Not a DNC but was thinking all day yesterday if they would cap Flourishes at 5. Both have strategic implications, if all FM were consumed, would mean that Flourishes using more than 5 would have to consequently be stronger which would have been cool also. Capping at 5 means overflow from Presto won't be wasted and you won't need to be as cautious using presto if you're at like 2-3FM already.
um... I don't think you are thinking of presto? cause... presto 100% when at 2 finishing moves. Always.
3 just use a normal step, especially now that they have a -2332s recast.
But all that's irrelevant because if you don't have the JTgift... then your FM still are capped to 5.
And even with the gifted JT... Presto is unaffected.
FM capping at 5 mostly only affects climactic and reverse, limiting climactic to be easier to manage with 2 extra FMs... and being sadface about reverse... though it's made up by the JP category buffing it directly... so can't complain.
So there never was a "presto overflow" except if you had 3 finishing moves.
But then you should have just used a normal step at that point anyways...
And ever since they made flourishes 3 (dear GOD do I want that JP category NOW... +CHR%mod) an actually viable thing to use FMs on... One generally tends to use up FMs so much that "presto all the steps" tends to not waste any FMs.
Unless I guess you're only using CF and Rudra's... but by the time you TP enough for a WS you should have the FMs back at 5 with their reduced delay...
So I'm not sure what you meant.