Sigurd's Descendants: The Art of Dragon Slaying.
By Sylph.Cherche 2018-04-30 12:02:50
Part of it is going to be the WSC mod. 60 STR/VIT vs 80 DEX.
You're also probably below attack cap, so you're likely benefiting from Camlann ignoring some defense.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2018-04-30 12:05:59
If I had to guess it would be the combination of a 60% STR/60% VIT mod vs. 80% DEX mod and Camlann's Ignore Defense trait.
Valorous gear has a lot of both STR and VIT which puts it at a big advantage up front on the WS. Those Apex bats are pretty strong defense wise too, I even running with a geo I'm not sure I cap attack sometimes.
The WSC bonus from gear difference is 221 base damage increase on Camlann's vs 132 base damage increase on Geirskogul in your sets above. So you're getting 90 base damage bonus from gear on Camlann's over Geirskogul right now.
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-05-10 00:23:11
Quote: "Adds 75% of wyvern's max HP as additional damage" and "Adds 100% of wyvern's max HP as additional damage" have been applied to the job abilities High Jump and Soul Jump as well.
As such, item help text referencing these properties now reads as follows.
"All Jumps: Adds 75% of wyvern's max HP as additional damage" / "All Jumps: Adds 100% of wyvern's max HP as additional damage"
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 224
By Sylph.Snk 2018-05-10 16:58:03
I need to grab another Valorous Mail for Stardiver. For now I've been using AF+3 Body Combined with a Regal Ring for an insane amount of Accuracy. The Base STR/DEX isn't bad. The store TP isn't too shabby either.
Quote: STR+41 DEX+31 VIT+41 AGI+31 INT+31 MND+31 CHR+31 Accuracy+*72 (With Regal Ring) Attack+35 Evasion+61 Magic Evasion+73 "Magic Def. Bonus"+5 Haste+3% "Store TP"+8
If I'm fighting a dragon, Founder's Mail is very nice too.
As for Valor Legs in that top tier set, I haven't had any luck. Sulevia+2 legs are very good though. Basically you just upgrade them and you are done.
If you have your omen items squared away this set is pretty easy to get.
ItemSet 353468
Cam. Torment/Gimpulse Drive
ItemSet 358636
I still need to make the hands.
My Valorous Mail has Acc/Attack+19 WSDMG+7 and PDT-7
Pardon my ignorance since I'm slowly rebuilding my DRG also but I thought Flamma Body+2 would be better for Stardiver over AF Body+3. Just seriously asking, Not trying to troll and Sul Legs+2 are better then AF legs+3 also for it?
Also I would love to get a peek at your TP sets also!
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2018-05-10 22:54:22
+10 str (with set bonus) at the cost of ~30 acc and 35 atk. If you don’t need the acc sure.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 768
By Asura.Lunafreya 2018-05-13 08:43:23
Any suggestions on which piece(s) to try to get good DM augments on during the event for DRG? Probably just Val Mail/Hose or perhaps I am better off rolling on gear for another job.
I was thinking a good QA Val Mail would be a great Stardiver piece but I’m not too familiar with how DM augs work exactly and don’t know if you can get the STR/Acc/Atk slots as well.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3371
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2018-05-16 14:00:34
Any suggestions on which piece(s) to try to get good DM augments on during the event for DRG? Probably just Val Mail/Hose or perhaps I am better off rolling on gear for another job.
I was thinking a good QA Val Mail would be a great Stardiver piece but I’m not too familiar with how DM augs work exactly and don’t know if you can get the STR/Acc/Atk slots as well.
I'm sure you can but it is completely random. Best of luck.
I've been getting garbage augs so far.
