The Last Dance II: The Show Must Go On
By Elizabet 2018-07-22 05:08:18
Kinda of going back and forth here... Mache +1 / Brutal vs Steeflfash/Bladeborn for TP set...?
(Don't have Telos / Sherida yet)
Server: Shiva
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By Shiva.Arislan 2018-07-22 16:13:58
Margin between those two sets is pretty minuscule. Check your x-hit... if the STP from Blade/Steel isn't helping your TP-frequency, then Mache/Brutal is the way to go.
Cessance/Brutal is a better option, if you have access to that.
By Elizabet 2018-07-24 01:16:25
How do you guys handle Climactic Rudrah with Gearswap? I've just confirmed that the way I currently handle mine doesn't work.
My macro is basically:
/ja "Climactic Flourish" <me> <wait1>
/ws "Rudra's Storm" <t>
in my lua:
function job_setup()
state.Buff['Climactic Flourish'] = buffactive['climactic flourish'] or false
-- more variables snipped --
function job_post_precast(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)
if spell.type == "WeaponSkill" then
if state.Buff['Climactic Flourish'] then
equip(sets.buff['Climactic Flourish'])
It seems it's not catching the buff in time. Should I just use the good old /equip on the first line of the macro? How do you guys have it setup?
By Elizabet 2018-07-24 01:32:20
Also, as a side note:
BG dnc guide:
In the Normal Rudra set: Quote: Herc Helm: (Path B) DEX12 +STR 12+ ATT 20
In the Evisceration set: Quote: Adhemar Bonnet +1: DEX15 + ACC/ATT 30+4CritDMG
paging Katriina!
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10162
By Asura.Sechs 2018-07-24 02:00:11
Not sure on your code which I didn't have time to thoroughfully check, but keep in mind that the buffactive function often (always?) has a small delay.
If you're too fast between the JA activation and the subsequent action, it might not be enough for the buffaction command to see that the specific buff you're checking for is actually up.
In other terms: if you're too fast sometimes buffactive(something) may return "false" even though "something" is actually up.
I originally found out about this issue long time ago with SCH and Perpetuance, noticing that sometimes I was getting lower duration on buffs (AF3+1 hands weren't getting equipped).
By geigei 2018-07-24 02:04:09
I think the solution was register buff? been a while.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10162
By Asura.Sechs 2018-07-24 08:36:27
I wonder if anybody has a sorta up-to-date Aeolian Edge set?
To AoE easy stuff.
The way I used to gear up is Mab wherever possible, DEX/INT when that's not possible, Moonshade up.
That's a very old way to be gearing up for Aeolian Edge. These days WSD gear is much more common and it *does* work for magical WSs.
So where is the threshold? At which point WSD becomes better than MAB?
It depends on how much mab you get from the other slots, the answer to this question I assume is probably similar to BPD vs Pet Mab for magical BPs on SMN.
Regardless, I assume that WSD10% gear should win? Back, Legs, Hands?
By zaxtiss 2018-07-24 08:39:10
you can get mab and WSD+ on herc gear i'd try and get that
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10162
By Asura.Sechs 2018-07-24 08:45:50
To be fair I'm more interested in re-using one of the 20000 items I already have, when possible, rather than farming more herc then playing lottery with our beloved Oseem, but sure, I do see your point.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 473
By Asura.Wormfeeder 2018-07-24 09:00:03
I wonder if anybody has a sorta up-to-date Aeolian Edge set?
To AoE easy stuff.
The way I used to gear up is Mab wherever possible, DEX/INT when that's not possible, Moonshade up.
That's a very old way to be gearing up for Aeolian Edge. These days WSD gear is much more common and it *does* work for magical WSs.
So where is the threshold? At which point WSD becomes better than MAB?
It depends on how much mab you get from the other slots, the answer to this question I assume is probably similar to BPD vs Pet Mab for magical BPs on SMN.
Regardless, I assume that WSD10% gear should win? Back, Legs, Hands?
