All for One, and More for Me: A Guide to Red Mage
By Asura.Thorva 2016-07-28 15:33:05
What is everyone using for their TP sets these days?
Also with the changes to accuracy requirements and AoE damage done by some NM's do you think Melee RDM will be able melee some of these harder fights?
Anything with acc to hit 1200, after that I aim for my 26 dual wield (can't be done in 3 pieces if you made dw ambuscade cape, have kirin belt, suppa and eabani, of course often times people use carmine legs for the acc which can get +6 DW if you spend the gil for hq)
I haven't taken the time yet to see what is possible, but I am thinking chironic with melee augments wouldn't be bad, I know I have hads with +35 acc aug totaling +50 acc dex not included. That was first aug attempt, haven't really gone back to see what all I can get, would like an additional set of chironic just to see what melee set I can make out of it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 211
By Asura.Cicion 2016-07-28 15:43:35
What is the best sword combos atm? I was thinking excal/almace. For Murg i think they need to add enhancing/enfeebling effect +5 to it and id totally make one
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2016-07-28 16:33:06
I haven't taken the time yet to see what is possible, but I am thinking chironic with melee augments wouldn't be bad, I know I have hads with +35 acc aug totaling +50 acc dex not included. That was first aug attempt, haven't really gone back to see what all I can get, would like an additional set of chironic just to see what melee set I can make out of it.
From DM augs, someone in my LS got a Dex+10 Acc+35 Atk+25 QA+4 (I think) on Chironic hands. He doesn't use RDM. I got DA+4 DW+3 in an attempt to get Refresh. Depending on the augs, they could beat out Taeon or Despair. Not many other options otherwise.
By eliroo 2016-07-28 16:37:14
What is everyone using for their TP sets these days?
Also with the changes to accuracy requirements and AoE damage done by some NM's do you think Melee RDM will be able melee some of these harder fights?
Anything with acc to hit 1200, after that I aim for my 26 dual wield (can't be done in 3 pieces if you made dw ambuscade cape, have kirin belt, suppa and eabani, of course often times people use carmine legs for the acc which can get +6 DW if you spend the gil for hq)
I haven't taken the time yet to see what is possible, but I am thinking chironic with melee augments wouldn't be bad, I know I have hads with +35 acc aug totaling +50 acc dex not included. That was first aug attempt, haven't really gone back to see what all I can get, would like an additional set of chironic just to see what melee set I can make out of it.
I was looking at the Chirionic gloves and according to the Oseem it can get +35 Accuracy and +1-5 Dual Wield. They look like strong contenders for BiS gloves. Should your priority be 1200+ Acc > +26 DW > STP ?
Perfect Chiri Gloves +5 DW
NQ Carmine +5 (+6 HQ)
Suppanomimi +5
eabani +4
Reiki Yotai / Potentia (+7 / + 5)
Would this setup work with +10 STP Ambi cape? Or would you be better off using a +10 DW cape and using the belt slot for either STP or using the Chiners+1 Belt?
The gloves are probably the only slot where I am not to sure about what is best. I've seen some people use the SR Gloves just for accuracy.
Head slot is the other slot that I'm a little confused about too but overall Carmine seems best because of its accuracy.
Body = Despair/ Taeon
Legs = Carmine
Feet = Carmine
By Blazed1979 2016-07-28 16:45:09
What is the best sword combos atm? I was thinking excal/almace. For Murg i think they need to add enhancing/enfeebling effect +5 to it and id totally make one
Murg/Colada or Murg/Almace.
By Blazed1979 2016-07-28 17:00:06
My accuracy on RDM with just gain dex.
By Boshi 2016-07-28 19:43:40
^... anywaysssssss
What is everyone using for their TP sets these days?
Also with the changes to accuracy requirements and AoE damage done by some NM's do you think Melee RDM will be able melee some of these harder fights?
Anything with acc to hit 1200, after that I aim for my 26 dual wield (can't be done in 3 pieces if you made dw ambuscade cape, have kirin belt, suppa and eabani, of course often times people use carmine legs for the acc which can get +6 DW if you spend the gil for hq)
I haven't taken the time yet to see what is possible, but I am thinking chironic with melee augments wouldn't be bad, I know I have hads with +35 acc aug totaling +50 acc dex not included. That was first aug attempt, haven't really gone back to see what all I can get, would like an additional set of chironic just to see what melee set I can make out of it.