By Ruaumoko 2018-05-23 06:52:26
someone just told me that Cam. Torment hits can proc on more than one hit i though it was a single hit ws ..........would it be worth it to use any double and triple attack gear for it then or just stick to str vit and wsd like im doing now ?? Given that it's a single hit WS I would say it's impossible.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-05-23 08:16:30
You can double, triple, or quadruple attack a single hit weapon skill as far as I'm aware, but wsd will provide more consistent results more frequently vs MA. if there are places or pieces where you have both, certainly use them. Priority should be wsd, modifiers, MA if you have it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 41
By Asura.Valguard 2018-05-23 08:19:29
You can multi attack on Camlann's Torment but it is only given a 1.0 FTP on those hits after the first. I've missed first hit but caught the double attack occasionally and only do like 1500 vs the 15K it should've hit for. The TP return is usually like 16 or w/e my store tp is multiplied with 10. So those extra hits don't get the FTP multiplier or the WSDMG as far as I understand.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-05-25 12:32:09
You should be 5/5 stardiver because, honestly, DRG needs that boost more than WAR does for Upheaval, or even Resolution.
I had a similar scenario before i made fomal/trish. I would keep resolution 5/5, Go 5/5 stardiver, and put 1 in shoha/last stand only when you are changnig to those jobs. If you gain exp as often as I do, its literally nothing to acquire 20~ merit points to unlock it. If you must keep 5 in Upheaval, then it would look something like:
reso: 5
stardiver: 5
Upheaval: 3-5
when playing sam: shoha -1
when playing rng: last stand 1
Flip between the bottom 3 when you are using those jobs. I'd just drop to 3/5 Upheaval and keep the latter 2 1/5, since WAR needs less ws support vs drg, and can compete at that level. But DRG shouldn't be compromised IMO, because Stardiver is too good for DRG and it's their bnb
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-05-25 14:06:38
upheaval, resolution, last stand. aeonic gives you 5/5 of the ws without merits when equipped.
By Afania 2018-05-25 15:13:15
You should be 5/5 stardiver because, honestly, DRG needs that boost more than WAR does for Upheaval, or even Resolution.
I had a similar scenario before i made fomal/trish. I would keep resolution 5/5, Go 5/5 stardiver, and put 1 in shoha/last stand only when you are changnig to those jobs. If you gain exp as often as I do, its literally nothing to acquire 20~ merit points to unlock it. If you must keep 5 in Upheaval, then it would look something like:
reso: 5
stardiver: 5
Upheaval: 3-5
when playing sam: shoha -1
when playing rng: last stand 1
Flip between the bottom 3 when you are using those jobs. I'd just drop to 3/5 Upheaval and keep the latter 2 1/5, since WAR needs less ws support vs drg, and can compete at that level. But DRG shouldn't be compromised IMO, because Stardiver is too good for DRG and it's their bnb
Same, I would keep reso, upheaval and stardiver 5/5 in his case and remove 1-2 ws points for last stand or shoha when sam or rng run into situations that needs it. Upheaval is too important for ukon users and fusion ws is big in 6 man party due to awesome synergy with cor Savage blade. While shoha is just a SC linking ws for solo multi step, which isn't particularly common in 6 man pt from my playing experience.
Rng is quite niche too, and when anni is called for(rarely happen) enmity is often an issue that you may as well use coronach.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-06-07 13:06:41
lack of information on jumps is part of why i didn’t add to my simulation, hopefully they clear up a lot of that information
Bumping this comment. Do we have enough info now?
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-06-07 14:19:10
probably. i need to go in and add a lot of that though, so will be awhile since i still take summer classes
By andy1110 2018-06-08 21:48:28
hi everyone, new to drg and got a few questions. there are so many jumps and a few share the same timer, so what jumps to use during a combat? i read the bg drg guide that it depends on the wyvern? so is it like to jump if wyvern died and soul jump otherwise?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-06-08 22:04:08
Wyvern alive: soul and spirit jump
Wyvern dead (aka you're useless): jump and high jump
Need to lose hate: high jump/super jump
To shed all hate/avoid nasty tp moves: super jump
If spirit surge is active and angon is down/wiped: jump
Your goal should be too keep your wyvern alive at all times, else your dps will fall to pathetic levels. In other words, for the majority of the time, you'll be using soul jump and spirit jump, unless conditions above apply.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 241
By Valefor.Ophannus 2018-06-12 09:37:26
BTW Spirit/Soul have fixed enmity regardless of how much damage they deal and it's super low, like 1 CE. I think that's the equivalent of a missed swing or something.