My Aeolian edge set, not the greatest but works good.
sets.precast.WS['Aeolian Edge'] = {ammo="Yamarang",
head={ name="Herculean Helm", augments={'Mag. Acc.+20 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+20','MND+3','Mag. Acc.+1','"Mag.Atk.Bns."+10',}},
body={ name="Samnuha Coat", augments={'Mag. Acc.+14','"Mag.Atk.Bns."+13','"Fast Cast"+4','"Dual Wield"+3',}},
hands={ name="Leyline Gloves", augments={'Accuracy+15','Mag. Acc.+15','"Mag.Atk.Bns."+15','"Fast Cast"+3',}},
legs={ name="Herculean Trousers", augments={'Mag. Acc.+16 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+16','Crit. hit damage +2%','INT+4','Mag. Acc.+11','"Mag.Atk.Bns."+13',}},
feet={ name="Herculean Boots", augments={'Mag. Acc.+19 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+19','"Store TP"+1','INT+9','Mag. Acc.+1','"Mag.Atk.Bns."+14',}},
neck="Sanctity Necklace",
waist="Eschan Stone",
left_ear="Hermetic Earring",
right_ear="Friomisi Earring",
left_ring="Shiva Ring",
right_ring="Shiva Ring",
back="Izdubar Mantle",
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2018-07-24 09:13:40
To be fair I'm more interested in re-using one of the 20000 items I already have, when possible, rather than farming more herc then playing lottery with our beloved Oseem, but sure, I do see your point.
Definitely you'll want to prioritize any high WSD pieces you might have (AF, relic, cape). Cape INT/WSD if you have space (dSTAT for AE is INT, so you'll probably do better stacking that then DEX, btw). And then balance out the rest with MAB.
A quick glance at your jobs, MAB/WSD Herc is great for NIN (and RUN). If you ever want to play COR or RNG, too.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10162
By Asura.Sechs 2018-07-24 09:18:58
Pretty similar to mine, except I use Moonshade and Fotia neck/belt.
Then Limbo Trousers on the legs.
Oh and worse rings but w/e.
Point is, shouldn't AF1+3 Hands and AF2+3 legs be better, if you have them?
'cause I do and I'm thinking they should be better than the other MAB options I have available despite their lack of MAB.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 473
By Asura.Wormfeeder 2018-07-24 09:40:29
Just went to Morimar bassalt to try an Aeolian edge on matamatas and hit for 10.5k. with the set i posted
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10162
By Asura.Sechs 2018-07-24 10:16:49
Just went to Morimar bassalt to try an Aeolian edge on matamatas and hit for 10.5k. with the set i posted Wow nice! I seem to recall having a similar discussion in here some time ago with Katriina (and/or others?) concerning the neck, belt and ear2 slots, and came to the conclusion that mab vs TP options that we listed (yours and mine) were very very close, better and worse according to different scenarios but always close.
For the Back/Legs/Hands slot I'm confident Arislan is right though, 10% WSD is a lot, it's likely better than any other MAB option available to DNC, except maybe DM Herculean, and non-DM perf Herculan maybe, but I don't really see it worth my time/gil just for Aeolian Edge (if it were for other jobs like COR etc it would be a different story I guess)
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10162
By Asura.Sechs 2018-07-24 16:03:25
Ok so I guess my set must be really bad lol.
With the following set I was hitting 8428 on Matamatas at Moribar Basalt Fields HP #1.
~1000 TP, no Trusts, no buffs, Aeneas MH, Perf Taming Sari OH.
ammo="Pemphredo Tathlum",
head=HercHeadMab, neck="Sanctity Necklace", ear1="Friomisi Earring", ear2="Moonshade Earring",
body="Samnuha Coat", hands="Maxixi Bangles +3", ring1="Regal Ring", ring2="Acumen Ring",
back=SenunaWS, waist="Eschan Stone", legs="Limbo Trousers", feet=HercFeetMagic
Yes I know, rings are embarassing!
Augs on Head and Feet are Mab+25 INT+10 (on head also WSD+1%)
What's making the 2k damage difference between mine and Wormfeeder's set then? He doesn't have a lot more WSD than I have.
Tried Sanctity Necklace / Eschan Stone instead of Fotiax2, couldn't spot noticeable differences any way in ~20 Aeolian Edges.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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Posts: 123
By Quetzalcoatl.Tesseracta 2018-07-24 16:39:12
He was edging at 3k tp.
By Boshi 2018-07-24 17:59:35
ItemSet 350960
Hachirin-no-obi for windday/wind weather.
Shiva+1 if different SOA ring.
novio earring at 3k tp, maybe ishvara? I can't get ishvara to win when I test it in-game.
Cape is int30/maccmdmg20/wsd10... however the typical thf dex30/wsd10 cape is a very strong option
Herc stuff is ideally (fern)wsd > matt > int > dex. Of these pieces head/feet/legs are extremely easy to make BIS, body and hands you need good augments because alternative options are solid.
