All for One, and More for Me: A Guide to Red Mage
By Creecreelo 2014-11-12 08:15:13
Creaucent Alazrin said: »Murgleis does not change the ratio of Convert from 1:1 to 1:3.
It simply makes it so not matter what, you will gain back at least 50% of your max HP upon usage of Convert, making HP builds for Convert with Murgleis helpful.
For example, if you have 1500 Max HP and 1000 Max MP, and you currently have 1500/1500 HP and 100/1000 MP. With Murgleis equipped, you will convert and have 850/1500 HP and 1000/1000 MP.
I have to question some of these gear sets. Are they suppose to be the best of the best or not? Yetshila/+1, Paeapua, and augmented WKR gear I think would provide clear upgrades to certain sets. Aquaveil is also based upon your Enhancing skill, and I would advise adding in equipment like Emphatikos Rope, Shedir Seraweels, and Vadose Club for a set specific to Aquaveil.
An augmented Ghostfyre Cape has potential to be the best for Enfeebling Magic Acc and Enhancing Skill/Duration, but requires pretty good augments for it beat out Esto. Cape. I would suggest posting a 500 Enhancing skill set without use the main-slot as well.
It's a start, but this guide needs work.
Edit: Add a Stun set. Stun is one of the most essential spells currently to Rdm in endgame content.
The bold part would be correct if you are using the level 95 or lower mythic which makes the convert ratio 1:2 instead of 1:1 . The level 99 or 119 version change the 1:2 ratio to 1:3.
Next time id suggest you go look it up first.
Dude. I have a Murgleis on my other Char. And I'm telling you. It does not work by changing the ratio to from 1:2 or 1:3. You still get the 1:1 ratio switch but you are ensured back 50% of your Max HP at the time of Convert.
Idk who ever wrote that ratio crap on the BG wiki, but it is most certainly wrong. The FFXIah top comment about it on the lvl 75 version is correct.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 733
By Asura.Highwynn 2014-11-12 08:59:58
Anyone experience difficulty landing debuffs on VD ark angels? My macc set is top tier(not god tier) and i had a pretty ridiculous resist rate.
Lehbrailg+2 with int+5 m.acc+28
Mephitis grip
Viti. Chapeau+1
Imbodla neck
Gwati earring
Encntr. Earring +1
Ischemia chasuble
Hagondes mitts+1(m.acc+26)
Perception ring
Sangoma ring
Ogapepo cape
Ovate rope
Artsieq pants rankB15
Viti boots+1
Even used klimaform and hail/windstorm and gain-int/mnd with capped enhancing for the +25. I even landed stymie+saboteur and frazzle II and my distract/para/slow were still <30% accurate. Seriously wth lol.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 449
By Asura.Psylo 2014-11-14 08:48:43
Same as you, VD have an HUGE resist rate (too much i think)
Maybe can work with your BRD to land some song to prepare your enfee.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-11-14 09:16:15
Anyone experience difficulty landing debuffs on VD ark angels? My macc set is top tier(not god tier) and i had a pretty ridiculous resist rate.
Lehbrailg+2 with int+5 m.acc+28
Mephitis grip
Viti. Chapeau+1
Imbodla neck
Gwati earring
Encntr. Earring +1
Ischemia chasuble
Hagondes mitts+1(m.acc+26)
Perception ring
Sangoma ring
Ogapepo cape
Ovate rope
Artsieq pants rankB15
Viti boots+1
Even used klimaform and hail/windstorm and gain-int/mnd with capped enhancing for the +25. I even landed stymie+saboteur and frazzle II and my distract/para/slow were still <30% accurate. Seriously wth lol.
Below 50% every +1 macc would increase your hit rate by 1% so Employ the use of a GEO with Meva down or Macc+ and you will see a noticeable difference.
RDM is not a standalone Mage, you're part of a group so you need to build the group around the needs of what you do, IE 6 man VD single AA a RDM's enfeebles won't bring alot to the table, where as 18 man, paired with the right GEO support, can be an amazing assistance.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 733
By Asura.Highwynn 2014-11-16 12:42:46
I guess, though it was frustrating that my land rate was so low even with a Saboteur'd Frazzle II (boosted woth estoq body and ux feet). Also i wonder if there's a level dependant function for paralyze potency or if there's a huge affect of dMND. Cuz i can land para II with stymie and saboteur on VD fights and have it never proc once in its 2-3m duration. Meh at the very least, Dia3 is a substantial boost to dps.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-11-16 13:45:50
I guess, though it was frustrating that my land rate was so low even with a Saboteur'd Frazzle II (boosted woth estoq body and ux feet). Also i wonder if there's a level dependant function for paralyze potency or if there's a huge affect of dMND. Cuz i can land para II with stymie and saboteur on VD fights and have it never proc once in its 2-3m duration. Meh at the very least, Dia3 is a substantial boost to dps.
