Leviathan.Katriina said:
»Building Flourish should always be used whenever it’s up with Evisceration in situations where TP overflow is way too high to justify saving it for RF.
Is it a real benefit though?
I mean sure Building Flourish has only 10 secs cooldown, and that's good, but will the boost it grants be bigger than the damage another WS would do? (Reverse Flourish).
Let's rule out SC damage for a second, it makes things too complicated (in favour of Reverse Flourish)
It's basically 5 FM every 30 seconds (Reverse Flourish) for exactely 2x the damage of your WS.
Or it's ~9 FMs every 30 seconds (Building Flourish x3) for an X% damage boost to your WS, three times.
This comes at the cost of 4 additional maneuvers being necessary, it's two steps, i.e. 2x 1sec ja delay blahblah lost.
Is it better? Comparable or worse than Just using WS a second time with Reverse Flourish?
Because personally I came to the conclusion that, most of the time, it's not worth it, especially for non-Terps users (slower FMs gain)