All for One, and More for Me: A Guide to Red Mage
By Verda 2016-08-26 13:24:31
Can you post your potency set? :) thanks
By Quendi210 2016-08-26 13:39:20
Added it to my other post but here again:
ItemSet 345649
My Grioavoir has: INT+3 M.Acc+30 and Enfeebling Magic+14. Psycloth Lappas are Path B.
By Boshi 2016-08-26 14:54:09
This just came to mind a second ago but for max macc set we both overlooked: Amalric coif +1.
The base macc26 shown on the english client is an error, the base is 36. When SE buffed the abj gear a few months ago they forgot to add the +10att/acc on some pieces in the english client's description. Another example of this is Rao head +1 short 10acc (friend discovered this confused at acc difference vs his valorous mask).
By Quendi210 2016-08-26 15:46:12
This just came to mind a second ago but for max macc set we both overlooked: Amalric coif +1.
The base macc26 shown on the english client is an error, the base is 36. When SE buffed the abj gear a few months ago they forgot to add the +10att/acc on some pieces in the english client's description. Another example of this is Rao head +1 short 10acc (friend discovered this confused at acc difference vs his valorous mask).
Luck and situational....the cornerstone of FFXI RDM.
By Asura.Thorva 2016-08-26 15:48:19
This just came to mind a second ago but for max macc set we both overlooked: Amalric coif +1.
The base macc26 shown on the english client is an error, the base is 36. When SE buffed the abj gear a few months ago they forgot to add the +10att/acc on some pieces in the english client's description. Another example of this is Rao head +1 short 10acc (friend discovered this confused at acc difference vs his valorous mask).
Luck and situational....the cornerstone of FFXI RDM.
The reason every career rdm has 200+ pieces of gear...
By Quendi210 2016-08-26 15:52:32
This just came to mind a second ago but for max macc set we both overlooked: Amalric coif +1.
The base macc26 shown on the english client is an error, the base is 36. When SE buffed the abj gear a few months ago they forgot to add the +10att/acc on some pieces in the english client's description. Another example of this is Rao head +1 short 10acc (friend discovered this confused at acc difference vs his valorous mask).
Luck and situational....the cornerstone of FFXI RDM.
The reason every career rdm has 200+ pieces of gear...
I happen to have the Coif +1 for my Refresh set...I'll be adding it to my Blind set now...for Maju mainly.
By eliroo 2016-08-26 15:56:43
Does the increase in potency of refresh outweigh the duration loss on refresh?
In regards to Amalric
By Quendi210 2016-08-26 16:57:29
Does the increase in potency of refresh outweigh the duration loss on refresh?
In regards to Amalric
Yes. I use both Amalric Coif +1 and Lethargy Fuseau +1.
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 189
By Bahamut.Neb 2016-08-26 18:23:34
With Composure Refresh last so long why not take the extra tick over the couple mins or so in duration mine lasts over 17 mins and I use Amalric. I dont mind casting refresh every 17 mins or so lol
Edit: over 18 mins my lua had a mistake oops
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 39
By Bismarck.Norminator 2016-09-02 10:28:54
Anyone can post me the lua section were you change your enfeebling magic to normal , Macc and Potency. I already done it for elemental magic but i need to do it for enfeebling also.
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-09-12 06:50:52
Does anyone know how Induration works?
By eliroo 2016-09-12 07:12:37
Does anyone know how Induration works?
Taken from the wiki
Quote: Induration is a Level 1 Skillchain (or Renkei), composed of the Ice Element.
Weapon Skills, Blood Pacts, or Blue Magic w/ Chain Affinity with the proper attributes must be used in sequence to create Induration:
Reverberation ---> Induration
Now if you meant Inundation there isn't much info about it that I could find.
I know that CDC > CDC seems unphased by inundation but I have seen a DNC close 99999 double darkness doing like 15k Rudras with inundation up.
