Sigurd's Descendants: The Art of Dragon Slaying.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 196
By Asura.Inuyushi 2018-02-12 16:40:07
Haven't seen numbers regarding this yet, but the stats on the new relic head would suggest that you can also hit the "Enhances breath" cap with the head alone.
If you didn't have lancer's torque & glassblower's belt to max out this cap this might be good for you, but I don't know of any other pet/wyvern gear in these slots which could take their place if you're already using them (maybe a pet hp neck?). At the moment I don't really see that much of an incentive to +3 the head piece if you already have the flamma +2 head and torque/belt.
Can't pass up those +10% WSD hands, though. :)
There is a Pet HP neck, it's from the ToAU days: Chanoix's gorget. There isn't a Pet HP waist though, but it's nice to know you can get 2 inventory from upgrading the relic head. That's almost worth it in itself.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-02-12 17:04:16
Technically you'd still keep Chanoix's Gorget around, for Steady Wing Macro. Pet HP directly correlates to wyvern stoneskin, so it helps in that regard.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3373
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2018-03-02 13:02:15
Finally got my Trishula and it is a blast.
Took DRG to Escha Ru-Aun and tore up everything from T1s to WoC.
-Regarding WoC WAR and DRG are pretty good at cleaving the adds together. Ancient Circle adds a nice damage bonus.
-Kirin was a fun fight as well.
My Trishula actually came out ahead over a Conquerer. But honestly how aggressive somebody is playing is also a factor. Having Warcry helped alot as well.
Trishula/Moonshade/Warcry combined is an amazing TP bonus.
I'm amazed at how far our wyverns have come as far as durability though. Steady Wing is amazing, also My wyvern didn't die once. I ended up putting Spirit Link at 5/5 for good measure.
Probably going to make a Chango next.
By Asura.Fiasko 2018-03-04 15:08:34
I haven't really been able to play Dragoon since Delve days (I could have, but War-MS was too helpful for T4 zergs). This is what I am working with at the moment, but would love some feedback.
DRG Trishula 4-Hit /SAM
ItemSet 351934
hands= Acro Gauntlets 24 Accuracy, 6 Store TP, 3 Crit dmg.
DRG Trishula 5-hit /SAM
ItemSet 354169
body={ name="Valorous Mail", augments={'Pet: INT+6','AGI+3','Quadruple Attack +3','Accuracy+8 Attack+8','Mag. Acc.+6 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+6',}},
DRG Trishula 5-hit /WAR
ItemSet 357161
body={ name="Valorous Mail", augments={'Pet: INT+6','AGI+3','Quadruple Attack +3','Accuracy+8 Attack+8','Mag. Acc.+6 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+6',}},
ItemSet 357130
body={ name="Valorous Mail", augments={'Accuracy+23 Attack+23','"Dbl.Atk."+1','STR+10','Accuracy+14',}},
Drakesbane - 1150 Accuracy standing in town.
