Adoulin dial
marduk shalwar +1
soil belt
raise II rod
elemental earring
kaiser sword
augur's gaiters
Special dial had the usual junk
Holy ***, marduk shalwar +1???
So far, just junkish.... Adoulin is just nq stuff...
Lol. Got a noble himantes. Enchantment: tp+100. I wonder if thats an item that wasnt update to new 3000 tp bar. Otherwise, this enchantment would cost more tp than auto attack...
Ugh... I will get late to work because of this junk...
so... new gobbiebox revamp eh??? just throwin it out there, anyone had any cool 'drops' from the 'special dial'?
myself, outta main + 4 mules, I've had tantra seal: body, a black sole, scroll of thunder 4, a chunk of glocolite + a dogwood log. please say someones had better