The Last Dance II: The Show Must Go On

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The Last Dance II: The Show Must Go On
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Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2015-04-28 01:15:26
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Asura.Ivlilla said: »
In what situation can you not use Atoyac?
When I need accuracy on highly evasive mobs or when I'm not receiving acc buffs for number of reasons and/or I want to use my non-acc sets.
(I'm nowhere near 1050 on my offhand in my acc set btw. Think I don't reach 1050, before buffs, even on my main hand)
Server: Asura
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user: cevkiv
Posts: 549
By Asura.Ivlilla 2015-04-28 13:45:31
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Can you post your accuracy sets for me? I see several DNC TP sets in your item sets in your profile, but DNC ACC set.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2015-04-29 05:43:04
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You mean those in my item sets page? I didn't even remember having DNC sets there lol.
They're very old, altough I'm a bit ashamed to admit they haven't changed much nowadays (mostly just reforged empy, DW JSE cape, no other big change that I can think of).
Those are my 3 basic sets, each of them has an Accuracy version as well.

I don't remember exactely what changes in my acc versions but probably Honed Tathlum, Whirlpool Mask, Iqabi Necklace, Horos Casaque+1, Buremte Gloves (dex+8), Anguinus Belt, Manibozho Brais (to be changed with Reforged Empy once I get it to 119)
I don't have my Lua in front of me, but the main slot changes should be those ones I think.

Either way, I think we're kinda going in the wrong direction. I'm aware my sets are pretty old and far from perfect, but my question was kinda different.
I just wanted to know if anybody tested Odium/Rhadamantus in the spreadsheet because I'm lazy and didn't want to do it myself.
If nobody did I guess I'll have to, but was kinda trying to avoid it, not to start a discussion about how bad my TP sets are :D
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: cevkiv
Posts: 549
By Asura.Ivlilla 2015-04-29 14:37:03
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I apologize.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Conini
Posts: 88
By Carbuncle.Conini 2015-05-01 10:40:38
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So i'm going to stay out of the Odium/Rhada thingy in the above, but note: best daggers for main-healing on DNC atm~ so i've been working on a set:

ItemSet 335109

thoughts or improvements?

Edit: Thank you Josiahkf and wow... alright well... I just noticed the already-made link on the itemset page so that makes me feel all sorts of special...
By 2015-05-01 16:56:45
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Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Conini
Posts: 88
By Carbuncle.Conini 2015-05-03 22:25:25
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All of dnc's JSE cape augments is DD augments... it's only in this set because of the base 5% waltz potency
(i'm just kind of assuming waltz pot. caps at 50% please correct if wrong)

Mine personally has

Store TP +3
Dual Wield +4
Reverse Flourish +28

It just screams "almost there!" But refractive crystals aren't nice to me :\
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: cevkiv
Posts: 549
By Asura.Ivlilla 2015-05-04 03:07:04
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I'm considering dropping from 3/5 NFR to 2/5 NFR, since I finished Terpsichore, and 2/5 NFR will get me 2 FM + 100 TP, and then I can step for 3 more FM.

I'm just not sure where exactly I'd put the extra point. Currently 3/5 NFR, 1/5 Fan Dance, 1/5 Saber Dance, 5/5 Closed Position. I figure Fan Dance, for the waltz recast? Not really sure it's all that good. Plus, 3/5 NFR, I can NFR, Presto, Step, and have 7 FM.
Server: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Jacaut
Posts: 383
By Seraph.Jacaut 2015-05-05 20:32:20
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i got a dumb gearswap question for dnc. im filling out my sets but im wondering how to switch them in game? like if i wanna switch to my acc set instead of normal set is there a general way to do this and lock it, so i dont keep switching back to my normal set after every ja or ws? i had barely started to understand spellcast, then i came back from a break and its been replaced ._. lol
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2015-05-06 00:51:57
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Asura.Ivlilla said: »
I'm considering dropping from 3/5 NFR to 2/5 NFR, since I finished Terpsichore, and 2/5 NFR will get me 2 FM + 100 TP, and then I can step for 3 more FM.

