Sigurd's Descendants: The Art Of Dragon Slaying.

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Sigurd's Descendants: The Art of Dragon Slaying.
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Posts: 701
By Wotasu 2019-11-26 09:12:03
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Im not a Drg, but I would guess Hasso and Drg's JA Haste from Pet makes up for it. That's another 10+10 Haste
By 2019-11-26 10:32:51
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Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-11-26 13:22:14
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1) Capped magical haste, Hasso (10% JA), and your wyvern (10% JA) at max paramaters you only need 17% in gear haste to cap delay.
With capped JA Haste (DNC or Spirit Surge) you only need 12% in haste gear to cap delay.
2) Only 30% (Haste II) magical haste and capped JA delay allows you to cap delay with 25% gear haste.
Otherwise you probably aren't capping delay.

The following sets assume capped haste.

It doesn't list every possible haste combination gear set so you're going to have to adjust your tp sets to account for instances where your magical/ja haste is not capped and make up the difference in your gear.
By 2019-11-26 13:36:07
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By Nariont 2019-11-26 13:40:26
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Been there for a long time, 2% per wyvern level up to a max of 10
By 2019-11-26 13:50:47
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By Wotasu 2019-11-26 14:30:12
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DirectX said: »
I think I remember reading about it when it was added now you say. With Hasso it adds the last 1.25% to the 80% cap?
25% gear + 43.75% Magic + 10% Hasso = 78.75%
Which means you can have less gear haste in the end.
By 2019-11-26 14:34:11
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Server: Asura
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user: Safiyyah
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2019-11-26 14:50:42
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DirectX said: »
I played in the free week recently, have 1 char with Trishula and another with Godhands and it felt like MNK was much stronger than DRG after both got buffed :(

Monk probably is stronger, certainly while Impetus is up. We had a monk as top dps in WoC zerg the other day over Masa SAM and DRK. Dragoon starts to enter the picture in longer fights like wave 3s, since you can maintain damage without pulling hate (and DRG isn't tied to 1-hour/part-time JAs to maintain damage). I can't speak for other dragoons but I'm extremely satisfied with the job. Just wish Call Wyvern had a short cooldown.
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2019-11-26 16:13:50
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I'm pretty happy with the DRG adjustments as well. XD

Posts: 314
By Ozaii 2019-11-30 19:03:45
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Drg buffs helped them alot. Helps alot when you can just dump hate and not worry about that mega boss pummeling your face at all. Or managing hate to help your tanks out. I mean before drgs struggled to pull hate even without jumping! Lol. It has been a good year for drg.
By 2019-11-30 19:44:39
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Server: Asura
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user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2019-11-30 19:49:52
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Wave 3 Dynamis when you aren't a well-honed group or you're trying to farm as much of Wave 1/2 as possible as well as boss clear.
By 2019-11-30 20:55:45
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Posts: 314
By Ozaii 2019-11-30 21:34:16
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Drg is nice for alot of situations. Namely where your tank is goanna lose hate. From dds hitting so hard.
Posts: 314
By Ozaii 2019-11-30 21:43:05
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Happens alot actually. Especially when drgs are hitting for 40k to 60k per ws in zergs.
Server: Asura
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user: Safiyyah
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2019-12-01 00:48:21
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DirectX said: »
I mean yeah, DRG is better since the patch, but with MNK also made better and by and even larger amount then since the last patch DRG has slipped in the hierarchy rather than risen.

I love playing DRG but can't pretend there's any situation where it's more convenient than using WAR SAM DRK MNK or even COR if it's something meleed. It would be optimal in a fight which was time limited or needed a high dps check and where taking hate meant certain death, but nothing exists like that that I can think of.

This is a such a weird take. DRG gained raw dps post-patch without any downside and got close or on-par with WAR DRK, with hate management that it absolutely useful on Dyna wave 3 bosses. WAR and DRK were the big losers after October, tbh. They got absolutely nothing and DRG was boosted up. COR isn't competing for the same slot and, for physical damage, DRG is on a whole different tier. I'd much rather come DRG than WAR for Dyna personally.