There's more options for downgrades here here so I'll try to organize them a bit:
ammo: p.tathlum (yes seething+1 beats this)
neck: Sanctity
earring: so many matt downgrade ears to pick from
ring: i mean the sparks one isn't bad..
waist: if you can't get eschan: Salire belt (dirt cheap, & from easy nonilvl unity version of leaping lizzy)
Head: Highwing Helm (matt20 int18 dex22), Chimera Hairpin (wind.matt6)
Body: augSamnuha (matt35 macc38 int20 dex33), RawhideA (matt25 int32 dex45), baseSamnuha (matt20 macc23 int20 dex33), Lapidary Tunic (matt20 int23 dex32)
Hands: augLeyline (matt30 macc33 int12 dex35), PursuersB (matt20 int12 dex42), baseLeyline (matt15 macc18 int12 dex35), Nilas (matt15 int12 dex35)
Legs: Limbo (matt17 int30), Shneddick+1 (matt17 int28)
Feet: adhemar+1 (matt35 dex23+12 if a/b), adhemar nq (matt25 dex23+10 if a/b)
(Also I guess Taeon hands/legs are still strong options can get matt/macc15 or matt20 with wsd3... but that's such an incredible waste of time vs herc)
For head/feet base herc no augs will beat anything less than these besides a taeon aug
for the body parts I think a good way to look at is what what base herc pieces need to -match- the next best piece:
head: matt+10 dex+5 (super easy to beat, (unauged helm next best after ones I listed and taeon))
body: matt+35 macc+38 int-1 dex-1 (very hard to beat, you pretty much need to roll wsd with high matt/macc numbers)
hands: matt+30/macc+33 int-2 dex-4 (medium dificulty to beat)
legs: matt+17 int+1 (super easy to beat)
feet: matt+25 macc-10 dex+9 (easy to beat, unauged feet next best after ones I listed and taeon)
I posted this on thf forum a long time ago, I don't see anything with DNC that would be any different really.
**EXCEPT -> Ammo= Pemphredo Tathlum & ring2 Shiva
AF+3 hands would be in play, I doubt beat leyline.
Relic legs would be decent also, at least they have macc.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10162
By Asura.Sechs 2018-07-24 18:11:37
No Seething Bomblet, No Dingir Ring, rest looks ok.
Didn't get your AF+3 hands comment though, what did you mean?
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 860
By Leviathan.Katriina 2018-07-26 05:37:59
Back in June, I decided to write few comments on the official FFXI forums [Japanese and English] for DNC.
These are the links:
Now its about time to revamp the comments, so if you guys need something added please let me know.
Passed notes and its all fixed! thanks for the feedback!
I wonder if anybody has a sorta up-to-date Aeolian Edge set?
To AoE easy stuff.
That's a very old way to be gearing up for Aeolian Edge. These days WSD gear is much more common and it *does* work for magical WSs.
So where is the threshold? At which point WSD becomes better than MAB?
There is a very clear answer to this Sechs, based on Magical DMG formula MAB and WSD operate as multipliers so essentially they are the same in operation provided that other factors are fixed.
However, INT affects both dINT and MAB making MAB as a factor essentially more prevalent in the grander scheme of things.
I personally favor a balanced set with WSD% and MAB with the slight edge to MAB.
I get better results from 10 INT 30MAB 4%WSD over AF hands.
Relic Legs +3 are relatively close to MAB/WSD Herc.
** If you got weather effects somehow, can switch waist to Obi.
Something like this:
ItemSet 359671
You can basically use this:
Set1 (with MAB Path): Total MAB * (100+Set WSD%)/100
Set2 (with WS% Path): Total MAB* (100+Set WSD%)/100
Whichever gets the highest number should technically win in identical scenarios...
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10162
By Asura.Sechs 2018-07-26 05:46:32
Thanks Kaat.
One thing that's unclear though, why do you get Horos+3 beating augmented Herc, but the same doesn't happen with Maxixi+3? I'm probably missing something but I can't spot noticeable differences?
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 860
By Leviathan.Katriina 2018-07-26 05:48:37
I was puzzled at start but then noticed its ridiculous amount of INT and MAAC.
You can still technically use either if Herc Augments are [Savagery]
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10162
By Asura.Sechs 2018-07-26 07:09:14
I dunno about that.