I'm just not sure where exactly I'd put the extra point. Currently 3/5 NFR, 1/5 Fan Dance, 1/5 Saber Dance, 5/5 Closed Position. I figure Fan Dance, for the waltz recast? Not really sure it's all that good. Plus, 3/5 NFR, I can NFR, Presto, Step, and have 7 FM.

I'd just keep 3/5 NFR. If nothing else, it's more free TP when you're idle and waiting for people by just sitting around and using NFR/Reverse to get TP before engaging or entering a fight. Extra FM to convert to TP, plus 50 more TP per merit from NFR itself (with Horos body). Even mid-fight, I'd rather just more easily cap FM than drop down to 2/5 NFR for no particularly good reason.

Benefit to extra Fan Dance merits is miniscule, especially since the original merits were released before the later significant reduction in waltz timers. An extra 5% recast (what you get with 1 additional merit) is less than 1 second on anything but Curing Waltz V or a non-Anwig Divine Waltz II. For the purpose of Fan Dance reduction calculation, I'm not even sure whether amounts under 1 second are truncated - if so, a single extra merit would be totally useless on anything but the above two Waltzes.

Hell, the minor buff to Saber (+5% samba duration per merit) might actually be more useful if you're really dead set on dropping NFR. 130 seconds * 5% = 6.5 seconds longer samba duration. But I think NFR is a lot more useful.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: cevkiv
Posts: 549
By Asura.Ivlilla 2015-05-06 01:30:58
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That's more or less what I was thinking. It's just that something deep inside of me is bothered by the "inefficiency" of 3/5 NFR + 3FM Step.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: cevkiv
Posts: 549
By Asura.Ivlilla 2015-05-06 01:46:20
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Seraph.Jacaut said: »
i got a dumb gearswap question for dnc. im filling out my sets but im wondering how to switch them in game? like if i wanna switch to my acc set instead of normal set is there a general way to do this and lock it, so i dont keep switching back to my normal set after every ja or ws? i had barely started to understand spellcast, then i came back from a break and its been replaced ._. lol

You would have to do something like have a macro to toggle between normal and accuracy, and then equip that one after JAs.

So basically, you need a variable for whether you're in your accuracy set or not. If you have just a TP set and an accuracy set, you can make this variable a boolean (true or false). This means that your toggle function can be as simple as something like (I'm not overly familiar with lua)
function toggle_acc_set
use_acc_set = not use_acc_set

What that does is, whenever called, it flips the variable from true to false, or false to true. Then, you'd need an if statement somewhere in whatever gets called after spell/ws/ability use. A simple "if use_acc_set is set to true, equip the accuracy set, if not, equip normal TP set".

So what you would do, is you'd need a macro that would send a command to toggle the accuracy set variable, and then an if statement in whatever your aftercast setup is to select which set to equip.

I don't know exactly what setup you have, or I'd be more specific.
Posts: 83
By Andromida 2015-05-06 03:31:28
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Asura.Ivlilla said: »
That's more or less what I was thinking. It's just that something deep inside of me is bothered by the "inefficiency" of 3/5 NFR + 3FM Step.

With 3 FM from NFT and Presto step will give you the full 7 FM with your Terps. This means that if you do a Flourish that uses 5 FMs another step will give you 5 FMs again. This will save you an additional TP cost for the step along with TP you gain from not having being JA locked. It isn't a waist, it is in-fact very beneficial.
Server: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Jacaut
Posts: 383
By Seraph.Jacaut 2015-05-15 06:49:19
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Almost done with soa and I was wondering what ring everyone picked or thinks is best for dnc? I don't remember them all off the top of my head but I remember liking vocane mostly because my tanking Sets are seriously lacking I feel like. Just tanked mission 5-2 last night that was a hoot minus the 355323 status effects in yorcia
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 1828
By Valefor.Sapphire 2015-05-15 07:45:56
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Seraph.Jacaut said: »
Almost done with soa and I was wondering what ring everyone picked or thinks is best for dnc? I don't remember them all off the top of my head but I remember liking vocane mostly because my tanking Sets are seriously lacking I feel like. Just tanked mission 5-2 last night that was a hoot minus the 355323 status effects in yorcia

I've changed my ring a few times and have kept haverton ring for the longest just because I play a lot of jobs in dual wield mode (geo/rng/cor/nin/dnc/drk/blu/etc) so it feels like I get the most use out of that choice.

