Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium

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Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
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Server: Sylph
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user: SNK
Posts: 225
By Sylph.Snk 2020-08-07 05:28:14
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I really like the Lynx pet. Not so fond of the Hippo but I'll have to mess around with it more.
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2020-08-07 05:31:49
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
Box is 21? Dia IV is 23? bolster frail is... 54/4 13ish? +25 from bst gets you there well over cap regardless of the 8% missing (right?)

(even if its not, you swap pets and drop 33 on the boss, so it's a moot point)

You don't need 33 for every mob, so you aren't "locked into" slug

Bolster Frailty is 83%, so around 20+% on wave 3 NMs, Dia IV is 23.6% I think, so lets say that's 44% total. Box step is 23% but not sure why you assume you will have it? DNC is pretty rare.

So with 25 or 33% you will be at 69% or 77%. Difference between those 2 are for sure noticeable.

Now that was for boss, for regular wave 3 NMs you wont have Bolster, so its gonna be even more needed. I guess you could even go /dnc just to push your role further and apply 13% from box.

With main DNC in ally its becomes less impactful on boss with Bolster, but not on all wave 3 NMs without bolster. Also keep in mind you want to probably use some pet with buffs like Lynx for 25% attack boost, so you will already be switching for other pets (not sure how frequently BST can swap pets, but probably juggling between 3 will already be a stretch)

Also like Vankathka pointed out, thats also 33% attack down which is probably FAR more valuable than that 8% difference. With such attack down and adding PLD protectra, GEO attack down etc. you can totally prevent those NMs from one shooting you with MS cleave etc. With DNC main in party, you can also probably change Dia to Bio. With such combo some bosses like Sandoria Wave 2 will probably (I havent tried so cant say for sure) be WAY easier to handle while meleeing.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Veikur 2020-08-07 05:53:20
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That isn't how defense debuffs work.

With your above assumptions, instead of an enemy with 1000 def being dropped to 310 or 230 (1000*.31 or .23) defense, they'd actually be dropped to 456 or 407 (1000*.8*.76*.75 or .67).
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2020-08-07 06:30:27
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Asura.Veikur said: »
That isn't how defense debuffs work.

With your above assumptions, instead of an enemy with 1000 def being dropped to 310 or 230 (1000*.31 or .23) defense, they'd actually be dropped to 456 or 407 (1000*.8*.76*.75 or .67).

What are you talking about lol

First of all I have never said 1000 defense. It was 2000 defense.
Second of all no, def down values from different sources are additive, not multiplicative. If you add enough to reach 100%, you will drop enemy def to 1. It was known from years, but Thorny did some test several days ago with low level char to even be sure about it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-08-07 06:48:26
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I mean for what it's worth you're just as likely to have 10 box step as you are a bst.

If we're talking "being efficient" you instantly fail without a dancer. And that's the entire point of the 8% "argument".

If you're willing to forego box steps then losing 8% from ooze is still losing 15% more than you should be by not having a dancer. (or like 10 from /dnc whatever it is)
Server: Asura
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user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2020-08-07 06:55:53
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This discussion is predicated on having a BST, so the relative rarity of BSTs vs DNCs doesn't matter, just the rarity of DNCs.

Just by someone seriously discussing in this forum means they have a BST and likely bring it to endgame, but having a serious endgame damcer in one's group is still fairly rare.

You don't have to argue full max efficiency to attempt full personal efficiency under the given circumstances, simply because you only have full control over yourself (which is the BST in this conversation).
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-08-07 11:28:34
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Hmm, this update might make me pull my bst back out. idk. could see KC builds working pretty well since you wouldn't need fury with slug.
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2020-08-07 11:39:11
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Spaitin said: »
Hmm, this update might make me pull my bst back out. idk. could see KC builds working pretty well since you wouldn't need fury with slug.

I think Axe might be my next mythic. Am3 + KC should be fun :D even if not optimal :)
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-08-07 11:42:30
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SimonSes said: »
I think Axe might be my next mythic. Am3 + KC should be fun :D even if not optimal :)
I tried that before retiring my bst. It is good. But behind any combo that dolichenus had.

Decimation is just too strong atm. Kinda hilarious to see your TP spike by like 1600 though.

Going with a dnc bst geo cor bard whm set up I could see KC Decimation spam being top tier. But hard to pull off on certain content. Frail/precision HM VM acc acc. Haste samba to skip out on DW. Sam/tacticians roll? Chaos would be a waste. Used to use sam/monks or hunters. But probably don't need that now.

Hippo pet seems like a decent low man DPS pet during unleashed. Alternating between fantod and hoof hurts a lot.

Rhinoguard could be interesting.