ItemSet 357162
head={ name="Valorous Mask", augments={'Accuracy+28','Crit. hit damage +3%','STR+14',}},
body={ name="Valorous Mail", augments={'Accuracy+23 Attack+23','"Dbl.Atk."+1','STR+10','Accuracy+14',}},
feet={ name="Valorous Greaves", augments={'Attack+29','Crit. hit damage +4%','STR+6','Accuracy+2',}},
Edit: All Ambuscade capes are STR/DA, except Drakesbane which is STR/Crit.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-03-04 16:04:14
you could toss your accro and use flamma +2 for tp hands for inventory +1
By Asura.Fiasko 2018-03-04 16:08:36
you could toss your accro and use flamma +2 for tp hands for inventory +1
I think it dropped to a 5 hit swapping from Acro to Flamma. (ignoring Sam Rolls)
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-03-04 16:14:11
According to this thread, acro hands are bis when buffed.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-03-04 16:28:21
no rolls + capped acc + not capped attack, but close:
acro with 20 acc/atk, 6 stp, and 10 str: Code Simulated Average: trishula 4337.91 (WS : 20310.91 )
AA Percent: 0.22 WS Percent: 0.78
Three Minute Sims.: trishula
4289.77 (WS : 20313.42 )
4348.21 (WS : 20788.21 )
4528.15 (WS : 21087.75 )
4076.1 (WS : 19787.53 )
4599.6 (WS : 20592.0 )
4629.16 (WS : 20593.27 )
4386.59 (WS : 20582.28 )
4224.86 (WS : 20305.84 )
4202.65 (WS : 19965.62 )
4491.32 (WS : 20098.36 )
Average of runs: 4377.64
flamma +2 hands Code Simulated Average: trishula 4301.39 (WS : 20159.25 )
AA Percent: 0.23 WS Percent: 0.77
Three Minute Sims.: trishula
4294.29 (WS : 20309.01 )
4086.16 (WS : 19212.84 )
4409.41 (WS : 19654.04 )
4136.2 (WS : 19830.79 )
4388.62 (WS : 20500.1 )
4501.58 (WS : 19633.64 )
4581.72 (WS : 21037.9 )
4484.13 (WS : 20904.39 )
4549.49 (WS : 20362.01 )
4465.32 (WS : 21178.73 )
Average of runs: 4389.69
And alternatively, using sulev hands with flamma +2 legs:
Code Simulated Average: trishula 4315.38 (WS : 20374.12 )
AA Percent: 0.22 WS Percent: 0.78
Three Minute Sims.: trishula
4513.29 (WS : 21421.81 )
4187.7 (WS : 20051.62 )
4307.46 (WS : 20333.34 )
4454.95 (WS : 21468.59 )
4303.7 (WS : 20001.53 )
4874.31 (WS : 21486.56 )
4381.07 (WS : 20370.66 )
4368.99 (WS : 21099.69 )
4806.68 (WS : 21814.81 )
4440.6 (WS : 19865.27 )
Average of runs: 4463.88
He's already using flamma +2 in another set, they're basically equal.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 58
By Bismarck.Darcain 2018-03-11 15:55:18
Haven't seen numbers regarding this yet, but the stats on the new relic head would suggest that you can also hit the "Enhances breath" cap with the head alone.
If you didn't have lancer's torque & glassblower's belt to max out this cap this might be good for you, but I don't know of any other pet/wyvern gear in these slots which could take their place if you're already using them (maybe a pet hp neck?). At the moment I don't really see that much of an incentive to +3 the head piece if you already have the flamma +2 head and torque/belt.
Can't pass up those +10% WSD hands, though. :)
The +2 head does cap the breath + modifier. I have a cap breath sets and there was no difference between using the +2 head with or without either the neck or waist for smiting or healing breath. However, you can now add Chanoix's Gorget to the healing set for a slight increase in healing and Adad Amulet and Incarnation Sash for smiting breath magic acc. I don't understand why they further increase the breath + modifier on the +3 version when the +2 single-handedly caps it.
By fillerbunny9 2018-03-12 00:10:48
for the same reason SE keeps throwing more Reward potency gear at BST than they have any use for - SE really doesn't know what they are doing when it comes to gearing us anymore.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 733
By Asura.Highwynn 2018-03-12 08:03:05
+28 caps the modifier? So all those Acro pieces I spent millions on for augments to +breath were worthless even back then (+8 each)
Also, as an aside, the new body adds wyvern HP to jump damage, big if it affects spirit jump but I doubt it. Who uses Jump when the Wyvern is out anyway? Still, that's like +4-5k damage from 1 piece of gear alone.
By skooks 2018-03-12 08:41:49
I don't understand why they further increase the breath + modifier on the +3 version when the +2 single-handedly caps it.
FWIW the +2 and +3 head can pull ahead of flamma +2 in uncapped attack situations for Stardiver, with the +3 having the obvious advantage of more attaq.
