Fenrir, ToL, SG, Medica II, that is it.
Posts: 15213
By Pantafernando 2016-04-23 06:16:10
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Do notice killing Rufus last is just a mastery condition (3 medals). Out of 18, you can still manage mastery killing him first.

Just make sure to have dispel ready in case hes hasted and rush to 9th turn.

Also, i noticed how DeNA severly gimped damage taken medals (probably action taken too). For example, against Hojo, not just my entire party got low hp in the end but also my Yshtola died. Still, i managed to get full medals minus black mage as i forgot to cast. Against Rufus, i got 100% even eating few Mako Beams. In the past, im sure i would lose 2 medals for damage taken and at least 1 for actions in both Rufus and Hojo.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1901
By Odin.Hitoseijuro 2016-04-23 06:38:53
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Bahamut.Vinedrius said: »
Odin.Hitoseijuro said: »
Having Cleansing Strike(Agrias- Kaiser Shield), Banishing Blade(Auron - Riot Blade) and Sea Lord's Broadside(Faris - Yoichi's bow) will make a lot of fights easier for people without native walls/shouts and can only pick to have one.

I don't have any of those you listed. My only mitigation SBs against enemy "attack" are Trueblade of Legend and SG. Basically the only SBs I have that could be useful here are Fenrir, ToL, SG, Medica II, that is it.

You have plenty of fire power with Fenrir/Trueblade and SG, RW Shout and you will be fine.

I went in with B.Materia/Trueblade and shout.

Maybe your RS is probably less desirable if Fusion is the only RS weapon you have. I know for that fight I had 400-500+ native attack and 200-300+ native defense and it did wonders. Full life siphon on Dark nation and then went to town on Rufus.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Devrom
Posts: 665
By Bahamut.Vinedrius 2016-04-23 07:47:40
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Mastered with full medals, phew. ToL helped a lot, both for taking down the dog faster and obviously against the Mako attack. Also full break and attack down dances. Especially attack down one seems very potent.

My pretty good RS is probably the main reason it went pretty smooth offensively though.

Oh and I created 2 drain strikes and honed them to rank3 just for this battle but didn't use them at all orz...

Party setup:
Posts: 15213
By Pantafernando 2016-04-23 08:00:41
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Poor Tyro, doesnt even deserve a name. Hes just a "function".
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Karbuncle
Posts: 2203
By Asura.Karbuncle 2016-04-23 12:45:26
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Bahamut.Vinedrius said: »
How am i supposed to mitigate all that spam though? SG, protect, powerbreakdown, still doing 1k+ damage every turn. Strat posts on the official guide website have drain strikes on all DDs. honed to 8 or even 10 x4. No way I could hone all that. Or is that even necessary? There must be another way.

an AoE heal SB... or a Major Regen soul break both work well enough and you just switch your WHM into cure *** mode. Some good ones are Princess' Favor (Heal+MajorReg), Hymn (Heal+MajorReg), or if you have native Attack/SS/Protect, you can get away with something like Mighty Guard (8) or Divine guardian, both have Major Regen, though less favorable.

Give one of your DD's drain strike, that will help some too if you have it honed high enuogh, one less person to cure. Other than that, you have to power through it.

Worst case scenario those Accessories with the cure aoe on them are nice... Precious Watch, Galbadian Bracer... they only cure about 700~1500 depending on if they're attached to a melee or a Healer, but its a nice patch-me-up if you have a non-unique SB user whos wasting his SB gauge away.

If you have no native Wall, Attack boost, or Heal-ga... you've got a tough one on your hands... as your RW is torn between some very useful support.

I'm one of those incredibly lucky people with Sentinel's Grimoire, Shout(And Planet Protector), as well as stuff like Emerald Light for aoe cure/haste... I have a lot of good stuff I can bring to the table... so my fight was a bit easier than a lot of you... just be prepared to initiate Zerg-rush around 40-50% and be prepared for Blindga at about 30% (Save your SSB/SB til this point)

Pantafernando said: »
Poor Tyro, doesnt even deserve a name. Hes just a "function".

He's remarkably terrible >___> outside of being able to fill just about any role. they should really boost all his base stats by about 20 though...
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 879
By Bahamut.Seekerstar 2016-04-23 15:49:00
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It's a battle of RNG.

Basically, s/l through it until he doesn't Mako Cannon your face. Even with Wall, Breakdown, Protectga, and such, if he uses it 3x in a row you will likely have some casualties.

