Sigurd's Descendants: The Art Of Dragon Slaying.

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Sigurd's Descendants: The Art of Dragon Slaying.
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By 2019-01-14 19:28:20
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Veikur 2019-01-14 19:53:18
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I dunno about ahead, but at minimum, it closed the gap a fair bit.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Casey
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By Ragnarok.Casey 2019-01-14 23:48:02
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Too bad empyrean AM3 doesn't work on jumps. I reconfirmed it earlier with my forever lvl 90 rhongo. put up AM3 and didn't see any damage spikes that could be explained only by ODD, but by DA/TA/QA
Server: Fenrir
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user: Skarwind
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By Fenrir.Skarwind 2019-01-15 01:12:07
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Ragnarok.Casey said: »
Too bad empyrean AM3 doesn't work on jumps. I reconfirmed it earlier with my forever lvl 90 rhongo. put up AM3 and didn't see any damage spikes that could be explained only by ODD, but by DA/TA/QA

Wondering if Relic will, just like it does with Eagle Eye Shot/Barrage.

Also curious if Gugnir augment is +15% Damage or +15% Attack (gear was changed/retranslated to that this update)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Veikur 2019-01-15 13:46:58
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I haven't seen any evidence Gungnir procing on jumps in the last 2ish years of owning and using one.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Skarwind
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By Fenrir.Skarwind 2019-01-15 15:07:39
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Asura.Veikur said: »
I haven't seen any evidence Gungnir procing on jumps in the last 2ish years of owning and using one.

That is pretty sad. Thanks! was just wondering.
By 2019-01-15 16:36:42
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Server: Fenrir
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user: Skarwind
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By Fenrir.Skarwind 2019-01-16 12:52:25
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So R15 Gungnir's "Jump Damage +15%" is indeed a 15% damage boost and not mistranslated like other pieces of gear were.
Server: Valefor
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user: Ophannus
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By Valefor.Ophannus 2019-01-23 15:33:19
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I've had Gungnir for years and never noticed it proc on jumps. It could have actually made the weapon more interesting during the 75 cap era, back when Geirskogul was such a fuggin meme weapon. It blows my mind that they buffed Gungnir so much in recent times because it has always been utter trash. Back in 2004, Geirskogul had AGI modifer (DRG has the 3rd worst Agility in the game and had literally no endgame +AGI equipment), the aftermath on Geirskogul used to be Shock Spikes, which dealt a whopping 15 damage and rarely stunned (also...when would a DRG ever get hate at 75 unless solo). To add salt to the wounds, the "Additional Effect: Defense Down" procs were 15% and would overwrite Angon's 20%. There's never been a more useless endgame weapon.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Veikur 2019-01-23 15:45:28
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By 2019-01-23 16:41:22
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Server: Fenrir
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user: Skarwind
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By Fenrir.Skarwind 2019-01-23 16:55:34
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Yeah back in the day it was pretty bad.

I did take R15 Gungnir out for a spin the other night in Dyna. I was actually impressed with it.

+The Defense Down Effect has also been fixed/does not overwrite angon. It also procs fairly often. Basically it procced on every monster.
I was saving Angon for Aurix/Leaders. I did toss a few on normal monsters though.
+ Attack+5% and Double Attack+5% some what redeems the aftermath a bit. (compared to what it used to be)
+The Jump DMG+15% is really nice over time.
- Shock spikes still suck
-While Gierskogul has been giving me good numbers, damage does not vary with tp (All relic WS are like this though). It's nice being able to make a hard hitting light skillchain without using C. Torment.

I don't have access to augment Aeonics just yet. So it's just something to play with until I can. I've been in that situation for a few months due to schedules conflicts IRL with Dyna runs. My best bet is grinding the job points right now.

The utility is pretty nice overall though.

Also I have to say I am really liking the unlocked jump timers.
By 2019-01-23 17:34:56
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Server: Leviathan
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user: Sidra
Posts: 334
By Leviathan.Sidra 2019-01-23 19:01:31
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I use Gungnir for all of Dynamis other than the W3 Boss. It's nice not having to waste a 3k WS for AM, you just Geirskogul at 1k when its down or Sekka at 2k. It aligns better with the start/stop nature of dynamis than a 3k AM weapon does (Rhon or Ryu).

