All for One, and More for Me: A Guide to Red Mage
By Afania 2016-09-15 00:21:10
Small sample of Inundated SCs at WoC tonight. Unfortunately I left after the first fight and completely missed a chance to record the same setup without Inundation by leaving my character at the entrance.
Luminohelix > Stone > Leaden Salute
The same SCH and COR were the only SC participants for this sample
Windsday, No Voidstorm on COR
No Dark Shot
COR used Tactician's+Samurai, /SAM
Inundation was maintained fulltime
19:28:20 40489 99999 >246.98% Rayke at 19:28:09
19:28:46 32312 99999 >309.48% Gambit at 19:28:25 Rayke off 19:28:55
19:29:16 35389 99999 >282.57% Gambit off 19:29:37
19:30:02 16182 32817 202.80%
19:30:29 26949 67364 249.97%
19:31:04 21000 39882 189.91%
19:31:30 10500 20006 190.53%
19:32:22 24300 34965 143.89%
19:33:10 38270 69270 181.00%
19:33:47 21832 31427 143.95%
19:34:45 25977 41106 158.24%
19:35:12 17340 31455 181.40%
19:35:46 30485 94766 310.86%
19:36:25 20858 64803 310.69% Gambit at 19:36:14
19:36:52 29922 99999 >334.20% Rayke at 19:36:39
19:37:23 28000 99458 355.21% Gambit off 19:37:26 Rayke off 19:37:25
19:43:02 16317 33837 207.37%
19:43:31 10544 17069 161.88%
19:45:01 17318 30518 176.22%
19:45:26 14129 22419 158.67%
19:46:06 26152 56243 215.06% Gambit at 19:45:55
19:46:40 20668 55504 268.55% Gambit off 19:47:07 Rayke at 19:46:26
19:47:10 26079 64340 246.71% Rayke off 19:47:12
19:48:20 16234 28055 172.82%
Will be doing more on Friday with probably the same general setup so hopefully I don't forget to log it.
20 min woc >.>....29k leaden to 99k sc without Alliance roll nor sub dnc is pretty insane tbh, normally I need much higher ws than that to hit 99k sc. Unless Gambit rayke produces higher sc dmg or woc randomly takes increased sc dmg, safe to assume it affects sch SC?
Does that means RUN(Gambit rayke)+ RDM(inundation)+DD cor(crooked allies+sam)+ prebuff roll and drop cor(regain+Wizards)+blm(death mb) +sch(distortion sc)=currently highest dps possible for mage death setup on paper?
By Tyrael 2016-09-15 21:23:34
Is it possible to get Cure Potency+50% enmity-50 and 500 healing skill on RDm within one set? Having issues capping skill and capping enmity- w/o ambuscade cape. Thanks.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2016-09-16 11:27:58
You have to include the Ambuscade cape. Cure potency and Healing skill are easy in one if you sub SCH. Enmity is hard to cap since we need 80 Healing skill to reach 500, which is surprisingly only found on a few pieces of gear in large amounts.
ItemSet 346237
I think it's an ugly set. This overcaps Healing skill at 508 if subbing SCH, Enmity is capped at 50 (can overcap by 1 or 2), and Cure Potency is overcapped by 3. Kaykaus must be Path B, Vanya must be Path B, and Chironic must have at least -4 Enmity (or you will have to get it elsewhere). And more importantly you have to sacrifice your Adoulin ring! The set changes of course if you get HQ Kaykaus or use a weapon/sub that has any of the stats on it.
Personally, I don't think reaching -50 Enmity is crucial. We aren't WHMs. Our resources don't allow use to reach these caps easily and quite frankly, there's no way we should be pulling a huge amount of hate from a tank or DD's spamming high damage WSs/SCs using Cure 4. Personally I'd focus on getting enmity- as high as we can while pumping our MND, Cure Potency II and Healing skill.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 660
By Ragnarok.Flippant 2016-09-16 11:55:00
Hmmm. Am I missing something? If we're talking about cures, skill doesn't cap at 500; total power caps at 700 for Cure 2/3/4.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2016-09-16 12:01:00
Ragnarok.Flippant said: »Hmmm. Am I missing something? If we're talking about cures, skill doesn't cap at 500; total power caps at 700 for Cure 2/3/4.
