Sigurd's Descendants: The Art Of Dragon Slaying.

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Sigurd's Descendants: The Art of Dragon Slaying.
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By Odin.Kuroganashi 2018-03-15 16:55:59
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Odin.Kuroganashi said: »
Been looking at this forums and there is a lot of info all over the place and outdated sets on 1st page :(

so I decided to make some Itemsets of what I been using for my DRG ^^

Hopefully, this helps somebody that been looking for all the info in 1 place (I do not have BIS however, I do believe its pretty solid Set).

here it is:

***Lots of sets***

If anybody has any suggestions/Other SETS please let me know.

Thank you.
Your avatar is almost exactly the same GIF that BG applies to users that have been banned. so I had this momentary thought that you'd just got banned for your post. then realized, wrong forums,. lol

For current up-to-date sets you might try here.

I figure I'll leave the DPS related changes to the linked guide, however...

A few set related thoughts.
Cure received set: Jumalik mail is cure potency only. no received there.

Fast cast set: Solmemnity cape? No idea why that's in there. Brigantia's with FC+10.

DRG HB Midcast: Why stikini rings? These should have null impact on HB. Dragoon's earring? No WHP there and breath ACC+ doesn't matter on HB. Anastasi Earring instead?

Elemental breath: Ele breaths use current HP not max, just like you stated. Thus adding WHP+ gear is pointless unless you plan to idle in it. This being the case, what would Emicho body/Despair hands/AF legs and relic feet do for you? Every one of those slots should be Breath+/PET:MACC+ augmented Acro.

Spirit Link: It's a very small mod, but spirit link does actually have a MND mod. iirc it's 1 mnd to 2 HP, but if you have the gear on you already, may as well fill in with MND+

Steady Wing: Not sure what the point of Isa belt is here. Also Dragoon's Earring, again? Did you mean to put Anastasi Earring?

Angon: Why fill in an entire set for this? There are only 2 pieces of gear that do anything to Angon at all.

Well, again, the idea was to put all sets into 1 Post, so new DRGs can check easily and gear quickly.

I know I don't got BIS armor, and alot of what you said makes sense, however, don't got DRG Earring, got PUP one instead.

also, I did put a note where it says Smiting Breath is "Current HP" and Healing is "Max HP"
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-03-15 17:33:42
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Well, it's fine if you don't have Anastasi earring, but don't put Dragoon's earring in HB and steady wing instead. It does literally nothing for them.

And yes, I saw your note about Breaths and wyvern HP. Then I referenced said note and asked why you were using WHP+ gear on a breath that uses current HP. It does nothing. It'd be one thing if you just didn't know ele breaths were based on current wyvern HP, but you put a note about it right under the set and you've still got WHP+ gear in the set. This makes no sense.

EDIT:Oh, also. On your ele breath set. Breath+10 augmented updraft is far more powerful than brigantia. In fact, with Wyrm+1, lancer's, and glassblower's, you should already be capping the normal breath+ term. So that Breath+15 from brigantia is having zero effect. On the other hand, Breath+ augments are a separate term, not subject to the normal cap. So an augmented Updraft would have a significant effect here.

This may be useful.
Look at the elemental breath and enhances breath equipment sections
By Odin.Kuroganashi 2018-03-16 09:15:16
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Well, it's fine if you don't have Anastasi earring, but don't put Dragoon's earring in HB and steady wing instead. It does literally nothing for them.

And yes, I saw your note about Breaths and wyvern HP. Then I referenced said note and asked why you were using WHP+ gear on a breath that uses current HP. It does nothing. It'd be one thing if you just didn't know ele breaths were based on current wyvern HP, but you put a note about it right under the set and you've still got WHP+ gear in the set. This makes no sense.

EDIT:Oh, also. On your ele breath set. Breath+10 augmented updraft is far more powerful than brigantia. In fact, with Wyrm+1, lancer's, and glassblower's, you should already be capping the normal breath+ term. So that Breath+15 from brigantia is having zero effect. On the other hand, Breath+ augments are a separate term, not subject to the normal cap. So an augmented Updraft would have a significant effect here.

