I want to point out that for Dynamis specifically, it does not matter which is the stronger DD, because at 119 gear levels your killrate is wholly determined by procs
If monsters are plentiful (you have no competition), there are some camps you can just push dps and just exterminate everything in sight and just try to proc once, maybe twice but commit to always ws'ing at 1k tp.
This works really well for some oddball farm setups like KC Rng/dnc that just goes single wield full Stp and does jishnu for dps/finishers.
I used to do this at certain bronze camps and just stay there for the full duration of the run (on ws time just do a brainshaker to try for a stagger) instead of rotating camps and come out ahead because bronze is always worth more than lolbynes and shells.
There is a point where just killing and stop trying to proc is the better option