DIA 3 is fine with 2x lightshots to knock it to the next tier in Defense Down.
Server: Odin
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Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-11-16 13:47:23
I guess, though it was frustrating that my land rate was so low even with a Saboteur'd Frazzle II (boosted woth estoq body and ux feet). Also i wonder if there's a level dependant function for paralyze potency or if there's a huge affect of dMND. Cuz i can land para II with stymie and saboteur on VD fights and have it never proc once in its 2-3m duration. Meh at the very least, Dia3 is a substantial boost to dps.
DIA 3 is fine with 2x lightshots to knock it to the next tier in Defense Down.
I'm sure it's just a typo, but the max level for a Dia effect is 4, so Dia 2 with 2 light shots or Dia 3 with 1 light shot would be capped.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 83
By Quetzalcoatl.Mckenzee 2014-11-16 14:13:36
just gonna add my 2 cents in, glad to finally see a rdm guide, now to get it sorted and updated.
I would like to suggest dividing gear sets into categories further by dividing precast(fastcast, recast, specific skill fastcasts), enfeebling(raw macc, mnd potency, int potency, stunning(delve)), curing(self cures, weaponlocked for melee, regen), nuking(macc, mab, go over obi rules for new players, impact, helix, elemental dots), enhancing(skill based, duration based, composure party buffs, composure self buffs), dark magic, general(idle(refresh, pdt, mdt, hybrid, kiting), melee(etc etc).
explaining how each spell works inside each category, as well as including formula pertinent and stat mods will help understanding of the job and lead people to make better decisions on their own.
Also, include multiple options on gear in places. example: mes'yohi slacks beat artsieq hose for enfeebling and macc. Lurid mitts beat hagondes cuffs for enfeebling if you have less than macc+20 augment(mine are MAB augment)
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 168
By Odin.Shaggnix 2014-11-16 21:37:29
My understanding (not necessarily correct mind you, but I pay attention when I run into info on these things) of INT builds has been:
very few enfeebling spells are affected by int, mainly frazzle and distract
These spells cap at relatively low int
int builds are therefore worthless, effectively just -inventory, and may distract you from adding in the max Macc you can find
Nuking sets benefit from int, but also MAB and Mdmg, so you typicaly gear for int only when MAB/Mdmg are unavailable or equal between options.
Now I certainly could be wrong, and I'd really like to know if I am so I can adjust my sets accordingly. But yeah, most rdms seem to agree with the above statements.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-11-16 22:00:09
I guess, though it was frustrating that my land rate was so low even with a Saboteur'd Frazzle II (boosted woth estoq body and ux feet). Also i wonder if there's a level dependant function for paralyze potency or if there's a huge affect of dMND. Cuz i can land para II with stymie and saboteur on VD fights and have it never proc once in its 2-3m duration. Meh at the very least, Dia3 is a substantial boost to dps.
DIA 3 is fine with 2x lightshots to knock it to the next tier in Defense Down.
I'm sure it's just a typo, but the max level for a Dia effect is 4, so Dia 2 with 2 light shots or Dia 3 with 1 light shot would be capped.
Doesn't the 2nd Lightshot enhance the duration? I don't play a great deal on RDM but that was my understanding.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-11-16 22:02:58
I guess, though it was frustrating that my land rate was so low even with a Saboteur'd Frazzle II (boosted woth estoq body and ux feet). Also i wonder if there's a level dependant function for paralyze potency or if there's a huge affect of dMND. Cuz i can land para II with stymie and saboteur on VD fights and have it never proc once in its 2-3m duration. Meh at the very least, Dia3 is a substantial boost to dps.
DIA 3 is fine with 2x lightshots to knock it to the next tier in Defense Down.
I'm sure it's just a typo, but the max level for a Dia effect is 4, so Dia 2 with 2 light shots or Dia 3 with 1 light shot would be capped.