Issue with chironic is very low base dex (and str) and haste
By Rooj 2016-08-02 17:09:52
Let's talk about this thread: Enfeebling Potency, How MND and INT Differences Play a Role
This was posted in August of last year. Specific things I wanted to point out:
-First, since pretty much every debuff is calculated with relation to your stats vs your target's stats, we don't have any way of knowing how potent a debuff ever is other than eyeing it, since we can't see a mob's stats. I mean I assume mobs have ridiculous stats, it makes me wonder how terrible some debuffs actually are. But we'll never know. -_-; Just wanted to get that off my chest :P
-More importantly is that we've always known our own INT to be a modifier for Blind1/2, but this thread states otherwise. I read another post where someone said SE mentioned wanting to convert all debuffs to MND. I am wondering what the exact deal is here, was Blind1/2 actually changed to MND, is it wrong, etc etc etc etc.
-And lastly, for Frazzle III "*When your enfeebling magic skill is 625, the maximum value for this effect is 80." This makes it sound like skill is a huge modifier for Frazzle (and Distract), I am mostly just wondering what the lower end values are since I was mostly using MACC in my macros before. And of course I wanted to bring up that I believe 625 enfeebling wasn't even obtainable until the last patch when Stikini Rings were added, right?
By Boshi 2016-08-03 03:30:04
Copied my post mostly from august update thread in regard to ambuscade set:
in general you really don't wanna be tp'ing in this, not just because of the low haste, but also the lack of additional helpful tping boosts aside from the sttp on the legs. Taeon still king in general.
On the legs: Taeon or Carmine 4/5 besides legs offers 21% haste, legs have 3% bringing you to 24% total, 2% short. flipping hasty pineon just to lose 5sttp from ginseng is counter-intuitive. Ionis is a thing however.. so uh new tp legs for murgleis rdm in adoulin areas?
Looking at pure maximum accuracy situation:
Head, hands, Legs don't actually get beat by new stuff.
Carmine +1 head, Gazu +1 hands, Carmine+1 legs
(the negatives of the gazu+1 attack don't get outweighed due to haste issues on Jhakri) So this leaves 2 slots to examine, body, feet
Jhakri+1 total acc 62.5, haste 1
Taeon 10/25: 54.25 acc, haste4
Taeon 7/7/20/20: 47 acc, haste4
Jhakri+1 62.5acc, haste 1
Carmine+1: 43acc, haste4 (with set)
Taeon 10/25: 56 acc, haste4
Taeon 7/7/20/20: 48.75 acc, haste4
Can effectively put 1 or the other in with hasty Pinion+1 (which is tied for #1 in ammo slot for acc) to remain at 26%, but not both. It depends on which slot you have overall better options on. Access to eabani, Reiki, current augs on taeon, ect.. Still the point remains, this doesn't offer rdm a -massive- boost in maximum acc from what is currently available.
However, Incredible WS piece for rdm.
Currently the norm for Savage Blade, Knights of Round, and Death Blossom is 5/5 Despair D head, C rest. This set reeeeeeally addresses RDM's attack issue. Vs that it offers:
Head: -3str +1mnd +3dex +18acc +18att scbonus5
Body: str-8, mnd+9 dex+1 acc+17 att+40
Hands: str-12, mnd+4 dex+4 acc+19 att+19 WSD5
Legs: str-2, mnd+10 acc+39 att+13
Feet: str-9 da-2, mnd+10 acc+19 att+36
This goes a long way to really help the rdm attack deficit issue. Weakest piece stat wise was the hands but the wsd more than makes up for it.
Also these pieces are fantastic for both rdm & blu requiescat, again due to the mnd paired with the attack+. The Body is the clearest upgrade.
Hands are incredible for sanguine str/int/mnd/matt/macc/WSD.
By eliroo 2016-08-03 08:58:36
On the topic of RDM tp, I'm having a little dilemma in my build path.
