The Last Dance II: The Show Must Go On

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The Last Dance II: The Show Must Go On
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Server: Leviathan
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user: kate99
Posts: 860
By Leviathan.Katriina 2019-03-17 03:08:34
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Asura.Cambion said: »
I meant no criticism to the Dnc guide at all, or to you Katriina, I was criticizing people (myself included) for just skipping to the <gear> and using/imitating it without any research or understand of how/why/when it's considered the best in slot.

Sure thing, but seriously, you had a good point in adding more details to context in guide.

Also, Tauret is now added to the guide :D

In regards to Afania, they're a great source of debate over the forum, got their ways, but means no ill intentions 99.99% of the time, they just love numbers and whatnot.
By Afania 2019-03-17 03:11:01
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Asura.Cambion said: »
Leviathan.Katriina said: »
For more feedback, please don't hesitate to share here, so we can make the guide better.

Just for context, this was a silly discussion. I was only trying to explain to the OP that you can't just lazily slap on a TP bonus off hand weapon and go do whatever you want expecting it to work without the proper buffs.

I'm note sure why Afania needed to fight me on it, to where I had to over explain to that extent, but... here we are.

I meant no criticism to the Dnc guide at all, or to you Katriina, I was criticizing people (myself included) for just skipping to the <gear> and using/imitating it without any research or understand of how/why/when it's considered the best in slot.

I didn't "fight" you, don't know why you read it that way. I Only said people mentioned the weakness of tp bonus offhand aka need acc buffs in all TP bonus related discussions, so it's not like people purposely hide the fact that tp bonus needs acc buffs.
Server: Asura
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user: BlindLis
Posts: 164
By Asura.Splendid 2019-03-17 03:17:09
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Just going to give some observations from personal experiences about the Centovente offhand R15 Twash MH. I think it’s a great combo in a max buff setting. I’ve seen it. I’ve also seen other dancers constantly die in Wave 3 Dyna runs because tanks can’t keep the mobs off these folks. Meanwhile—-I’m slaughtering the scoreboard charts (24% total damage) using a hybrid DT/DPS set and Terp 15/Twash. For super short fights where a tank doesn’t matter I think the Twash/Cento combo will shine brighter as hate isn’t so much of an issue when the boss dies quickly. The average well geared tank simply can’t handle the damage output at this time that Twash/Cento or Tizona/Thibron can put out especially if they’re a Rune Fencer. For now, I’m going to continue to yield to my setup as a dead DPS isn’t as good as one that’s able to survive.

Just my two gil.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: kate99
Posts: 860
By Leviathan.Katriina 2019-03-17 03:35:04
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On W3 its recommended to sub DRG or THF for Twashtar/Cento Dancers and full-time Fan Dance if tanks are not paying attention.

Just another note: Perfect setup in Dyna W3 would be DRGs SAMs and DNCs spamming Impulse Drive and Rudra Storm linking darkness.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2019-03-17 06:45:46
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The average well geared tank simply can’t handle the damage output at this time that Twash/Cento or Tizona/Thibron can put out especially if they’re a Rune Fencer.

the *** are you talking about
Posts: 1731
By geigei 2019-03-17 06:58:27
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Siren.Kyte said: »
The average well geared tank simply can’t handle the damage output at this time that Twash/Cento or Tizona/Thibron can put out especially if they’re a Rune Fencer.

the *** are you talking about

Chill man, it is only his 2gil after all.
Posts: 693
By soralin 2019-03-17 09:29:53
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Doesn't fan dance give you a bunch of enmity...? No wonder you were pulling hate lol.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2019-03-17 09:39:07
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Pulling hate is one thing, but RUN is not inferior to PLD in terms of enmity control.
Posts: 693
By soralin 2019-03-17 09:44:48
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Oh snap I missed that! Hmmmm. Id be interested in clarification on why they thought that.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: BlindLis
Posts: 164
By Asura.Splendid 2019-03-17 10:58:02
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I’m not all about that Twash/Cento life. I’m not trying to blow up what the theorycrafting proves to be superior damage. It is superior damage. But what’s the cost of that? I’m just stating what I’ve seen and experienced. It’s very rare that you’re going to have an ideal perfect situation—even in a static group as a Dancer. Like I’ve mentioned previously, I appreciate the theorycrafting. But a lot of it isn’t easy to put into practice. Getting perfect buffs, the perfect party/alliance composition to fit around equipping nuclear weapons is like seeing a shark swim through the woods. Again this is just my opinion based on my personal experiences. I think it’s important to show evidence of total damage done in alliance situations. Not average WS, etc. So in the spirit of that I’ll share two examples. Sorry about the image sizing.