Specifically compared to monk right now, except maybe samurai for multistep, other melee DD jobs are going to look bad. Monk is really, really great right now, both offensively and defensively.
By 2019-12-01 07:08:54
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Server: Asura
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user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2019-12-01 08:04:51
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DirectX said: »
Well I have not experienced #1 and I don't see how it helps for #2 because I don't see how any of these mobs are a real threat. Wave 1 mobs feel like EP mobs if you have buffs, any DD can solo these with zero threat. Wave 2 if you use two assists then mobs with 2-3 DD on are also no threat.
The point was that wave 3 mobs and boss ARE a threat to DDs that take hate, so having a DD that can easily survive on them and do great DD gives you more spare time for clearing Wave 1/2.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Veikur 2019-12-01 09:14:47
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I think the assumed DPS disparity between DRG and the Big Three™+Imp/FW MNK is being greatly over estimated.
Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2019-12-01 11:09:14
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DirectX said: »
I love playing DRG but can't pretend there's any situation where it's more convenient than using WAR SAM DRK MNK or even COR if it's something meleed. It would be optimal in a fight which was time limited or needed a high dps check and where taking hate meant certain death, but nothing exists like that that I can think of.

Why would you only take DRG when its hate management is optimal? It's RAW DPS can easily rival SAM, DRK and WAR now (especially WAR). WAR is only really super strong with Warcry. In event like Dynamis where you have a lot of Warcry downtime, DRG will probably outdmg WAR, because DRGs DPS is static for the whole time (unless your wyvern die). High Jump is only cheery on the cake.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2019-12-01 13:01:04
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Asura.Geriond said: »
DirectX said: »
Well I have not experienced #1 and I don't see how it helps for #2 because I don't see how any of these mobs are a real threat. Wave 1 mobs feel like EP mobs if you have buffs, any DD can solo these with zero threat. Wave 2 if you use two assists then mobs with 2-3 DD on are also no threat.
The point was that wave 3 mobs and boss ARE a threat to DDs that take hate, so having a DD that can easily survive on them and do great DD gives you more spare time for clearing Wave 1/2.

Anyone saying Wave 3 mobs "aren't a threat" is bullshiting and trying to humble brag. Even regular Wave 3 mobs can and will deal 2000~3000 WS damage to a DD's face, frequently before the DD even knows whats going on. The champion mobs are lethal and will wreck anyone they are swinging at, even "lulz" jobs like WHM and GEO will hexa someone's face for several thousand damage in the blink of an eye. These WS's are just like ours, the charge times are lower then the ping distance between us and the server so by the time your computer even knows it was happening your already dead.

We've found two things that massively increases DD's survival changes, first is defense buffs like Barrier and Minne V, second is using Dirge. With these two items in place the DD's are far less likely to pull hate, and when they do they will hopefully live long enough to shed that hate and have the tank grab it again. DRG is placed incredibly well because should it pull hate or even be in danger of pulling hate, it can jump that hate off and continue doing damage. We've had runs where one of the super DRG's pulled the most damage (pre buff), not because their damage ceiling is higher but because they spent almost no time in -DT sets.
Posts: 314
By Ozaii 2019-12-01 15:47:16
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Well said saevel. Explained that better. But yes alot of times drgs will win parse cuz if they pull the hate they dont die they just shed the hate quickly. Drg is in a fantastic position. Can skill chain almost as well a sam and easily do 6 steps to either light or dark skill chains. Makes the tanks life easier by a mile. Usually wont die unless they get caught in an aoe without dt. Can compete in zergs with 40-50k ws average while also tping somewhere between a sam and a drk. Its remarkably safe. Like stupid safe. Cuz all the hate shedding. They can make it hit harder but if it did it would be too safe for how hard it hit. Which it already hits like a truck. Jobs honestly in a great spot whenever ya have a tank or are double dding with something like monk which is a beefy dd. Also our best ws creates darkness with sams best ws too. Which is nice.
By 2019-12-01 16:51:06
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Veikur 2019-12-01 17:07:46
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So what you're saying is, Dragoons problem is most of the playerbase are idiots and only know how to bandwagon.