So all those Acro pieces I spent millions on for augments to +breath were worthless even back then (+8 each)
Augmented breath from gear is counted separately from the regular breath gear, and act as a direct multiplier to it. With perfect augs on all acro gear and the reive JSE cape, you would effectively boost your wyvern's breath by 50%. So you're in luck in that regard.
The kind-of bummer is that since the +2 head caps the base modifier on its own, there's not a whole lot to use in those spots you used to cap with the +1 (neck, waist, earring, etc) to really see a boost in his breath.
In other words, with regards to the breath potency there's no real change between the +1 and +2 besides a few free slots for...something lol.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 241
By Valefor.Ophannus 2018-03-12 09:49:46
How do you guys feel about the Pteroslaver Mail +2 bonus of 100% of wyvern HP added to Jump as damage? Only ever use Jump for Spirit Surge or when Wyvern is dead, so that doesn't help. But that said, if you're going for just raw damage and not TP (can't imagine why), Jump should do a *** of damage with the new body+2. If you have Ryunohige with Aftermath, it could be quite powerful especially since Ryuno forces crit on Jump/High Jump.
Wyverns can get around 4k+ HP, isn't that right? That's a pretty beefy Jump.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-03-12 11:54:12
ilvl 119 5/5 parameter boosted wyverns have 2233 HP *Corrected, 2382 HP. I wish they had 4k...
Overall I find this to be a disappointing addition. Points for creativity, but in terms of usefulness... If this only works on Jump(maybe high jump?), I have doubts that 2k+ extra DMG on jumps would even break even in DPS vs the TP gain from spirit jump. Haven't run anything through the sheets or sim, but that's my gut reaction. If it works on Spirit/Soul jump then it's probably an overall gain even through the STP/multi-hit loss from changing bodies. However..
The real issue here is that it's a Jump enhancement. And Jumps run on a JA timer. Meaning slow as hell compared to our high haste TP/WS cycle. Therefore the overall impact on DPS is small, even if the boost to jump itself is large.
The only jump enhancements I want to see are timer reductions. Or putting jumps on a charge system so we can queue up multiple jumps over time, etc. Or letting us queue up extra jumps based on # of WS used, or something. Or they could give us our 6th jump...
I really wish they'd done something else.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 241
By Valefor.Ophannus 2018-03-12 13:39:50
Quote: ilvl 119 5/5 parameter boosted wyverns have 2233 HP. I wish they had 4k...
I mean with all the HP boosted gear. And yeah the JA timer thing sucks, but would have been nice during the 75 Ryunohige days of yore.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 334
By Leviathan.Sidra 2018-03-12 13:40:03
The way the body is worded, it will work on Spirit and Soul Jump. It's worded the same way as the Ambuscade Cape, "Jump:"
It's still meh. 50ish DPS increase.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 241
By Valefor.Ophannus 2018-03-12 13:46:27
If it applies the damage boost to each multihit in Jump, that might be kinda nice. Gut tells me it's a one time bonus, but who knows because additional hits also proc independent TP gains/crits/additional effect.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-03-12 13:48:45
Quote: ilvl 119 5/5 parameter boosted wyverns have 2233 HP. I wish they had 4k...
I mean with all the HP boosted gear. And yeah the JA timer thing sucks, but would have been nice during the 75 Ryunohige days of yore. You'd have to fulltime the gear for that to work for this body. Even back when HB took, like, 4 seconds to fire, the HP+ gear didn't always kick in fast enough. There's no way you're going to be able to get the WHP+ to work reliably on an instant JA like jump.(but feel free to get said body and test it. Should be interesting) You can only count on the wyvern's normal max HP for this.