If KC becomes viable, then the difference between pet and master actually increased. Would make focusing on master and ignoring pet even more beneficial.
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2020-08-07 11:48:39
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Spaitin said: »
SimonSes said: »
I think Axe might be my next mythic. Am3 + KC should be fun :D even if not optimal :)
I tried that before retiring my bst. It is good. But behind any combo that dolichenus had. Decimation is just too strong atm. Kinda hilarious to see your TP spike by like 1600 though.

Yeah it happens on RNG already, but I imagine 8 hits rounds would be more frequent with AM3 mythic in main. Also I expect it to be worse than Doli, but maybe it can be good for spamming Primal at close to 3000TP? I imagine with right buffs Primal at high TP should very close if not better than Decimation? If not, thats at least very good option for magic weak targets and also different SC options (tho doing darkness with light damage WS is kinda stupid XD)
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-08-07 12:59:12
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SimonSes said: »
but I imagine 8 hits rounds would be more frequent with AM3 mythic in main.
It definitely was. Tri-edge/KC beat out Aymur/KC as well though. I dont think tri-edge gets enough love tbh, but the gap wasnt as big as normal. Pangu Patch B/KC was pretty similar to aymur. Not a bad KC weapon.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2020-08-07 14:00:31
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I haven't seen any farsha/cloudsplitter mention... epecially in a world of rng+cor magical debuffs for ddyna.... thoughts?
Server: Asura
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user: Safiyyah
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2020-08-07 14:19:45
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This patch also buffs Aymur/TP Bonus axe combo. Even if it comes in behind Doli/whatever and Tri-edge/KC. Offhand Kraken Club doesn't improve WS damage but it does improve frequency (a lot!).

I guess I am going to start saving for a Kraken Club, though, lol.

I still think we need one more buff for melee, and that's the DRG +weaponskill damage one with the pet out. That opens up all kinds of options for bringing BST to endgame as a heavy DD.

Fenrir.Kaldaek said: »
I haven't seen any farsha/cloudsplitter mention... epecially in a world of rng+cor magical debuffs for ddyna.... thoughts?

Resists and the availability of gear. It may be possible with good enough DM augments but the gear doesn't do a good job of supporting it, in contrast to RNG/COR/RDM. Beastmaster also doesn't lend itself to white damage builds like warrior with its beastly double attack and DA damage and crits.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-08-07 14:43:10
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Asura.Sirris said: »
That opens up all kinds of options for bringing BST to endgame as a heavy DD.
sad that bst STILL has to basically ignore DPS pets for DPS builds. Slug it is i guess. I wanted pets to play a more significant roll in what bst does.

They did give bst some better low man options though. Unleashed hippo is really strong for lowman DPS. kinda whatever for max buffs.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2020-08-07 14:50:36
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Asura.Sirris said: »
This patch also buffs Aymur/TP Bonus axe combo. Even if it comes in behind Doli/whatever and Tri-edge/KC. Offhand Kraken Club doesn't improve WS damage but it does improve frequency (a lot!).

I guess I am going to start saving for a Kraken Club, though, lol.

I still think we need one more buff for melee, and that's the DRG +weaponskill damage one with the pet out. That opens up all kinds of options for bringing BST to endgame as a heavy DD.

Fenrir.Kaldaek said: »
I haven't seen any farsha/cloudsplitter mention... epecially in a world of rng+cor magical debuffs for ddyna.... thoughts?

Resists and the availability of gear. It may be possible with good enough DM augments but the gear doesn't do a good job of supporting it, in contrast to RNG/COR/RDM. Beastmaster also doesn't lend itself to white damage builds like warrior with its beastly double attack and DA damage and crits.


So does that mean guttler is out too? r15 gets 68% dmg increase in onslaught....
Posts: 2758
By Nariont 2020-08-07 14:54:14
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Onslaughts base is so poor that even with the 68% its pretty bad compared to other options
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2020-08-07 14:57:50
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Nariont said: »
Onslaughts base is so poor that even with the 68% its pretty bad compared to other options

Just looking over all the options for /kclub.

Pangu path A out also?
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-08-07 15:07:29
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Fenrir.Kaldaek said: »
Pangu path A out also?
What do you mean "out"? it isnt bad, but a few weapons are better. Pangu path B for example.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2020-08-07 15:10:37
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Spaitin said: »
Fenrir.Kaldaek said: »
Pangu path A out also?
What do you mean "out"? it isnt bad, but a few weapons are better. Pangu path B for example.

My bad, poor choice of words... What would you consider the top 3-5 axes with /kclub?
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-08-07 15:14:49
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Fenrir.Kaldaek said: »
My bad, poor choice of words... What would you consider the top 3-5 axes with /kclub?
for DPS

Dolichens > Tri-edge > Pangu Path B > Aymur.

