Got done a brief Dreadpincer run. went 1/4 on club, earring never dropped. Information regarding NM was very limited, but I ended up digging up some JP website, and, after Google-Squiggling the results, I got this:
Configuration without black-and-white black Gin.
Or physical and magic that replaced in technique that uses the enemy,
Also matching mysterious NM that usually attack or out 200-300 Sometimes two digits.
Once, and that's it Memo~tsu was part,
Leue is 2347 damage after lending de Rouge,
In Leue is 5218 damage after Anne break Kara Pace,
I wonder if there was also time of about 1700 I do not know whether after what.
Type to some extent through if because Lek Jesus cut also was out around 2000 non-attribute-breath system?
(Meteor is a so was 6600-12000, black gather and amazing damage ...!)
Or physical and magic that replaced in technique that uses the enemy,
Also matching mysterious NM that usually attack or out 200-300 Sometimes two digits.
Once, and that's it Memo~tsu was part,
Leue is 2347 damage after lending de Rouge,
In Leue is 5218 damage after Anne break Kara Pace,
I wonder if there was also time of about 1700 I do not know whether after what.
Type to some extent through if because Lek Jesus cut also was out around 2000 non-attribute-breath system?
(Meteor is a so was 6600-12000, black gather and amazing damage ...!)
We went back and forth with the party trying to figure out the NM and learned a few things. It appears that this NM alternates between various damage-taking modes, and they are dependent upon Light & Dark skillchains. We noticed enhanced physical & magical damage when successive skillchains of the same element (just eyeballing) were performed (light greatly enhanced ws and sc dmg, dark was either magic damage, or the same type of reduction). I couldn't really gauge if the modes alternated, because the skillchains we performed almost always favored whatever ws the DDs threw out (Dimidiation, Rudra's, Fudo)
See photo shots below:

According to the JP website, and our own discovery, it appears that certain TP moves exacerbated the damage bonus as well. Impenetrable Carapace looked like it made the damage go up for a bit. Riptide Eruptea also looked like it enhanced his damage taken (he may have gained an attack boost from this).
RUN was lunging for 7k+, and atonement from pld for 4k+ with no issue when it was taking enhanced dmg. I am not sure if this NM mimics properties of Mata, but it appeared that the damage boost wore off after a few tp moves from the monster, after roughly 1 minute or so. But the TP moves used did not initially trigger his damage reduction (skillchain off the start made him take enhanced damage for a short time)
Overall, the fight is really easy with a pld or run (we had both), and looks like the best setup is something like sam x2 thf pld (or run) whm rdm (or geo for nuking and debuffing), which allows for easy skillchaining quickly. Bard is useless here, since Rending Deluge wipes buffs. Also, I am not sure if Rending Deluge is the reset trigger, or if it is timed (appeared that damage bonus wore shortly after this move, but unconfirmed). GEO is good for undispellable buffs (Indi-Haste frailty etc is great for DDs)
Sundering snip is the only real danger, which can hit anywhere from 300+ aoe or 1300+ aoe. It looks like he gains his own attack boost as well from something, but we were more interested in trying to take this thing down. I am not sure how that is triggered. Possibly triggered when he not debuffed.

Happy Hunting. Looks like a great Club for PLD, and especially next week when 1handers becomes 99% acc, not to mention the damage boost as well. Happy hunting. If you're on Lakshmi, i'll be lowmanning this for a club.