Sigurd's Descendants: The Art Of Dragon Slaying.

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Sigurd's Descendants: The Art of Dragon Slaying.
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Server: Odin
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user: Brocovich
Posts: 136
By Odin.Brocovich 2014-09-25 08:07:29
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Highwynd said: »
Hmm i wonder what the +22% refers to?

Could it be +22% for Elemental Breaths and w/e % for Healing Breath?
Cause it looks like breath gear is calculated different for healing and elemental breaths
Posts: 860
By Highwynd 2014-09-25 08:12:18
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You beat me to it^

I think this is the case since nq armet was a 16ish% boost to breaths, ptero says 19 and +1 says 22, so could be +3% per upgrade which would fit niceley. I'm at work but if someone can test base breath with just parameter boost and ilvl 119'polearm then put the armet on and see if its +22%, should be a good indication. Obviously the bonus to ele vs heal breaths is a diff value, but we knew that since 75. Could also be similar thing going on fornaug'd updraft mantles.
Server: Odin
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user: Brocovich
Posts: 136
By Odin.Brocovich 2014-09-25 09:48:17
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Highwynd said: »
You beat me to it^

I think this is the case since nq armet was a 16ish% boost to breaths, ptero says 19 and +1 says 22, so could be +3% per upgrade which would fit niceley. I'm at work but if someone can test base breath with just parameter boost and ilvl 119'polearm then put the armet on and see if its +22%, should be a good indication. Obviously the bonus to ele vs heal breaths is a diff value, but we knew that since 75. Could also be similar thing going on fornaug'd updraft mantles.

298 DMG with only 119 Polearm
355 DMG with 119 Polearm and Pteroslaver armet (NQ)

298 * 1.19 = 354.6

so its 19% increase with +19 on armet


With 119 polearm and wyvern level +5
383 without armet
456 with armet

still +19%
Posts: 1,449
By fillerbunny9 2014-09-25 23:08:13
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shouldn't Ejekemal beat Vishap +1 with regards to accuracy with regards to Camlann's? Accuracy 12 and DEX 15 > DEX 17.
Server: Carbuncle
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Posts: 102
By Carbuncle.Legato 2014-09-25 23:59:12
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fillerbunny9 said: »
shouldn't Ejekemal beat Vishap +1 with regards to accuracy with regards to Camlann's? Accuracy 12 and DEX 15 > DEX 17.

The high Acc set you're referring to
Was made before Spreadsheet recent Camlann fix & adjustment
Prior to that set i had was best I could create, I will double check again!
Posts: 860
By Highwynd 2014-09-28 00:30:02
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Can you make a set for Ryunohige for AM3 down low/mid/high acc? Also incoporating new Olseni Belt and the new +12 acc earring which I'm sure will be relevant? Lets try not to let this gear in the OP get too outdated(half the job guides posted on FFXIAH are still very outdated by several patches)
Server: Asura
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user: ccl
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By Asura.Ccl 2014-09-28 00:34:23
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Ryu max acc am3 set I came up with, can prolly swap in xaddi body with am3 down.

ItemSet 328632
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-09-28 00:56:41
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Would probably be helpful to state augment paths for Xaddi/mikinaak.
Server: Carbuncle
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Posts: 102
By Carbuncle.Legato 2014-09-28 00:58:11
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That's a great set I like it
Probably substantially over 950 accuracy

That set works great when you sub SAM and have buffs
I'll add it in as a max high AcC set.

Highwynd said: »
Can you make a set for Ryunohige for AM3 down low/mid/high acc? Also incoporating new Olseni Belt and the new +12 acc earring which I'm sure will be relevant? Lets try not to let this gear in the OP get too outdated(half the job guides posted on FFXIAH are still very outdated by several patches)

I'll update as soon as possible.
Posts: 860
By Highwynd 2014-09-28 01:08:35
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Meh I use a similar set except Xaddi Body,Enlivened Ring,Rajas,Buremete Gloves augmented with Haste. That allows similar accuracy but also caps haste and gives 20.9TP per hit(5hit).

I think the set Ccl provided is only at 20%. Ramuh+1s are a pipe dream for most of us.
Posts: 860
By Highwynd 2014-09-28 01:10:59
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Has anyone shown if +WSD% gear affects every hit in WS that mirror fTP across hits? May not have been the case back in the day when those WS didn't exist but perhaps it's worth looking into? Would make a 5% WSD Updraft Mantle even more badass if you can get one. Sucks that Overwhelm provides +WSD for every hit but WSD gear doesn't for jobs that use multihit WS like DRG and WAR.
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-09-28 01:36:01
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Interesting coincidence that this would come up just as I was re-evaluating my High acc sets.
Asura.Ccl said: »
Ryu max acc am3 set I came up with, can prolly swap in xaddi body with am3 down.

ItemSet 328632
Depending on which augment paths, I have this set at 943~995 DPS in an acc starved situation. Meaning every point of acc is being used, and you're still not capped.