It;s a crappy fight to be sure. It took me about 20-25 reloads before I got mastery.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2016-04-23 16:36:10
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U+ was easier for me than U

but I just had reaaaaly shitty luck on RNG.

First round I'd use lunatic high and SG. Before either would get casted, they'd gangbang red XIII (like 4 s/l's in a row; not attacking anyone else). I guess they don't like other pets
Posts: 15213
By Pantafernando 2016-04-23 16:48:55
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Both U and U+ are 100% physical damage, and both have huge amount of PHY type of damage meaning Retaliate + Draw Fire is good for those.

But what I noticed in that Ultimate+ is the stats increase. While Hojo+ has poor AI, he hits like a truck and his defense seems like a wall of steel. Both U and U+ have relatively high stats though if you check all AI threads, you will notice that FF7 realm has overall stronger mobs than others realms (probably due to how common is the FF7 synergy).

Overall defense for an U boss is 500~600. I do remember ExDeath was a bit higher than 550. In current FF7 event, Rufus and Dark Nation are over 800 and Hojo is almost 1000! Fights tend to be longer probably thats why DeNA changed all mastery condition. It would be almost impossible mastering those Ultimate with the previous damage and action taken conditions.
Posts: 15213
By Pantafernando 2016-04-23 20:55:00
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Time for (un?)lucky banner.

Who will be the biggest winner? And worst loser?
Posts: 2046
By SpaceAnomaly 2016-04-23 20:59:31
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Love me some more Bartz.

When is the healing lucky banner?
MSPaint Winner
Server: Excalibur
user: Leonkasai
Posts: 6368
By Leon Kasai 2016-04-23 21:03:25
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Pantafernando said: »
And worst loser?
That'd be me.
Posts: 15213
By Pantafernando 2016-04-23 21:04:40
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A wonderful pull...

... just ONE YEAR too late...

By Draylo 2016-04-23 21:05:12
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I got one-winged angel, I like it.
Posts: 15213
By Pantafernando 2016-04-23 21:07:26
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Leon Kasai said: »
Pantafernando said: »
And worst loser?
That'd be me.

That was terribad.
Posts: 2046
By SpaceAnomaly 2016-04-23 21:32:15
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Mako Might and Dr. Mog's Teachings make everything so much easier. If only Tidus would stop being stubborn and give me his RM3. -.-

Its also nice that you can do last month's Nightmare Dungeon again too.
Posts: 1450
By fillerbunny9 2016-04-23 21:39:07
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Pantafernando said: »
And worst loser?

that'd be me, as my last THREE 11 pulls have been all 3 and 4 star items, including the half off Nightmare banner for today.
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-04-23 21:41:30
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These pulls are the reason I'm waiting until after XII banner to pull. Such a better chance at a useful relic on Basch1 .-.
Posts: 15213
By Pantafernando 2016-04-23 21:45:55
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fillerbunny9 said: »
Pantafernando said: »
And worst loser?

that'd be me, as my last THREE 11 pulls have been all 3 and 4 star items, including the half off Nightmare banner for today.

Thats the curse for having a 7* Platinum Sword.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2016-04-23 21:52:02
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Steiner's Defender.

Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Raenil 2016-04-23 22:00:08
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Healing Grimoire and Air Knife.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1901
By Odin.Hitoseijuro 2016-04-23 22:09:48
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Rito blade, the relic I wanted since its release! Auggy will tell you, also I took his energy(he gave it to me!) so he is getting phallus'd for sure.
Posts: 5188
By Faelar 2016-04-23 22:51:08
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Lucky Draw~

As a result, I now have this...thing...

Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1901
By Odin.Hitoseijuro 2016-04-24 00:19:04
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Faelar said: »
Lucky Draw~

As a result, I now have this...thing...

+256(no augs included) att with realm synergy is pretty sweet, not to mention +137 attack without synergy which is still higher than any 5* fist currently out(JP included) and/or any weapon currently out(JP included) which would be Pine(Pain's sword) and Greg's(bssb katana) both at +129att at 5*.

So cheer up, was a great pull to be honest!
Posts: 5188
By Faelar 2016-04-24 00:33:26
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SpaceAnomaly said: »

Love me some more Bartz.

When is the healing lucky banner?

Air Knife was one of my very first 5* relics. Blade Wing has a neat animation.

Found this screenshot in one of the FFRK Facebook groups I'm in:

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