And even if you could, I suspect swapping WHP in over STP/multi-hit would be counterproductive DPS wise.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 241
By Valefor.Ophannus 2018-03-12 13:51:21
Another tactical use of this is that it's adding the damage from Wyvern HP >DIRECTLY<. So in a sense that additional damage ignores defense, which could be great on mobs with super high defense. Hell, maybe it will be an additional proc that's just straight wyvern HP as damage, summed with the regular Jump damage and then could be useful against physical immunity/resistance. So in instances where Jumps would do 0 damage, it might do 0+2233, assuming it's special damage type and not just piercing/physical. This could mean you'd get TP from a 0 dmg hit (as long as it's not absorbed by stoneskin etc). Also like I said, it might proc the bonus damage on each hit in multihit jumps, but we'll have to test.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-03-12 13:55:22
If it applies the damage boost to each multihit in Jump, that might be kinda nice. Gut tells me it's a one time bonus, but who knows because additional hits also proc independent TP gains/crits/additional effect. Another tactical use of this is that it's adding the damage from Wyvern HP >DIRECTLY<. So in a sense that additional damage ignores defense and is like an unresistable non-magic damage, like Excalibur proc. In that sense, it could make Jumps very useful on things with extremely high defense or physical resistance/immunity. Except that, like Excalibur, the added damage is probably still physical dmg, and would be piercing in our case. So it would still be reduced by damage type resistance and PDT just like Excalibur's add effect.
Although the high def argument stands, but well... Kinda puts me in mind of doing Jailer of Fortitude on DRG back at 75. That is to say, having my wyvern spit on it every so often. Basically useless due to low frequency and insufficient dmg. If our standard damage is so bad that we have to rely on this, then we either need to get better buffs or change jobs, cause it's pointless.
EDIT. I feel the need to note that I had my wyvern HP number slightly off. It should be 2382 HP for 119 and 5/5 param bonus. Did an edit to my earlier post as well.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 241
By Valefor.Ophannus 2018-03-12 15:07:44
Sigh, in retrospect of the 15 years of FFXI, SE really dropped the ball with job balance in regards to Dragoon. It's sad that it never really had a niche and was underwhelming in super high-end content, even with Ryuno. We had a good place in Abyssea, and the first 2 years of SoA, but now that damage scaling is in the realm of absurdity (beginning with the 1h update with 30-60k Rudras...hell even as BRD in Incursion).
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 334
By Leviathan.Sidra 2018-03-12 16:14:15
DRG is fine. It's just the effect on the relic body doesn't seem great.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 70
By Odin.Kuroganashi 2018-03-15 13:09:45
Been looking at this forums and there is a lot of info all over the place and outdated sets on 1st page :(
so I decided to make some Itemsets of what I been using for my DRG ^^
Hopefully, this helps somebody that been looking for all the info in 1 place (I do not have BIS however, I do believe its pretty solid Set).
here it is:
Idle SET:
ItemSet 357376
ItemSet 357350
ItemSet 357351
Stardiver SET:
ItemSet 357352
Drakesbane SET:
ItemSet 357353
Camlann's Torment SET:
ItemSet 357354
Sonic Thrust SET:
ItemSet 357355
Leg Sweep SET:
ItemSet 357356
Fast Cast SET:
ItemSet 357357
Cure Potency Received SET:
ItemSet 357358
Healing Breath/Restoring Breath SET:
ItemSet 357359
--Note: Takes the MAX HP of the Pet, not the Current HP
Elemental Breath/Smiting Breath SET:
ItemSet 357360
--Note: Takes "Current" HP of Pet as DMG, not the MAX HP
Spirit Link SET:
ItemSet 357374
Steady Wing SET:
ItemSet 357364
Jump SET:
ItemSet 357365
High Jump SET:
ItemSet 357366
Spirit Jump SET:
ItemSet 357367
Soul Jump SET:
ItemSet 357368
Angon SET:
ItemSet 357370
ItemSet 357372
ItemSet 357371
PetATK Set:
ItemSet 357373
If anybody has any suggestions/Other SETS please let me know.
Thank you.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 230
By Sylph.Darkside 2018-03-15 13:17:38
My only suggestion is looks like you forgot Shulmanu Collar
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 70
By Odin.Kuroganashi 2018-03-15 13:32:54
My only suggestion is looks like you forgot Shulmanu Collar
Do not own 1 yet ^^;
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-03-15 13:42:18
Shulmanu collar for pet, as mentioned. Can even use it as a nice double set.
for Idle set, I prioritize Pet Regen over main regen (so vishap+3 body), just cuz we have more items for it now, which is cool.