I have this next set at 1017 dps, with just the Haste aug on buremte and A path on Xaddi.
ItemSet 328806
Karmesin body has high dex, Acc, and really high haste. The excess haste lets you use the lower haste, but higher acc Xaddi feet(whether you have Ionis or not.)

Sits at 208 TP per hit /sam. Requires 2 hits on ws to land, assuming only blood rain for STP, to maintain 5 hit.

Could gain a bit more ACC if Buremte gloves are also DEX aug'd.

Despite the set name, you can still crank up the ACC(and DPS) by going to B-path Xaddi, and/or using Rahmuh/+1 rings. But in either case it'll cost you your 5-hit. Which is still a DPS gain, assuming you need every single point of acc. But I'd rather not go that far till I absolutely KNOW that I'm uncapped in the current set.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2,987
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-09-28 01:37:48
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Highwynd said: »
Has anyone shown if +WSD% gear affects every hit in WS that mirror fTP across hits? May not have been the case back in the day when those WS didn't exist but perhaps it's worth looking into? Would make a 5% WSD Updraft Mantle even more badass if you can get one. Sucks that Overwhelm provides +WSD for every hit but WSD gear doesn't for jobs that use multihit WS like DRG and WAR.
If you want to know, then go test it. Ask ppl on BG for test procedures, or for help with the math if you need.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: ccl
Posts: 1,998
By Asura.Ccl 2014-09-28 01:43:22
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Highwynd said: »
Meh I use a similar set except Xaddi Body,Enlivened Ring,Rajas,Buremete Gloves augmented with Haste. That allows similar accuracy but also caps haste and gives 20.9TP per hit(5hit).

I think the set Ccl provided is only at 20%. Ramuh+1s are a pipe dream for most of us.

You need about 18% to cap haste with wyvern outside of ionis zone now, even less in ionis zone.

43% magic + 20%Ja, only need 17% in gear before Ionis.

edit@ martel: oh looks nice, I forgot that body even existed, I'll look into dps spreasheet later, thx for sharing it
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,987
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-09-28 01:47:43
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Asura.Ccl said: »
Highwynd said: »
Meh I use a similar set except Xaddi Body,Enlivened Ring,Rajas,Buremete Gloves augmented with Haste. That allows similar accuracy but also caps haste and gives 20.9TP per hit(5hit).

I think the set Ccl provided is only at 20%. Ramuh+1s are a pipe dream for most of us.

You need about 18% to cap haste with wyvern outside of ionis zone now, even less in ionis zone.

43% magic + 20%Ja, only need 17% in gear before Ionis.

edit@ martel: oh looks nice, I forgot that body even existed, I'll look into dps spreasheet later, thx for sharing it
Hmm. I totally forgot about hitting the haste cap earlier now. Well, I guess that makes the haste on that body matter less. But the huge DEX/ACC holds.

And yeah, I completely passed the thing over when it was added, but now it might actually be useful. Which means I have to go get one. <,<;

EDIT:But, you know... looking at it, I'm not really sure you could even drop haste for anymore acc. Seems like you'd just lose STP at this point.
Posts: 860
By Highwynd 2014-09-28 02:07:54
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I don't even count on having 43% mmagic haste in Incursion, most of the time my buffs are stripped and have I Slow II on. Sucks balls.
Server: Asura
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user: ccl
Posts: 1,998
By Asura.Ccl 2014-09-28 02:29:58
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Hmmm are you sure your set didn't overcap accuracy ? I can't have rajas+k'ayres beat ramuh+1X2 ever when accuracy is uncapped but mid event kinda so not looking that much into it yet.

I have the set I posted and replacing hands by buremte and the body up at 1022 but ws set isn't capped accuracy neither atm, gonna fix that too later.

Also yeah ima go back to get this body, it is a huge boost when you need accuracy X.X
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2,987
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-09-28 02:58:40
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Asura.Ccl said: »
Hmmm are you sure your set didn't overcap accuracy ? I can't have rajas+k'ayres beat ramuh+1X2 ever when accuracy is uncapped but mid event kinda so not looking that much into it yet.

I have the set I posted and replacing hands by buremte and the body up at 1022 but ws set isn't capped accuracy neither atm, gonna fix that too later.

Also yeah ima go back to get this body, it is a huge boost when you need accuracy X.X
Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Despite the set name, you can still crank up the ACC(and DPS) by going to B-path Xaddi, and/or using Rahmuh/+1 rings. But in either case it'll cost you your 5-hit. Which is still a DPS gain, assuming you need every single point of acc. But I'd rather not go that far till I absolutely KNOW that I'm uncapped in the current set.
EDIT:On the off chance that my phrasing is being misunderstood. The meaning is that yes, rahmuh's+1 would win. Assuming you need the acc. Even though it'd break your 5-hit.