Total dynamis damage with ZERO deaths.

Total dynamis damage with eight deaths.

Posts: 23
By Confucion 2019-03-17 12:28:14
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Siren.Kyte said: »
The average well geared tank simply can’t handle the damage output at this time that Twash/Cento or Tizona/Thibron can put out especially if they’re a Rune Fencer.

the *** are you talking about

Splend is 100% correct. My Tiz/Thibron BLU and her Twash/Cento DNC rips hate from RUN and PLD on all endgame content we have done. We're talking Epeo RUN with full enmity / DT sets.

When you ball hard as we do you'll know what the *** we're talking about.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2019-03-17 12:40:20
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Siren.Kyte said: »
Pulling hate is one thing, but RUN is not inferior to PLD in terms of enmity control.
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2019-03-17 12:42:30
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Confucion said: »
Siren.Kyte said: »
The average well geared tank simply can’t handle the damage output at this time that Twash/Cento or Tizona/Thibron can put out especially if they’re a Rune Fencer.

the *** are you talking about

Splend is 100% correct. My Tiz/Thibron BLU and her Twash/Cento DNC rips hate from RUN and PLD on all endgame content we have done. We're talking Epeo RUN with full enmity / DT sets.

When you ball hard as we do you'll know what the *** we're talking about.

I believe you pull hate, but I don't really understand why you are dying. Fan dance should easily save DNC from almost any spike damage in wave 2 or 3 beside Mijin or other kabooms. Also maybe its the problem of not enough DDs? If you have 4 good DDs they will take hate of each other after getting hit once and loosing enmity.

Also dynamis parses are ***. I have 0 info about other person on that parse. They could have super lag, play on undergeared job for fun, watching twitch on second screen and paying half ettention to FFXI or several other things. I also dont understand why Twashtar/Centovente DNC cant switch to DT set if he pull hate? Sure you will lsoe some dps, but you wont die.
Posts: 23
By Confucion 2019-03-17 13:01:18
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SimonSes said: »
Confucion said: »
Siren.Kyte said: »
The average well geared tank simply can’t handle the damage output at this time that Twash/Cento or Tizona/Thibron can put out especially if they’re a Rune Fencer.

the *** are you talking about

Splend is 100% correct. My Tiz/Thibron BLU and her Twash/Cento DNC rips hate from RUN and PLD on all endgame content we have done. We're talking Epeo RUN with full enmity / DT sets.

When you ball hard as we do you'll know what the *** we're talking about.

I believe you pull hate, but I don't really understand why you are dying. Fan dance should easily save DNC from almost any spike damage in wave 2 or 3 beside Mijin or other kabooms. Also maybe its the problem of not enough DDs? If you have 4 good DDs they will take hate of each other after getting hit once and loosing enmity.

Also dynamis parses are ***. I have 0 info about other person on that parse. They could have super lag, play on undergeared job for fun, watching twitch on second screen and paying half ettention to FFXI or several other things. I also dont understand why Twashtar/Centovente DNC cant switch to DT set if he pull hate? Sure you will lsoe some dps, but you wont die.

Agreed on the Dynamis parse, which is why we separate parse for each boss fight or a sample of mobs, not the entire run, based on the cases you’ve given. We also parse across Omen, Ambuscade, 135+ UNM etc etc.

As for dying in Dynamis, a fomor WS can deal 2500+ to a DD in DT set, as we lack other mitigating factors. All it takes a min turning at the wrong time.
Posts: 23
By Confucion 2019-03-17 13:04:36
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That said, in certain cases, a fully buffed Lionheart RUN will own hate forever. I’m only r4 on augs and maintain top parse while tanking the few Omen bosses you can manage that with easily.
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2019-03-17 13:25:25
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Confucion said: »
As for dying in Dynamis, a fomor WS can deal 2500+ to a DD in DT set, as we lack other mitigating factors. All it takes a min turning at the wrong time.

Yeah but Fan Dance is 90>80>70>60>etc PDT on each next hit. You should easily survive Fell cleave with fresh Fan Dance and you always should put fresh fan dance when you see WAR being pulled.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Cambion
Posts: 415
By Asura.Cambion 2019-03-17 21:30:27
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SimonSes said: »
Also if you are actually turtling, you should reconsider what's the biggest treat for solo/duo. The biggest treat is imo magic damage and getting debuffed. The huge advantage of DNC here is Turms set, that have tons of meva and MDB, while also being great TP set (ideally for Terpsi, ebcause it lacks multi-attack that Terpsi provides, but it's still great without it) with high accuracy, regen and some store tp, ciritcla hit and parry. You can mix it with few things to get massive meva, MDB and capped MDT with Shellra V. This + Fan Dance is your true solo turtle set for 95% of hard enemy.