I'm currently saving to get some sexy Carmine Pants +1 but I'm trying to piece together the rest of the set. My main question is about the boots. Taeon Vs. Carmine +1.
My options atm are:
Ambi cape - + 10 dw
Carmine +1 Pants - +6 DW
Suppanomimi - +5 DW
Patentia Sash - +5 DW
This combination would let me use the Carmine + Boots and free up an earring slot that can be used on Dedition earring or Brutal earring. Giving me a decent amount of DA or STP. If I get Reiki Yotai I would then be +2 DW overcap
Other Option:
Carmine + 1 Pants - + 6 DW
DW Earring combo - + 7 DW
Patentia Sash - + 5 DW
Taeon Boots - + 8/9 DW
This combination would cap DW and let me make a +10 STP cape but occupy both earring slots. I can also switch the Taeon boots to +2 TA whenever I get Reiki Yotai and an Eabani earring and still hit cap DW.
What which one of these two is the best option? The Carmine +1 Boot option seem a lot more flexible but I will end up with overcapped DW whenever I upgrade my belt. I also don't know how useful the additional DA or STP is going to be compared to the additional +2 TA I'd get from Taeon boots once I get Reiki.
Any thoughts/ Advice?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2016-08-03 09:36:33
My vote is for Carmine boots+1. RDM is STP starved. We have plenty of TA with Temper 2. Just my personal opinion. You can adjust your gear as you go along. Keeping Taeon on hand for situations where it may be better (?) isn't going to hurt you. Carmine boots don't have any Atk+ on them while Taeon does and the two have similar STR/DEX (not counting Taeon STR/DEX augments).
For the Ambuscade items this month, the attack (and accuracy) is nice and welcome. Won't be a huge difference in our MAB or enfeebling sets. The low haste hurts recast (the feet and hands don't even have haste wtf?!). We're not hurting for FC or Occult Acumen or other mage JTs.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 45
By Quetzalcoatl.Lucieus 2016-08-03 11:25:06
However, Incredible WS piece for rdm.
How about for Chant du Cygne? (Sorry, it's been a long while that I've played, I'm out of the loop for these things!)
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2016-08-03 12:11:48
If you have nothing better, they're something. CDC wants DEX, DA, TA, Crit rate and Crit damage pieces. WSDmg is only applied on the first hit so for multihit weaponskills like CDC, it's not a big help.
By eliroo 2016-08-03 15:50:32
My vote is for Carmine boots+1. RDM is STP starved. We have plenty of TA with Temper 2. Just my personal opinion. You can adjust your gear as you go along. Keeping Taeon on hand for situations where it may be better (?) isn't going to hurt you. Carmine boots don't have any Atk+ on them while Taeon does and the two have similar STR/DEX (not counting Taeon STR/DEX augments).
I was leaning towards the because it gives me more options for STP in the ear slot as well like dedition. Thank you for your input!
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 122
By Bismarck.Arcos 2016-08-04 11:41:20
Has anyone tried meleeing on Apex Crabs yet? Curious how the new EVA numbers will effect them. I'm north of 1000 ACC in my multihit/STP gear with no buffs.
By Boshi 2016-08-04 14:51:59
I just want to say we all sort of over-rate carmine legs for tp phase.
anyways ~ the cdc question actually brings up a good point. What is the current ideal perfect cdc set?
ammo: Yetshila (dream: Yetshila+1)
neck: fotia
ear1: moonshade tpbonus+attack
ear2: brutal (dream: mache+1)
ring1: begrudging
ring2: hetaroi
back: ambuscade DEX30 acc20att20 CritRate10%
belt: fotia
Feet: Thereoid
This leaves Head, Body, Hands, Legs which most ppl have been using their ta tp phase taeon for. But we can do better than that.
for CDC
Snow aug: att20 acc20
Leaf aug: CritRate3%
The above is obvious, but with so much crit% stuff now what about dusk:
Dusk aug: dex7str7 VS critDamage3% ***
which is better?
(this set lies at 34% crit hit rate with Yetshila (35% with Yet+1)
I'm leaning towards Dmg.
