All for One, and More for Me: A Guide to Red Mage
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1828
By Valefor.Sapphire 2014-11-02 11:59:16
For subjob most of the time /blm because of incursion to have stun and sleepga. Other times I need to /whm for stona to get someone out of breakga (Ouryu/Headwind).
I don't get much use out of /sch these days.
I ride the convert timer pretty hard, no regrets on convert timer merits. I'm aggressive with nuking and backup healing in incursion while also doing sleep/stun/buff.
I'm quite happy with 5/5 Ice and 5/5 Convert Recast in group 1.
random thing: Best use remaining ~10secs of a Chainspell JA is Aspir spam (works nice on stellar fulcrum). Everyone should have a Viti. Tabard for extended chainspell time too.
Depending on your target this can save you needing to pop convert if you already needed to chainspell your existing mana away for nuke/etc.
By Creecreelo 2014-11-02 17:09:59
Murgleis does not change the ratio of Convert from 1:1 to 1:3.
It simply makes it so not matter what, you will gain back at least 50% of your max HP upon usage of Convert, making HP builds for Convert with Murgleis helpful.
For example, if you have 1500 Max HP and 1000 Max MP, and you currently have 1500/1500 HP and 100/1000 MP. With Murgleis equipped, you will convert and have 850/1500 HP and 1000/1000 MP.
I have to question some of these gear sets. Are they suppose to be the best of the best or not? Yetshila/+1, Paeapua, and augmented WKR gear I think would provide clear upgrades to certain sets. Aquaveil is also based upon your Enhancing skill, and I would advise adding in equipment like Emphatikos Rope, Shedir Seraweels, and Vadose Club for a set specific to Aquaveil.
An augmented Ghostfyre Cape has potential to be the best for Enfeebling Magic Acc and Enhancing Skill/Duration, but requires pretty good augments for it beat out Esto. Cape. I would suggest posting a 500 Enhancing skill set without use the main-slot as well.
It's a start, but this guide needs work.
Edit: Add a Stun set. Stun is one of the most essential spells currently to Rdm in endgame content.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 685
By Leviathan.Protey 2014-11-02 18:03:42
you don't have to be /blu for Sanguine Blade. You can also be /pld, /war, drk, or /run. i find myself going /war quite a bit.
you can cap cure potency without having to take off your sword and lose your tp, so i would include that set as well (as well as include cure potency received for yourself).
for your stoneskin set: use Shedir Seraweels, it has more potency. stoneskin has an incredibly long duration. duration extension gear is not preferable to recast of stoneskin. so i use Swith Cape +1, Atrophy Chapeau +1, Vitivation Tabard +1, Hasty Pinion +1, Prolix Ring, Estoqueur's Earring, and fast cast augmented hagondes feet.
for your enhancing set use Siegel Sash, prolix ring, augmented ghostfyre cape, andoaa earring, estoqueur's earring, colossus's torque. that way you don't have to swap out your normal weapon for arendsi fleuret.
you should use Shedir Seraweels to cast aquaveil and barspells.
your enfeebling set was looking more toward magic accuracy than potency, so i'll say augmented ghostfyre cape over refraction cape. also artsieq feet beat out relic feet.
for nuking, unless the mobs have high magic evasion, you should include twilight cape and elemental obis. also i'm pretty sure yamabuki-no-Obi beats out belisamas rope +1.
you forgot a RDM turtle set. I recommend: iron gobbet/brigantia pebble, lithelimb cap, twilight torque, augmented hagondes coat +1, umuthi gloves, defending ring, augmented dark ring, shadow mantle, flume belt +1, osmium cuisses, battlecast gaiters/augmented hagondes feet +1. there's some augmented -pdt earrings, high DEF, or even VIT earrings can put in too.
for your max accuracy set: vitivation legs +1 gives more acc from DEX than espial. I use lithelimb cap over that hairpin too. Kayapa Cape gives more acc than letalis, but it's minor and letalis will provide more damage. I prefer Anguinus Belt over Olseni.