My guess is that it either boosts SC damage based on number of hits in a single SC or it boosts SC damage based on multiple weapons involved?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-09-12 07:21:12
Those are pretty much the two options based on possible interpretations of things SE has said about it. I was just wondering if anyone had actually tested it. Searching this forum and BG for Inundation gets me no relevant results.
By Verda 2016-09-12 09:25:23
The only thing I can say about it, is if multiple weapons are involved even 2-3, it very quickly surpasses even an 11 Allies' Roll in terms of boosting skillchain damage. It's actually really strong especially if you aren't just using 2 dagger jobs or 2 sword jobs etc.
Here's the quote from my relevant post int he RNG thread, there's context and some screenshots if you wanna follow the link, though the post wasn't mostly about inundation:
Inundation is really strong, tested against having a second COR use allies roll, and never got over 80k with it but had several 99k lights with inundation.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2016-09-12 09:45:14
I also have experienced consistent damage capped Darknesses by 3-stepping SCs with Inundation involving Leaden Salute closing.
By eliroo 2016-09-12 09:52:19
Have we done testing to see what a multi-step single weapon SC looks like?
Savage > CDC > Requiescat should work for testing correct?
KoR > Savage > CDC
By Verda 2016-09-12 10:11:02
The official forums had a discussion on it, the original was "based on number of melee hits" That was scrapped before launch, when it was still going to be called Ardor. They scrapped it, maybe in part due to people making comments like this: http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxi/threads/46383-Ranger-and-Ardor
I then remember some dev post about they were going to change it from number of melee hits to number of weapons used.
Quote: In our preview of job adjustments several days prior, we made mention of a new magic spell known as “Ardor.” We elected to add this spell in order to decrease the gaps in damage dealt between the various melee jobs.
As noted in that topic, Ardor increases skillchain damage based on the number of successful melee hits up until the time the weapon skill is activated.
Jobs that often go for long periods of time without using weapon skills will receive stronger bonuses, thereby decreasing the damage gap that currently exists. Quote: Our testing of Ardor has shown us that it may not be properly balanced for two-handed weapons other than Great Katana, so we are currently reviewing its effects. We plan on making it so that the more players participate in a skillchain, the larger the bonus will be, so that it will encourage teamwork with other players.
The requirements to cast the spell will not change- it will be available for Lv.64 Red mages. It will be changed from a party-targeted spell to an enfeebling spell, so Red Mages will not need to worry about constantly recasting the spell on party members. However, these changes we have planned will mean we cannot add Ardor during the March update. We will be making the adjustments to weapon skills as planned, however.
With this, players may think we're doing a simple nerf with no compensatory buff first, and we will explain why in the next section. SRC: https://www.bluegartr.com/threads/112776-Dev-Tracker-Findings-Posts-(NO-DISCUSSION)?p=6374361&viewfull=1#post6374361
Doesn't the actual ingame help text list it as number of weapons now?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2016-09-12 11:09:58
Doesn't the actual ingame help text list it as number of weapons now?
Yes it does.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 122
By Bismarck.Arcos 2016-09-12 11:54:39
Have we done testing to see what a multi-step single weapon SC looks like?
Savage > CDC > Requiescat should work for testing correct?
KoR > Savage > CDC
Not online so I can't test the darkness WS, but the light WS should work as intended.
Savage and Knights make light either way, Fragmentation and Fusion elements. CDC should be able to double light. Should be able switch CDC and Knights.
I remember making Distortion unintentionally last time I was on PLD with a group of BLU closing with Savage Blade. Likely CDC to Savage Blade for Distortion then CDC to close darkness. Not really sure, I stay away from CDC on PLD and RDM.
By eliroo 2016-09-12 11:57:03
Have we done testing to see what a multi-step single weapon SC looks like?
Savage > CDC > Requiescat should work for testing correct?
KoR > Savage > CDC
Not online so I can't test the darkness WS, but the light WS should work as intended.
Savage and Knights make light either way, Fragmentation and Fusion elements. CDC should be able to double light. Should be able switch CDC and Knights.