This may be useful.
Look at the elemental breath and enhances breath equipment sections

Ty sir :)

I used to DRG back in the day but quit until I got my Trishula 3~4 days ago ^^;

So re-gearing and all that, I am nowhere as knowledgeable as you guys, so any suggestions and info be Amazing :D

I really like it tho, its a great job but I do need to understand it better.

for example:

1)Doesn't Wyvern do Breath to heal HP and one to Remove Stats? How Do I proc which one or is it automatically trigger by his healing breath?

2) back in the day I recall /RDM (Poisona) or /BLU (Pollen) to proc Breath healing, now we got JA to do so, but is /WHM /SCH /RDM /BLU Obsolete?

3) I do DRG/SAM but was reading Wyvern doesn't Benefit from Hasso at all, so am I to assume that Hasso is only for me, is there anything /SAM does for my Wyvern?

4) Updraft Mantle (MAX Augment) V.S. Ambuscade Mantle for Elemental Breath?

5) Would you recommend more Store TP or ACC/ATK on all my Jumps?

6)why do jumps miss so much ><? and would you put Pet ATK+ armor so wyvern can do more dmg on jumps too? (Doubt it but its a Valid question)

Thank you for the info ^^
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-03-16 09:40:32
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Odin.Kuroganashi said: »
Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Well, it's fine if you don't have Anastasi earring, but don't put Dragoon's earring in HB and steady wing instead. It does literally nothing for them.

And yes, I saw your note about Breaths and wyvern HP. Then I referenced said note and asked why you were using WHP+ gear on a breath that uses current HP. It does nothing. It'd be one thing if you just didn't know ele breaths were based on current wyvern HP, but you put a note about it right under the set and you've still got WHP+ gear in the set. This makes no sense.

EDIT:Oh, also. On your ele breath set. Breath+10 augmented updraft is far more powerful than brigantia. In fact, with Wyrm+1, lancer's, and glassblower's, you should already be capping the normal breath+ term. So that Breath+15 from brigantia is having zero effect. On the other hand, Breath+ augments are a separate term, not subject to the normal cap. So an augmented Updraft would have a significant effect here.

This may be useful.
Look at the elemental breath and enhances breath equipment sections

Ty sir :)

I used to DRG back in the day but quit until I got my Trishula 3~4 days ago ^^;

So re-gearing and all that, I am nowhere as knowledgeable as you guys, so any suggestions and info be Amazing :D

I really like it tho, its a great job but I do need to understand it better.

for example:

1)Doesn't Wyvern do Breath to heal HP and one to Remove Stats? How Do I proc which one or is it automatically trigger by his healing breath?

2) back in the day I recall /RDM (Poisona) or /BLU (Pollen) to proc Breath healing, now we got JA to do so, but is /WHM /SCH /RDM /BLU Obsolete?

3) I do DRG/SAM but was reading Wyvern doesn't Benefit from Hasso at all, so am I to assume that Hasso is only for me, is there anything /SAM does for my Wyvern?

4) Updraft Mantle (MAX Augment) V.S. Ambuscade Mantle for Elemental Breath?

5) Would you recommend more Store TP or ACC/ATK on all my Jumps?

6)why do jumps miss so much ><? and would you put Pet ATK+ armor so wyvern can do more dmg on jumps too? (Doubt it but its a Valid question)

Thank you for the info ^^
1) Status removal breaths are triggerd by weaponskils, but only if you have a subjub that falls under the defensive category. See section 5 of the Dragoon wyvern page, "Wyvern Types"

2) Mage subs are mostly obsolete because of Trusts. Not because of restoring breath. Why sub mage and kill your DPS when you can have a WHM Trust cure bomb you instead?

3) /SAM being classified as an offensive sub make your wyvern use elemental breaths when you WS. Aside from that, if you called him(or zoned in wearing) wyrm mail then he'll get STP II, and Zanshin II. Really minor crap basically. But really, we don't use /sam for what it gives the wyvern.