By Sylph.Cherche 2018-07-05 02:27:07
Aram is crap, unless augments are a thing. Even Gungnir poops on it.
Necklace is a decent ACC swap. Maybe, but extremely unlikely, ilvl 120 Wyvern is a beast.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-07-05 08:18:30
depending on how the 6% "attack" functions, it might be better than gungnir. remember that empyrean set also says "attack" is based on wyvern HP and it's a flat damage increase.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-07-05 09:56:32
The Wyvern Lv+1 is actually what I imagined it would be, but certainly would have loved it being added buffs through wyvern level up/empathy
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 241
By Valefor.Ophannus 2018-07-05 11:06:56
I imagine these weapons are the early stages of a weapon that will reach its full potential in future patches. The +1 wyvern level might be pretty good if you only need it on once when you use Call Wyvern. If it needs to remain on to be in effect, then it's going to suck. I'd imagine it would at least be +70 to all Wyvern stats across the board or something. Likely it will also be BiS for breath damage and healing breath as well, considering breath potency has a cap that's easily reached these days.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-07-05 11:13:44
SE has been getting somewhat pseudo-creative with DRG stuff lately. I'm wishfully hoping for an enhancement to the neck, once augmented. Something to the effect of - "Wyvern: Extends Healing Breath to area of effect"
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 241
By Valefor.Ophannus 2018-07-05 11:38:39
LOL would never happen. A hateless, MP-less, un-silenced, Curaga V? I'd rather them do something more creative:
-Allow for elemental breath to be based off of Max HP
-Trait that gives 50% of Wyvern TP to the Dragoon
-Wyvern does a Dive when we use a Jump
-An ability that gives us Save TP+500 for 30 seconds.
By Sylph.Cherche 2018-07-05 13:13:36
depending on how the 6% "attack" functions, it might be better than gungnir. remember that empyrean set also says "attack" is based on wyvern HP and it's a flat damage increase. -7 Base Damage, -2.5x procs, -10 ACC, -Gierskogul (4.2 fTP Light/Distorion WS, DA/ATT+5% Aftermath and lolShockSpikes), -17.5% Defense Down
In exchange for, +150 HP, +100 Magic Damage (lol Raiden Thrust), +27 MACC (Yay Leg Sweep?) and Adds 6% of wyvern's current HP to Attack.
At best, it's +100ish, scaling with Wyvern HP, damage per swing. At worst, it's just +100ish ATT with the scaling stipulation.
And on the contrary, DRK got the same effect,although weaker at 3%, but with their own HP. Which can, with relative frequency, reach 9999. So, potentially 3x better. Great balance.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-07-05 18:27:29
