DNC/SAM How To Solo ADL?

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DNC/SAM how to solo ADL?
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Warviper
Posts: 179
By Cerberus.Warviper 2015-02-10 10:46:52
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Just saw a DNC/SAM absolutely destroy ADL in a few seconds, anyone please share what to macro in to do this?? I take it there must be more to it than just evisceration -> rudras storm since he took ADL from 90% HP to 0% all alone.

Main weapon he was using was: Leisilonu +2 with weaponskill dmg+10%
Sub: Centovente with TP Bonus +1000
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 129
By Odin.Ketsuu 2015-02-10 10:58:39
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Probably 3000TP+5 Finishing moves+Built all debuffs from steps 5/5 then: Sekkanoki>Meditate>Rudra's>Building Flourish>No Foot Rise>Ternary Flourish>3000 TP Rudra's? or maybe 3k TP Sekkanoki>Evisceration>Rudra>Darkness>Ternary Flourish>Building Floursih>Rudra for double darkness?

I Also have seen a Koga SAM/DNC and a BLU/??? each solo an ADL very easily...not sure how the BLU did it, but the SAM pretty much just fought it normally, and hope to not get terror'd or petrified.
Posts: 73
By likard 2015-02-10 11:23:00
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Blue can do a 6 step solo skillchain with azure lore up. Second step is stun. So mobs normally sit there and take it.

I would assume similar idea for dnc. Just end in evis》rudra》rudra. with final rudra being climatic flourished. Ending a double darkness skillchain with a huge rudra can do massive damage.
Posts: 1273
By FaeQueenCory 2015-02-10 11:24:44
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Climactic is more likely than the building and ternary flourishes.
At least for Rudra's anyways.
Ternary is suuuuuper good for evis and kleos, but climactic is better than it on Rudra's. Usually anyways.
(I'm sure there's a shenanigan moment where it might be better, but the auto-crit tends to get higher numbers... if more costly with the finishing moves... not that presto and steps -5s recast now matter much.... but it's something to consider.)

So, sekkanoki>evis>rudra/kleos>climactic!rudra is probably what happened.
3/5 no foot rise + reverse flourish should be able to get enough TP for the "double darkness rudra" at the end, and a single step would give enough for a final climactic flourish....
But this is all without considering DNC's Grand Pas...
Chances are, Grand Pas was used to make using all the flourishes needed for constant climactic/ternary!WSs would have been used.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6214
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2015-02-10 11:45:51
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This would work, but ADL has a lot of ways to mess it up:
Evisceration;wait 3.3;
Climactic Flourish;wait 1.3;
No Foot Rise;wait 1.3;
Reverse Flourish;wait 1.3;
Exenterator;wait 3.3;
Grand Pas;wait 1.3;
Reverse Flourish;wait 1.3;
Rudra's Storm;wait 3.3;
Reverse Flourish;wait 1.3;
Evisceration;wait 3.3;
Reverse Flourish;wait 1.3;
Trance;wait 1.3;
Rudra's Storm;
Posts: 15102
By Pantafernando 2015-02-10 12:09:36
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Ideally, you shouldnt do more than 2 steps, actually its prefered to finish with a single skillchain, whats viable as thf, waiting till before 60~50% to deal the finishing blow. A good thfs rudra, no vajra but reforged, well geared can do with trick attack, 30k dmg at 3000. Plus 30k+ from skillchain, and surely he can deal more than 60% in this finishing blow.

In any way, the most important thing to solo is to, at some point, deal more than 50~60% of its hp in a single blow. For example 2-steps with evis > rudra > rudra seems unlikely because adl should be below 50% at that moment, and for experience, as soon as he gets below 50%, maybe 40%, he will force split no matter what. He will even unstun in case hes stunned to split, so there is no room for luck hoping he will just sit idle you walking 40-0% of his hp passively. And if he split below 30%, its game over, no matter how lucky youre.

So, your best bet is to reach 60% with sekka evis, then use your crit hit flourish to finish with rudra 3000, remember that the dnc you saw had centovente tp bonus 1000, so its not necessary meditate or reverse flourish. Dont forget yetshila and cavaros mantle, and every crit hit dmg gear you can find as dnc.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2015-02-10 12:40:28
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likard said: »
Blue can do a 6 step solo skillchain with azure lore up. Second step is stun. So mobs normally sit there and take it. I would assume similar idea for dnc. Just end in evis》rudra》rudra. with final rudra being climatic flourished. Ending a double darkness skillchain with a huge rudra can do massive damage.

What's the spell path for this?
Posts: 73
By likard 2015-02-10 12:50:59
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Delta thrust -- sudden lunge (fusion)--sinker drill (grav)--heavy strike or sweeping gouge (frag)--thrashing assault
(light)--chant du cygne ( double light)