I just dun wanna.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: ccl
Posts: 1,998
By Asura.Ccl 2014-09-28 04:06:21
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oh sry I was mid event and english isn't my main language tyvm for making it easier to understand :p
Posts: 860
By Highwynd 2014-09-28 09:37:39
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You'll pretty much never need that much acc unless you're fighting mobs in Woh Gates and you have no buffs and forgot to buy sushi.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2,987
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-09-28 10:13:41
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Highwynd said: »
You'll pretty much never need that much acc unless you're fighting mobs in Woh Gates and you have no buffs and forgot to buy sushi.
But if you wanted to solo Woh gates mobs without buffs, that'd be the TP set to do it in! XD

Besides, you did ask for a high acc set. And who knows what mobs new content will bring.

And most importantly, it entertained me briefly to toss set ideas around.
Posts: 860
By Highwynd 2014-09-28 10:36:48
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I mean if you wanna throw 5 hit or even dps out the window and bring in ramuh+1's, there's always that wkr grip, the +dex 4 acc feather and gungnir! Accuracy porn! bream sushi+1! Dexterit potionz!

Think it would be good to have 4 sets, low/mid/high(all of wre conservative when it comes to dps loss) but the 4th should be your truly outrageous, fu*k it, i need to this this NOW, x-treme acc set, which has every last drop of acc obtainable. I think I've only ever been in that situation in Woh Gates when the COR left, and i was parsing like 70% acc at 1050 accuracy and was missing stardivers.

I wonder why lv123 worms have much more eva than Incursion Megaboss which is 130+, or delve bosses(Spreadsheet has tojil at lv130)
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Sekundes
Posts: 4,201
By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2014-09-28 10:41:13
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If you were in a situation where that acc was needed, you wouldn't have had a 5 hit anyway. You'd have a 5-wiff.
Posts: 860
By Highwynd 2014-09-28 10:44:06
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Exactly. In real life there are those osh*t situations where you eat a full dispel, bard is dead, mob's hp is at like <5% and you need to kill this to save the run. And only a build like that would give you peace of mind :3
Server: Asura
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user: ccl
Posts: 1,998
By Asura.Ccl 2014-09-28 10:59:01
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In clvl 134 Incursion my acc was bad on gram so I looked into more accuracy, I still need to try it again and check my acc now.

Also it's more a "max" accuracy set, you obviously would just swap a couple piece depending on content and make different accuracy tier swapping only 2-3 piece a time.

Another that I have made that is "useless" is my MAX dmg set on super fodder thing:

ItemSet 328630

We'll most likely never use the legs, the back is debatable since when att isn't capped it's not that much behind rancor but the only "really" worth it change is the head in my book.

I made 10ish tp set going from max damage to max accuracy swapping 1-2 piece at a time; I'll work on ws soon; maybe I'll unlazy and post them all eventually.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,987
By Ragnarok.Martel 2014-09-28 11:15:29
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Highwynd said: »
I mean if you wanna throw 5 hit or even dps out the window and bring in ramuh+1's, there's always that wkr grip, the +dex 4 acc feather and gungnir! Accuracy porn! bream sushi+1! Dexterit potionz!
Well, Like I said, the Rahmuh rings were actually a DPS Increase, IF you needed the acc(and it didn't matter if that broke your 5-hit, they still won)

Actually, I have Jukukik feather as a dps loss vs Ginsen even when you need the acc. seems like 2 acc < 10 atk, 3 stp. And that's even if it doesn't affect your hit build.

Also, not even the most acc starved situations make Gungnir worth using over Ryu.

And wouldn't Oceanfin soup be the ideal acc food?

Anyway. If we want to debate more realistic sets, then we'll need some target evasion values. Which would mean detailed, Stable, data on mobs. And by stable I mean, the same buffs/debuffs/sets used constantly on a given target.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: ccl
Posts: 1,998
By Asura.Ccl 2014-09-28 11:16:39
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Riverfin/Oceanfin is the only dd food in game atm :P
Posts: 860
By Highwynd 2014-09-28 11:28:12
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Hmm i should start making those, hardly anyone does shark anymore though, pain to find the fins. Also chicken bones are troublesome because to actually requires me to excavate(read:work)
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 102
By Carbuncle.Legato 2014-09-28 18:02:11
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DRG Guide updated.
September 29 2014.
Thank you for the contributions and input.
Posts: 860
By Highwynd 2014-10-01 21:40:14
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I've only had Ryunohige since June but I feel like the +30% to Drakesbane only affects the first hit or something. It feels 'weak' even on targets with low defense where the +30% would be extremely noticable. If Stardiver is going like ~7k to a mob, I'd expect Drakesbane to be doing like 9-10k from the +30% Damage(and higher fTP than Stardiver) except it's doing like 5-8k, only thing Star has over Drakes is a ~35% WSC difference(I'm sure my Drakes are overcapped attack on Behemoth) yet the damage is still meh, even with Rancorous/AF3 legs/Huginn Feet etc..
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