The Last Dance II: The Show Must Go On

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The Last Dance II: The Show Must Go On
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By 2019-03-03 20:56:03
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Server: Ramuh
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user: Austar
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By Ramuh.Austar 2019-03-03 21:03:16
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adhemar D can get 10
Server: Asura
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user: Cambion
Posts: 415
By Asura.Cambion 2019-03-04 20:59:50
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Is anyone aware of how WSDMG is calculated in the DPS sheets?
I was playing around with Kaja Dagger in the spreadsheet trying to run some comparisons.

I manually entered the dagger stats, withOUT the WSD as a base for comparison.
Evis WS DMG is 6006.
I then change the WSDMG to 50% and nothing else, and WS DMG only goes up to 6447.

My first guess is that WSDMG in the DPS sheet only calculates first hit of the WS?

First, curious if my assumption is correct or not. Second, is there a way around this, a backdoor or loophole that might work to get a better calculation of WS Dmg with Kaja Knife?

Thanks in advance.

Just in case, this was the base file:

I've updated nothing but gear, but this is the current one I'm using with all gear plugged in and ready:
By Afania 2019-03-04 21:54:39
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Asura.Cambion said: »
Is anyone aware of how WSDMG is calculated in the DPS sheets?
I was playing around with Kaja Dagger in the spreadsheet trying to run some comparisons.

I manually entered the dagger stats, withOUT the WSD as a base for comparison.
Evis WS DMG is 6006.
I then change the WSDMG to 50% and nothing else, and WS DMG only goes up to 6447.

My first guess is that WSDMG in the DPS sheet only calculates first hit of the WS?

First, curious if my assumption is correct or not. Second, is there a way around this, a backdoor or loophole that might work to get a better calculation of WS Dmg with Kaja Knife?

Thanks in advance.

Just in case, this was the base file:

I've updated nothing but gear, but this is the current one I'm using with all gear plugged in and ready:

Yes, wsd only apply to 1st hit of ws in game. "Ws name" +x% is different from wsd, that stat is not in the sheet.

Just manually x 1.5 from whatever you got for ambu dagger ws dmg.
Server: Asura
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user: Cambion
Posts: 415
By Asura.Cambion 2019-03-04 22:39:34
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Spreadsheet error, please ignore.
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2019-03-05 00:26:01
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I see nothing interesting here :)

Its normal that crit WS that is already competitive with kaja knife in high buff scenario is even more competitive in low attack scenario where pdif +1 from crit has much bigger impact, so not sure what you are trying to show.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Cambion
Posts: 415
By Asura.Cambion 2019-03-05 00:55:23
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SimonSes said: »
Its normal that crit WS that is already competitive with kaja knife in high buff scenario is even more competitive in low attack scenario where pdif +1 from crit has much bigger impact, so not sure what you are trying to show.

I guess I must have missed your post where you let the forum know Kaja Knife and Evis spam was significantly better than Aeonic Dagger and Rudra spam. My bad.
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2019-03-05 03:57:44
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It's my bad. I write in too many sub forums and forgot the whole discussion where I made a detailed comparison about kaja knife was in THF thread.

Generally AFAIK for Dancer in high buff situation:
Twashtar/Centovente >> Terpsi/Twashtar > Aeneas/Twashtar > Kaja/Twashtar

Kaja is not that far behind tho and in low buff scenario it will obviously start pushing up, because crit has much bigger impact when attack is low.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10227
By Asura.Sechs 2019-03-05 08:08:42
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Did you factor 2/3 Climactic WS every 1,5 minutes though?
I think Climactic favors Rudra builds.

I mean you can use Rudra even with Kaja of course, but Rudra with Aeneas or Twsh main will do much more damage.
It's "only" two/three times every 1,5 mins, but if you factor that with a simulation rather than a spreadsheet, I think the distance between Aeneas/Twash and Kaja/Twash should grow at least a tiny bit.

Unless you already factored that? In that case I'm just gonna shut up then lol
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2019-03-05 11:46:03
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I didnt but i assumed that kaja is last anyway and it doeant matter that much :) Its more important in Terpsi vs Aeneas tbh but its hard to calculate because Terpsi users just take advantage of higher tp per round and inentionally build more tp for rudra when Climactic is up.