Can we discuss turtle sets, when/how to use them?
What are the benefits of MEVA vs MDB? When do you use each?
When stacking these stats how important is it to still try and cap Damage Taken?

Looking at the Dnc Guide sets, I'm trying to comprehend certain choices.

MDB vs Element Resistance, Warders Charm/Engraved Belt vs Loricate/Flume.
Ahosi vs Turms feet
Mummu Legs vs Turms legs
Raetic Bangles vs Turms Hands

Etc. Etc. Trying to better my solo abilities and think this is information that would be extremely beneficial to understand/know when and where to apply these gear sets.
Server: Shiva
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user: Arislan
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2019-03-17 22:54:28
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MEva and elemental resistances offer a chance to partially evade a nuke, or partially/completely evade status.

MDB offers a guaranteed reduction to magic damage (monster MAB/your MDB), but does nothing against enfeebles.

Then there's status resistances, which look great on paper, but effects are halved against NMs.

For DNC, you should probably prioritize taking the guaranteed -DT reduction, then start filling the remaining slots w/ Turms and other meva accessories.

The meager amounts of elemental resist from Warder/Engraved/Ahosi are a drop in the bucket compared to what you can get from Barspells/Carols -- and raw Meva on Turms will beat Ahosi.

HQ Raetic Bangles are better than Turms mittens, since your parry is rate is floored in endgame.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Cambion
Posts: 415
By Asura.Cambion 2019-03-18 00:14:58
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Edit: I guess I should have stated the purpose, I was kind of trying to build a lazy all-in-one super tank set.

Ok, so just for the sake of discussion/experimentation

ItemSet 365678

Senuna = 10PDT (Probably with 20Eva/MEva + 10 MEva and will probably be my 2for1 emnity cape)

Leaves this set at only 45% PDT.
Ahosi Leggings instead of Turms would get another 4PDT and put it at 49%, not sure how to weigh that exchange.

It's all the NQ since this is just for a test currently but:
50 MDT
45 PDT
29 MDB
581 MEVA
Only 2213 HP without MoonXX Cape.
1131 DEF
1199 Acc
1033 Att

*Zero Buffs

Comparison to my previous set for later:
ItemSet 365703
26 MDB
396 MEVA
2542 HP w/Moonbeam Cape
1177 DEF
1162 Acc
1267 Att

ItemSet 365704
26DT + Shell = 50 MDT
+ 10PDT Senuna (20acc/att, 10DA, 20Dex)
+ 7 PDT Herc Gloves (5PDT Aug)
+ 6 PDT Horos Body
= 49 PDT

25 MDB
350 MEVA
1926 HP
1099 DEF
1287 Att

I guess the question is just, how much does MEVA really mean?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: kate99
Posts: 860
By Leviathan.Katriina 2019-03-19 02:40:26
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Honestly, from my experience DNC doesn't require a hybrid TP set with Fan Dance active and Phalanx. If anything; I only swap to full MEVA whenever I see a Debuff-TP/Spell animation happening, thats all.

But again, my experience could be skewed because my WHM friend is one of the best WHMs on this server.
I also TP in Moonlight ring, and got -10 PDT in TP,WS capes.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10225
By Asura.Sechs 2019-03-19 02:51:38
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In my limited DNC experience my default TP set which has PDT-20% (Body, Hands, Feet, Cape) feels like it's so good I don't really need a hybrid build.
I just swap to Fan Dance when necessary, and that's it.
If I feel I really need something more, I just swap to a full DT set, not a hybrid one.

For the majority of situation my default TP set already feels pretty hybrid-like, to the point I don't need to build a specific hybrid set.

Just my two cents of course, I don't have as much DNC experience as other players in this thread.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Cambion
Posts: 415
By Asura.Cambion 2019-03-19 03:48:03
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I'm not really talking about a basic hybrid set for casual parties, I'm talking about full on Tanking. In a party setting, I'm looking at V1 D-VD Ambuscade Bosses, Omen Bosses/solos maybe. In solo settings I'm looking at VD Avatars, 135 UNMs, T3/Helm Escha NMs, the 2 Escha Dragons that are usually left alone, stuff like that I suppose.

For Hybrid Setups my lua is set up to cycle through 4 variants of DT, all of which are integrated into every haste(6) and accuracy(4) tiers I have, via combine.sets.