RDM can't break past 500 on skill alone without subbing SCH. 500 is the max that is counts for Cursna. I don't know what it has to do with this set, but I was just giving what was asked.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2016-09-16 12:07:10
This is no real endorsement of its importance, but the significance of the 500 figure is that that is the cap for Tranquil Heart.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1081
By Ragnarok.Ghishlain 2016-09-16 12:08:06
A friendly reminder about single target cure power:
P = S + floor(M/2) + floor(V/4)
If P > 700, then P = 700 [Edit: C1 caps at P = 600]
P = Cure Power
S = Healing Skill
M = Mind
V = Vitality
Only applicable to single target cures, skill "caps" once the total of all variables equals or exceeds 700 total power. [Edit: Unless it's C1 which caps at 600]
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Asura.Hitome 2016-09-20 20:07:55
Could anyone post their CDC set(s)?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2016-09-20 20:11:55
Taeon with Atk/Acc, Crit rate or TA, and crit damage augments
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Asura.Hitome 2016-09-20 21:20:37
Thanks very much.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 211
By Asura.Cicion 2016-09-21 22:38:31
Whats the best enhancing set for temper2 look like and whats that total skill. Outside of course +1 stikini rings
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2016-09-21 23:43:42
ItemSet 342285
I think it gives like +141 Enhancing skill with max augment on the cape.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Asura.Hitome 2016-09-22 04:45:46
I'll be making a melee cape next month for RDM to get rid of the extra DW from Vel. Mantle +1. As far as DW, I've been using this equation to calculate how much I need:
So I end up with something like:
Haste II: 30%
Equip haste: 25%
Total DW Needed = 1 - (0.2 / (1 - (.30 + .25))
DW needed = 0.5555
56DW-25DW = 31DW from equipment
So I'm missing 2DW if my calculations were correct assuming /NIN. If not, please feel free to tell me where I went wrong!
Thanks again for any advice in advance.
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2016-09-22 04:56:02
Carmine legs give 6% haste.
Eabani earring/Suppanomimi (9)
Carmine legs HQ (6)
Ambuscade cape (10)
Taeon Boots (4)
That will put you at 29%, 2% away from cap with just Haste 2. Getting that last 2% is not worth the loss of 2 TA on a piece of Taeon. Alternatively, you can do Shetal Stone in the waist for 6 or Haverton ring for 5. However, you'd need to swap the Taeon feet to something like HQ Carmine so as to avoid overcapping. Any of these options will be an improvement.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Asura.Hitome 2016-09-22 05:01:23
Thank you very much. :)
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2016-09-22 05:03:53
I can't guarantee that a DW cape is the best choice as I do not have a spreadsheet for RDM, but given RDM's lack of attainable options, it should rank highly.
By eliroo 2016-09-22 08:12:25
I don't have a specific spreadsheet for RDM, but I do have a TP Per round/per second calculator that I made yesterday to help me make my own builds.
I did this with Cap gear haste (256) and Haste II (307) or 563/1024
With the Delay of both weapons set at 280 (just a default), 40 DW (25 + 9 + 6), 10 STP (Cape) and +25 TA (Temper II) the TP/second value came out to be 128.515.
Same delay, 50 DW, 0 STP and 25 TA resulted in 121.375 TP/second.
So for me it seems like a STP Cape would be a bit better, but my calculator could be a bit off - Pretty sure I didn't miss a beat though - Going over it, I may have found a minor issue, I will correct once I correct the issue (Fixed it, the TP/second was correct I just had rounds/second calculating seconds/round instead).