I added new weapon to my sim and excluded the wyvern bonus on it. it's roughly 5% behind in a three minute fight, but attack isn't capped here.
Code Three Minute Sims.: gungnir
3591.04 (WS : 14702.11 )
3720.24 (WS : 15242.31 )
3839.05 (WS : 15826.37 )
3742.39 (WS : 15711.66 )
3621.98 (WS : 15336.05 )
3562.84 (WS : 14296.76 )
3645.23 (WS : 15138.73 )
3930.73 (WS : 15988.36 )
3843.66 (WS : 15501.54 )
3603.32 (WS : 15260.47 )
3730.59 (WS : 15595.89 )
3858.7 (WS : 15746.14 )
3791.93 (WS : 15989.17 )
3963.3 (WS : 15680.39 )
3725.98 (WS : 15439.24 )
3669.79 (WS : 15143.59 )
3675.68 (WS : 15054.9 )
3562.67 (WS : 15016.2 )
3626.32 (WS : 16631.36 )
3931.68 (WS : 16055.08 )
3367.59 (WS : 13733.18 )
3624.37 (WS : 15764.63 )
3559.66 (WS : 15659.72 )
3845.74 (WS : 14613.7 )
3856.51 (WS : 15496.31 )
3821.67 (WS : 15857.07 )
3691.63 (WS : 16288.62 )
3737.19 (WS : 15674.63 )
3900.49 (WS : 16229.02 )
3695.91 (WS : 15512.8 )
3671.45 (WS : 15302.55 )
3660.72 (WS : 14999.2 )
3469.21 (WS : 14896.18 )
3861.03 (WS : 16284.23 )
3655.36 (WS : 15763.85 )
3758.52 (WS : 15641.32 )
3545.22 (WS : 15343.61 )
3620.37 (WS : 14959.76 )
3815.09 (WS : 15774.68 )
4038.73 (WS : 16608.64 )
3626.2 (WS : 14862.72 )
3642.33 (WS : 15629.17 )
3493.15 (WS : 14711.51 )
3871.85 (WS : 15620.4 )
3626.63 (WS : 14955.59 )
3727.86 (WS : 15575.8 )
3821.48 (WS : 14863.73 )
3599.15 (WS : 15019.04 )
3518.23 (WS : 15614.56 )
3784.3 (WS : 15261.39 )
3554.34 (WS : 15949.72 )
3569.06 (WS : 15726.69 )
3729.84 (WS : 15150.81 )
4009.15 (WS : 16010.65 )
3655.7 (WS : 14902.67 )
3643.45 (WS : 15050.21 )
3361.78 (WS : 14272.9 )
3937.84 (WS : 15489.5 )
3424.86 (WS : 14923.25 )
3475.35 (WS : 15130.54 )
3707.64 (WS : 14906.09 )
3219.76 (WS : 14312.26 )
3817.59 (WS : 15831.72 )
3780.74 (WS : 15900.35 )
3441.55 (WS : 15386.52 )
3928.78 (WS : 15930.79 )
3739.76 (WS : 16213.69 )
3290.04 (WS : 14970.45 )
3666.38 (WS : 14391.69 )
3633.15 (WS : 15616.23 )
3650.46 (WS : 14553.28 )
3674.48 (WS : 14698.12 )
3667.63 (WS : 15184.97 )
3616.45 (WS : 15606.23 )
3613.7 (WS : 15384.42 )
3777.55 (WS : 15909.9 )
3508.45 (WS : 14279.27 )
3399.9 (WS : 15252.21 )
3648.13 (WS : 15471.71 )
3733.43 (WS : 15750.51 )
3480.97 (WS : 14703.81 )
3910.9 (WS : 16123.27 )
3685.96 (WS : 15268.08 )
3664.73 (WS : 15264.35 )
3544.71 (WS : 14689.32 )
3732.37 (WS : 15890.47 )
3700.74 (WS : 15452.77 )
3732.31 (WS : 15178.71 )
3616.36 (WS : 15532.54 )
3774.1 (WS : 15402.87 )
3930.12 (WS : 15828.51 )
3573.4 (WS : 14342.22 )
3515.86 (WS : 15040.5 )
3760.23 (WS : 15726.11 )
3606.87 (WS : 14893.76 )
3743.8 (WS : 15260.41 )
3806.84 (WS : 15433.67 )
3545.57 (WS : 14873.32 )
3807.0 (WS : 15603.53 )
3853.2 (WS : 15847.64 )
Average of runs: 3684.08