Doesn't the 2nd Lightshot enhance the duration? I don't play a great deal on RDM but that was my understanding.
As far as I've seen, the only increase in duration with Dia 3 is though merits. I can't say I've ever seen it not wear exactly when it should. Maybe a handful of times I've seen half resists, but it's very rare.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-11-16 22:08:55
I guess, though it was frustrating that my land rate was so low even with a Saboteur'd Frazzle II (boosted woth estoq body and ux feet). Also i wonder if there's a level dependant function for paralyze potency or if there's a huge affect of dMND. Cuz i can land para II with stymie and saboteur on VD fights and have it never proc once in its 2-3m duration. Meh at the very least, Dia3 is a substantial boost to dps.
DIA 3 is fine with 2x lightshots to knock it to the next tier in Defense Down.
I'm sure it's just a typo, but the max level for a Dia effect is 4, so Dia 2 with 2 light shots or Dia 3 with 1 light shot would be capped.
Doesn't the 2nd Lightshot enhance the duration? I don't play a great deal on RDM but that was my understanding.
As far as I've seen, the only increase in duration with Dia 3 is though merits. I can't say I've ever seen it not wear exactly when it should. Maybe a handful of times I've seen half resists, but it's very rare.
Eh perhaps I miss read that somewhere, I haven't been serious RDM since 75 cap days where rumour was fact.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 14
By Phoenix.Ariant 2014-11-24 05:09:33
Melee RDM has always interested me. I finally have the means to gear it and I have a few questions.
1) Is Death Blossom worth using to help enfeebles stick? -15 Magic Evasion isn't a lot but everything adds up.
2) I read that Tier II Enspells only work on the first hit of each round. Is that why RDM tends to /WAR and single wield? Dual Wield on its own is a giant damage increase, is it ever better to Dual Wield? Would I use Tier I Enspells in that case?
3) How does + Sword Enhancement Damage work? Does it apply before or after the Enspell II damage cap? For example, with Enspell II on, we're looking at 25 base damage, which doubles to 50. If I have +15 Enspell damage (Egeking/Ghostfyre Cape), does the damage grow from 40 to 65 or from 40 to 80?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 685
By Leviathan.Protey 2014-11-24 07:18:09
Melee RDM has always interested me. I finally have the means to gear it and I have a few questions.
1) Is Death Blossom worth using to help enfeebles stick? -15 Magic Evasion isn't a lot but everything adds up.
2) I read that Tier II Enspells only work on the first hit of each round. Is that why RDM tends to /WAR and single wield? Dual Wield on its own is a giant damage increase, is it ever better to Dual Wield? Would I use Tier I Enspells in that case?
3) How does + Sword Enhancement Damage work? Does it apply before or after the Enspell II damage cap? For example, with Enspell II on, we're looking at 25 base damage, which doubles to 50. If I have +15 Enspell damage (Egeking/Ghostfyre Cape), does the damage grow from 40 to 65 or from 40 to 80?
1. Only if you really really need that magic evasion (or have a Murgleis to get aftermath). otherwise use other WSs like CDC, sanguine blade, or requiescat; they will do more damage.
2. No. RDM will go /war for the extra damage (berserk and double attack) and also access to sanguine blade. Sanguine Blade is awesome in that not only can you consistently do the the most damage than any other sword WS we have access to, but it will cure you to full without having to stop to cast magic. If you're dual wielding it is most likely because you need to go /nin for shadows. Always use Tier 1 Enspells for max damage. Tier 1 enspell damage is figured at cast of the spell, while Tier 2 is figured at the hit. People tend not to melee in enhancing skill gear. Also with all the double attack or if you are dual wielding, all those extra hits will not receive enspell damage. Stick with Tier 1s.
3. it's added after the damage calculation.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 449
By Asura.Psylo 2014-12-01 08:27:42
Anyone have a strong death blossom ws set ?
Thks in advance
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1828
By Valefor.Sapphire 2014-12-01 09:01:32
based on the gear that I own and my current inventory constraints (i barely have free room to get incursion coffers as loot) this is what I use.
ItemSet 331190
Hat has +mnd aug,
Isch. Chausible, Weather. Robe+1 also options for body.
Feet can also be atrophy+1 but if i'm ws'ing deathblossom at all its only to refresh AM3 (and probably taking hits) so I use battlecast instead.