+10 DW will definitely result in higher white damage and if you are using a weapon w/ strong after effects or strong white damage (Excal, Almace) then DW+10 may pull ahead. I don't have the knowledge on how to test that though.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2016-09-22 08:24:47
If you can make up for the DW in other gear besides the Ambuscade cape, I would try to. 10 STP is too nice to pass up when we can't make up for it as easily.
By Verda 2016-09-22 09:01:03
I'm wondering if anyone with geared RDM and sequence would be able to test this for me because it would probably be pretty sweet.
Naja Salaheem (UC)
Haste II yourself and trusts and resummon Naja till she consistently makes light with Mildaurion (they will spam it as long as they both meet accuracy requirements).
Get aftermath level 2+ on sequence, then close their light with radiance while using inundation. It should be a really beefy number :D
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2016-09-22 10:11:29
Heartseeker/Dudgeon earring would give you your last 2%.
By Verda 2016-09-22 10:20:01
Using Suppa + Eabani then removing DW from other slots is a better use of gear imo.
By eliroo 2016-09-22 10:31:36
Considering DW is multiplicative with Haste values, at higher haste levels the effect of DW on TP generation is significantly lower. I have also been playing around with switching around accessories and such and have noticed the same effect.
I would not be surprised if Cessance / Telos Combination is better than Suppa + Eabani when it comes to generating TP.
I could easily toy with values if someone wants to compare sets.
Again, I can only look in terms of TP generation. I'm not sure how white damage is effected - Though if I am given an average per swing I can probably make an educated guess.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2016-09-22 10:33:21
I can't quote or it breaks. I was talking to Hitome in regards to his current set.
By Verda 2016-09-22 10:52:44
I can't quote or it breaks. I was talking to Hitome in regards to his current set.
Understood, just tryin to help.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 152
By Asura.Blitzjr 2016-09-22 11:37:20
By Quendi210 2016-09-22 18:41:50
I'm wondering if anyone with geared RDM and sequence would be able to test this for me because it would probably be pretty sweet.
Naja Salaheem (UC)
Haste II yourself and trusts and resummon Naja till she consistently makes light with Mildaurion (they will spam it as long as they both meet accuracy requirements).
Get aftermath level 2+ on sequence, then close their light with radiance while using inundation. It should be a really beefy number :D
I'm currently working on Sequence but with how long it takes our ls to do Reisenjima t4(HELM) NMs because of RL schedules I won't be able to try for a month or two.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 17
By Cerberus.Lemuel 2016-09-27 16:07:35
Hey all! Is anyone reliably and constantly getting self SCs? I feel like I have max DW (if not 1-2 DW away from max), decent enhancing set for Temper II, good STP amount, even using Ternion +1 for acc and more TA and still I'll only get SC like 80-85% of the time (on mobs that allow me to constantly DD like this months Ambuscade). Is this the norm for us RDMs? I see BLUs sitting and waiting with their 1500-2000TP for the SC to catch up to them haha. I know we do not have access to the traits they do but I still feel like I should be getting to 1000TP prior to SC window wearing off 100% of the time.
ItemSet 346565
Taeon Head: DW5
Despair: DA3
Taeon Hands: DW4
Carmine+1: DW6
Taeon Feet: DW4
Cape: STP10
Claid..: STP3
I know with perfect DW augments and adding Taeon body I can have DW29 and change earrings to Brutal/Cessance. Can also add Windbuffet belt. I just don't see that increasing my TP speed to 20% more reliable at getting 1000TP before window breaks. Obviously, I could be wrong which is why I am reaching out.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2016-09-27 16:14:21
Is that the same set you're using when getting outside Haste buffs?
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 17
By Cerberus.Lemuel 2016-09-27 16:20:03
I'm mostly solo and this is the set I use for it. Can't remember the last time I received geo-haste or brd songs. If I have ulmia yes I still use that set which I know would lower my TP gain but I can't remember the last time I used ulmia.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2016-09-29 10:58:22
Anyone have good Mercy Stroke, Evisceration, and Exenterator sets they would like to share? Interested in fooling around with daggers. Also, is the best offhand we have Ternion Dagger+1?