4) Did I not just explain this in my previous post? The one where I linked the wyvern page?
Ragnarok.Martel said: »
EDIT:Oh, also. On your ele breath set. Breath+10 augmented updraft is far more powerful than brigantia. In fact, with Wyrm+1, lancer's, and glassblower's, you should already be capping the normal breath+ term. So that Breath+15 from brigantia is having zero effect. On the other hand, Breath+ augments are a separate term, not subject to the normal cap. So an augmented Updraft would have a significant effect here.

5) Screw atk on jumps. Spirit and soul jump already have huge native atk bonuses. They don't need it. Acc till cap then STP/multi-hit.

6.1) Cause you don't have enogh acc. Jumps have the same acc cap as normal melee, and don't have any acc penalties. If you're missing them a lot, you need more acc.

6.2) The hell are you talking about?

The only 'jump' wyverns use is super climb, only used by the wyvern when you super jump. And that doesn't even deal damage. And no, don't try to gear for wyvern dps. Your TP set should be completely dedicated to YOUR dps. The wyvern's melee output is not a concern. Hell, we only swap gear for elemental breaths because doing so doesn't hurt the DRG's DPS at all, due to JA delay mechanics.
Server: Valefor
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user: Ophannus
Posts: 241
By Valefor.Ophannus 2018-03-16 10:14:53
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An entire Angon set is dumb. You're mid battle and swapping to idle gear which may *** up your delay or any auto attacks pre/post angon.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-03-16 10:31:36
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Honestly you need to just read this thread right here

It's the Bible of dragoon at this point and written by a great player who understands the job well and where it falls on the DD rankings. Probably not perfectly up to date with all of the new relic stuff, but it will give you a very good idea of what you should be focusing on, especially since you have Trishula. Dragoon won't compete with warrior or dark, but it's extremely fun and you'll appreciate making small adjustments to improve it. Some of your sets are not needed, and you may need to reorganize your sets a bit. The thread should really help you and will answer all of your questions. There's even a simulator you can run to compare gear in a controlled spreadsheet style manner.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-03-16 10:34:42
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Valefor.Ophannus said: »
An entire Angon set is dumb. You're mid battle and swapping to idle gear which may *** up your delay or any auto attacks pre/post angon.

Angon is subject to a 3 second JA delay anyways so he's hardly hurting himself to much with his own Auto swings. It would probably be more efficient to add a wyvern dps set to angon than the one he's using right now, since the wyvern keeps attacking. But the whole idea of a set for Anton to begin with it is pretty useless in the long run. There's only 2 real pieces you need to use during angon, the earring is not important.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-03-16 10:41:39
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Valefor.Ophannus said: »
An entire Angon set is dumb. You're mid battle and swapping to idle gear which may *** up your delay or any auto attacks pre/post angon.

Angon is subject to a 3 second JA delay anyways so he's hardly hurting himself to much with his own Auto swings. It would probably be more efficient to add a wyvern dps set to angon than the one he's using right now, since the wyvern keeps attacking. But the whole idea of a set for Anton to begin with it is pretty useless in the long run. There's only 2 real pieces you need to use during angon, the earring is not important.
JA delay is 2 seconds.
Useful reference.

I question the value of swapping in Wyvern DPS gear for 1~2 seconds though. Wyvern melee DPS is pathetic anyway. And 1~2 seconds of gearing for it once every 3 minutes? That gear would be a huge waste of space.

If you're going to bother to fill in the rest of those slots, I think it would make more sense to do so defensively. You can't attack during JA delay, but you can be attacked. May as well swap in DT is extra slots. If you bother to swap anything at all in those extra slots.
By 2018-03-16 10:44:59
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Leonardo da Clippi
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Carrotchan 2018-03-16 10:45:33
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Probably not perfectly up to date with all of the new relic stuff,