Code Simulated Average: aram 3416.8 (WS : 14826.45 )
AA Percent: 0.29 WS Percent: 0.71
Three Minute Sims.: aram
3473.06 (WS : 14608.38 )
3325.63 (WS : 14033.3 )
3552.51 (WS : 14978.68 )
3486.17 (WS : 15084.97 )
3257.57 (WS : 14981.71 )
3559.78 (WS : 15716.42 )
3857.22 (WS : 16094.32 )
3259.47 (WS : 14235.4 )
3560.28 (WS : 16125.54 )
3413.02 (WS : 14232.08 )
3277.12 (WS : 14648.79 )
3464.5 (WS : 15519.63 )
3305.41 (WS : 14011.6 )
3290.23 (WS : 14434.17 )
3689.61 (WS : 15618.8 )
3605.91 (WS : 14832.32 )
3563.42 (WS : 15511.77 )
3505.88 (WS : 15247.98 )
3455.18 (WS : 14821.45 )
3518.22 (WS : 15965.63 )
3608.92 (WS : 15877.06 )
3512.7 (WS : 14975.22 )
3482.07 (WS : 15741.08 )
3526.87 (WS : 15273.38 )
3514.07 (WS : 15793.28 )
3521.94 (WS : 14814.1 )
3637.63 (WS : 15373.08 )
3170.45 (WS : 14205.94 )
3695.38 (WS : 14859.74 )
3292.44 (WS : 14368.22 )
3511.14 (WS : 14704.98 )
3371.89 (WS : 14816.36 )
3319.16 (WS : 14251.92 )
3705.45 (WS : 15458.88 )
3496.51 (WS : 14541.09 )
3494.83 (WS : 15755.12 )
3427.3 (WS : 15077.59 )
3531.45 (WS : 15499.07 )
3597.41 (WS : 15732.79 )
3518.17 (WS : 15939.33 )
3367.83 (WS : 14712.89 )
3598.47 (WS : 16056.94 )
3298.3 (WS : 14763.94 )
3473.75 (WS : 15196.34 )
3383.52 (WS : 14834.72 )
3636.76 (WS : 15578.43 )
3481.97 (WS : 15841.92 )
3677.8 (WS : 16125.36 )
3381.25 (WS : 15258.69 )
3622.1 (WS : 15865.93 )
3543.68 (WS : 15286.37 )
3506.16 (WS : 15177.13 )
3413.17 (WS : 14518.06 )
3523.87 (WS : 15094.4 )
3488.68 (WS : 14689.2 )
3922.72 (WS : 15825.41 )
3283.84 (WS : 15021.34 )
3381.01 (WS : 13933.53 )
3386.99 (WS : 14410.73 )
3477.74 (WS : 14819.15 )
3602.86 (WS : 15146.22 )
3438.73 (WS : 15352.68 )
3206.79 (WS : 14243.92 )
3236.15 (WS : 13750.41 )
3580.65 (WS : 15748.73 )
3382.65 (WS : 15241.66 )
3424.32 (WS : 15622.41 )
3799.32 (WS : 16517.36 )
3441.8 (WS : 14601.09 )
3376.06 (WS : 14413.87 )
3658.36 (WS : 15146.81 )
3349.56 (WS : 14541.34 )
3592.75 (WS : 15104.62 )
3077.87 (WS : 14329.54 )
3569.64 (WS : 14838.22 )
3291.31 (WS : 14878.06 )
3754.78 (WS : 15751.76 )
3431.85 (WS : 14276.75 )
3755.18 (WS : 16291.28 )
3471.11 (WS : 15353.3 )
3480.48 (WS : 15412.63 )
3478.92 (WS : 15019.24 )
3596.38 (WS : 15159.97 )
3724.34 (WS : 16284.82 )
3709.16 (WS : 16489.04 )
3612.68 (WS : 15613.66 )
3644.12 (WS : 14503.01 )
3660.22 (WS : 15805.09 )
3494.8 (WS : 15731.27 )
3354.81 (WS : 14362.82 )
3509.78 (WS : 14948.67 )
3550.74 (WS : 15277.95 )
3617.48 (WS : 15459.23 )
3573.52 (WS : 15899.7 )
3777.95 (WS : 16293.34 )
3606.35 (WS : 15785.5 )
3601.71 (WS : 16041.16 )
3700.8 (WS : 15180.98 )
3427.29 (WS : 15022.84 )
3193.05 (WS : 14701.38 )
Average of runs: 3499.62
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-07-05 18:32:44