for your tp set: use Paeapua over vanir battery. personally i prefer Ginsen. That Enlivened Ring has no business being there. Personally I use rajas + k'ayres ring as well as some other STP options in other slots for an x-hit.
for your enspell tp set i'd remove the hasty pinion +1 as -STP is not helping. put a ginsen there. change out the legs for either aetosaur trousers +1 or osmium cuisses.
for your WS sets i'd never use prosilio belt +1, but rather would use the elemental belts, especially on requiescat since ftp transfers across all hits. I'd also use Sukeroku hachimaki on higher level stuff. for chant du cygne you should have yetshila +1.
you didn't include a sanguine blade set. while this WS is dependent on subjob, it is also the one that allows us to do the most ws damage (assuming the mob isn't resistant). recommend this set: dosis tathlum, pixie hairpin +1, eddy necklace, crematio earring, friomisi earring, augmented hagondes body/artsieq jubbah, augmented hagondes hands, archon ring, shiva ring +1, toro cape, yamabuki-no-obi, augmented hagondes legs, augmented hagondes feet/umbani boots
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 168
By Odin.Shaggnix 2014-11-03 07:11:44
Gonna be a downer here. I so look forward to the generation of brain dead players this thread will create. Players who will inevitably flood this thread every update asking how they should gear for Slow spells with the new equipment available.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the word 'Mind' appears one time in your opening post. Maybe you should go into it a bit more since it's kind of important for a RDM.
For god's sake, this thread seems more for jerking off over how much you know about the basic fundamentals of the game rather than an actual guide. The job is called 'Red Mage', try throwing in some information about the job's primary spells, how they work and what they do.
See, you're trying too hard.
"Guides cater to crap players and make it so no one has to learn mechanics and think!"
"Your guide doesn't explain things well enough!"
seriously, make up your mind. Or better yet, stop posting.
By FaeQueenCory 2014-11-03 07:26:59
Gonna be a downer here. I so look forward to the generation of brain dead players this thread will create. Players who will inevitably flood this thread every update asking how they should gear for Slow spells with the new equipment available.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the word 'Mind' appears one time in your opening post. Maybe you should go into it a bit more since it's kind of important for a RDM.
For god's sake, this thread seems more for jerking off over how much you know about the basic fundamentals of the game rather than an actual guide. The job is called 'Red Mage', try throwing in some information about the job's primary spells, how they work and what they do.
See, you're trying too hard.
"Guides cater to crap players and make it so no one has to learn mechanics and think!"
"Your guide doesn't explain things well enough!"
seriously, make up your mind. Or better yet, stop posting. Those things aren't mutually exclusive... In fact, they're kinda intrinsically linked together.
New players need the info.
Bad players are on the same skill level as new players.
Bad players also need extensive info.
Besides all that... The entire point of guides is to provide information... Adding left out information is... Just what should be done.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1388
By Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget 2014-11-03 08:57:17
Quetzalcoatl.Tassidaru said: »
A couple of reccommedations for this set that I use instead.
ItemSet 329445
This set gives me -50% PDT, -50% MDT(with Shell V), 5 MP tick, 2 HP/tick full ilvl 119 Defense/Magic Defense, 5% Damage taken converted to MP, and Magic Damage Taken occasionally absorbed.
Not as much MP/tick as you can get with non-ilvl gear but very nice durability, fully buffed. Especially in situations where you are on crowd control. (ie: sleeping adds in Incursion.)
Gendewitha is interchangeable wih Hagondes, and all 4 pieces plus the shield need 4% PDT to cap with this set. But PDT is the easiest augment to get, you can do it with just +1 stones if that's the only augment you care about on the piece. Legs are augmented to the MAB path and have -5% PDT as well. So work out very nicelely. Dark Ring needs to have 6% PDT to cap with this set. I would say the most annoying piece would be the Darkness Earring. It has a -2% PDT augment, but come from a quest in Abyssea-Vunkerl and is a pretty rare augment unless you're lucky.