Stage 0 is obviously default set
Stage 1 is just D.Ring/Vocane/Loricate +1; 23DT
Stage 2 will be the 'Full DPS DT' set above; 50MDT/49PDT
Stage 3 is my current Max HP set or 'Dnc DT' above; 50MDT/PDT and 2500+HP
Stage 4 is what I'm currently working on either to replace Stage 3 all together, or to focus more towards Magical Type NMs. Most of my soloing to date has been done with 'Dnc DT', it's worked for a lot of things, but I run into problems when I start trying to handle Magic heavy mobs, or the next step up of NMs I want to try and solo/merc. Even just have the ability to safely and reliably hold a mob when a Pld or Run goes down at events.

I set up a 'casting mode' with a full blown +81 Enmity set built in to every JA and spell, then 65% (WIP) Fast cast for /Blu or /Run tanking. Just trying to push the limits of myself and find out what I can or can't do on Dnc. Came here to try and work a new tanking set into my build, and stumbled when I was looking at the Guide because I didn't understand the difference or theory behind MDB vs MDT vs MEva and wanted to see what I could learn, about how, when, where, and why to use each. Arislan did a solid job of breaking down the general idea behind it, just trying to see what others had to say or have tried/use and why.
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2019-03-19 04:00:17
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Meva is not like DT. It has thresholds. If you hit enough meva you will start resist 50%, next 75% and finally 87.5% of magic damage. Magic damage is one thing tho. What might be even more important is resisting debuffs. Getting 5 sec amnesia or no amnesia instead of 40 sec amnesia is huge deal. Not getting your buffs dispelled, bo getting charmer, stunned, paralyzed etc goes a long way. This is all known by career RUNs. While mentioning RUN I should also say that /run is great sub if you want to maximize meva and tank some magic damage and debuff intensive fights.

So going half *** on meva like in that 1st set that Cambion postee is not the proper way of using meva. You need to prioritize meva and only put DT when you know you have enough meva to resist what you want to resist and value of meva that you need will be different for various enemies, which is probably a reason why majority of people underestimate it or dont understand it and go for DT sets, then eat every debuff like donuts :)
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: kate99
Posts: 860
By Leviathan.Katriina 2019-03-19 04:14:21
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I have serious concerns about Tauret vs Terp in the 0-1k TP Window if we switch TP cape to critical rate for Tauret.

With an AVG critical rate during that window of 33.75% from weapon in the same TP set as Twashtar, the total critical rate will become 44.75% with cape, shifting the landscape towards Tauret.
I'm suspecting a 2-3% lead even with AM3 on Terp....

All this came to my attention after the conclusion about Evisceration DMG being close to PK on AVG at 1K TP.

I don't even want to start about switching one of the basic rolls to Rouge for Tauret nor the fact that Evisceration SC potential is higher than PK .... the gap will be huge.

A proper 10k sample can shed more light on the matter.
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2019-03-19 05:43:59
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Shiva.Arislan said: »
HQ Raetic Bangles are better than Turms mittens, since your parry is rate is floored in endgame.

/run, 5% on cape and turms+1 feet gives 22% parry even in end game tho, which is not that bad imo.
Posts: 432
By Autocast 2019-03-19 06:59:41
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SimonSes said: »
/run, 5% on cape and turms+1 feet gives 22% parry even in end game tho, which is not that bad imo.

Was it ever tested that the +5 parry rate cape aug is added after the floor like inquartata?
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2019-03-19 07:06:50
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Autocast said: »
SimonSes said: »
/run, 5% on cape and turms+1 feet gives 22% parry even in end game tho, which is not that bad imo.

Was it ever tested that the +5 parry rate cape aug is added after the floor like inquartata?

Unfortunately idk and this is just logical assumption.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10225
By Asura.Sechs 2019-03-19 07:08:02
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I seem to recall someone tested that in the RUN thread, back when Resins were released.
And I seem to remember that yes, it works like Inquartata.
Might be worth to dig in that thread.

If I'm not wrong tests were performed by Comeatmebro and Martel?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: kate99
Posts: 860
By Leviathan.Katriina 2019-03-19 10:53:52
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Well, I tried to do this, but definitely need someone to check if its even correct.
TP sets from Guide, and same buffs, with zero critical hit rate in gear.

Wasn't near desktop, so another screenshot ..

Seems like with JSE Neck +2 and the natural Crtical DMG of DNC, it pushed this ahead...once critical hit rate reaches 55%+
I don't want to mention again that Evisceration SC potential is higher than PK in parties.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Tyrael
Posts: 120
By Asura.Pusheen 2019-03-19 22:09:14
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Asura.Sechs said: »
I seem to recall someone tested that in the RUN thread, back when Resins were released.
And I seem to remember that yes, it works like Inquartata.
Might be worth to dig in that thread.

If I'm not wrong tests were performed by Comeatmebro and Martel?

You are correct, it works exactly like Inquartata.
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