First, Macc shouldn't really matter for the sort of content you're supposed to *tipically* use Aeolian Edge on. Which is not all but surely the large majority of situations.
Second, there's not really such a huge INT difference?
Check Horos+3 (40) vs Herc legs (39 with INT+10 aug)
Now check Maxixi+3 (22) vs Herc hands (24, INT+10 aug)
I mean all things summed up it's "only" a difference of 3 int total, in favor of Horos vs Maxixi.
No way 3 INT alone makes such a difference on a Magic WS with INT/DEX 40% mod.
I'm not saying that the WSD 10% options have to be the winner at all cost, I don't know about that, but if Legs win, then surely hands should win as well? And vice-versa of course.
There's also the aspect to consider that Maxixi+3 and Horos+3 are fixed amounts of gil that you have to spend. We can discuss wether or not it's a lot, but getting WSD 4% AND INT+10 AND decent amount of MAB on Herc surely is no easy task, quite a frustrating one, let alone the possible gil expense in Fern stones.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10162
By Asura.Sechs 2018-07-26 07:12:06
I forgot to account for DEX as well. Irrelevant for the legs slot, but for hands it's 6 DEX in favor of Maxixi over Herculean.
DEX is a secondary mod, but it still is one of the two 40% mods of Aeolian Edge so, as little as it will be, it's gotta make a difference in favor of Maxixi, no?
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 860
By Leviathan.Katriina 2018-07-26 09:43:20
First, Macc shouldn't really matter for the sort of content you're supposed to *tipically* use Aeolian Edge on. Which is not all but surely the large majority of situations.
It actually does XD
Assume you have capped "Damage" it wouldn't be that great if you keep getting resists. [I personally spam AE in Omen for example, not just trash mobs in lolcontet]
Second, there's not really such a huge INT difference?
[40 INT 45 MAAC and 10%WSD] vs [39 INT 25 MAB/MAAC and 4%WSD]
As mentioned before they are very close, but one is more difficult to acquire than the other, I got mine because of COR tbh.
If you have the patience to deal with Oseem's Mood then do it and honestly I think spamming Taupe is best [15 INT 30 MAB/MAC 4% WSD] but GL with it.
INT gets into too many [Multipliers] for total DMG and aside from being a direct stat mod for AE its also converted to "Magic Damage".
Damage = Base Magical WS Damage × Magic damage multipliers
Technically, INT gets into these two components above [directly] and so does DEX but only in one.
This makes INT a stronger stat mod overall.
And as I mentioned before, the margin is rather minuscule between Relic +3 and a Good Herc legs.
You're right about cost that's why I listed relic first.
As for AF3 Hands, the only thing that affects AE are 22 INT 45 DEX and 10% WSD where as Herc offer more, if I dont want to bother with more factors then sure AF3 is a great option to use.
Server: Ramuh
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Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-07-26 22:56:46
INT is not converted to magic damage or MAB. The only advantage INT gets over DEX is the dSTAT term, which will cap at 48 INT over a mob's INT.
Server: Siren
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By Siren.Kyte 2018-07-26 23:11:02
Yeah, unlike, say, Sanguine Blade, Aeolian edge uses old school fINT instead of dINT*2 or even just dINT, so it isn't nearly as potent.
Before you're capped, INT is about 2.25x more potent than DEX.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 860
By Leviathan.Katriina 2018-07-27 02:10:09
Always thought INT does indeed convert into “Magic Damage” like the ones introduced on weapons.
So only 118 Magic Damage from Malevolence and 155 from Aeneas?
INT doesn’t convert to MAB, however it does affect MAB full performance eventually.
Thanks for clarifications/feedbacks.
Fixed the post above.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 140
By Asura.Ajirha 2018-07-27 03:45:53
Leviathan.Katriina said: »INT doesn’t convert to MAB, however it does affect MAB full performance eventually. and by that you mean getting resisted or not? so down to macc?
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 860
By Leviathan.Katriina 2018-07-27 05:00:36
That, and whatever form INT takes in Damage formula that is linked to MAB.
Resist needs to be definitely considered as mentioned in earlier posts.
Server: Ramuh
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Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-07-27 07:44:28
Leviathan.Katriina said: »INT doesn’t convert to MAB, however it does affect MAB full performance eventually. DEX WSC and INT WSC are the same and are added together along with the dSTAT term before multipliers.