Also, for your Spirit Jump sets, you are using 3 pieces of Flamma+2. You would benefit more from a Flamma Ring (STR, DEX, and VIT), which has the same stp and similar accuracy as Chirich.
Not seeing the benefit of using Iktomi Dastanas for any jumps. Personally, I use acro hands for jumps (stp augment), as stp is the stat you should prioritize, especially as a Trishula DRG. DRG is all about getting enough TP for your next WS, so STP comes off as more consistent than DA.
But even if you are going to use DA/ACC hands for jumps, is there any reason you are using Iktomi Dastanas over just Sulevia+1/2? Sulevia has higher STR and DEX, more VIT (for Jump), Attack, and superior stats if you're using +2. Iktomi are pretty whack for everything DRG. Most you would be getting is subtle blow+8....lol
For pet DT set, I'm using Updraft Mantle (has pet HP + DT on it), but in a practicality sense, I feel like a true Pet focused DT set is a waste. There's only so many slots you would fill anyways, and things like HP+ from the feet are lost as soon as you jump. Instead, I create a double DT set for master and main, and focus mostly on big DT-/%absorb items and fill the rest with DT gear for master. There's hardly ever a scenario you would use where you'd want a fulltime wyvern smacking away where the main isn't in range. You might be able to get creative and throw some pet regen items in there also.
Speaking of pet Regen, you can make a fully Pet focused set from Taeon garb (you can replace DA for Regen, too!). Personally I have 4/5 pieces with pet DT-3/4, Pet DA, and Pet acc/attack. It's not practical tbh, but I had it for PUP, so whenever I need max DT on my pet, Taeon appears to provide the best defense for her, as well as give me some offense (i.e. legs have triple attack!). Probably best to use Taeon as a hybrid set for pet DT/main stats to cover bases and carry less gear, though.
If you feel like carrying another (lol) item, dragoon's earring for Angon!
Leg Sweep is all about acc+macc. So Etana Ring/Flamma Ring (with your set) is probably the better choice I think.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4
By Cerberus.Skunkamaniac 2018-03-15 13:43:03
using flamma ring on sets you use flamma+2 pieces might help on some of the sets. in acc set for example, you will gain 24dex and acc on flamma ring itself instead of a chirich.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 70
By Odin.Kuroganashi 2018-03-15 14:24:24
Shulmanu collar for pet, as mentioned. Can even use it as a nice double set.
for Idle set, I prioritize Pet Regen over main regen (so vishap+3 body), just cuz we have more items for it now, which is cool.
Also, for your Spirit Jump sets, you are using 3 pieces of Flamma+2. You would benefit more from a Flamma Ring (STR, DEX, and VIT), which has the same stp and similar accuracy as Chirich.
Not seeing the benefit of using Iktomi Dastanas for any jumps. Personally, I use acro hands for jumps (stp augment), as stp is the stat you should prioritize, especially as a Trishula DRG. DRG is all about getting enough TP for your next WS, so STP comes off as more consistent than DA.
But even if you are going to use DA/ACC hands for jumps, is there any reason you are using Iktomi Dastanas over just Sulevia+1/2? Sulevia has higher STR and DEX, more VIT (for Jump), Attack, and superior stats if you're using +2. Iktomi are pretty whack for everything DRG. Most you would be getting is subtle blow+8....lol
For pet DT set, I'm using Updraft Mantle (has pet HP + DT on it), but in a practicality sense, I feel like a true Pet focused DT set is a waste. There's only so many slots you would fill anyways, and things like HP+ from the feet are lost as soon as you jump. Instead, I create a double DT set for master and main, and focus mostly on big DT-/%absorb items and fill the rest with DT gear for master. There's hardly ever a scenario you would use where you'd want a fulltime wyvern smacking away where the main isn't in range. You might be able to get creative and throw some pet regen items in there also.
