Sigurd's Descendants: The Art of Dragon Slaying.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-07-05 19:48:46
The Empyrean set never affected "attack", it simply had a chance for swings to deal double damage at 100% Wyvern HP. No ***, that's why I brought it up.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 58
By Bismarck.Darcain 2018-07-11 00:28:54
The +1 wyvern level might be pretty good if you only need it on once when you use Call Wyvern. If it needs to remain on to be in effect, then it's going to suck. I'd imagine it would at least be +70 to all Wyvern stats across the board or something. Likely it will also be BiS for breath damage and healing breath as well, considering breath potency has a cap that's easily reached these days.
Edited: I was able to get my hands on the nq Dragoon’s Collar to do some testing. Testing was done with an ilvl 119 wyvern and mastered Dragoon. I tested before and after Spirit Link, with other wyvern enhancing gear, and in Escha zones. I found that it gives the wyvern +37 Acc, +49 defense, and 26 eva in all situations it was tested in. However, attack seemed to change based on a % increase. Attack ranged from +29-40 depending on testing conditions, spirit link, other gear, buffs, etc. Hp is +9 before wyvern paramater increase from 5/5 Spirit Link and +12 after.
As someone else mentioned it is likely due to Smite job trait, and Escha vorseals being % based.
The conditions do not last if you remove the neck, so it does not work for Call Wyvern.
There was no increase in Smiting Breath damage. However, it may affect macc. But Adad Amulet already gives +20 macc. It was not tested for a Healing Breath set because there’s already a neck with +50 hp.
If anyone has something to add please do. If someone would like to add any of this to BGwiki that would be helpful.
By Sylph.Cherche 2018-07-11 03:48:25
Well, that's 5-6 more HP than I expected.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 58
By Bismarck.Darcain 2018-07-11 09:06:06
Same, based on the progression from 115-119.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-07-11 09:30:23
Quote: The conditions do not last if you remove the neck, so it does not work for Call Wyvern.
This means this neck is useless basically?
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2012
By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2018-07-11 14:38:21
The +1 wyvern level might be pretty good if you only need it on once when you use Call Wyvern. If it needs to remain on to be in effect, then it's going to suck. I'd imagine it would at least be +70 to all Wyvern stats across the board or something. Likely it will also be BiS for breath damage and healing breath as well, considering breath potency has a cap that's easily reached these days.
I was able to get my hands on the nq Dragoon’s Collar to do some testing. Testing was done with an ilvl 119 wyvern and mastered Dragoon. I tested before and after Spirit Link, with other wyvern enhancing gear, and in Escha zones. I found that it gives the wyvern +37 Acc, 12 hp, and 26 eva in all situations it was tested in. However, attack and defense seem to change based on a % increase or something different. Attack ranged from +29-40 depending on testing conditions, spirit link, other gear, buffs, etc. and defense was +49-54.
The conditions do not last if you remove the neck, so it does not work for Call Wyvern.
There was no increase in Smiting Breath damage. However, it may affect macc. But Adad Amulet already gives +20 macc. It was not tested for a Healing Breath set because there’s already a neck with +50 hp.
If anyone has something to add please do. If someone would like to add any of this to BGwiki that would be helpful.
Were there any changes to master att/def/haste when you had it on?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 58
By Bismarck.Darcain 2018-07-11 14:47:20
Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
Were there any changes to master att/def/haste when you had it on?
That's odd. I'm getting +20 attack even though the nq has att +15. I am only getting 15 acc tho. Defense is the same. I haven't tested haste.
Edit: Even in town with no pet out or Spirit Link boost I get +17 att. So it doesn't seem to be a fixed value.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-07-11 15:33:52
Were you taking Smite and Escha vorseals into account?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 58
By Bismarck.Darcain 2018-07-11 16:52:37
I didn't realize they were % based so that must by why I'm getting higher numbers than expected
By Ruaumoko 2018-07-13 20:00:26
I was hoping that the Dragoon Collar would affect the Attack/Defense/Double Attack and Haste bonus the Dragoon gets from the Wyvern but, unless the collar is bugged it's clearly not doing that.
Test done using Attack and Defense values as a measure.
No Wyvern and no Dragoon Collar
Attack: 1390
Defense: 1253
No Wyvern and Dragoon Collar
Attack: 1385
Defense: 1243
Wyvern Lv.5 and Dragoon Collar
Attack: 1679
Defense: 1538
Wyvern Lv.5 and no Dragoon Collar
Attack: 1685
Defense: 1550
Conclusion: either the Dragoon Collar is bugged and that's why its not affecting the Dragoon or it's just trash.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-07-13 21:01:17
It's working as intended; SE stated around the time of the update that the collar just gives a small number of fixed stats to the wyvern, similar to the Avatar level +2 stat on Nirvana.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2012
By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2018-07-14 08:07:34
It's working as intended; SE stated around the time of the update that the collar just gives a small number of fixed stats to the wyvern, similar to the Avatar level +2 stat on Nirvana.
so then it's just trash
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2012
By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2018-07-14 08:08:33
I was hoping that the Dragoon Collar would affect the Attack/Defense/Double Attack and Haste bonus the Dragoon gets from the Wyvern but, unless the collar is bugged it's clearly not doing that.
Test done using Attack and Defense values as a measure.