It's kept up to date
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-03-16 10:47:21
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Carbuncle.Maldoror said: »
After reading that relic head +2/3 effectively makes Lancer's Torque and Glassblower's Belt obsolete, am I correct in assuming they are replaced by Adad Amulet and Incarnation Sash for Smithing Breath sets?
Ahhh. nice. yes. those would be perfect. With no breath+ augments available for those slots, pet MACC is all we can really do. And it's useful, since resists are really bad for breath dmg.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-03-16 10:53:34
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Asura.Carrotchan said: »
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Probably not perfectly up to date with all of the new relic stuff,

It's kept up to date

Thread is gold. Thanks Cauliflowerchan!
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-03-16 10:55:36
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Valefor.Ophannus said: »
An entire Angon set is dumb. You're mid battle and swapping to idle gear which may *** up your delay or any auto attacks pre/post angon.

Angon is subject to a 3 second JA delay anyways so he's hardly hurting himself to much with his own Auto swings. It would probably be more efficient to add a wyvern dps set to angon than the one he's using right now, since the wyvern keeps attacking. But the whole idea of a set for Anton to begin with it is pretty useless in the long run. There's only 2 real pieces you need to use during angon, the earring is not important.
JA delay is 2 seconds.
Useful reference.

I question the value of swapping in Wyvern DPS gear for 1~2 seconds though. Wyvern melee DPS is pathetic anyway. And 1~2 seconds of gearing for it once every 3 minutes? That gear would be a huge waste of space.

If you're going to bother to fill in the rest of those slots, I think it would make more sense to do so defensively. You can't attack during JA delay, but you can be attacked. May as well swap in DT is extra slots. If you bother to swap anything at all in those extra slots.

2 seconds, my mistake. I agree, an angon set is a complete waste of time, I mentioned that. The most you'd get out of it would be one double-attack from your rat, which would probably amount to 200 dmg. Pathetic indeed.
Server: Valefor
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user: Ophannus
Posts: 241
By Valefor.Ophannus 2018-03-16 12:51:50
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Yes but sometimes you get an autoattack right before/after your angon (if you have battlemod, this is evident because you'll see the damage but not the animation). This is sort of like how back in the day when Hecatomb gear was BiS for WS, your next autoattack would be delayed due to the +Slow gear you WS in due to autoattack sometimes occurring right as you initiate a WS or right after due to clipping of the animation. I would just keep your regular TP gear but just swap out the earring and ammo to be safe...
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-03-16 14:26:58
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Valefor.Ophannus said: »
Yes but sometimes you get an autoattack right before/after your angon (if you have battlemod, this is evident because you'll see the damage but not the animation). This is sort of like how back in the day when Hecatomb gear was BiS for WS, your next autoattack would be delayed due to the +Slow gear you WS in due to autoattack sometimes occurring right as you initiate a WS or right after due to clipping of the animation. I would just keep your regular TP gear but just swap out the earring and ammo to be safe...
This is not how JA delay works. Activating an JA or WS pauses your attack delay. While it's possible to have a melee hit go off right before a JA fires, the reverse is not. You cannot EVER have a melee hit land during JA delay.

If you think you saw a melee hit land during the JA delay period then you were probably seeing the effects of packet lag. Each message received by the client comes in its own packet. And lag can cause messages occurring very close together to arrive at the client out of order. (Try cleaving 15~25 mobs at once. When they all die from the same action the log gets really *** up. Things out of order, and many messages being lost entirely. The log is not absolute by any means, even with battlemod.

As for heca delay, that is one of two things. Heca was equipped, then a melee round went off before the WS was fired. Or Heca was not removed before the JA delay period ended and a melee hit went of just as the JA delay ended. This occurrence should be basically impossible with gearswap, but it was certainly something that could happen with spellcast back in the day.

Once again, Some of the testing involved is referenced on the page as well. If you don't think JA delay works like this, then do some detailed testing, and present that rather than anecdotal experiences.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-03-25 10:15:36
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So. I did a bit of spreadsheet editing to try to quantify the value of the Relic body's Jump effect.

Let me start with a disclaimer. I think I did this right in the spreadsheet, but well, I'm no excel expert.

Next up, I went with the following Assumptions about the Jump effect.