adding 100 attack to it puts aram at a ratio of 4 TP and 4.10 WS (still under cap of 4.125) and above examples had a ratio of 3.79 TP and 3.88 WS:
Code Simulated Average: aram 3723.72 (WS : 16550.5 )
AA Percent: 0.28 WS Percent: 0.72
Three Minute Sims.: aram
3685.02 (WS : 16982.6 )
3651.33 (WS : 17147.59 )
4078.76 (WS : 18321.88 )
3779.62 (WS : 17245.32 )
3849.11 (WS : 18053.88 )
3542.58 (WS : 16270.57 )
3960.89 (WS : 17666.59 )
3922.84 (WS : 17230.23 )
3824.33 (WS : 16798.68 )
3870.54 (WS : 16417.18 )
3833.43 (WS : 16571.85 )
3821.3 (WS : 16418.6 )
3693.1 (WS : 16336.81 )
3709.58 (WS : 16050.04 )
3980.13 (WS : 18036.19 )
3806.03 (WS : 17432.27 )
4063.35 (WS : 16705.08 )
3958.87 (WS : 16157.81 )
3983.69 (WS : 17728.01 )
3812.08 (WS : 17597.18 )
3925.51 (WS : 17522.94 )
3987.39 (WS : 17427.0 )
3609.91 (WS : 17069.91 )
3800.5 (WS : 16312.85 )
3675.52 (WS : 16400.64 )
3812.85 (WS : 17489.52 )
3631.53 (WS : 16397.78 )
3630.43 (WS : 16427.15 )
3823.13 (WS : 17347.05 )
3625.99 (WS : 16314.61 )
3999.4 (WS : 17357.61 )
3914.79 (WS : 16796.98 )
3701.74 (WS : 16682.57 )
3903.68 (WS : 17369.69 )
3584.0 (WS : 15667.11 )
4033.9 (WS : 17509.09 )
3754.37 (WS : 17311.46 )
3858.86 (WS : 18362.86 )
3737.04 (WS : 16912.59 )
3760.41 (WS : 16248.24 )
3846.86 (WS : 16958.95 )
3844.74 (WS : 15814.57 )
4171.61 (WS : 17237.95 )
3758.5 (WS : 18015.48 )
3951.1 (WS : 16749.71 )
3751.54 (WS : 17012.69 )
3735.22 (WS : 16334.31 )
3630.49 (WS : 16495.26 )
4033.32 (WS : 17965.81 )
3770.4 (WS : 16788.18 )
3887.11 (WS : 16257.07 )
3582.78 (WS : 15480.67 )
3940.29 (WS : 17552.15 )
3806.1 (WS : 16134.69 )
3912.46 (WS : 16722.67 )
3546.41 (WS : 16459.67 )
3975.44 (WS : 16997.55 )
3746.64 (WS : 16691.79 )
3751.07 (WS : 16529.96 )
3749.76 (WS : 16548.41 )
4013.25 (WS : 16318.65 )
4146.64 (WS : 18208.68 )
3704.84 (WS : 16464.02 )
3883.19 (WS : 17639.78 )
3845.41 (WS : 18027.37 )
3717.96 (WS : 16521.93 )
3932.57 (WS : 17619.22 )
3753.64 (WS : 16261.1 )
3754.07 (WS : 17186.06 )
3782.94 (WS : 16080.87 )
3659.29 (WS : 17200.03 )
3886.4 (WS : 17849.11 )
3642.63 (WS : 16988.59 )
3890.39 (WS : 17349.6 )
3577.56 (WS : 16014.83 )
3570.81 (WS : 16023.88 )
3826.93 (WS : 15688.05 )
3810.77 (WS : 16869.07 )
3850.04 (WS : 16898.34 )
3876.04 (WS : 16564.43 )
3876.24 (WS : 17384.49 )
3674.37 (WS : 16839.83 )
4064.44 (WS : 16795.81 )
3879.61 (WS : 17004.45 )
3671.06 (WS : 17304.74 )
3759.59 (WS : 17667.93 )
3927.19 (WS : 17164.03 )
3766.61 (WS : 16651.18 )
3684.08 (WS : 17024.04 )
3678.13 (WS : 17079.16 )
3700.59 (WS : 16731.55 )
3632.08 (WS : 16583.91 )
3810.82 (WS : 17236.57 )
3937.32 (WS : 17115.1 )
3948.64 (WS : 17705.56 )
3793.26 (WS : 16843.88 )
4242.85 (WS : 18821.74 )
3758.9 (WS : 15625.0 )
3991.1 (WS : 17841.82 )
3864.73 (WS : 17073.37 )
Average of runs: 3817.76
at capped attack, it falls behind again about 4-5%, though.