Dynamisch Farm

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dynamisch farm
Posts: 366
By gargurty 2014-11-17 06:57:42
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Seeing dancer can get +2 th in gear now (belt and ring), is it now more viable to go dnc/0 instead of thf to do currency farm in dyna?
Posts: 970
By Voren 2014-11-17 07:24:46
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Assuming you're luck stat is better than mine was sure, if not no.

Averaging it out over the course of 50 runs it was more profitable to go /thf than it was to try to get 100 bill drops from NMs.

NMs generally take a little more time to kill than the fodder and that's fewer fodder mobs that consistently dropped 2-4 NQ pieces each time.

Basically go /thf with the TH gear unless the TH gear doesn't stack with the ja, if not go DNC/war with TH gear and kill faster.

My 2 cents.
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By Cerberus.Tidis 2014-11-17 07:49:37
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Dunno why you're talking about NMs when he's referring to white proc, as for if it's worth it, hard to say, with /thf, belt and ring you're at the TH cap for non-THF jobs so in essence you're now comparing TH2 vs TH4 rather than the previous TH1 vs TH3.

If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say /thf will still win out but I can't say for sure.
Posts: 366
By gargurty 2014-11-19 05:59:21
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Thanks for all the info. Gues i'll stick to thf then wen farming dyna.
By 2014-11-19 20:29:17
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By Jetackuu 2014-11-19 20:31:42
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I have yet to see anyone successfully make up the difference with white procs, that being said: if you're going for straight currency instead of whites, then it's moot.
By 2014-11-19 20:38:09
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By Jetackuu 2014-11-19 20:40:03
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There's something wrong with dnc being a better dd...
By 2014-11-19 20:41:26
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By Jetackuu 2014-11-19 21:21:56
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better healer than what?
By 2014-11-19 21:32:11
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By Jetackuu 2014-11-19 21:34:40
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Server: Siren
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By Siren.Sieha 2014-11-19 21:38:29
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By 2014-11-19 22:01:18
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By Jetackuu 2014-11-19 22:12:10
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That makes more sense, unlike this:

Josiah said:
instead of making dancer do both better
By 2014-11-19 22:14:46
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Server: Bismarck
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user: Snprphnx
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By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2014-11-19 23:17:47
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Bismarck.Roguethief said: »
Especially so when the super kupo powers th+ is active if that works in dyna. good luck Senor.

Kupo-powers do not work in dyna.
Posts: 1534
By ScaevolaBahamut 2014-11-20 09:17:49
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I want to point out that for Dynamis specifically, it does not matter which is the stronger DD, because at 119 gear levels your killrate is wholly determined by procs. Both THF/DNC and DNC/0 can kill any up-level target with one WS after the proc anyway; what does DPS while trying to proc matter?

DNC/0 with +2 TH seems tempting, but the elephant in this particular room is that it involves taking Gorney Ring.
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Sapphire 2014-11-20 09:37:52
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ScaevolaBahamut said: »
I want to point out that for Dynamis specifically, it does not matter which is the stronger DD, because at 119 gear levels your killrate is wholly determined by procs
If monsters are plentiful (you have no competition), there are some camps you can just push dps and just exterminate everything in sight and just try to proc once, maybe twice but commit to always ws'ing at 1k tp.

This works really well for some oddball farm setups like KC Rng/dnc that just goes single wield full Stp and does jishnu for dps/finishers.
I used to do this at certain bronze camps and just stay there for the full duration of the run (on ws time just do a brainshaker to try for a stagger) instead of rotating camps and come out ahead because bronze is always worth more than lolbynes and shells.

There is a point where just killing and stop trying to proc is the better option
Server: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Nauta 2014-11-20 10:20:34
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Valefor.Sapphire said: »
There is a point where just killing and stop trying to proc is the better option

Hmmm. Does magic proc still suck? Keeping what you said in mind, would geo or blm aoe dyna farm be a decent alternative?
Posts: 15102
By Pantafernando 2014-11-20 10:27:16
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Fenrir.Nauta said: »
Valefor.Sapphire said: »
There is a point where just killing and stop trying to proc is the better option

Hmmm. Does magic proc still suck? Keeping what you said in mind, would geo or blm aoe dyna farm be a decent alternative?

Magic proc sucks.

If you want to aoe farm, using pld ochain and aeolian edge would be better (with ochain, you gains lots of tp very fast due to shield mastery, so you can almost ws back to back if youre tanking a huge wave of mobs).

Proc is very important to currency farming. I tried a couple of times, while farming afs, to do meteor burn in cities dyna. Pld pulling 40+ mobs, and meteor one shooting everyone, and while gear wise, it was so so effective, the currency from plain kill was laughable at best.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: Sambb
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By Carbuncle.Sambb 2014-11-20 12:11:38
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Except the pld aeolian / war fell cleave proc method got nerfed ages ago in dreamlands as it only procs the mob you target.....

But anyway stick to ja procs magic sucks balls.
Server: Cerberus
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user: anjisnu
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By Cerberus.Anjisnu 2014-11-20 12:25:17
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I was mistaken on the title of this thread lol was thinking there was some new sch method of dynamis farm
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Spirachub 2014-11-20 12:42:45
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Carbuncle.Sambb said: »
Except the pld aeolian / war fell cleave proc method got nerfed ages ago in dreamlands as it only procs the mob you target.....

But anyway stick to ja procs magic sucks balls.

How long ago are you talking about? It still worked for me earlier in the year (~april ish), they just lowered the probability of it happening.
Posts: 573
By lhova 2014-11-20 12:54:09
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Hmm. I have to believe it true because someone said it on here and no one jumped down their throat to discredit it, but I just can't believe that Dancer is a stronger DD then Thf. Lol sorry especially in Dyna. I normally blast through ***when I get a Dnc as competition. No contest really.
Posts: 1534
By ScaevolaBahamut 2014-11-20 13:38:19
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lhova said: »
Hmm. I have to believe it true because someone said it on here and no one jumped down their throat to discredit it, but I just can't believe that Dancer is a stronger DD then Thf. Lol sorry especially in Dyna. I normally blast through ***when I get a Dnc as competition. No contest really.

It's terribly reliant on gear. If you're a 119 THF, of course you're going to dominate a DNC in Espial.

Otherwise, what advantages does a solo THF DD have over a DNC other than access to Mandau?
Server: Sylph
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user: Safiyyah
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By Sylph.Safiyyah 2014-11-20 13:47:04
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lhova said: »
Hmm. I have to believe it true because someone said it on here and no one jumped down their throat to discredit it, but I just can't believe that Dancer is a stronger DD then Thf. Lol sorry especially in Dyna. I normally blast through ***when I get a Dnc as competition. No contest really.

Eh? Dancer is absolutely stronger than thief in Dyna. Saber Dance + extra 5% JA haste on Haste Samba. Why would you think thief is stronger? SA adds almost nothing, and DNC's higher DA rate counters THF's higher TA rate. The bigger advantage of dancer is that you can pop 3 JAs on a mob right at the start, kill with WS, and then move to the next mob.

That said, I believe the jobs are roughly equal in Dynamis, given enough mobs. DNC has more procs and a little bit better kill speed. THF has more TH (higher tiers of TH aren't as significant, but still you see more drops). You can pull over 500 singles on either job.