The high ACC allows for the most flexiblity in Hybrid sets. And the random def down procs are nice given the high volume of mobs killed.

It's not even R15, as it's 3rd on my list to do and I am working on #2. But I like it in Dynamis.
By 2019-01-23 19:47:57
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Server: Leviathan
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user: Sidra
Posts: 334
By Leviathan.Sidra 2019-01-23 19:49:31
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A few random defense downs on trash crush for team dps compared to the individual difference between Trish and Gungnir, or at least I think so.

Jumps still account for a small percent of our overall damage. The 15% bonus is obvious mathematically more, but its not really a big dps increase.
By 2019-01-23 20:09:15
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Server: Leviathan
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user: Sidra
Posts: 334
By Leviathan.Sidra 2019-01-23 20:18:16
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I am not sure the neck needs testing. We know it's bis if you are getting full value of the pdif gain, and useless if you don't get any of it. The difficulty is it's such based on random buffs and debuffs which are changing in real time. I actually feel like the opposite as you so maybe our groups roll differently. I am pdif capped for most of the T3 boss fight. But cap on the trash or Fetters without the buffers SPs is much less consistent.

The +20 damage on the R15 Gungnir is way better than the Jump Damage.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Skarwind
Posts: 3371
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2019-01-23 23:26:04
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Bahamut.Shozokui said: »
Fenrir.Skarwind said: »
Also I have to say I am really liking the unlocked jump timers.

Do you have any DPS numbers from the parse on Wave 2 / Wave 3 boss?
Were you using the 59/60% WSD + DEX set?
Were you using a +1/+2 neck?
Using only Geirskogul or just putting up AM3?
Were you stacking the 15% Jump Damage with the Additional Effect from Ptero +3?

I'm very curious if the 15% jump damage warrants using the weapon in any scenario. I haven't put any detritus toward my Gungnir, just my Trishula. I've been teetering on making and R15ing Ryu for science or R15ing Gungnir for science.

We only did a farm run sadly. I've been dying to take another poke at Wave 3 stuff, but numbers have been down since the holidays.

I wish I saved it. My competition was a R15 Liberator DRK (He is decked and amazing at his job). I was about 3% under him. I kind of consider that an accomplishment since he gives my WAR a run for it's money. I know that us purely anecdotal and I apologize for not having any real numbers.

Buffs were equal, both COR and maxed out BRD, etc.

-Gear Set
I stacked as much weapon skill damage as I could. Honestly I still need to make a DEX/WSDMG cape. I've been using a STR+20/WSDMG+10 cape.
head={ name="Valorous Mask", augments={'Accuracy+17 Attack+17','Weapon skill damage +5%','Attack+9',}},
body={ name="Valorous Mail", augments={'Mag. Acc.+22','Weapon skill damage +4%','STR+9','Accuracy+14',}},
hands={ name="Ptero. Fin. G. +3", augments={'Enhances "Angon" effect',}},
legs="Vishap Brais +3",
feet="Sulev. Leggings +2",
neck="Dgn. Collar +2",
waist="Fotia Belt",
left_ear="Sherida Earring",
right_ear="Ishvara Earring",
left_ring="Niqmaddu Ring",
right_ring="Epaminondas's Ring",
back={ name="Brigantia's Mantle", augments={'STR+20','Accuracy+20 Attack+20','Weapon skill damage +10%',}},

I did try out Regal ring, Epa seemed to give me better numbers.

Debating on trying out Windbuffet+1 > Fotia. The Augmented modifier is pretty insane when Quad Attack procs.

- Currently was using the +2 Neck. It was only Rank 18 as of the last run I did. I was working on rank points.

-I was using Gierskogul from about 1k-1500 TP. During the tp overflow I was using Stardiver to take advantage of the damage varies with tp.

-Jump Gear
I still need some clears for the +3 body, I can't wait to play with it.

