The Last Dance II: The Show Must Go On
By Ulthakptah 2015-08-23 00:23:51
Dread Jupon is also a FC+7 body, so the NQ Adhemar isn't useful for that purpose. leafdims are pretty cheep so taeon tabard with 9% fastcast isn't hard to get either.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6207
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2015-08-23 00:24:46
Nice, didn't even notice the base 4% FC on Taeon body.
By Ulthakptah 2015-08-23 15:49:55
Have they found where Abnoba Kaftan drops from yet?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6207
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2015-08-23 16:21:16
By Ulthakptah 2015-08-23 21:32:05
ugh, it would have to be the one with the 1.5 mil pop item.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10170
By Asura.Sechs 2015-08-25 00:59:00
So, for Dancer from this event:
Leyline Gloves (Arciela v1) - Best Fast Cast hands They're also a fabulous option for Violent Flourish (acc+macc), for Aeolian Edge (mab) and for TP Acc (might not be BiS here, but it surely is one of the best options)
Quote: Samnuha Tights (Teodor) - TP build And also an excellent WS option. Granted that HQ abj gear (maybe even NQ) could be better, but Samnuha is still pretty nice.
Quote: Lilitu Headpiece (Morimar) - Stopgap PK headpiece for me, at least It's excellent for other WSs as well, even Rudra.
Granted that when using Rudra we're probably stacking it with Climactic Flourish, which means we're gonna be using 119 AF3 head.
Quote: Taming Sari (Arciela v2) - Great dagger Great doesn't say enough! Think atm it's the best dagger after Terpsi.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
By Carbuncle.Skudo 2015-08-25 05:24:35
Granted that when using Rudra we're probably stacking it with Climactic Flourish, which means we're gonna be using 119 AF3 head.
I personally find myself using unstacked Rudra's Storm rather often recently, due to Sinister Reign. Especially for non-Derps, doing Evisceration <=> Pyrrhic Kleos and then closing with Rudra's Storm might actually be worth it more often than not, even if it's not a huge one. That obviously depends a lot on how susceptible things are to Darkness.
As long as you you can coordinate with the other DD (given there is one), you could also go Evisceration/Pyrrhic Kleos > Fudo/CDC/Hi/Leaden/whateverworks > Rudra's Strom. You should have enough TP to make it even more worthwhile than in the previous example, too.
Especially the latter unfortunately is more difficult to pull off than it sounds, because that might require people, you or the other DD, to hold TP for a bit. Which in turn requires some kine of communication, because holding TP for nothing is detrimental, as well.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10170
By Asura.Sechs 2015-08-25 05:51:31
Well Rudra is still worth using even if for any reason you end up overTPing. Be it because of Amnesia or whatever other reason.
The threshold at which Rudra becomes better than other options is different according to your buffs, your target and wether or not you have a Terpsi, but wherever it may be, there IS a threshold past which Rudra should in theory be better than other options even when unstacked.
I'm emphasizing the "in theory" part because that goes for BRD as well, yet in reality I'm getting a much higher threshold for Rudra to provide better numbers than Mythic Mordant consistently.
Not sure if it's a matter of a small error in the spreadsheet or just small sample bias.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
By Carbuncle.Skudo 2015-08-25 06:43:04
Well Rudra is still worth using even if for any reason you end up overTPing. Be it because of Amnesia or whatever other reason.
I meant using it in an actual plan, not just because something "weird" happened.
Also, no idea about the BRD spreadsheet, but I found the numbers from the DNC spreadsheet to be pretty accurate, especially if you allow for some variance for e. g. Pyrrhic Kleos. Completely unstacked 18k probably is the very high end of what is possible for me and my current gear (spreadsheet predicted an average of a bit over 14k).
Rudra's Storm numbers on the other hand have been very accurate for me. I just blame the BRD spreadsheet. Or something is wrong with how Mordant Rime damage is calculated.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6207
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2015-08-25 07:09:26
I've never hesitated to use Rudra's if I feel it's going to double darkness even without Climactic.
I did Sinister Reign with a PLD (Requiescat) and DP COR (Leaden Salute) last week. Their TP rate was slower than mine due to low accuracy, but that let me guess approximately when they'd WS. So I'd do:
Pyrrhic Kleos -> Requiescat or Leaden Salute -> Rudra's Storm
Requiescat or Leaden Salute -> Pyrrhic Kleos -> Reverse Flourish -> Rudra's Storm
The damage was better than if I'd wasted time/effort trying to avoid their WSs, and it let me reduce the number of times I used Evisceration.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10170
By Asura.Sechs 2015-08-25 07:20:01
Rudra's Storm numbers on the other hand have been very accurate for me. I just blame the BRD spreadsheet. Or something is wrong with how Mordant Rime damage is calculated. ...or small sample/eyeballing bias.