Climactic can have even bigger impact for some activities tho. I was doing zitah and sky clear few days ago with twashtat/centovente and I won the parse (not kirin and woc tho because i wasted 1hr on last 30% of kirin to secure it and was testing kaja on WoC). It was only possible because of 80k+ Rudra ×2 every two NMs.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Cambion
Posts: 415
By Asura.Cambion 2019-03-05 13:32:30
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Math based on incorrect spreadsheet error, please ignore.
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2019-03-05 14:32:04
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Lets start with the fact that your whole scenario is completely irrelevant. You are checking a build with 0 attack buffs and debuffs vs a mob with 1439 def. It wont happen normally unless you specifically force such situation.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Cambion
Posts: 415
By Asura.Cambion 2019-03-05 16:09:36
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Based on incorrect data, ignore.
By Afania 2019-03-05 17:00:38
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You think too much when someone simply said "0 attack buffs doesnt normally happen" lol. Just the job dnc itself has -23% def alone, then there's cor + geo trusts doing chaos and bubbles, dia4 from rdm+cor trusts.

So in general, you should have some form of attack+ or def- to reach certain level of pdif, especially against ilv 135 targets that you mentioned.

For example, I've soloed yilan and some other mobs you mentioned and pdif was damn close to cap without an alt.

You can add new targets in the sheet under one of the tab if you need specific targets.
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2019-03-05 20:40:57
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Exactly what Afania said. You totally took it wrong. Even while solo you should be using a minimum of dia iii from RDM trust (kings of hearts cast it as first spell on pull) and box step which can now be capped in 2x presto steps. That alone is -15% def and -23% def. Additionally Cultada should generally gives you chaos roll on start and I dont use Sylvie because I have alts but Sylvie usually afaik gives indi fury.

So Dia iii(-15%), Boxstep(-23%), chaos roll should be three very easy to get buffs/debuffs when you solo with trusts.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2019-03-05 21:32:51
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Qultada will also Light Shot Dia III, so as Afania already said, you're really working with Dia IV. Sylvie also entrusts Indi-Frailty if you do use her, though I'm not sure how potent it is (I assume at least 10%)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Cambion
Posts: 415
By Asura.Cambion 2019-03-07 00:46:20
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SimonSes said: »
Even while solo you should be using a minimum of dia iii from RDM trust (kings of hearts cast it as first spell on pull) and box step which can now be capped in 2x presto steps. That alone is -15% def and -23% def. Additionally Cultada should generally gives you chaos roll on start and I dont use Sylvie because I have alts but Sylvie usually afaik gives indi fury.

So Dia iii(-15%), Boxstep(-23%), chaos roll should be three very easy to get buffs/debuffs when you solo with trusts.

King of Hearts and Qultada were only available limited times, none of which are right now or within the past 3 months. I understand the response is 'git gud', but that's the reality of SE's trust limitations/returning players etc.

Would you kindly point me to the 'Dia' 'light Shot' and 'box step' toggles in the DPS sheet? Are you just manually calculating total Def down, and using a custom figure for frailty and toggle it on? Is that an accurate way to handle it for future tests I perform?

In the event they ever come back around... What are considered to be the optimal 5 trusts for 'general' solo use? KoH, Sylvie, Qultada, Tank, Whm, means you sacrifice double march? Or ditch the tank to keep dbl march I guess. What Whm trust are people using if sacrifice Aparuru for Sylvie?

When people discuss DPS numbers, is there a globally agreed on mob that we're all using, I thought it was the Apex Bats, so that's what I've always used as my baseline. I know Dyna Wave 3 comes up a lot from my lurking, do we have basic stats for this that you can share for plugging into the sheet?

Additionally, I'll make a 2nd DPS sheet and update all buff amounts for 'trust only' figures, and maybe try to help others like me who are curious of trust tiers or something. Seeing the quick DPS difference between the trusts you mentioned was eye opening, even if unavailable to me currently.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2019-03-07 00:53:47
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It's wild that you can stalk all that ***but not look up the fact that he did, in fact, support using Kaja knife as a very viable alternative to RMEAs.
Server: Leviathan
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user: kate99
Posts: 860
By Leviathan.Katriina 2019-03-07 01:40:38
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Ultimately, almost everyone will shift to the paradigm of capped situations when debating or theory crafting, because thats how its constructed here.

There was a debate back then on why relic gear should be updated and used in low-buff situations because they give a great boost to attack, making even the situation were you're attack starved obsolete.

Think of it this way, if we have a set for maximum accuracy, one would assume that its viable to have an attack set for scenarios where you're starved for it, however; DNC lucked out on this with its abilities, and you should also switch your food.