-Can only proc on first hit.
-Extra damage from WHP is added at the end of calcs.(as opposed to adding it to wep dmg/base dmg etc(which would be nuts))
-Works on Spirit/Soul jump.

DPS changes going from a STP+8 V.mail to Relic+3 body on jumps.
      	        Base	Relic+3	 DPS Gain	% gain
Spirit Jump	6166	6183	       17        0.275
Soul Jump 	6166	6169	        3	 0.048
Both	        6166	6186	       20	 0.324
I really need to find something that makes easy to make tables that look decent... The spacing/formatting is always such a pain...

Anyway, while it is a gain.. it's a pathetic one. 0.3% dps. Sure, you get like 5k~ dmg jumps, but since it's linked to jump recast timers the overall impact on PDS is well... like this.

Now, if some of my assumptions about the mechanics are wrong things could change a bit. So I can't completely write this off yet. But.. jeez SE. The hell are you thinking? IF you want to add a jump enhancement it had better either be TP gain related, or be jump recast-, cause straight dmg+ means eff all.

Anyway, waiting to see if anyone makes this body and tests it. I'm not subscribed atm, and well, I'd have other priorities if I was going to make a +2/3.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
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By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-03-25 10:19:45
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May have a bit more value in terms of seconds per fight when doing farm-level content or things with high enough downtime to dilute jump's recast. Overall petty unimpressive though, good information.

I could see it being added to base damage though, it still wouldn't be an obscene damage boost overall(with pdif cap you're still looking at under 2% total dps) but it'd make jump basically a WS.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-03-25 10:37:58
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Hmmm, while it's possible there some spreadsheet errors on my end, I have it at a 8.6% dps gain if it adds to base dmg(and works on all hits. I couldn't figure out how to do base damage and first hit only in the sheet.) 25k avg jumps. If your pdif was low, then jumps would regularly do more than your WS(those jump ATK bonuses are no joke. Not to mention auto crit)

I just felt that there's no effing way SE would do that, so I didn't post it as a possibility.

We'll find out if anyone actually makes the thing.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-03-25 10:48:38
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Am I missing a multiplier somewhere? If crit pdif cap is 4.75, the most it should add is 4.75x the base damage. Given you're working with the same base value, your highest DPS gain from just adding the damage is 0.324% which would translate to around 1.62% if applied to base gain. I admittedly have very little experience with DRG, but none of the bonuses mentioned on bg-wiki under any of the jumps seem to multiply base damage.

I don't necessarily think letting jumps do that kind of damage would be a problem for balance though, and DRG certainly needed a buff.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-03-25 11:09:13
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/shrug. Could be an issue with the sheet. Could be a problem with how I added the bonus.

Also, I did note that my initial dps gain value was with the effect only applying to the first hit. The 8.6% is with it applying to all hits. That that has to at least bump it up by * avg hits per round.(1.8 in this case.)

Maybe Austar could add the effect to his sims. Might get us more accurate numbers. Although It'd probably be best to test the effects mechanics then add it, rather then add multiple variations.

EDIT: Also, I agree that it wouldn't really be game breaking for DRG. I just don't think SE would do it.
Server: Valefor
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user: Ophannus
Posts: 241
By Valefor.Ophannus 2018-03-26 14:55:14
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I doubt they would make a single piece of JSE grant such a powerful buff to our kit (i.e. add it to the WD directly). If they did, they'd make it a natural property of the skill and the armor would just augment that bonus.

Also it would make Fly High, really, really nice.
Server: Bismarck
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user: darcaine
Posts: 58
By Bismarck.Darcain 2018-03-28 10:43:46
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
So. I did a bit of spreadsheet editing to try to quantify the value of the Relic body's Jump effect.

Let me start with a disclaimer. I think I did this right in the spreadsheet, but well, I'm no excel expert.

Next up, I went with the following Assumptions about the Jump effect.

-Can only proc on first hit.
-Extra damage from WHP is added at the end of calcs.(as opposed to adding it to wep dmg/base dmg etc(which would be nuts))
-Works on Spirit/Soul jump.