Maybe the 1h ws update will make it better than spamming CdC and i'll revisit optimizing a set for DB..
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 449
By Asura.Psylo 2014-12-01 09:39:42
Death blossom is based on STR ans INT, so why use MND ring or MND augment ?
By charlo999 2014-12-01 10:03:26
Huh, it's mind and str.
Death blossom
Do some research before posting.
Unless I'm mistaken and it was changed in the big ws update.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 449
By Asura.Psylo 2014-12-01 10:30:36
Nope its me, bad reading, bad brain etc. ^^
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 685
By Leviathan.Protey 2014-12-08 00:07:15
Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »I made a set for " November 2014 tping on mobs below lvl 121"
Weapon augments are critical hit dmg +4% and critical hit rate +2%
Is there anything you guys would change?
ItemSet 331388
not sure why you're using a weaker DMG weapon in the main slot unless you really want to do dagger WSs, in which case I'd use mandau instead. Use Karmesin Vest over Aetosaur. Bleating Mantle over Atheling. Personally I prefer Umuthi Gloves over Atrophy. As it is right now you are only showing 24% haste. Swapping out body or hands will fix that so you don't have to give up the belt.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-12-08 00:14:25
Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »not sure why you're using a weaker DMG weapon in the main slot unless you really want to do dagger WSs, in which case I'd use mandau instead. FFXIAH puts weapons in slots and won't let you change it when you make itemsets.
Use Karmesin Vest over Aetosaur. Bleating Mantle over Atheling. Personally I prefer Umuthi Gloves over Atrophy. As it is right now you are only showing 24% haste. Swapping out body or hands will fix that so you don't have to give up the belt. But okies I'm swapping body to Karmesin Vest but why do you use the gloves without any attack instead of atrophy? Not like the extra accuracy is doing anything right? unless you meant you use those for hard content tping?
Yes it does, you add the dagger a 2nd time and kep going till you have one below the sword, which ever item appears first in your list is put in main slot.
Try again !
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-12-08 00:21:29
Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »Yes it does, you add the dagger a 2nd time and kep going till you have one below the sword, which ever item appears first in your list is put in main slot.
Try again ! how many daggers would that need? lol
I know on BLU it took me about 5 tries sometimes.......
If your dagger is first in list, add the dagger then deletethe top one!
if the sword is high ish try adding one till its top or w.e works.
But it is painful I won't deny
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2014-12-08 00:36:45
Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »For you nerd, it's done.
Normally I don't give a *** lol
See guys someone loves me! (at least doesn't hate me x.x)
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 685
By Leviathan.Protey 2014-12-08 12:58:45
Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »But okies I'm swapping body to Karmesin Vest but why do you use the gloves without any attack instead of atrophy? Not like the extra accuracy is doing anything right? unless you meant you use those for hard content tping?
I figure casting stoneskin less often due to the PDT on those hands would make up for the 10 attack. Unless of course someone else has the mobs attention, then by all means.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 108
By Asura.Kaoriasada 2014-12-08 13:38:23
Anyone experience difficulty landing debuffs on VD ark angels? My macc set is top tier(not god tier) and i had a pretty ridiculous resist rate.
Lehbrailg+2 with int+5 m.acc+28
Mephitis grip
Viti. Chapeau+1
Imbodla neck
Gwati earring
Encntr. Earring +1
Ischemia chasuble
Hagondes mitts+1(m.acc+26)
Perception ring
Sangoma ring
Ogapepo cape
Ovate rope
Artsieq pants rankB15
Viti boots+1
Even used klimaform and hail/windstorm and gain-int/mnd with capped enhancing for the +25. I even landed stymie+saboteur and frazzle II and my distract/para/slow were still <30% accurate. Seriously wth lol.
Lehbrailg +2
Mephitis Grip
Vitivation Chapeau +1
Weike Torque
Gwati Earring or Psystorm Earring
Enchanter Earring +1 or Lifestorm Earring
Ischemia Chasuble
Lurid Mitts
Leviathan Ring +1 or Sangoma Ring
Leviathan Ring +1 or Perception Ring
Ogapepo Cape +1
Ovate Rope
Mes'yohi Slacks
Vitivation Boots +1
This is what I use in VD AA fights and I don't have any problem landing most enfeebles, sometimes within 2-3 tries, sometimes firsts depending on spells and which AA. It's no where near a perfect set but it does the job when in a fight as RDM.