By using this set:

ItemSet 365467

Switching both Adhemar +1 to path B, you instantly gain 75 more attack, and you can even switch Legs to Meg +2 for extra 45 Attack netting you 120 Attack.

All this without taking into account modified STR values too.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Cambion
Posts: 415
By Asura.Cambion 2019-03-07 03:35:20
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Siren.Kyte said: »
It's wild that you can stalk all that ***but not look up the fact that he did, in fact, support using Kaja knife as a very viable alternative to RMEAs.

Leviathan.Katriina said: »
Ultimately, almost everyone will shift to the paradigm of capped situations when debating or theory crafting, because thats how its constructed here.

There was a debate back then on why relic gear should be updated and used in low-buff situations because they give a great boost to attack, making even the situation were you're attack starved obsolete.

Think of it this way, if we have a set for maximum accuracy, one would assume that its viable to have an attack set for scenarios where you're starved for it, however; DNC lucked out on this with its abilities, and you should also switch your food.

By using this set:

ItemSet 365467

Switching both Adhemar +1 to path B, you instantly gain 75 more attack, and you can even switch Legs to Meg +2 for extra 45 Attack netting you 120 Attack.

All this without taking into account modified STR values too.

Did somebody post in between you two and delete it?
I genuinely don't understand either response.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: kate99
Posts: 860
By Leviathan.Katriina 2019-03-07 03:49:20
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lol, thats cute.
Where did "Simon's Quote" go? next on Blue's Clues.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2019-03-07 12:16:04
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Must've been an edited formatting error that made things look very tonally different.

At any rate: If you don't have King of Hearts or Qultada, they will be available soon (probably April). I will say that depending on what you're doing, it isn't necessarily wise to use all the DD-enhancing trusts. Selh'teus and/or Arciela I can be pretty sweet for very AoE-heavy enemies.

It looks like on that sheet, with the exception of Frailty, -defense debuffs need to be added up manually and typed into the cell in the right hand corner (N4).

Keep in mind that spreadsheets don't calculate SC damage, so that'll impact the potency of solo Evisceration spam. However, it also means that it can be pretty sweet if you're in a party with BLUs using CDC or Expiacion.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Cambion
Posts: 415
By Asura.Cambion 2019-03-07 15:33:44
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I missed a bracket so it quoted my entire post, rather than just simons part. I changed nothing else other than a single bracket, I assure you.

My reason for confusion was that katriina is recommending using a gear set, that is near identical to the one I used in the DPS sheet and talking about some massive gains by dropping etoile gorget +2 in favor of Anu torque? So I could only assume she was responding to someone else.

*** Incorrect Data Deleted ***

Potential Help for others, like me:
If using the DPS Spreadsheets
On the 'Setup' Tab
Cell N4 is the % of Def Down you want to apply
This is where you can manually calculate things such as:
Dia 1/2/3: 5/10/15%
Box Step lvl 10: 23%
Light Shot etc
Server: Bismarck
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user: Nickeny
Posts: 2282
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2019-03-07 16:25:39
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All this anu torque posting is getting me sick...yuck...
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2019-03-07 16:44:48
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FYI Koru-Moru does use Dia III as well- it just isn't the first thing he casts.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Cambion
Posts: 415
By Asura.Cambion 2019-03-07 17:37:02
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Siren.Kyte said: »
FYI Koru-Moru does use Dia III as well- it just isn't the first thing he casts.

Actually went and got him last night after reading the above recommendations, appreciate that. His Dia 3 is great, he also does Haste 2, AND gave me phalanx, so good bye Arciella2. Also swapped unities to Sylvie, so once I earn enough accolades to use her, that should be a nice boost too. Thank you.
Posts: 3
By farok 2019-03-11 13:20:16
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Crossposting this from the March update thread, hope that's OK

Leviathan.Katriina said: »
Its probably going to be very competitive if not better than Sari Off-Hand, that delay is great.

Edit: Checked on Spreadsheet for DNC:
Twashtar/Tauret: 5030.600 and 24993 Rudra with 2.26 rounds/ws
Twashtar/Perfect Sari: 5166.299 and 26539 Rudra with 2.23 rounds/ws
Terp/Twashtar: 5206.947 and 19941 PK with 1.98 rounds/ws
Terp/Tauret: 5051.801 and 19364 PK with 1.98 rounds/ws
Terp/Perfect Sari: 5048.119 and 19999 PK with 1.95 rounds/ws

Perfect Sari leads by 3% in Twashtar Build.
Tauret Leads by 0.1% in Terp Build.