Regardless of whether the bandwagon is factually correct or not.

And it's not.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Friedrik
Posts: 252
By Asura.Friedrik 2019-12-01 17:29:15
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It seems to me that DRGs have been 'loldrg' for so long that there were very few of them out in the wild geared out and ready to go after the update hit. I feel like that sentiment will change as people gear out their own DRGs or group with them.

Asura.Veikur said: »
I think the assumed DPS disparity between DRG and the Big Three™+Imp/FW MNK is being greatly over estimated.

Definitely. Since the update I have never been blown out by any of the big 3. If I don't win the parse it's very, very close excluding situations where the rat dies or gets charmed away... other DRGs I've played with at similar gear levels perform the same. People sleep on DRG's WS frequency, and gaining a 1.31 multiplier to every hit of our WS overnight was huge.
Posts: 314
By Ozaii 2019-12-01 23:56:34
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If i wanted to raise my atk. And sam wasnt cutting it due to 0 atk buffs on high end content. Would war or drk be the prefered sub for some atk boost? I know war gives da but drk gives ja haste. Which one serves better for some atk boost while still not being to much a loss from losing hasso haste.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
Posts: 3696
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2019-12-02 01:07:16
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If we're talking Dyna, one significant downside for DRG is that there is a real threat of wyvern dying on wave bosses, or the occasional wave 2/3 NM or something like an unlucky Mijin Gakure, which *could* leave you gimped for a good bit of time unless you can get a Random Deal/Wild Card. Not something a [pick other DD job] has to worry about.

That being said, DRG's player survivability sure helps overall performance, as Saevel and others mentioned. And it's not just about High Jump and not pulling hate; I'd say another major consideration is that DRG can use a top tier TP set that also happens to feature a ton of DT-. Arguably, Hjarrandi head/body & Sulevia +2 hands are already BiS offensively (depending on buffs/weapon/etc), and choosing Sulevia +2 legs is a fairly minimal offensive loss versus your other options (Valorous, Pteroslaver) - well worth the trade for DT-7% in my book, in any event where you're concerned about potential damage. That's DT-34% already, plus whatever you have on cape (DT-5% or PDT-10%). If you're willing to do something like give up a ring slot, you can fight in near-capped DT- at a rather minor cost to your offensive performance.

I personally play more SAM, and while Kendatsuba+1 gear has its perks too because of high Meva, I don't get the luxury of nearly capped DT- in a top tier offensive TP set. And although DRK WAR can use the same Hjarrandi/Sulevia pieces DRG can, they have some additional options for "better" offensive gear so I find it's often the case that people simply don't use the more defensive-leaning sets, or they just forget (and die).

But aside from all that...
You guys are really doing Dyna with people who would insist on a WAR DRK SAM MNK over a DRG? For Dyna purposes, any heavy melee DD fills that role just fine. Yeah, there are some differences, but it's ultimately a very similar role with similar performance and sorta ludicrous to say any one of those jobs is an inferior option to the point of not being OK to take on the run. I get it if someone has to come support or tank or healer... but if there's a DPS slot available, you're playing with f'ing weirdos if they are insisting that a high end DRG is an unacceptable substitute for a high end WAR or DRK. But maybe this is just some sort of Asura pick-up Dyna party thing that I can't wrap my head around...
By Draylo 2019-12-02 04:38:03
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Asura.Veikur said: »
So what you're saying is, Dragoons problem is most of the playerbase are idiots and only know how to bandwagon.

Regardless of whether the bandwagon is factually correct or not.

And it's not.

Yes and its been that way for ages, look at BLU. The best thing you can hope for is if the hive mind bandwagoners don't find out about your job!
By 2019-12-02 06:30:46
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