Again though, really sorry if this all sounded anecdotal.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2019-01-24 11:36:18
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3% is very vague :)

There is big difference between 3% in 38% vs 35% and 10% vs 7% :)|

Also imo Dynamis parses are the worst parses. There is sucha big lag that varies from player to player that it's just insane sometimes. You can have BRD outparsing WAR (both at the top lv) in Dynamis if BRD is from Japan and WAR from Europe lol

At best you can parse something like wave3 boss alone. Even wave2 boss can be misleading. I once couldnt engage wave2 boss till it had 60% hp left (was a 60 sec zerg).

And lets not pretend its even for everyone because I all the time see ppl WSing on one mob and few seconds later Wsing on next one, while for me the first mob is still alive on screen and I'm locked and cant switch target at all and that happens frequently. I feel like the lag is the worst for EU, than NA, than almost doesnt exist for JP, but im not sure about this.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2019-01-24 12:29:31
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Think the UK should actually have less latency than the east coast of the US, but I'm not overly familiar with the route the interweb tubes take.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2019-01-24 12:57:46
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Siren.Kyte said: »
Think the UK should actually have less latency than the east coast of the US, but I'm not overly familiar with the route the interweb tubes take.

Cant say too, I'm from Poland.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Skarwind
Posts: 3371
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2019-01-24 12:58:15
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Eh somebody else posted it on Discord
Time: 1 Hours, 53 Minutes 55s
DRK 6,022,330 26.1% DPS:881
DRG 5,625,009 24.4% DPS:822

Our latency was fine. Sorry for being vague.

Like I said, I'm dying to take a stab at a wave 3 boss again. Fenrir is kind of back water. More and more people end up leaving so that puts a damper on doing higher end stuff.

I'm sure somebody is going to pick this apart, have fun with that. I'm not a math guy.

All I was saying is that I'm happy it kept up/did alright. I wasn't a total leech and things died.

I'm not saying it's the best and trumps everything else. I'm saying it's usable and another option if you are looking to upgrade something/have money to burn.
By 2019-01-24 21:29:06
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Patbee
Posts: 88
By Asura.Patb 2019-01-25 11:08:50
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For Wave 3 bosses, are you guys just spamming Stardiver with Trish and spamming all the wyvern abilities to keep it alive? I'm thinking about trying to take my drg to do some wave 3 clears for people who missed them and don't want to gimp myself with the wyvern dying more than usual.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-01-25 11:53:07
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There aren't a heavy load of AOEs on Wave 3 that would present any real danger to the wyvern. Maybe Volte Cleaver doing MS Fell Cleave? Not seeing where the aoe damage on wyvern would be that bad for it to not stay alive, especially during the wave 3 boss.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Sidra
Posts: 334
By Leviathan.Sidra 2019-01-25 12:01:43
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You will lose your Wyvern to Odin on the W3 boss so be sure to go in with the timer up - but shouldn't have an issue the rest of the run. If you have Rhon, I would actually suggest it for the W3 boss. If your gameplay in dyana is anything like mine, WS don't fire off every time you want them to. In that scenario, Rhon has much less of a dps loss than Trish does.

Just don't stand in front of the NM Dragoons. Their Sonic Thrusts are beast mode.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2019-01-25 14:01:29
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Leviathan.Sidra said: »
You will lose your Wyvern to Odin on the W3 boss so be sure to go in with the timer up - but shouldn't have an issue the rest of the run. If you have Rhon, I would actually suggest it for the W3 boss. If your gameplay in dyana is anything like mine, WS don't fire off every time you want them to. In that scenario, Rhon has much less of a dps loss than Trish does.

Just don't stand in front of the NM Dragoons. Their Sonic Thrusts are beast mode.

Cant you simply super jump when Odin happens?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Sidra
Posts: 334
By Leviathan.Sidra 2019-01-25 16:12:24
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Id imagine you could with a bit of luck. I never tried.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2019-01-25 17:36:16
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I mean super jump is there exactly for something like this and you have more than enough time react too.
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