If you can't get perfect Sari, just use Tauret.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Cambion
Posts: 415
By Asura.Cambion 2019-03-11 14:46:22
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farok said: »

Leviathan.Katriina said: »

Edit: Checked on Spreadsheet for DNC:
Twashtar/Tauret: 5030.600 and 24993 Rudra with 2.26 rounds/ws
Twashtar/Perfect Sari: 5166.299 and 26539 Rudra with 2.23 rounds/ws
Terp/Twashtar: 5206.947 and 19941 PK with 1.98 rounds/ws
Terp/Tauret: 5051.801 and 19364 PK with 1.98 rounds/ws
Terp/Perfect Sari: 5048.119 and 19999 PK with 1.95 rounds/ws

Perfect Sari leads by 3% in Twashtar Build.
Tauret Leads by 0.1% in Terp Build.

If you can't get perfect Sari, just use Tauret.

Just wanted to add onto this for Aeneas users / solo Dancers:

See next page, as the Evisceration setup in DPS sheet was found to be incorrect, this data has been removed to prevent confusion.
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2019-03-11 16:36:22
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Asura.Cambion said: »

First of all you did something wrong there. How you implemented 50% WSD for Evisceration, because seeing your numbers I'm almost 99.9% sure that you simply added 50%WSD, which is obviously wrong.

With your exact WS set and even lower ratio 2.904 instead of your 2.947, I'm getting 20592 Evisceration and that doesn't even include Critical hit rate bonus that Tauret has, but we dont know that amount for now, so I ignored it. Also Twashtar is better offhand for both of those build. Also this is not optimal Evisceration build. I was able to improve it further with

Meghanada body +2
Regal ring (instead of Ilabrat)
Herculean feet with 5% crit damage, 5dex, 15 acc/att
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Cambion
Posts: 415
By Asura.Cambion 2019-03-11 17:23:26
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SimonSes said: »
First of all you did something wrong there. How you implemented 50% WSD for Evisceration, because seeing your numbers I'm almost 99.9% sure that you simply added 50%WSD, which is obviously wrong.

Hello Simon. I based that calculation off of the below response I received when I asked, this same page:

Afania said: »
Asura.Cambion said: »
Is anyone aware of how WSDMG is calculated in the DPS sheets?
I was playing around with Kaja Dagger in the spreadsheet trying to run some comparisons.

I manually entered the dagger stats, withOUT the WSD as a base for comparison.
Evis WS DMG is 6006.
I then change the WSDMG to 50% and nothing else, and WS DMG only goes up to 6447.

My first guess is that WSDMG in the DPS sheet only calculates first hit of the WS?

First, curious if my assumption is correct or not. Second, is there a way around this, a backdoor or loophole that might work to get a better calculation of WS Dmg with Kaja Knife?

Thanks in advance.

Yes, wsd only apply to 1st hit of ws in game. "Ws name" +x% is different from wsd, that stat is not in the sheet.

Just manually x 1.5 from whatever you got for ambu dagger ws dmg.

I ended up using Cell E211 on the 'Data' tab, labeled "Relic Bonus" and manually forced 150% here, as it mathed out correctly for the goal I was told I should be looking for.
Please share the proper way to handle this bonus and I'll adjust accordingly.

SimonSes said: »
With your exact WS set and even lower ratio 2.904 instead of your 2.947, I'm getting 20592 Evisceration and that doesn't even include Critical hit rate bonus that Tauret has, but we dont know that amount for now, so I ignored it. Also Twashtar is better offhand for both of those build. Also this is not optimal Evisceration build. I was able to improve it further with

Meghanada body +2
Regal ring (instead of Ilabrat)
Herculean feet with 5% crit damage, 5dex, 15 acc/att

While you are correct, I used the same gear from my previous test to try and remain consistent for side by side comparisons, but yes, with the new trust/buff setup, the optimal WS set changes slightly. R15 *** and Regal Ring are not a realistic expectation for the crowd I am catering to, R15 Aenaes would be optimal too but is also ignored (for both sides as regal would be superior for Rudra as well). I did mention the feet in my previous post (if chasing Perfect Augs from Oseem is worth X DPS, Herc feet are superior) that's a personal choice for each individual. Meg+2 Body is a simple swap that I should have accounted for though.
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