I remember making Distortion unintentionally last time I was on PLD with a group of BLU closing with Savage Blade. Likely CDC to Savage Blade for Distortion then CDC to close darkness. Not really sure, I stay away from CDC on PLD and RDM.
I meant to see if Inundation has any effect on Solo Multi-step SCs (It has no clear effect on solo single step WS).
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-09-12 11:58:50
"RDM Lv.64 Teaches the white magic Inundation. Grants a bonus to skillchain damage based on the number of weaponskill weapon types used on the target." is what is listed on the spell scroll
"Grants bonus to skillchain damage based on the number of successful melee hits." is what is listed on the spell itself.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-09-12 13:01:02
JP spell help text is: Code 標的に異なる種別の武器のウェポンスキルを使用すると、連携ダメージアップ。
Google translate tells me: Code When you use the weapon skill of weapons of different types to target, cooperation damage up.
So it looks like our NA Inundation spell help text was just never updated from when it was Ardor.
By Verda 2016-09-12 13:08:21
There was some dev post too I just can't find it that said different weapon types, at least that's what I remember.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-09-12 13:17:58
Yeah, the Matsui WS post did. That probably means I can stop casting it when scholars are skillchaining.
By Quendi210 2016-09-12 13:42:31
Yeah, the Matsui WS post did. That probably means I can stop casting it when scholars are skillchaining.
Congratulations on being RDM when that's the case. I don't know many groups that take a RDM to those fights outside of maybe Maju.
By Verda 2016-09-12 14:38:49
It does make me wonder how useful inundation is though for sch skillchain -> magical ws, ex. RNG Truelight and COR leaden. i.e. do SCH made skillchains get counted as a "weapon type" for inundation bonuses?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-09-12 14:43:37
We have no idea what the actual potency is, so it might not even be important. Most of the original testimonials look like they could have been confusing the new, randomized skillchain damage for an effect of Inundation.
By Verda 2016-09-12 14:57:14
Well, nothing at all changed in that setup we did that I linked, directly compared allies roll to inundation over several samples. The difference wasn't small, being able to do 99k vs 80k light with the same skillchains. I have also seen a post in the THF forum about how big of skillchain damage you can get from it. I also remember when Assiduity pants came out we used BLU to do cdc -> sinker drill then closed with rudra and the difference in skillchain damage was gigantic vs not having inundation at all.
I know it's potent, but I don't have exact numbers just good estimates based on doing that ranger, cor and bst apex party, but I can definitely say it exceeds allies' roll which is 35% - 40%. The base without anything in that setup was around 60k. 35% from allies puts you at 81k which holds close to what I got. With just 3 weapon types, you're getting at least 65% to get to 99k. I don't have the numbers from the UNM mob with the BLU, but remember the big dark damage made the fights go much quicker after inundation was on.
By eliroo 2016-09-12 15:03:06
Well, nothing at all changed in that setup we did that I linked, directly compared allies roll to inundation over several samples. The difference wasn't small, being able to do 99k vs 80k light with the same skillchains. I have also seen a post in the THF forum about how big of skillchain damage you can get from it. I also remember when Assiduity pants came out we used BLU to do cdc -> sinker drill then closed with rudra and the difference in skillchain damage was gigantic vs not having inundation at all.
I know it's potent, but I don't have exact numbers just good estimates based on doing that ranger, cor and bst apex party, but I can definitely say it exceeds allies' roll which is 35% - 40%. The base without anything in that setup was around 60k. 35% from allies puts you at 81k which holds close to what I got. With just 3 weapon types, you're getting at least 65% to get to 99k. I don't have the numbers from the UNM mob with the BLU, but remember the big dark damage made the fights go much quicker after inundation was on.
Funny enough Intuila is where my anecdote comes from
Evis > CDC > Rudras was the Skillchain we used.
The times I casted Inundation we were almost always 99,999 SC damage. The times I didn't we were only around 50-60k ( don't remember exact numbers).
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-09-12 15:06:52
Yeah, problem being that skillchain damage varies by >50% anyway now. Need something systematic.