Yet I swear I've been having my Carns for a while and I've always needed ~500 TP more than what the spreadsheet suggests to beat Mordant =/ (talking about post nerf of course)
Either way, [/ot], I apologize for starting it.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
By Carbuncle.Skudo 2015-08-25 10:13:54
Pop survey: Which subjobs do you use these days and why?
Background: I'm rewriting parts of the guide and I want some input that's more than what I personally do/see.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10170
By Asura.Sechs 2015-08-25 10:43:36
/THF => I'm farming something! Or maybe I wanna SA in addition to Climactic (lol)
/WAR => DA! Zerk! Cry! Especially if I feel for some reason I'm not gonna saber. This is the SJ I use most of the time.
/NIN => Shadows! Nothing much. Procs in abyssea? But haven't been there in years, literally. *** buying non NIN main tools too.
I haven't using /SAM in ages tbf.
Altough I'm a pretty casual DNC player so I don't really think my input should have any relevance in your guide.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6207
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2015-08-25 10:54:47
I use /NIN for essentially everything. The relatively minor increase in DPS from something like /SAM isn't worth putting more pressure on my healers. In the case of /WAR or /DRK, I'm actively making it harder for my healers to keep me standing.
For instance, as far as I'm concerned /NIN is really only useful in Sinister Reign for Morimar and August. I still use it there... for Morimar and August.
And yeah, /THF is just for TH.
By ScaevolaBahamut 2015-08-25 11:11:35
I find myself going back to /SAM pretty consistently, particularly if I'm not in a group. I've softened on the 1200 JP bonus and having Sekkanoki to ensure that first CFRS in Evis > CFRS > RF > CFRS produces a Darkness SC is pretty useful for anything with enough health to survive it. If I had a mythic, I might feel differently, but I won't be bothering with it now.
The Store TP's pretty nice for lesser stuff where I'm just spamming Evisceration (and when, for whatever reason, I'm not subbing THF), too; I couldn't say if it's more damage than /WAR, really, but dying once to a Sickle Slash under Berserk while soloing JP in Cirdas was enough for me.
I don't find survivability to be a huge issue in most of the stuff I do, but I'll split between /NIN (group stuff) and /RUN (obvious situations) depending on the scenario. In groups, it ends up being a wash; for instance, /NIN is better for Morimar and August, yeah, but /RUN is better for Rosulatia and maybe Teodor (and maybe you'll resist Amnesia, loller), and in the end does it really matter?
Generally, though, DNC still doesn't get a ton of benefit from any of its SJ choices so I tend to give a lot more thought to trust selection since we get a lot more flexibility than most (no real need for a bard).
By Ulthakptah 2015-08-25 11:16:37
/RUN for the times there is some sort of elemental gimmick to the NMs. Also good for when you know you will be defending against 1 elemental damage at a time.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 182
By Odin.Ladyrikku 2015-08-25 11:18:57
I use /Run for Salvage BR II , also nice for self SC > MB with Lunge.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 2012
By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2015-08-27 15:10:09
Hey all, does anybody have a good Utsusemi set?
Been using Taeon body, Rawhide pants with fast cast, and fast cast rings. Anybody have any suggestions?
EDIT: And magoraga of course.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6207
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2015-08-27 15:14:57
I use this:
ItemSet 327778
I should replace my Dread Jupon with a 5% FC augment Taeon Tabard.
By Ulthakptah 2015-08-27 16:47:04
Leyline gloves could also net you 3% fast cast.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6207
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2015-08-27 16:51:14
Yeah, no luck with those yet.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 69
By Phoenix.Rikimarueye 2015-08-31 17:30:19
I use WAR mainly for high tier events that don't consistently wipe shadows.
/NIN when stuff get single target nukey and for survivability
I've not used /WHM /RDM and /SAM in a while.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 3676
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2015-08-31 18:42:56
Spreadsheet question: does anyone have some stats to better simulate current higher end mobs, as opposed to the old Kamihr Raaz, Tojil, and Serac Rabbits on the various Montenten spreadsheets?