DPS changes going from a STP+8 V.mail to Relic+3 body on jumps.
      	        Base	Relic+3	 DPS Gain	% gain
Spirit Jump	6166	6183	       17        0.275
Soul Jump 	6166	6169	        3	 0.048
Both	        6166	6186	       20	 0.324
I really need to find something that makes easy to make tables that look decent... The spacing/formatting is always such a pain...

Anyway, while it is a gain.. it's a pathetic one. 0.3% dps. Sure, you get like 5k~ dmg jumps, but since it's linked to jump recast timers the overall impact on PDS is well... like this.

Now, if some of my assumptions about the mechanics are wrong things could change a bit. So I can't completely write this off yet. But.. jeez SE. The hell are you thinking? IF you want to add a jump enhancement it had better either be TP gain related, or be jump recast-, cause straight dmg+ means eff all.

Anyway, waiting to see if anyone makes this body and tests it. I'm not subscribed atm, and well, I'd have other priorities if I was going to make a +2/3.

I got the Pteroslaver Mail +2, and I’m not impressed.

The additional damage added by wyvern hp procs as “Additional effect: The <t> takes 3123 additional points of damage.” This hp was in Escha with max wyvern hp set other than the hp body of course. Non-Escha it was adding 2935 damage, which works out to being 3913 max wyvern hp, this agrees with my Spirit Surge wyvern hp calculation as well.

Unfortunately as someone else mentioned it does not swap in pet hp gear fast enough. First I tried it with the +% legs, then with +hp feet in the jump set and neither worked. I had to lock the gear to see an increase in the additional effect damage. I did test it on some skeletons to see if the additional effect damage would be resisted as piercing is, but there was no change there at least. It does not proc multiple times for a multi-hit jump. One of the strangest things I found was that it only works for “Jump” and “Spirit Jump” I tried about a dozen times with High Jump and Soul Jump and it never added the additional damage. I wonder if only having the +2 and not the +3 would make any difference in the jumps it affects but I doubt it; and after seeing these results I’m not going to be making +3 anytime soon. If there’s anything else someone would like to see tested let me know and I’ll give it a shot.

Update: If first hit misses the effect wont land, seems to be resisted by mobs with -pdt, also hits for 0 damage on Caturae shields in Ruan. I ended up getting the +3, and can confirm that it still only affects Jump and Spirit Jump.

Update: The 2018 May version update changed the body description to "All Jumps" it now works with all damaging jumps. It has no effect on Super Jump.

PS: If someone would like to add any of this info to the BG page feel free to.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-03-28 12:06:36
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Excellent info. Thank you for confirming my preemptive disappointment. XD

And the one who mentions wyvern HP not swapping in fast enough was also me.

Weird that it out right procs as an additional effect. I mean, normally added effects on jumps get rolled into the jump DMG. Like enspells or Runes, etc.

And I see spicy has already added the add-effect mechanics to the BGwiki page. Nice. I'd have put a reference link to the testing though.
Server: Bismarck
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user: darcaine
Posts: 58
By Bismarck.Darcain 2018-03-28 12:15:30
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I wanted to upload some screen shots of the damage info but I'm not sure how to
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-03-28 12:38:29
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If you are using logger, you can use excel to splice out the unwanted nonsense and just paste the added data. Or you can use to upload the screenshots, then use the Forum path and paste it here. It'll display the picture rather than a link to the filepath.
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2018-03-28 19:20:25
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I've just come back to the game and am looking to get another job video guide out. I came across a written guide on the BG Wiki ( and noticed that a few of the contributors post here so I figured I'd run this by you all.

First off, good job on that guide and I'm planning to put a direct link to it, and this thread, in my video. I'm looking to bounce some ideas off you all about the pros and cons section as well as things a new player to the job absolutely needs to know. I agree with most of the BG guide's comments with pros and cons and am looking at this as the entries in my video's section on the same.


Remarkably sturdy for a front line DPS.
(Defense Bonus, Critical Def. Bonus, Super Jump, Healing Breath)

Gains TP quickly.
(Jumps and high degree of multi-attack)

High accuracy and attack.
(Tied with DNC and RUN as the guide says)

High degree of 'job ability haste'.