If you want to go on a dynamis farming binge, Dnc/00 with chaac belt+gorney ring will let you whiteproc and give you TH2. I did that one for a couple weeks and enjoyed it. Over the long run you'll get at least 1 whiteproc a run and my record was 3 whiteprocs a few times. But loldynamis.
Server: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Jacaut
Posts: 383
By Seraph.Jacaut 2015-05-15 10:41:59
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Ohh I was wondering if you could switch that's good! What do you have to do for switching it just so I know? Won't be so paranoid to pick now lol
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1828
By Valefor.Sapphire 2015-05-15 11:11:26
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Seraph.Jacaut said: »
Ohh I was wondering if you could switch that's good! What do you have to do for switching it just so I know? Won't be so paranoid to pick now lol
you trade your old ring back to the castle guard and pay 300,000 bayld, can do it as often as you want
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2015-05-15 11:37:09
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If you play casting jobs at least semi-frequently, then join the Weatherspoon master race.
Server: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Jacaut
Posts: 383
By Seraph.Jacaut 2015-05-15 12:43:37
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Siren.Kyte said: »
If you play casting jobs at least semi-frequently, then join the Weatherspoon master race.
Lol so far all I've touched since I came back is dnc mnk cor but I'm thinking if bst and or old also
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Wardeniii
Posts: 363
By Sylph.Wardeniii 2015-05-22 22:12:32
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Is love torque still generally the best Rudra neck for uncapped attack after the recent adjustments?
Server: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Jacaut
Posts: 383
By Seraph.Jacaut 2015-05-27 16:36:39
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do people still use anwig for waltz? i kinda wanna redo it for bst, but idk if im gonna notice the -2 delay that much. Only time i noticed myself recently riding timer was that dumb BCNM for seekers mission against Dhokmak.
Posts: 1534
By ScaevolaBahamut 2015-05-29 12:56:31
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Seraph.Jacaut said: »
do people still use anwig for waltz? i kinda wanna redo it for bst, but idk if im gonna notice the -2 delay that much. Only time i noticed myself recently riding timer was that dumb BCNM for seekers mission against Dhokmak.

I haven't run into timer problems since the Curing/Healing/Divine cooldown split. Healing Waltz recast is natively as low as I really need and the potency from horos tiara is better for curing waltz in basically any situation.
Server: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Jacaut
Posts: 383
By Seraph.Jacaut 2015-05-30 15:51:09
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thanks def. gonna redo helm then, my next question of choice is can Taeon gear get pdt/DT augments? its not on chart on BGwiki for Taeon, and im looking to improve my tanking set and get as close as i can to that 50pdt
Posts: 761
By Elizabet 2015-05-31 03:04:28
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What are the AF1/2/3 reforge *must have* ?
Server: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Jacaut
Posts: 383
By Seraph.Jacaut 2015-05-31 07:13:48
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Elizabet said: »
What are the AF1/2/3 reforge *must have* ?
Well up front I don't think I'm a very good dnc but! Off the top of my head cause I'm at work I know I use relic legs/feet +1 a lot and I absolutely love the empy body for tp and upgraded empy hands for reverse flourish. Then you have all the typical waltz/samba/jig + enhancements but those could be a preference. Its so easy to cap delay I only use haste samba when I'm solo with no trusts.
Server: Sylph
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user: Gaztastic
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2015-05-31 07:25:09
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A lot of this is just my personal preference, so keep that in mind.

Body and feet are excellent for waltz potency. I'd make sure to work on those two right away. Wouldn't particularly bother with legs or hands if you have decent Taeon. Head is alright for samba duration, but not a priority. Even just 109ing it is fine.