By eliroo 2016-08-04 14:55:32
I just want to say we all sort of over-rate carmine legs for tp phase.
anyways ~ the cdc question actually brings up a good point. What is the current ideal perfect cdc set?
ammo: Yetshila (dream: Yetshila+1)
neck: fotia
ear1: moonshade tpbonus+attack
ear2: brutal (dream: mache+1)
ring1: begrudging
ring2: hetaroi
back: ambuscade DEX30 acc20att20 CritRate10%
belt: fotia
Feet: Thereoid
This leaves Head, Body, Hands, Legs which most ppl have been using their ta tp phase taeon for. But we can do better than that.
for CDC
Snow aug: att20 acc20
Leaf aug: CritRate3%
The above is obvious, but with so much crit% stuff now what about dusk:
Dusk aug: dex7str7 VS critDamage3% ***
which is better?
(this set lies at 34% crit hit rate with Yetshila (35% with Yet+1)
I'm leaning towards Dmg.
What would you suggest over Carmine +1 Pants? 55 Accuracy and +6 DW seems rather difficult to beat with RDM's current options.
Also I was thinking the same thing just last night. I was augmenting my Taeon hat and I was very curious as to what is better Crit rate or TA and Crit damage vs. DEX.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2016-08-04 15:12:25
the cdc question actually brings up a good point. What is the current ideal perfect cdc set?
ammo: Yetshila (dream: Yetshila+1)
neck: fotia
ear1: moonshade tpbonus+attack
ear2: brutal (dream: mache+1)
ring1: begrudging
ring2: hetaroi
back: ambuscade DEX30 acc20att20 CritRate10%
belt: fotia
Feet: Thereoid
This leaves Head, Body, Hands, Legs which most ppl have been using their ta tp phase taeon for. But we can do better than that.
This sounds familiar...
By Boshi 2016-08-04 15:24:11
^um.... sweet?
Slot by slot comparison of all the options on contested slots:
Taeon 7/7: dex29 str17 acc27 att20 critRate5
Taeon 3: dex22 str10 acc27 att20 critRate5 critD3
Jhakri+1: dex24 str28 acc38 att38 SCbonus5%
Carmine+1B: dex37 str25 acc50 (set acc10)
Taeon 7/7: dex36 str29 acc20 att30 critRate3
Taeon 3: dex29 str22 acc20 att30 critRate3 CritD3
Jhakri+1: dex30 str34 acc40 att40
Taeon 7/7: dex42 str16 acc20 att20 critRate3
Taeon 3: dex35 str9 acc20 att20 critRate3 critD3
Jhakri+1: dex38 str15 acc37 att37 lolwsd5
Taeon 7/7: dex7 str34 acc27 att20 ta2 critRate3
Taeon 3: dex0 str27 acc27 att20 ta2 critRate3 critD3
Jhakri+1: dex0 str44 ac39 att39
Carmine+1B: dex12 str30 acc47 att35 (set acc10)
Chironic Taup: dex15 str19 acc0~30 att0~30 da0~2
Im leaning towards 20/20/3/3 taeon for all. But it's good to have these all down on the table for conversation.
... also would still need to get an acc alternative for thereoid.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2016-08-04 16:27:49
We should be less accuracy dependent with the latest update to evasion as well as Ambuscade capes and armor.
It comes down to what you need and also what you're fighting. There's no real best in slot because they all do something slightly different. If you need a ton of accuracy, fit Carmine in the legs or head (FullAcc CDC set). Need more power? Jhakri will bolster attack in slots that are lacking without sacrificing accuracy (MidAcc CDC set). Taeon is the go-to when you're comfortable with your accuracy and attack (maybe a situation where you have GEO/BRD support) and need to get the crit rate/dmg as high as possible (Normal CDC set).
Our lack of crit options is why Taeon is still extremely appealing because other than Thereoid, we have nothing to use that gives us crit in the 5 armor slots (unless you get some crazy good Chironic DM augment).
By eliroo 2016-08-04 16:36:45
At what point does gaining more attack become ideal?
