All for One, and More for Me: A Guide to Red Mage
By Boshi 2016-08-05 00:56:25
despair body path D is a decent tp body if you do not want to make a taeon
By Boshi 2016-08-05 00:58:17
Death Blossom for AM1 or AM2 or AM3, all are great depending on accuracy/atk needs and then spam CDC. CDC is great on RDM.
Murgleis am 1/2 are macc/matt instead of acc/att
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-08-05 06:13:44
All spells that rely of skill cap at 500 except Enspells and Temper.
Thanks, good to know.
As a sidenote, I suspect the formula on bgwiki for Temper potency is inaccurate. It's probably just (skill-300)/10.
As far as Ghostfyre...
I had a 16% one in my bag, so I tested it and the system sums enhancing magic duration gear.
Protect V with Telchine 10% augment: 33 minutes
Protect V with Telchine 10% augment and Ghostfyre 16% augment: 37min 48 sec
We would have expected >38min if they were multiplicative, so those two are applied in the same step.
Thus, the comparison with Sucellos's is:
Socellos's: 1.66*1.3 = 215.8%
20% Ghostfyre's: 1.46*1.5 = 219%
20% Ghostfyre is still technically better, but you're talking about a pretty minor increase in buff duration.
Edit: Also, once RDM gets Temper II it shouldn't have much trouble pulling 1.7 attacks/round normally, which makes Murgleis AM3 (1.97 attacks per round with the same gear) kind of a waste of time. I'd be rather shocked if Murgleis was superior to Almace for RDM melee.
By waffle 2016-08-05 16:43:07
I'm not sure how all the enhancing terms work together, and I realize the results are affected by how much you have, but from some quick testing I did a while ago refresh lasted the longest with the +19 ghostfyre cape I have, then grapevine after that, then socellos last.
Keep in mind that while I have full jp and 119 jse, I don't have augmented telchine or the staff from reisen t4.
By Athenair 2016-08-05 16:56:31
As far as Refresh: Inspirited Boots is worse than Houseaux. Gishbadur Sash has no competition and thus is useful. Grapevine Cape is superior to Sucellos's both with and without composure. I haven't really had to consider whether it's worth sacrificing duration for potency yet because I don't have Telchine head/legs augmented, but I'm leaning towards duration for myself and potency for others.
If possible Byrth, could you explain how you arrived at this conclusion? I looked at BGWiki and both Refresh and Refresh II have a base duration of 150 seconds. The wiki states that Grapevine has a duration increase of 30 seconds. However, Sucello's 20% increase is an increase of 30 seconds (20% of 150), so they're equal in that respect. Interestingly enough, though, according to the wiki, Refresh III has a base duration of 160 seconds, which gives another tic of Refresh when used with Sucello's but not Grapevine (63 tics [567 MP] as opposed to 64 tics [576 MP]).
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-08-05 17:34:39
I put each on my back and cast Refresh. I've modified -dev's GearSwap to include buff durations, so I'm just printing them out. Grapevine was substantially better than Sucellos's, but I didn't write it down because I wasn't aware it was contentious.
I'm not sure exactly how it works as I didn't delve into it that deeply and the original tests were done (by Phaffi and I) before there was a lot of enhancing magic duration gear. IIRC, I couldn't distinguish between a unique 20% boost and a 30 second extension of the original duration.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14
By Siren.Athen 2016-08-05 19:42:47
It's okay, I'm just interested in the transparency of information.
The Telchine chasuble has "Regen" effect duration +12. Would you happen to know if that's +12 seconds or +12% duration? If it's duration, is it additive or multiplicative? I did a little Excel work on potency vs. duration of Regen spells, and I would be interested to know how the chasuble plays into things.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-08-05 21:08:44
I gained 6 enhancing magic duration JP levels since the last post. Not going for an exact analysis of how it's affecting stuff, so I'm just using the timer durations again, which can be offset a second or two from reality.
With all the previously mentioned gear:
No Back: 4:05
Estoq.: 4:22
Sucellos's: 4:40
Ghostfyre 16%: 4:42 (4:51 predicted for 20% cape)
Grapevine: 4:54
Composure: 12:26
Estoq.: 13:16
Sucellos's: 14:09
Ghostfyre 16%: 14:14 (14:41 predicted for 20% cape)
Grapevine: 14:50
By waffle 2016-08-05 21:54:19
Grapevine definitely loses to Ghostfyre for me. I assume that the duration JP are part of this.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-08-09 04:50:11
Got 9% Telchine hat/legs, 10% Telchine body, Atrophy +1 hands, Lethargy +1 feet, Gishdubar Sash, varying the back piece and using the same method as before to determine duration. Now I am up to 16 Enhancing Magic Duration JPs.
No Composure
No Back: 5:53
Sucellos's: 6:41
Ghostfire 16%: 6:37
Grapevine: 6:49
No Back: 17:28
Sucellos's: 19:51
Ghostfire 16%: 19:39 (20:12 predicted for 20%)
Grapevine: 20:16
I assumed that enhancing magic duration JPs just added on at the end, but now I'm not sure. Testing Protect naked gives me 30:17 duration, which is pretty close to just +16 seconds. Testing it with Sucellos's and Lethargy feet +1 gives 45:24 seconds, which seems to indicate it is applied before the 50% boost. Refresh lasts 196 seconds with Grapevine cape, though, which is consistent with 150+30+16. So Grapevine does appear to be duration +30 (or is 20% and applies before JPs are added).
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2016-08-09 05:24:25
Simple test for Grapevine to show its 30 seconds and not 20%. It works on Battery Charge. Base duration is 5 minutes using the cape it goes to 5:30(+30s) not 6 minutes(20%). It can't be 10% since refresh also goes up 30 seconds when used with it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2016-08-09 05:55:28
It's okay, I'm just interested in the transparency of information.