Feet are an absolute must. With 5/5 closed position merits, that's an absurd total of 20 STP on one piece. Head should be the second pick-up for waltz potency, or the body for some PDT and bonus TP from NFR. Never bothered with hands or legs, as the bonuses they give to their respective JAs is very lackluster.

I honestly can't place a priority between hands, head, and body. They're all excellent. Head is insanely powerful with climactic, body is an amazing solo piece, and hands are your best option when closing SCs, particularly double dark. I grabbed them all at the same time. Feet are very nice for situations in which you use feather step, but they don't bring anything aside from that. Legs are for situations where you need acc. Honestly, just grab this entire set. It's ridiculous.

If you want to get more DD prowess out of your gear, grab Horos feet, Maculele head and hands right away. For a utility preference, I'd pick up all the waltz potency pieces.
Server: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Jacaut
Posts: 383
By Seraph.Jacaut 2015-05-31 09:36:45
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Sylph.Oraen said: »
A lot of this is just my personal preference, so keep that in mind.

Body and feet are excellent for waltz potency. I'd make sure to work on those two right away. Wouldn't particularly bother with legs or hands if you have decent Taeon. Head is alright for samba duration, but not a priority. Even just 109ing it is fine.

Feet are an absolute must. With 5/5 closed position merits, that's an absurd total of 20 STP on one piece. Head should be the second pick-up for waltz potency, or the body for some PDT and bonus TP from NFR. Never bothered with hands or legs, as the bonuses they give to their respective JAs is very lackluster.

I honestly can't place a priority between hands, head, and body. They're all excellent. Head is insanely powerful with climactic, body is an amazing solo piece, and hands are your best option when closing SCs, particularly double dark. I grabbed them all at the same time. Feet are very nice for situations in which you use feather step, but they don't bring anything aside from that. Legs are for situations where you need acc. Honestly, just grab this entire set. It's ridiculous.

If you want to get more DD prowess out of your gear, grab Horos 1feet, Maculele head and hands right away. For a utility preference, I'd pick up all the waltz potency pieces.

I've been wondering what happened while I was gone to drop horos tights? That was the fad when I took my break now they're meh I just merits from Saber to closed position and got the horoscope feet myself. slowly upgrading
Posts: 1273
By FaeQueenCory 2015-05-31 10:00:37
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The ONLY thing I would disagree with Oraen is the usefulness of the empyrean body. And it's only a very slight disagreement too.
Given Trusts, that 10/11% DW hurts you more than it helps you. (Even moreso if you cap gifts... Even MORE when they double job point categories... Which they said is either June or July... idr which.)
The only place where the Maculele body is "good" is Dynamis or Salvage. (And one could argue that increasing one's kill speed in Dynamis is actually bad. Though only with respect to going for JA procs.)

So it really comes down to a personal taste where you want your DW. Personally, I prefer Patentia+JSE cape since both also counteract any slight overflow with having Store TP. They also offer Acc and atk. Which Maculele body has none of.
Server: Excalibur
user: Creaucent
Posts: 751
By Creaucent Alazrin 2015-05-31 11:11:01
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FaeQueenCory said: »
The ONLY thing I would disagree with Oraen is the usefulness of the empyrean body. And it's only a very slight disagreement too.
Given Trusts, that 10/11% DW hurts you more than it helps you. (Even moreso if you cap gifts... Even MORE when they double job point categories... Which they said is either June or July... idr which.)
The only place where the Maculele body is "good" is Dynamis or Salvage. (And one could argue that increasing one's kill speed in Dynamis is actually bad. Though only with respect to going for JA procs.)

So it really comes down to a personal taste where you want your DW. Personally, I prefer Patentia+JSE cape since both also counteract any slight overflow with having Store TP. They also offer Acc and atk. Which Maculele body has none of.

Not really they did say when solo so you won't have magical haste though if you have trusts out you would need both brds to cap magical haste so with the body the DW you get should still cap you.
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