Speaking of pet Regen, you can make a fully Pet focused set from Taeon garb (you can replace DA for Regen, too!). Personally I have 4/5 pieces with pet DT-3/4, Pet DA, and Pet acc/attack. It's not practical tbh, but I had it for PUP, so whenever I need max DT on my pet, Taeon appears to provide the best defense for her, as well as give me some offense (i.e. legs have triple attack!). Probably best to use Taeon as a hybrid set for pet DT/main stats to cover bases and carry less gear, though.
If you feel like carrying another (lol) item, dragoon's earring for Angon!
Leg Sweep is all about acc+macc. So Etana Ring/Flamma Ring (with your set) is probably the better choice I think.
Awesome :D
ty for that, I will go get a Flamma Ring (was thinking about it too)
and Hands Iktomi for ACC+ but now that you mention, Sulevia +2 has more ACC and has ATK and DA too ><
Thanks a lot ^^
I do have Empath Neck too for pet Regen and Isa Belt ^^
Gonna do those then ^^
oops, i added wrong earring, i do use Dragoon's Earring for Angon ^^;
Gonna fix it rq, ty
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-03-15 15:17:00
Been looking at this forums and there is a lot of info all over the place and outdated sets on 1st page :(
so I decided to make some Itemsets of what I been using for my DRG ^^
Hopefully, this helps somebody that been looking for all the info in 1 place (I do not have BIS however, I do believe its pretty solid Set).
here it is:
***Lots of sets***
If anybody has any suggestions/Other SETS please let me know.
Thank you. Your avatar is almost exactly the same GIF that BG applies to users that have been banned. so I had this momentary thought that you'd just got banned for your post. then realized, wrong forums,. lol
For current up-to-date sets you might try here.
I figure I'll leave the DPS related changes to the linked guide, however...
A few set related thoughts.
Cure received set: Jumalik mail is cure potency only. no received there.
Fast cast set: Solmemnity cape? No idea why that's in there. Brigantia's with FC+10.
DRG HB Midcast: Why stikini rings? These should have null impact on HB. Dragoon's earring? No WHP there and breath ACC+ doesn't matter on HB. Anastasi Earring instead?
Elemental breath: Ele breaths use current HP not max, just like you stated. Thus adding WHP+ gear is pointless unless you plan to idle in it. This being the case, what would Emicho body/Despair hands/AF legs and relic feet do for you? Every one of those slots should be Breath+/PET:MACC+ augmented Acro.
Spirit Link: It's a very small mod, but spirit link does actually have a MND mod. iirc it's 1 mnd to 2 HP, but if you have the gear on you already, may as well fill in with MND+
Steady Wing: Not sure what the point of Isa belt is here. Also Dragoon's Earring, again? Did you mean to put Anastasi Earring?
Angon: Why fill in an entire set for this? There are only 2 pieces of gear that do anything to Angon at all.
By skooks 2018-03-15 16:47:43
I wouldn't bother with a "pet attack" set. You'd sacrifice a lot of your own dps for a nominal increase in your wyvern's, which most of the time won't even appear in any parse. As stated before, it's best to focus on keeping him alive, since you the dragoon gain a considerable boost in attack speed, DA, etc with him out (not to mention the bonuses to spirit jump), as well as on boosting his breath potency.
I use the af +1 head and reforged empy +1 hands for Spirit Link, and I consider that "good enough" for the ability. Those two pieces alone will remove up to 3 debuffs on the wyvern and bring him back up to 100% HP even on the verge of death for just a morsel of your own HP (it's hardly even noticeable anymore). Between this and your Steady Wing (also strongly affected by the difference between his max and current HP) set your wyvern should have excellent survivability; if you're still struggling to keep him alive then you're probably fighting something spamming nasty AoE moves and should be in your DT gear anyway.
To add to Buukki's point regarding combining your own DT and your wyvern's, keep in mind that he has a base -40% DT already when making this set.