The Telchine chasuble has "Regen" effect duration +12. Would you happen to know if that's +12 seconds or +12% duration? If it's duration, is it additive or multiplicative? I did a little Excel work on potency vs. duration of Regen spells, and I would be interested to know how the chasuble plays into things.
+12 second tested via Regen 2 Base 1 minute. It lasted 1m12s(12s). If it had been 12%(7.2s) it would of lasted 1m7s-1m8s.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2016-08-15 14:22:21
Fix it. Ignore the RMEAs.
ItemSet 345289
Wasn't sure if Floestone was better since STR isn't a modifier on this one...
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 89
By Odin.Lygre 2016-08-15 18:34:37
ItemSet 345363
STR/MND, Acc/Atk, Double Attack on Telchine
This is what I use, but I think I switch to Jhakri Coronal +1 if I am closing for SC bonus.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2016-08-16 10:01:50
What are the augs on the cape?
By Boshi 2016-08-16 10:34:44
Mnd30 accatt20 da10
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2016-08-16 12:10:58
Yeah maybe in like 5 Ambuscades :P
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 89
By Odin.Lygre 2016-08-23 00:00:29
Yeah maybe in like 5 Ambuscades :P
MND 20 Acc/Atk 20 DA 10, but yeah, ideally that lol.
By eliroo 2016-08-23 13:11:37
What are you guys using for Frazzle III and Distract III?
610 Enfeeble seems impossible to get without using Arendsi and 625 seems out of reach.
Do you even aim for as much enfeebling for those spells or do you just go for more Macc?
By Asura.Thorva 2016-08-23 13:36:13
Set frazzle 2 for higher m. Acc since you can crank it so high without too much loss, once you do that boost your enfeeble skill, mnd, and potency gear for frazzle 3.
If your 3 won't land run 2 first then 3, lands like a charm. Going pure skill isn't the best idea since you lose out on the leth. Sayon bonus. You still have to land the spell so sometimes arendsi isn't always the best option.
Not at my computer or I would pull my sets for each.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 211
By Asura.Cicion 2016-08-23 14:09:11
Aug a "Grioavolr", augments={'Enfb.mag. skill +15','INT+11','Mag. Acc.+21','Magic Damage +2',}},
sub="Mephitis Grip",
thats 20 enfeeble skill
By Tyrael 2016-08-24 22:41:43
Looking for best set for Blind on Maju. Thanks!
By Quendi210 2016-08-26 10:06:53
The almost dream set for full M.Acc Enfeebling.
ItemSet 345644
Grioavolr: M.Acc +30 Enfeebling Magic+15
Carmine Mask +1: D: Acc+20 M.Acc+12,FC+4% (Merlinic or Chironic can win with Dark Matter Augments)(Amalric Coif +1 for Pure Macc and Blind!)
Merlinic Jubbah: M.Acc +40(Higher with Dark Matter)
Kaykaus Cuffs +1: A: MP+80,MND+12,M.Acc+20
Sucellos's Cape: M.Acc+30
Chironic Hose: M.Acc +40(Higher with Dark Matter)
By Boshi 2016-08-26 10:14:15
Chironic head can be more mac than carmine +1.
By eliroo 2016-08-26 10:36:03
Chironic head can be more mac than carmine +1.
Chironic can only hit 55 right? Carmine+1 has 50 and 11 enfeebling, which is 61 Macc.
By Quendi210 2016-08-26 10:40:07
I left set as is but noted the possibility. The true dream set would include the most broken of Dark Matter augments.
By Boshi 2016-08-26 10:40:17
Ignoring mnd/int situations. Neck can be beat also depending.
Could also technically note murgleis AM1
By Verda 2016-08-26 12:18:24
Testing Distract III, Blind II, Dia III, with Pikohan:
Distract III: -105 Evasion Duration ~2:20
Sab Distract III: -208 Evasion ! Duration about 4:30
Blind II: -89 Accuracy Duration ~3:30
Sab Blind II: -188 Accuracy (we're thinking he needs to make blind II with INT instead of MND) Duration about 6:40
Dia III: -15% def Duration ~3:30
Sab Dia III: -15% def, Duration about 6:40, dot also tics for more
Frazzle III should follow Distract III's numbers but is harder to test. Not sure how Sab lower potency vs NMs factors in as I don't think it's been exactly quantified with gear enhancements.
By Quendi210 2016-08-26 13:04:03
Testing Distract III, Blind II, Dia III, with Pikohan:
Distract III: -105 Evasion Duration ~2:20
Sab Distract III: -208 Evasion ! Duration about 4:30
Blind II: -89 Accuracy Duration ~3:30
Sab Blind II: -188 Accuracy (we're thinking he needs to make blind II with INT instead of MND) Duration about 6:40
Dia III: -15% def Duration ~3:30
Sab Dia III: -15% def, Duration about 6:40, dot also tics for more
Frazzle III should follow Distract III's numbers but is harder to test. Not sure how Sab lower potency vs NMs factors in as I don't think it's been exactly quantified with gear enhancements.
Yesterday I tested Distract III with a friend. My potency set with Saboteur their evasion was lowered by 217. I use 3 sets: Normal, Macc and Potency. The primary reason I was testing it was to have numbers I could take to my linkshell.
Set I used to get that value:
ItemSet 345649
My Grioavoir has: INT+3 M.Acc+30 and Enfeebling Magic+14. Psycloth Lappas are Path B
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 189
By Bahamut.Neb 2016-08-26 13:13:38
How much skill do you want to try and keep in all of your sets or does it mot really matter? is anything over 500 ok or should you try and stay over 550?