Great skillchain options.
(Polearms cover pretty much everything, indeed everything with the relic)

Can chain-stun targets to great effect.
(Leg Sweep)

Lethal against piercing-weak targets and dragons.
(Speaks for itself)


Too much DPS potential is vested in the Wyvern.

Vulnerable to repeated AoE attacks or high-damage DoTs which will kill the Wyvern.

Jump abilities are susceptible to paralysis or missing.

Cannot equip high-end 'heavy' DPS armor other jobs can.
(Can't equip Argosy and it's AF/Relic+3 is kind of meh)

Still somewhat overlooked for events.

I'm looking to go into things like skillchains, making sure Empathy is 5/5 and using Spirit Link at the start of each battlefield or Geas Fete and proper use of the SPs. Is there anything you'd like to contribute that you think new players really need to know?


Posts: 635
By tyalangan 2018-03-28 21:14:58
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Welcome back! Looking forward to new videos!
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-03-28 21:40:01
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Proper use of SPs is basically... don't. At least for Spirit Surge.

Based on a quick spreadsheet check spirit surge is about a 0.13% DPS gain over just having the wyvern out. And this is with maxed Spirit Surge JP.

Use spirit surge when your wyvern is already dead or about to die(doomed, spirit link down, maybe?) Or when you need a emergency cure and Restoring recast is down(and your wyvern still has HP and isn't already dead... yeah. not really helpful for this either.)

It used to be fairly impressive for low buff situations, but with the wyvern's JA haste bonus + Hasso... That and trusts should make it so you never have uncapped haste anyway.

Fly high is actually pretty powerful assuming you have perfect timing with jump/ws usage. Spreadsheet has it as almost a 40% DPS increase, but I'm not sure how accurately the sheet is simulating that. But the duration is so short it's hard to get the most outta it.

They really screwed this one over compared to the test server version though. It used to be a full minute of 0 recast jumps. 10 second recasts under a 30 second duration is not nearly as impressive. You could literally murder flying NMs on the test server by jump spamming them to death. And the new relic body would have made this even more interesting... But nope. SE went, "DRG too strong, must nerf!" -.-;

Also, I suppose it's not nearly as important now with GEO screwing mobs DEF over with Frailty already, but.. Angon? It's a thing.

You can directly blame a couple of those Cons on Call Wyvern recast. If it were 5 minutes like every other pet summoning JA, then it'd hardly even be a concern. Freaking 20 minute recast...

I suppose DRG/mage is a thing of the past now with trusts. It really was amazing in terms of solo survival and endurance back in the day... And you can make 102% SIRD HB trigger sets now... Uninterruptible healing breaths. Would have felt broken as hell back then. /nostalgia.

I'll post again if I think of anything else that might be helpful.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-03-28 22:27:20
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Angon stacks with frailty, but not other forms of the same defense down, like acid bolts and ageha. So it still retains some value in that it cannot be resisted. It's pretty annoying to use it in Omen, only to have a boss remove it with stygian sphere five seconds later.

One thing I hope this video highlights that the forum and guide certainly points out, is that drg isn't a warrior or dark Knight in terms of dps. Even including the wyverns damage output, it falls behind. It can skillchain fairly effortlessly with jumps, spirit link, and it's above average multi attack set. It's an easy and get fun job to use, but it gets a bad wrap because it actually requires full attention to your sets to be competitive in end game. When fully buffed, it's very good, but still won't be an average war or drk. I think it's good to set the precedent with that basic fact, so it's clear the job is more for fun than it is for raw dps potential.

I guess the other really cool thing about drg is that it can strip away it's hate mid and not have to worry about dying from pulling too much. They can even occasionally avoid crappy moves with super jump.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-03-28 22:30:23
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The point I was trying top make about angon, and apparently failing, was not that it didn't stack or anything. But that with so many other sources of strong def-(GEO, dia+cor, etc) being around now, angon is less critical than it once was.
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