I'm trying to update a couple spreadsheets and wanted to toss some targets in there that might be more along the lines of stuff like Escha or Sinister Reign NMs, or higher end CP mobs.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 473
By Asura.Wormfeeder 2015-08-31 18:49:07
Are you using fast cast for just sub ninja while casting utsusemi
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
By Carbuncle.Skudo 2015-09-01 06:52:27
Spreadsheet question: does anyone have some stats to better simulate current higher end mobs, as opposed to the old Kamihr Raaz, Tojil, and Serac Rabbits on the various Montenten spreadsheets?
I'm trying to update a couple spreadsheets and wanted to toss some targets in there that might be more along the lines of stuff like Escha or Sinister Reign NMs, or higher end CP mobs.
I don't have exact values except for evasion, because too lazy, but:
Soundsplitter Bats, level 123
1030 DEF
1010 EVA (exact)
210 AGI
210 VIT
210 INT
Eyeballing, I would say most Sinister Reign enemies have around 1.3k DEF (difficult to pinpoint for me in normal runs, because of varying Chaos Roll), give or take.
Evasion-wise, I would say that T1 have somewhere between 1100 and 1150 evasion, likely more towards the 1150 end for Darrcuiln. I know I cap hit rate on them with 1198 accuracy, but I don't with 1130.
T2, Rosulatia probably has somewhere around 1150 evasion. I drop to about 95% hit rate by using the 1198 accuracy TP set and swapping into Horos Toe Shoes +1, so I lose a bit there, even with Closed Position. I didn't know that until last night, because I've been a lazy guy so far and just full-timed my max accuracy set for everyting Sinister Reign. Morimar evades fairly well against 1198 accuracy, but Teodor does not. I'd eyeball Teodor's evasion to be at ~1150, too, but Morimar's should be a bit higher. Maybe 1180~1200 even.
I didn't have a 1250-ish accuracy set for T3, so all I can say is that 1290+ caps on them.
All hit rate numbers, especially the whiffing non-capped ones, however are subject to my imperfect swapping into DT- gear and back, which has significantly less accuracy. That might actually underestimate my "real" hit rate using 1198 accuracy.
For Escha T2, ~1150 accuracy caps on everything but Palila. I'll try to determine more exact numbers on Palila next time. T3, I'd guesstimate the required accuracy (+ Torpor) to be somewhere around 1300+ to cap.
All these numbers unfortunately are not that useful for spreadsheets, because they are not exact enough and it's only accuracy; I don't have working DEF values for them. All I know is that Chaos Roll + Fury + Frailty + Dia IV caps ratio. That however is mostly useless information, because that's like ATK+85% and DEF-57%, which caps 1k ATK against everything up to a bit over 1.9k DEF...
1000 * 1.85 / (1.9k * (1 - 0.57)) = 1850 / 817 = 2.264
Let alone exact (or even approximate) VIT and AGI numbers.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3676
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2015-09-01 12:56:06
Thanks for the info Skudo. Do you (or anyone else) happen to know whether level correction is a thing in Escha?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
By Carbuncle.Skudo 2015-09-01 14:31:26
I am almost certain that level correction has been abolished for any new content post-Adoulin, i. e. when we got iLevel.
As such, I haven't "tested" if Escha is subject to that.
By Bamboom 2015-09-05 20:31:12
Hey guys, I'm a pretty new player and I really fell in love with dancer(I was told to level it as a sub). That being said I feel pretty overwhelmed with all of the things I need to do to be able to get for the gear sets in the guide.
Is there something I should focus on getting before anything else? I'm currently doing the story lines to get the accessories. I'm not sure how skirmish works but is the gear from there better than the upgraded AF?
Battle related wise, I am realizing that when I use steps it slows down my melee speed. Is there a way you guys weave your steps/flourishes?
Overall I really love the job's versatility!
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
By Carbuncle.Skudo 2015-09-06 09:50:30
What do you have right now? It's difficult (for me) to say if there's something that requires more attention than something else with that little information. If I had to pick something in the dark, it's two good daggers: at least Izhiikoh + Atoyac with OAT.
As for the steps: I usually do JAs right before a WS to try and cut one second from JA delay. The more magic Haste I have, the rarer those steps actually get for me, unless maintaining them is crucial.
By Bamboom 2015-09-06 16:48:09
I actually have nothing lol I've been doing missions mainly with spark gear which is more than enough for missions. I guess my next steps would be to get a dagger like you mentioned and maybe unlock Rudras/Pyrrhic kleos