By Cleric 2014-11-03 09:38:39
Does anyone have a good rdm gear swap?? I think it would be appropriate to have one posted in the guide.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-11-03 09:43:57
By Cleric 2014-11-03 14:46:08
Although Kinematics is a great person - he might not play red Mage all the time. I've found that those are good starter gear swaps but unfortunately I'm not very good wth gear swap code. The job gear swaps I've had typically start out with Kinematics and then I change to better ones posted.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-11-03 16:42:30
Yeah, it definitely lacks a few things I'd put in as a career RDM, some specific sets for certain enhancing spells depending on the target or for composure being up or down, self cure vs party, low tier nukes, or sub specific toggles, but his file is actually very good for a cookie cutter and can be logically expanded because so much is handled globally. I've added a few things to his file, but I'd have to test everything with showswaps and make sure he's OK with me posting it.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1388
By Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget 2014-11-03 21:11:44
Aquaveil is also based upon your Enhancing skill, and I would advise adding in equipment like Emphatikos Rope, Shedir Seraweels, and Vadose Club for a set specific to Aquaveil.
Sadly, RDM can't use vadose rod.
By Creecreelo 2014-11-03 23:32:05
Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget said: »Aquaveil is also based upon your Enhancing skill, and I would advise adding in equipment like Emphatikos Rope, Shedir Seraweels, and Vadose Club for a set specific to Aquaveil.
Sadly, RDM can't use vadose rod.
Ahhh rats, that's right. Too much time spent playing Geo vs. Rdm here.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1388
By Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget 2014-11-04 14:50:21
Bismarck.Roguethief said: »I need to make a red mage capped delay capped acc tp set, curious to see how much multi-attack they have for options or if you're stuck going store tp in some slots
and I didn't notice one in this guide and would suck if their best options were crap like eminent gear lol RDM actually can stack quite a bit.
20% DA from capped Temper
25% DA from /war
40% OAT from 115 Naakual augment
or you can use 119 tojil sword has 3%?
3% DA from Portus Collar
8% DA from Brutal/Trux combo
3% DA from Atheling Mantle
2% QA/TA from Windbuffet Belt +1
I'm sure there is more, but thats all I can remember off the top of my head since since I'm posting this from my phone. But those options still leave head/body/hands/legs/feet open for haste cap.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-11-04 14:53:34
Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget said: »Bismarck.Roguethief said: »I need to make a red mage capped delay capped acc tp set, curious to see how much multi-attack they have for options or if you're stuck going store tp in some slots
and I didn't notice one in this guide and would suck if their best options were crap like eminent gear lol RDM actually can stack quite a bit.
20% DA from capped Temper
25% DA from /war
40% OAT from 115 Naakual augment
or you can use 119 tojil sword has 3%?
3% DA from Portus Collar
8% DA from Brutal/Trux combo
3% DA from Atheling Mantle
2% QA/TA from Windbuffet Belt +1
I'm sure there is more, but thats all I can remember off the top of my head since since I'm posting this from my phone. But those options still leave head/body/hands/legs/feet open for haste cap.
/WAR is 10% DA and OAT isn't the same as DA. Temper seems to cap at 20% (500 skill), based on the testing I saw.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-11-04 14:56:18
Bismarck.Roguethief said: »Yeah I meant gear slots more so than the obvious all jobs accessories
The only thing specific (sorta) to RDM are Bura and Anahera swords, otherwise it's just the standard multi-attack gear.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 733
By Asura.Highwynn 2014-11-05 19:47:25
eslim does your lua have a rule in place for using Obis for nukes?
Also how do you change modes for say: state.CastingMode:options('Normal', 'Resistant', 'Proc')?
I didn't see any toggles like C6 or C12 for example like other Luas have.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-11-05 21:38:05
eslim does your lua have a rule in place for using Obis for nukes?