Pangu is a bit behind in potential DPS compared to aymur, but the higher acc on pangu generally will put it ahead. I also didnt test every possible axe. KC builds really need acc. I dont remember exactly, but i beleive that tri-edge, pangu, aymur all performed better with fernagu offhand. Been a minute though.

Edit*** I forgot bst gets naegling lol. With fernagu offhand it is probably right up there with dolichenus. never tested or spreadsheeted this though.
Posts: 9207
By SimonSes 2020-08-07 18:04:23
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Spaitin said: »
Fenrir.Kaldaek said: »
Pangu path A out also?
What do you mean "out"? it isnt bad, but a few weapons are better. Pangu path B for example.

Are you sure? Even assuming like 160 store tp, 0.5 attack from path B would have in theory hard time competing with 25 store on 4.82 hits avg from pathA/KC.

Not to mention every time KC proc 6-8 hits, following attack will be wasted, so on avg it wouldnt even be +0.5 attack per round, but more like 0.43 attack per round. I dont see it beating path A unless you meant SBII for 75%SB :)
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-08-07 19:59:41
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SultryPatrice will make a nice aoe holding pet. DT set was only -40% and she had no issue holding a dozen apex monsters indefinitely with Digest.

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Server: Bahamut
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user: eelman
Posts: 237
By Bahamut.Unagihito 2020-08-07 20:42:24
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
SultryPatrice will make a nice aoe holding pet. DT set was only -40% and she had no issue holding a dozen apex monsters indefinitely with Digest.

This looks like a fun way to make a lot of people happy now that the CP event has just started!
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-08-07 21:27:23
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Funny. I got about three tells while doing this across dho Gates and other zones. People thought I was intentionally ruining their bot parties when I was just testing the pet. But once I saw how irritated it made the bots.... Lol
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-08-07 21:37:10
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SimonSes said: »
Are you sure?

Good question. Yes I am. But perhaps I was not specific enough for what i considered ideal. Might be a bit too specific. I meant DPS and SBII for this one. DPS they are REALLY close, when that happens go for the one that offers more stuff besides DPS. The higher the TP you fire at, the better Path B performs.

Assuming 5 hit averages on Mistral/Calamity. (iirc KC proccs on offhand hit for those WS, if it doesnt then Path B will always win.)It is actually a bit less and that ends up favoring Path B. But close enough, can take like 3-5 TP per return off if you are super worried about it. I am also assuming 2 attack rounds since mistral and calamity double dmg at 2k TP. If you go more than 2 attack rounds then Path B always wins. Path B is better in the attack rounds and Path A has better TP return.

Edit *** wrong path for TP return.

Path A is really close, winning if you are /nin for DPS. has a 14 TP advantage in 2 attack rounds. Translates to less than 200 total damage difference in WS. Both do the same white damage. Id choose Path B for the SBII

For what we are most likely going to use, which is /dnc with haste samba. Path A has a 10 TP advantage. Id go with the SBII.

For Path B using a real DNC with real haste samba and most STP swaps. Path A has a 8 TP advantage after two rounds.

For /dnc with ideal buffs and full STP gear. I had Path A and B tied for TP after 2 average rounds. no TP advantages.

Either Path is a good option for KC, but Path B is MUCH better for a wider range of builds. Overall, I would skip path A and B entirely though. Path C pangu is the way to go imo. KC works best with Dolichenus since it doesnt scale. Fernagu is a better offhand for basically everything else.

Back when i used to do this a lot I had Path A and B neck and neck with Path B winning by 1~2% after hours of in game testing, in game testing has it's errors though. Mathing it out has them essentially the same. Party I used to use was bst dnc bard cor geo whm. HM VM accx2 sam/hunter Torpor Frail Level 5 boxstep. Ooze dia II. Would entrust precision whenever it was up.
Gave 100% defense down and got acc capped on neak. Pretty fun party set up.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-08-07 21:46:47
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
SultryPatrice will make a nice aoe holding pet. DT set was only -40% and she had no issue holding a dozen apex monsters indefinitely with Digest.
Wonder if an AOE apex party can be strong with a build like bstx4 cor geo. Sounds kinda fun.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-08-07 21:54:52
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Fluid spread didn't seem very strong. Most I could get it to do was like 6500 with a decent attack/da set. Looks like they intentionally set the damage low to prevent that kind of thing
Posts: 105
By Ermah 2020-08-07 22:19:25
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How can holding a bunch a monsters be used beneficially?
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-08-07 22:29:18
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Ermah said: »
How can holding a bunch a monsters be used beneficially?
Taking APex mobs away from CP bots?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-08-07 22:49:10
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Daring Roland Vs Apex Toad

Accuracy 1091 (w/ some gear)
Hit rate 67%

with master engaged, hitrate 92%

is that more like +100 acc to pet?

my last target was just WAY too high eva, so pet had floored acc whether master was engaged or not.
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