No Wyvern and no Dragoon Collar
Attack: 1390
Defense: 1253
No Wyvern and Dragoon Collar
Attack: 1385
Defense: 1243
Wyvern Lv.5 and Dragoon Collar
Attack: 1679
Defense: 1538
Wyvern Lv.5 and no Dragoon Collar
Attack: 1685
Defense: 1550
Conclusion: either the Dragoon Collar is bugged and that's why its not affecting the Dragoon or it's just trash.
what was your baseline collar?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 334
By Leviathan.Sidra 2018-07-14 09:26:59
Well that is pretty useless. "Hey, let's make the Wyvern that does 30 dps do 32 dps." Was really hoping it would make Spirit Link'd level go to +6.
Edit: any chance you need to Spirit Link twice? Since one only gets +5, maybe it requires another to get the other level? Long-shot, but worth a try.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 241
By Valefor.Ophannus 2018-07-16 10:09:10
Why would you be under the impression that the Dragoon Collar would affect the player, when it clearly says Wyvern Level +1. This is analogous to Divinator or Seraphicaller. Check your pet parameters. It probably gives a decent boost to their stats. Sucks it doesn't last after changing like Wyrm armor does for subjob traits. Really makes it a worthless piece.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 334
By Leviathan.Sidra 2018-07-16 18:33:34
The hope was that instead of just being +1 level, the actual level it was referring to was the Wyvern Level gained from Spirit Link/Empathy which then impacts the Dragoon's stats.
It doesn't appear be the the case, but that was the thought process.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 397
By Sylph.Braden 2018-07-19 12:45:55
Going over the last 10 or so pages for bits to throw into the DRG spreadsheet by request of a certain Taru, saw this:
They really screwed this one [Fly High] over compared to the test server version though. It used to be a full minute of 0 recast jumps. 10 second recasts under a 30 second duration is not nearly as impressive. You could literally murder flying NMs on the test server by jump spamming them to death. And the new relic body would have made this even more interesting... But nope. SE went, "DRG too strong, must nerf!" -.-;
Back when people were first discovering Astral Conduit zergs (is that still a thing?), I played around with the spreadsheet to see how good a 0 delay Fly High would be with then-current gear. Was something around 25k DPS? I forget. Would've been a lot of fun, reminiscent of when Quick Draw had no delay for a couple days back in like 2008.
By Sylph.Cherche 2018-07-22 21:41:29
Back when people were first discovering Astral Conduit zergs (is that still a thing?). They are. :|
By Faelar 2018-07-27 16:40:16
Are the sets in the OP up to date?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-07-27 16:52:24
Not even close to up to date. In fact I think most of the gear in those sets is totally obsolete.
The sets in the Here be DRGs Guide on BGwiki though, are quite current.
By Faelar 2018-07-27 17:01:23
Not even close to up to date. In fact I think most of the gear in those sets is totally obsolete.
The sets in the Here be DRGs Guide on BGwiki though, are quite current.
Awesome, thank you. :)
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 58
By Bismarck.Darcain 2018-08-01 17:18:47
Going over the last 10 or so pages for bits to throw into the DRG spreadsheet by request of a certain Taru
Welcome back. I would appreciate an updated spreadsheet as well pls^
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Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 334
By Leviathan.Sidra 2018-09-01 11:20:06
Just catching up on some threads and looking at possible rema upgrades. Is it possible that Trish can get Stardiver+20%? Not too many of the Aeonic weaponskills are spammable, that would be a legit DRG buff.
By Boshi 2018-09-01 12:16:12
I would assume from what we saw of DRK that aeonics are getting the lowest boost to their WS.
relic +20%
mythic +15%
empy +10%
aeonic +10%
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 58
By Bismarck.Darcain 2018-09-10 18:32:57
Dragoon's Collar +2 augments are [1] Str+15 Vit+15, [2] Physical Damage Limit +10%, [3] Wyvern: Damage Taken -25%
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 334
By Leviathan.Sidra 2018-09-10 18:49:16
Assuming it's an increase from 3.75 > 4.125 max pdif, works on weaponskills, and combined with the 15 STR, it's a pretty big weaponskill buff versus the Fotia Gorget in situations where you gain the advantage of the extra pdif.
Just sucks we lose a stat to the Wyvern, on both the main collar and augments.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-09-10 20:12:14
initial numbers on polearms after augments for three minute long fights, using the sets on BG's guide only with flamma hands in place of acro:
Ryu (Spamming Drakesbane): ~4750 DPS
Trish (Spamming Stardiver): ~4900
Rhong (Cam for AM3, spam Stardiver): ~5025
ryu got a lot closer and trish and rho are in about the same spot on the hierarchy between each other where even a random sc off your stardiver will put trish above rho in a zerg. new ryu is above the other two's old deeps. i didn't bother with gungnir yet since i still need to re-include jumps with decent information on gear now.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 334
By Leviathan.Sidra 2018-09-10 20:16:09
I am really curious about Gungnir. It got the biggest base damage increase. The + Jump damage is at least a direct increase in some damage and may help Fly High. And given all the new +pdif bonuses on the necks, it may be useful to have another source of def down in groups as well as the AM bonus maybe coming into play more often for a DRG with the neck.
And Austar - you're awesome.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-09-10 20:22:20
do we know for sure it's a pdif boost, though? i haven't seen any proper testing for it.
and when/if i add jumps, i should really just re-write the whole thing to add things my newer ones have