Also how do you change modes for say: state.CastingMode:options('Normal', 'Resistant', 'Proc')?
I didn't see any toggles like C6 or C12 for example like other Luas have.
It does it automatically. The casting mode toggles are based on Mote's architecture like mine. Cycling the casting modes should be Alt + F11. That will change between the sets.midcast['ElementalMagic'] and the sets.midcast['ElementalMagic'].resistant, "proc" should disallow midcast sets to minimize damage for things like abyssea and VW weaknesses.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1155
By Bahamut.Soraishin 2014-11-05 23:18:43
I kinda found the "guide" portion lacking but its definitely a step in the right direction. Good work , keep it up.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 733
By Asura.Highwynn 2014-11-05 23:58:25
Well i have a compact keyboard so my f11 mey is also like my bolume i think, so unsure if it will work. Is there any aay to incorporate the toggle into a macro? Like for example the toggle for my drg gearswap for swapping pdt modes is /console gs c C12
So would there be a way to toggle the midcast for resist/proc etc without using my keyboard?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-11-06 00:06:19
/console gs c cycle CastingMode
If you want it to be a macro.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 733
By Asura.Highwynn 2014-11-06 00:16:05
Perfect, thanks. Also in that gearswap i noticed it prefer tily has estoq gloves instead of atrophy gloves for enhancing others. I thought 4/5 af3 with atrophy gloves+1 > 5/5 af3 when enhancing other people, or maybe i saw it wrong.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-11-06 00:41:37
Perfect, thanks. Also in that gearswap i noticed it prefer tily has estoq gloves instead of atrophy gloves for enhancing others. I thought 4/5 af3 with atrophy gloves+1 > 5/5 af3 when enhancing other people, or maybe i saw it wrong.
Atrophy gloves +1 with 4/5 AF3+2 does give longer duration than 5/5, you are correct. The file is just the gear he's using, not necessarily the optimal gear. You would need to change the gear in the file to match the gear you use.
Since we're getting outside of the subject of a RDM guide, more specific gearswap or .lua questions should probably go in the gearswap help thread.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 53
By Cerberus.Krystela 2014-11-06 00:51:41
Maybe a useless input, but since you are putting DT- in your sets, maybe you could show new rdm to put conserve MP in there instead? Kinda sounds more useful since mages in general shouldn't be standing in range.
And I guess my other input is similar to other comments, show different "tier" sets. It does help a lot and it's kinda the whole idea behind making a guide.
Server: Excalibur
Posts: 751
By Creaucent Alazrin 2014-11-12 07:35:06
Murgleis does not change the ratio of Convert from 1:1 to 1:3.
It simply makes it so not matter what, you will gain back at least 50% of your max HP upon usage of Convert, making HP builds for Convert with Murgleis helpful.
For example, if you have 1500 Max HP and 1000 Max MP, and you currently have 1500/1500 HP and 100/1000 MP. With Murgleis equipped, you will convert and have 850/1500 HP and 1000/1000 MP.
I have to question some of these gear sets. Are they suppose to be the best of the best or not? Yetshila/+1, Paeapua, and augmented WKR gear I think would provide clear upgrades to certain sets. Aquaveil is also based upon your Enhancing skill, and I would advise adding in equipment like Emphatikos Rope, Shedir Seraweels, and Vadose Club for a set specific to Aquaveil.
An augmented Ghostfyre Cape has potential to be the best for Enfeebling Magic Acc and Enhancing Skill/Duration, but requires pretty good augments for it beat out Esto. Cape. I would suggest posting a 500 Enhancing skill set without use the main-slot as well.
It's a start, but this guide needs work.
Edit: Add a Stun set. Stun is one of the most essential spells currently to Rdm in endgame content.
The bold part would be correct if you are using the level 95 or lower mythic which makes the convert ratio 1:2 instead of 1:1 . The level 99 or 119 version change the 1:2 ratio to 1:3.
Next time id suggest you go look it up first.