Given Boshi's Taeon set for CDC you end up with 35% Crit rate + 15% at 1000 tp and (2.5% for the TP bonus). Puts you at 52.5% crit rate. Would it be beneficial to sack some Crit rate for attack to bolster the damage more? At what point do you have more crit than you need vs. Dex and Attack.
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-08-04 16:50:09
52% crit rate sounds low...
5% base, 5% merits, up to 15% from dDEX, 15%+ from WS (~20% with Moonshade and typical overflow), and I count 33% in gear in that set (not including Moonshade). That's anywhere from 63-78% depending on dDEX.
By eliroo 2016-08-04 18:19:16
52% crit rate sounds low...
5% base, 5% merits, up to 15% from dDEX, 15%+ from WS (~20% with Moonshade and typical overflow), and I count 33% in gear in that set (not including Moonshade). That's anywhere from 63-78% depending on dDEX.
I left out the Merits and Base. Still the question stands. At what point is a bit more Dex and more attack more valuable than 3% crit rate.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-08-04 19:38:07
I decided to JP my meree RDM up. First thing I've done is making an enhancing duration set, which is as follows:
ItemSet 345139
The Telchine body is augmented with duration+10%, but the others are currently unaugmented (and thus useless in the set, just there as discussion pieces) I'll probably successfully augment them this month thanks to Ambuscade, but anyone have other suggestions for gear I've maybe overlooked?
btw, I read somewhere that Sucellos's Cape was +20 seconds, but I tested and it's definitely +20%. I get ~+82.5% duration on Protect with this combination, or +65% without Atrophy +1. Thus, the non-augmented pieces are multiplied by Telchine's 1.1, which is applied in a separate step. This makes the +10% from Telchine effectively +16.6%, but it would not make sense to use Telchine gloves. Ultimately I expect to have 215.8% duration for Protect when I finish the augments.
As far as Refresh: Inspirited Boots is worse than Houseaux. Gishbadur Sash has no competition and thus is useful. Grapevine Cape is superior to Sucellos's both with and without composure. I haven't really had to consider whether it's worth sacrificing duration for potency yet because I don't have Telchine head/legs augmented, but I'm leaning towards duration for myself and potency for others.
For skill-affected spells, I use this right now:
ItemSet 345140
Does anyone know which spells cap at 500 skill? I've noticed that Gain spells seem to, so I use this set for them:
ItemSet 345141
For TP, I'm using:
ItemSet 345142
For WS, I'm using CDC in this gear:
ItemSet 345143
with the new hands and feet +1. The Taeon piece has Crit damage +3% and >20 Acc or something.
Any suggestions? Should I even be using CDC? (PS. I don't feel like augmenting more Taeon and the Carmine +1 puts me in the acc range for Reisenjima)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 211
By Asura.Cicion 2016-08-04 20:57:06
Could nab Shedir seraweels for barspell and aquaveils
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-08-04 20:59:18
I already have it, but thanks! I also have the Aquaveil rope and Amalric coif +1.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2016-08-04 21:14:42
All spells that rely of skill cap at 500 except Enspells and Temper.
By Blazed1979 2016-08-04 21:54:25
I use Almace/Excalibur or Excalibur/Almace for weapons.
The tp set upgrades are chironic hands with augments. I would go with the new morrigan's body over Emet.Carmine +1 feet. Dynamic belt+1 or sailfi+1.
Death Blossom for AM1 or AM2 or AM3, all are great depending on accuracy/atk needs and then spam CDC. CDC is great on RDM.
Looking at 15ks on most T2s and 9-11k on T3s as averages. But that was before the new evasion nerfs and with less availability of accuracy. (GEO frailty, Indi-Fury, 1x Minuet 2x Madrigal 1x V.March, Chaos Roll, Hunters roll)
By Rooj 2016-08-04 21:54:37
btw, I read somewhere that Sucellos's Cape was +20 seconds, but I tested and it's definitely +20%.
Unless something changed, you want a +20 duration augmented Ghostfyre Cape. It's multiplicative instead of additive. It makes a big difference... my self haste lasts 22 minutes. I'm still missing some Telchine augments though. I too am hoping to get them via Ambu this month ;)
By maldini 2016-08-04 22:09:43
my self haste lasts 22 minutes That is pretty sick.